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 Lost (for Kakumoah) 
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Post Lost (for Kakumoah)
Adorned in a green tank top, khaki shorts, hiking boots and finger less gloves Rebecca moves along the jungle. A sturdy tree branch rested upon a shoulder as a stand in for her boken. Simple tap wrapped around it to bestow a better grip as the captain of the Kendo club it would be frowned upon if she borrowed supplies from the campus. Thus this would have to suffice.

She was obsessed. Losing her virginity in such an underhanded way, It fueled her practice sessions. She was determined to beat that spider creature … in her culture it was the equivalent of a jorogumo. Except it was male. An attractive male versed in sword play.

As much as she wanted revenge that act wouldn't mystically restore her maidenhead. Thus far it only got her fucked again and again by that thing. Was she coming here because of that? Rebecca shook of that thought.

No. Certainly not.

But on this day as luck would have it there was a dense fog that descended over the island when she had been well on her way. She pressed on rather than doing the sensible thing and turning back. And so too she vanished like all her lovers thus far. Or that could have happened.

As her mind drifted to Makeena. To Juniper. To Tianna. Maybe she should go back …

As she attempted to retrace her steps she got turned around. All that damn fog. On top of it it began raining. Fairly commonplace for a tropical island. She couldn't run for shelter due to the fog that hid those nefarious roots and rocks so she was forced to take shelter beneath a large tree until the worse of the storm passed.

Setting off again she let loose a frustrated sigh, Not intending to get turned around she was getting thirsty. Oddly about that time she came across a rocky overhang. The fog lifting enough were she could see a cliff and the shadows of trees upon it.

Great. I'm on the other side of the island.
She was getting close to the hills/mountains as far as she could tell. About to turn around and head back the other way she then saw a picnic basket beneath the overhand. A rock there served as a table of sorts with two smaller boulders near it. Seats that were natural there or painstakingly moved.

“Hello?” She called out. Glancing around. She didn't see anyone and wondered how the basket got out here. Approaching she found it was in good condition and contained two bottled waters. The seals still intact. Sandwiches. Cookies.

“What the hell ...” someone had to be out here. She called out again. And again she received no answer. She shouldn't but she was really thirsty. Ultimately the temptation was too great. She cracked the seal on one of the waters and drank. Then attempted to make sense of it all.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown

Rebecca Walker, Captain of the Kendo Club
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Last edited by Rebecca Walker on Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Jul 13, 2024 7:35 pm

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Post Re: Lost (Open)
It wasn't all that unusual for Kakumaoh to be in this part of the island; there were resources for the guests hidden beyond the mountains where it was unlikely that the students would accidentally run across them. It wasn't an area that he considered particularly good for hunting, however, since only students who both enjoyed long hikes through the forest and hadn't encountered the true purpose of the island were likely to make it this far from the campus. He'd been staying closer to the mountains today so that he could avoid the worst of the scheduled storm.

After the storm had passed, he continued to follow the mountains for a while, since that was the easiest route to where he was heading. Just as he was about to turn to follow a path through the forest, he thought he heard a woman's voice calling out from further along. He took only a moment to decide to continue on to make sure that he hadn't been hearing things. The voice hadn't sounded like she was in trouble, so he wasn't likely to have to share with another guest, and he'd had a couple of enjoyable interludes with a couple of female guests in the past if it turned out not to be a student.

The second call had been clearer, although it suggested that the person thought that there was someone nearby. He dismissed the possibility that she could be aware of him; he was sure that he was still too far away for that, never mind when she'd first called out. Even so, he started to approach the area more cautiously, making as little sound as possible and using the trees to conceal himself from sight; there might be another guest around, and the speaker was probably more alert than normal in any case.

Even with his caution, it didn't take him very long to get to a place where he could see the girl. Despite the sound of her earlier calls, the brunette didn't seem to be concerned about anyone nearby as she sat by a rock with a picnic basket set up on it and drank from a bottle of water. Oh, yes, she looks like she'll be worth introducing myself to, he thought as he admired the figure her clothes showed off quite nicely. As quickly as he could manage without alerting her to his presence, he moved from tree to tree, getting closer as he maneuvered so he was behind her.

