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 Lost Letters....(Grail) 
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Post Lost Letters....(Grail)
((IM SORRY xD Good luck and enjoy))

Long, slender fingers wrapped around the icy metal of the large hand rail, gently trailing down the cylinder’s length as the nigh-albino student gracious made her way down, what seemed, an eternity of stairs. Pearl-white teeth plunged into the pale pink of the student’s lower lip. She stood before the heavy metal doorway that was dividing her and her destination. Her hand released the rail, and she descended down the last step, approaching the door that had a deviance about it. The edges were well rusted, though it seemed solid hanging from its firm foundation at the hinges. The metallic push-bar was dinged, and quite bent out of shape. The student stole a quick glance behind her shoulder, peering through the silvery strands of her endless locks, before urging her body through the door with a loud screech, the plaid of her skirt trailing behind her.

Chris gently released the edge of the door, causing it’s closing to be more sly and quiet, though the door’s action still echoed down the massive hallway. The hallway loomed and stretched before her in an almost foreboding manner. “What am I doing here?” She thought to herself, her amber eyes straining to see. The lights were fluorescent and large, though dimmed and flickering with years of neglect and use. The hallway seemed to stretch forever, with the promise of a single door at its end at the mercy of Christine’s straining squint. Struggled as she may, she continued to make out entrances, dozens of them that led off on either side into the labyrinth that was the basement. “Do it.” With a deep breath, a breath so deep and powerful her chest rose at a high length, her breasts swelling through the fabric to meet the push, she took her first steep into the omniscient doom.

The student’s eyes wandered from either side of the hallway, carefully observing the numbers on each thick metal panel of the windowless doors. She delved deeper and deeper, taking a good amount of time to conquer near the end of the hallway. Her head turned to the left, peering down the darkness of the entrance to the ‘H’ sector of the basement. Her fingers slid into the small bag she was carrying, pulling out a delicate camera. She focused the lenses slightly before nabbing a quick shot of the blood-red H. She quickly replaces the camera and pulls a bright orange, glow in the dark sticker, slapping it on the corner of the wall. She knew it was easy to get lost down her in this abyss, and she had come well prepared. She ventured off into this hallway, why? She wasn’t sure. She didn’t know what she was looking for, proof maybe? Proof that there are creatures on this island, proof that she isn’t crazy. Perhaps, it was for neither of those. Maybe she was looking for some kind of weakness, something she could use against the damnable creatures, for god’s sake her alchemy wasn’t holding them at bay. She gritted her teeth, stopping dead in her tracks. Her eyes rose upward, peering at the dim light above her head, then trailing into utter and complete darkness. The lights in this sector were obviously in need of a desperate change, for there was nothing. Her hands dove into the bag, her fingers finally wrapping around a small mag-light. Click a small ray of light beamed through the flashlight, and she frantically went to work, pulling and sticking the glowing stickers on both sides of the wall so she wouldn’t lose her way. Her eyes keeping careful track of door numbers as she continued through.

At long last this sector finally came to an end, with only two doors at the end. The lights still dysfunctional, the platinum blond was still relying on the tiny light to aide her sights. With a sigh, she nearly turned to leave when she noticed a third door, she hadn’t seen before. The beam panicked, searching quickly for a number above the door, but it had none. A thin, wry smile crossed the student’s lips and she reached for the handle.

“All is as expected. She thought to herself as her hand stopped abruptly in her attempts to turn the heavy, thick silver doorknob. She knelt before the door, her bare knee digging into the cold cement, sticking the end of the flashlight in her mouth to help her see what she was doing at the door. Quickly she worked, stopping more than once at the creepy sounds of an aging sector, peering into the darkness behind her, paranoid there was something sneaking up on her. She never saw or found anything. The two silver metal pins worked frantically at the lock, not ceasing only until she heard the satisfying [/I] tick. [/I] The student rose, brushing herself off and throwing her tools inside of the bag that was now hoisted at her hip. Her fingers wrapped around the doorknob, this time, it opened for her.

She walked into the room, immediately the temperature dropped significantly causing her delicate pink nipples to press against the thin fabric of her bra and blouse. The beam of her light trailed the walls for a switch, finding one almost instantly. She flicked it on and a dim light illuminated the room. She smiled, and clicked off her flashlight, shoving this too into her bag. She observed the room from the doorway, shutting the door behind her. It was plain, extremely plain. There were a few rough-looking boxes in the right corner with various utilities jutting out from them: poles, old tethers, and what looked like woven cords, as well as a filing cabinet near the back. A large, sturdy oak table centered the room, with a rather comfortable looking chair. Aside from the obvious there wasn’t anything really intriguing about the room. Christine sighed in disappointment, and wandered over to the chair to sit down. She sank into the black leather and let her feet rest on the elevated table, causing her skirt to fold over the end of the chair giving a clear view of her taut bottom, covered only by thin, floral fabric lace. She set her bag graciously in her lap and brought her fingers to her temples. “What the hell did you expect to find Chris?” She thought bitterly to herself. “Fuck it, I’m going back to my room.” She rose briskly to leave when the tiny scrawled handwriting on an equally tiny envelope that lay simply forgotten and lost underneath the desk caught her eye.