Once he was as close as he could get while remaining among the trees, he stepped into the clearing and moved up behind her, the shadow of the cliff preventing her from noticing his shadow. He saw her improvised weapon, but dismissed it as no danger to him; even without the inhibitors, there was no way she could swing it hard enough to hurt him. He also noticed that the picnic seemed to have been prepared for two people. "Waiting for someone?" he asked once he was close enough that she was likely to be aware of him no matter how much care he took.

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Sat Aug 24, 2024 5:39 pm
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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
So far Rebecca was unaware that anyone or anything was out there. The fog making it hard to see. It didn't make much sense to her that this basket was here. The area was remote, too far for a rendezvous. For that reason it would be a poor place for someone to set up a trap in hope that someone came along.

Would she ever get answers? Probably not. If the water wasn't sealed she would have left it alone despite her thirst.

She did have an odd sensation. Some would have called it a sixth sense. Rebecca had learned that staring provoked a response for the one being stared at. She didn't know how much stock she placed in the documentaries she watched. Soldiers were taught not to stare at targets when sneaking up on them. She didn't know how much of this was bullshit but she got that feeling briefly.

Casting her gaze about her tactical mind worked out problem areas. She heard and saw nothing. The fog not as dense as it was but still restricted her vision. That sensation ebbing after a minute or two. Rebecca rested and got her baring. She sort of knew where she was and debated if it would be prudent to press on or go back. She hadn't come out this far and there was no telling what was in front of her. The fog would make stumbling into Siferus' traps far more likely.

Her thoughts cut off by a voice. She jumped, spun around and faced something. The fog only partially obscuring something that clearly wasn't human!

“FUCK!” Rebecca clearly wasn't in the mood for this! She snatched up her makeshift weapon holding it out in front of her as if it were a sword rather than wielding it like a branch.

She was tall for a female but this thing was massive! Two heads at least. He. It sounded masculine, could have pounced on her. Her options were fighting, running or answering. Running was out. She was too remote to get anywhere safe. But since he had not pounced on her straight away – was he a demon? More of his form becoming visible she took half a step back though planting her feet as she took up a stance.

She shook her head. “No. I'm not. I just found this here.” She gathered that this wasn't his stuff. Then again it could have been but she couldn't make sense out of the situation. Her focus remained on him. Her grip tightening on that branch as she suspected the worse.

“I'll be going now.” Another tentative step back though still in a stance. Backing up while expecting the worse. Her only valid option if this degenerated into a fight was to strike first. Strike hard. And then what? Even if she found a vital spot she only had a tree branch.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown

Rebecca Walker, Captain of the Kendo Club
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Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:41 am

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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
The girl's immediate reaction to him told Kakumaoh both that she'd probably encountered at least one of the other guests and that she had at least some training with a sword. Not that either of these things mattered to him; it was uncommon for him to encounter a worthwhile student before another guest did, and no amount of skill would make up for the fact that she wouldn't have been able to harm him if she'd had an actual sword instead of her improvised weapon. It did mean that she was likely to put up a fight, but that would just make the inevitable result that much sweeter.

Her answer to his question let him know that there wasn't likely to be another student showing up soon—unless one had set this up and then left for some reason—and that the whole thing might be another guest's set-up. If that was the case, however, it was their own fault for leaving it alone that he was going to get what their trap had caught.

Before he had a chance to reply to her explanation, she said, “I'll be going now,” and started to back away. She kept her eyes on him and remained in her fighting stace as she did so, confirming that she'd go for fight rather than flight when he made his move.

He moved towards her as she backed away, for now not closing the gap between them. "What's your hurry? You only just got here a couple of minutes ago, and you must have really needed to take a break." He waved a hand vaguely in the direction of the picnic basket. "After all, you had no idea where that came from when you took a water bottle from it."

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Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:38 pm
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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
She had to stick to the path else she ran the risk of backing up into a tree or not having the proper footing. He came forth as she backed up keeping that same distance between them. Rebecca had not gotten far, slow and even steps as she focused on her breathing.

Her ears growing red. She could hear the rapid beats of her heat. In that moment her field of vision narrowed. Not a surprise a frigging demon had her complete attention. Her periphery vision was all but non existent at that point as she got ready for the inevitable.

Foreplay? He offered another question and she didn't know if he was simply toying with her or wanted an answer. So far she had no reason NOT to answer him. And while he was speaking he wasn't doing anything else.

Dealing with demons always went wrong in media. Bargains got twisted. Souls lot to a corruption of wishes and so on.

“Yup. I'm good.” She didn't look away when he gestured knowing what he was indicating. Even if she were unaware she wouldn't have looked away. Not that that really mattered. Siferus was at least human looking. As a male he out weighed her, was stronger, it was hard to envision him as some spider creature. It made it easier for her to think she had a chance. She obsessed over beating him.

But this? A frigging demon! A DEMON! Still she would do her best.

“It was unattended, sealed and no one was around. I'm sorry if it were yours. I'll buy you another one.” She winced at that, words just running out of her mouth. Rebecca took a deep breath and collected herself.

“But you don't want another one ...” She hardly expect that he'd be concerned about the water if it were his own. Perhaps he was hoping she was still curious about this set up. Not so much now with other things to worry about. She stopped moving backwards. Holding her ground once on even footing. If he came forward she would lunge in with a thrust targeting the chest. If he stopped then they could continue their conversation.

With a choice between fight or flight her innately response more often than not was fight. Her senses wanted her to run but that was not a good option so she made the best out of bad choices. She wasn't the sort to freeze up. Not unless her brain was unable to comprehend what she was experiencing.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown

Rebecca Walker, Captain of the Kendo Club
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Sun Aug 25, 2024 11:07 pm

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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
The girl offered to buy him a replacement for the water bottle she'd used before apparently realizing just how silly that sounded and that he probably didn't care about it. He leered at her as she stated that he didn't want another one. "No, it wasn't mine. I have no more idea than you do what it's doing here." He actually had a few theories about it, but they didn't matter beyond whether there was a chance he'd wind up dealing with another guest or another student or two. Besides, even if he had cared, it was obvious that she wouldn't be able to help him work it out.

She'd stopped backing away, apparently having decided that she was in as good a position as she was likely to find to try to fight him. Whether this would be simply her refusing to surrender without a fight or a fight she thought she could win remained to be seen, but the outcome would be the same either way. "You might as well put that thing away," he said, pausing as his arms blurred briefly and duplicated themselves. Once that was done, he started towards her again, one hand lowered as if to protect his crotch while the others were ready to try to deflect any attacks she might make. While neither were necessary, he'd found that it made things easier for himself if the more belligerent targets of his lust tried attacking areas where they were less likely to get in a lucky hit and actually injure him and thought that they might have a real chance of winning.

She lunged at him as he moved forwards, the branch aimed at his chest. Even expecting an attack and with it aimed at the most likely target, he still had to react quickly to force the blow aside. He managed to make it look like it took far less effort than it actually did, seeming to casually knock the strike away before reaching out to try to grab her.

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Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:11 pm
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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
He was probably right about the branch. Still she had no desire to cast it aside. Even when it didn't matter a weapon placed someone at ease. How many troupes had she seen with people grabbing a firearm when dealing with a ghost. The branch was just as ineffective.

“If it's all the same to you I think I rather hold on to it a bit longer.”

What the? Four arms? Was he a demon of General Grievous?

One arm came to defend that nether region. That left three. One more than usual. With that leer it was obvious what he was after. There was little choice but to react. Springing forward, that branch aimed at his chest though it had an angel to it to hit higher up.

Rebecca had a good reaction time. He had a better one. A hand coming up to swat the branch.

“Aaargh!!!” That fucking hurt. The branch ripped from her tight grip along with some of the skin on her palms. With the fog she lost track of the improvised weapon but she clearly had other things grabbing her attention to chance a glance in the flight path of the weapon.

From the sounds of it the branch hit a tree.

A hand came at her. She ducked and rolled. Springing up behind him. In a split instance she dodged to the side where his other arm was preoccupied with protecting his stuff.

Her knees ached. Rolling over small stones and roots. It was a good thing she kept up with her judo practice. But that wasn't going to do a damn here. On her feet she was a little worse for wear. Fighting was out. Running was out. She only had her wits to get her out of this jam. Fat chance of it. But she spoke as she backed up slowly unless he rushed at her in which case she'd be overwhelmed.

“Whoa Whoa Whoa I'm not even rested! Afraid you can't take me at my best?”

She had no plan but as long as they were talking they weren't doing other things. About the only thing that would help would be if he got distracted by another student. Rebecca wasn't the sort to cut in run. So it was probably for the best that there was no one else around as far as she could tell.

“And these conditions are hardly sporting.” Not that she expected him to care. Even to her it was outlandish that she could best this thing. But keep talking as long as he was listening. “And I don't even know your name or what you go by.”

Demon and all. Myths or perhaps truths about a true name came to mind.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown

Rebecca Walker, Captain of the Kendo Club
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Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:56 am

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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
He was surprised that he'd managed to knock the branch out of her hand; he didn't think he'd hit hard enough to do that. Ironically, it had been her own resistance that had disarmed her; if she'd let her arms move with his strike, she could've kept her grip on the improvised weapon easily.

She avoided his attempt to grab her without much difficulty, ducking under the grab and rolling behind him. As he pivoted to face her, he noted that she moved to his left, where one of his arms was apparently occupied with protecting himself from a low blow. Because of this, he decided to keep up the illusion that he needed to guard against cheap shots so he'd have an extra surprise available.

She started to protest about the unfairness of the conditions and her not being rested as she backed away. He gave a dismissive snort at her words—clearly just an attempt to distract him—as he advanced on her, again just keeping the distance between them about the same rather than closing in. "You were the one who attacked first," he noted. "It's a bit late for you to complain about the conditions now."

Her other complaint was even more trivial, but there wasn't any reason not to respond to it. "Well, you couldn't pronounce my real name, or even hear all of it. If you want something to call me, Kakumaoh is the name I've grown to favor among those humans have had for me." He started to advance on her somewhat more quickly. "Not that I expect we'll be doing much talking, mind you…"

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Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:56 pm
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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
“Big guy advancing on me. I felt threatened.” She flexed her hands, opening and closing them. Trying to ease that stinging sensation within them.

He had not closed in straight away. Instead answering her question. Was he implying that his language couldn't be heard by human ears? At least in part. That didn't matter at the moment.

“Kakumaoh.” She recited the name as if committing it to memory. Many of her judo techniques wouldn't work. Throws and grappling were out and strikes were probably useless. The environment was against her. Still their was nothing wrong about admitting defeat to a greater opponent.

She considered meeting him half way as he advanced. Delivering an attack. A flying kick? With the damage to her knees and not having practiced the maneuver went against her.

“WAIT! You win.” She held up a palm as if to stop his advance. Every avenue of thought made her conclude that she couldn't win. It irritated her to no end. She was scared as much as she didn't show it.

The appearance of this thing. A threat to be sure. Maybe even a deadly one. He could have attacked her without her awareness so she was uncertain as to he being lethal or not. It could be that he enjoyed playing with his food first.

In about three seconds she processed the best and worse of things. Ultimately she could fight but being hours away from campus left with torn clothes wasn't all that appealing. She had few experiences to draw upon with the unnatural things on the island but none of the others threatened her or tried to kill her. She was taking a gamble that he wasn't inclined to do the same.

If he had stopped or gave her a bit or time she began removing her shirt before proceeding with her other garments. Kicking off her boots, then shorts. Sighing before reaching to undo the clasp on her bra ...

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown

Rebecca Walker, Captain of the Kendo Club
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Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:36 pm

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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
The girl quickly reached the inevitable conclusion that she had no chance of either defeating him or escaping, stopping her retreat and admitting defeat. It was remotely possible that she'd thought of some trick that she thought would let her get away, but he doubted it. Even so, he halted his advance to see what she did next.

What she did next was to start undressing, removing her shirt, boots, and shorts so that only her underwear hid any of her body from him. "I see you know how things work here," he said with an amused tone, not even trying to hide the way he ogled her curves as she stripped. Her sigh as she started to unfasten her bra seemed to contain a mixture of exasperation and resignation, but he could have been mistaken.

He waited for that garment to fall away and expose her well-shaped orbs to his lust-filled gaze before closing in on her again. Once she was within reach, he'd move to fondle one of her breasts, for the moment only caressing it as he waited for her to finish getting undressed. He'd wait for her to remove her panties before taking off his loincloth and letting her see what she'd gotten into… or what was going to get into her soon enough.

Kakumaoh's profile and hunt record.

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Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:55 pm
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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
“Doesn't mean I like it.” Not that he nor any of the others cared. She knew when she was outmatched. She had no trick. Concluding that anything she tried would be just delaying the inevitable with the way things were shaped against her.

What a fucking terrific day. She thought, sarcastic. He had not been the first demon she came across. He was about half a foot taller than the other one. Bulkier. Four arms instead of four legs. Rebecca had no idea if he had similar abilities as the other one.

She felt a hand on her modest sized breast. Not too big or small. His efforts mixed with the coolness in the air due to the fog stirred a reaction. She finished stripping in haste. No show. She just wanted to get this over with and hoped she wasn't making a mistake.

“MY GOD!” Her eyes went wide seeing the shear size of that thing! Rebecca took half a step back. Not immediately following her instinct to split. Damn the consequences that thing was going to split her in half!

Siferus was big. Nearly a foot in length. But he used tons of drugs. In fact the other demon had aphrodisiacs too. The only saving grace, if there was one, was that it wasn't as girthy as some of the others. But still.

She was far from any hospital. Left here, an hour or more without help. This could go so wrong in so many ways.

“I – I can't. There's no way.” She stammered. Fear etched on her features. For once she had locked up, paralyzed with indecision. Fight or flight. Fight was often what she chose. Flight when necessary. But this was so far out of her element that she was stunned. Her eyes never leaving the spectacle in front of her.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown

Rebecca Walker, Captain of the Kendo Club
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Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:04 am

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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
His size clearly took her by surprise, and she took a step away from him, denying that the inevitable was possible. He didn't make a move to stop her just yet since she hadn't actually started to try to flee. "Oh, you can handle enough of it; you're not the first student I've introduced myself to, and none of the others were injured when I took them." With a leer, he added, "More than one of them have even willingly come back for more later, in fact." That was technically true, even if it was only two students, and both of them had done so in an effort to get some protection from other guests at first.

He didn't give her a chance to recover from her mental paralysis before moving closer again and taking hold of her shoulders. "We'll work up to that, anyway," he said, trying to force her to kneel in front of himself. "Use your mouth and hands for now."

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Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:52 am
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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
Rebecca processed those words. No one hurt yet? But how? He loomed over here making her feel small since he was just so much bigger in every way.

Media portrayed demons as liars and manipulators. Could he be telling her the truth? Or was he just easing her mind for the time being? She had to admit that the other demon hadn't hurt her. Did demons just get a bad wrap? In that case they needed a better PR guy.

When he moved back in a hand on her shoulder worked her down in time after making it clear that they would begin with other things. She didn't resist though she winced when on her scrapped knees. No wonder he was devoting an entire arm to defending the region. With the size of that member she couldn't have missed.

She had little experience with males outside of those on the island. She was better pleasuring women. Rebecca had a few ideas. Men where simpler as far a pleasure went. He wasn't too wide so she could wrap hand around him and did so now. One at the base rose up while twisting around that length. The action stung her palm, not to mention she could have used some moisture. Her hand pulled away. Flexing her hand again she came up with a different idea. Adapting rather than enduring something they both wouldn't like.

She licked her palms. YUCK! Some dirt mixed with small traces of blood. Her hands still stung but she swept them over the insides of her breasts then guided that massive member between them. Her hands pressing them together of his member using her tits instead.

As she did this her tongue worked out of her mouth. Begrudgingly washing over the crown of his dick. After wiggling her tongue against him she licked the sides near the crown before returning. Her mouth taking him in. Bit by bit she worked more of him inside her mouth. Imagining why on earth someone would come back for this. Some of the girls here were frigging weird!

Not the best at this sort of thing but far from the worse Rebecca had the added incentive to do her best if this thing was going inside her. It hadn't happened yet. One problem at a time, though it certainly looked bleak. Focusing on that shaft she managed as much as she could without triggering her gag reflex.

Blue eyes glance up in the effort to read him the best that she could. This close she could see him more clearly. The fog didn't factor in as much. Around his head was a bit hazy from down here though when she was standing she could make out his form.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown

Rebecca Walker, Captain of the Kendo Club
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Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:53 pm

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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
She'd made a brief attempt to use her hands as he'd suggested, but soon decided to use her breasts instead. He didn't know why she made this choice, but it really didn't matter; the feel of those orbs against his hard shaft was at least as good as her hands would have been, and either way was just to work the parts of his length that she couldn't get into her mouth anyway.

Her lack of experience was clear once she actually brought her mouth into play. She wasn't actually bad at it, just far less skilled than many other students here. Then again, he'd probably been spoiled by having two students who both came to him semi-willingly and had done so enough to learn his preferences. He let her set the pace she could handle, only keeping one hand behind her head to prevent her from pulling too far back.

While she might not have been able to see his face well enough to read his reactions, the sounds he made as she worked him towards a climax would give her plenty of information to tell her how she was doing. Eventually, he would move his hand away from her head as the first drops of precum on her tongue warned of his impending release. She'd only have a second or two to pull away before his hot seed shot forth if she preferred to take it on her face and chest instead of in her mouth, however.

Kakumaoh's profile and hunt record.

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Tue Sep 03, 2024 2:56 am
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Post Re: Lost (for Kakumoah)
It was demeaning to be conquered in such a fashion. Rebecca realized when she was out classed and that ate at her more. It was another matter if she was beaten after given her best effort. In this case it was clear that she wouldn't have managed anything of consequence. Rested or not.

However, given that incredible size she expected more punishment if she put up more of a fight. She still didn't believe that those other students were unharmed. Unable to believe that that member was more capable then just inflicting pain.

Her palms didn't sting as much as she treated that shaft. Her efforts guided by his reaction. A hand at the back of her head kept her from pulling away too far. A spike of fear hit her thinking he was going to drive her face down that pole as far as it would go. But that grip was loose and made no sign of doing such. Relieved she continued heedless of the ache in her bruised and scratched knees. The ground was unforgiving. Though she learned through trial and error. Marginally getting better at this.

The bitter taste of pre-cum hit her tongue, a warning for what was to cum mere seconds before he erupted. Thankfully that hand pulled away and she followed suit. Getting blasted in the face, a copious amount of cum. Some splattered over her chest.

Luckily she managed to get her eyes closed in time. Wiping her face free she doubted that was all he was after. If it were she would count herself lucky and be on her way. But his earlier words indicated that this was just the start.

She leaned in. Her tongue working over the sides of that cock. Collecting some of that cum. Mostly she directed her attention on stimulating him until he ceased leaking that essence.

Still worried about how she was going to tackle that member Rebecca concluded that there was nothing that could be done. Some of the creatures here had extraordinary members. These creatures used drugs so she had no idea how those experiences would have gone without them.

Her licking of some of that seed was merely to test if it were drugged. She didn't feel much if any difference. Wishful thinking on her part that this would be easier on her in some fashion.

“I don't suppose you use drugs,” Rebecca might have mentioned magic too though hadn't experienced it for herself. As far as she was concerned the magic clubs were just a bunch of deluded girls. She had not encountered anything that couldn't be explained away.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown

Rebecca Walker, Captain of the Kendo Club
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Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:22 pm
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