“ Dear Harley,

I’ve missed you so much, why haven’t you wrote to me? Dad says its because you are busy with school. But I know you wouldn’t forget me like that. How is school? Do you like it? Are the kids there nice? What classes do you have? I love you, I miss you, write me back okay?


Catherine. “

The student’s eyes were widened with amazement, the large amber orbs glossed and glazed on the verge of tears. She turned and marveled over the leaf in her hands, before bringing it to her chest. This was HER letter. This was HERS. Without realizing she had fallen to the ground to her knees, staring bewildered at the letter. After recollecting a moment, and getting over her initial shock she looked around puzzled, her eyes coming to rest on the huge oaken drawer of the desk. Christine’s hands wrapped around the metal handle and yanked at the locked drawer. Unable to maintain her composure long enough to pick the lock, she simply rose, grabbed one of the iron poles from the boxes in the corner and levered the damn drawer open, causing a shameful damage to the good-conditioned desk. Over the floor they spilled, dozens to hundreds of tiny envelopes with her name. The amber eyes rolled over the sea of letters, her hands shaking as she picked them up one by one. They were opened, each letter replaced, but did she ever get them? Did Harley ever get the letters? Tears dropped on the plain white envelopes, and the tiny pink stationary on which they were written as her eyes heavily drank each one, a flooding memory coming back to her. She was consumed, and minutes turned to hours, when one… a single letter stood out. The recipients name was not Harley’s, it was her own in neat, almost ornate handwriting.


I’ve missed you as well, and I’m sorry I haven’t written. I knew you were writing me, but I haven’t received any of your Letters…except one that I had to get through certain means. Catherine, I need you to read this very carefully. I know you’re still young and you may not understand everything that is in this letter, but please try to understand and do not show this to your father. This place that he sent me to, it’s a living horror. There are things on this island, in this University that I don’t even want to begin to understand. I know it’s too late for me now, I can feel my sanity slipping away with each passing day. I know what I’ve seen, and I know what has happened to me, but no matter how I try to convince them, they will not let me return home, and they dismiss my stories as cries for attention. Oh, Catherine, how I wish to see your smiling face again, but I fear I shall never. I also fear I do not have long, I can see the way the nurses look at me, and I fear they’ll have me committed or worse. Catherine, read this carefully. If your father tries to send you here…Don’t come looking for me. Just run.

Harley “

The letter wasn’t finished, and Chris understood why. It didn’t have to be finished, she now knew the horror that Harley spoke. The student cradled the letter, held it close to her chest. This was all she had left of her cousin. She found herself lost in time, she didn’t care what time it was, she didn’t care about much of anything but rather found herself lost in thought Reading the letter a hundred times over and over again, wondering what they did with those who protested the happenings on this damnable island. She wondered what happened to Harley. Her eyes glued to one spot of the letter in particular. N.I.C.E. “An odd insignia. “ She thought scanning her brain endlessly for where she’d seen the letter before, if she’d ever seen them. Her legs kicked slowly, back and forth quietly in the air, she lay on her stomach thinking quietly to herself when that gut wrenching feeling washed over her being. Her eyes tore away from the letter and towards the door, a chilling breeze wafted from underneath washing over her and clawing into her spine. She folded the letter and gripped it tightly in her hand, and rose to her feet. Thud, bang. She jumped at the sound, her free hand curling tightly around the iron rod at her side, her eyes never moving from the door. Had she locked it? She wasn’t sure, but she doubted there was enough time. ” Fuck it, go down swinging. “ She ran towards the door, flung it open and screamed.

“Damn mouse!” She sneered at the tiny creature that scurried inside the room. She felt bad a few moments later and sighed, shutting the door behind her and locking it. ” Ehh, it’s not your fault. “ She said, kneeling back down in her mass of papers, watching the mouse slink away into the corner by the boxes. She shook her head and started to gather the entirety of the letters.

.oO And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see. The devil tips his hat to me. I do it all for free, because your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Oo.


Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:53 am

Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:53 pm
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(O_O Sorry for what? Making me have to go to no stops to keep up with you? :D Enjoyed thoroughly...this should be interesting :D)

Darkness was a funny thing. Everyone feared it, everyone tenses at the near mention of being in the dark, the complete dark. For some it was horrifying, not knowing what could lay beyond that which they could not see, others, those who knew what the darkness true purpose was, used it to their advantage in their everyday life. The darkness was was serene, dignifying, and furthermore, it was peace. Nothing in the world could provide the sanctity and the bliss that the darkness could, nothing could provide the silence and serenity that the environment cradled.

That is why Grail was so entirely pissed off after he opened his eyes to see that he had awoken from months...nay perhaps years of being locked inside of a room that had suspended his magic and being in complete and total darkness. He did not care if he was alive, or dead, all that matters was that he was at peace, and nothing had disturbed that. Nothing, that is, until the prescence of someone, someone with power, passed by the room that he was caged in, locked in there by some unimaginable force.

Growling lowly to himself, his forearms and wrists tugged at the simple chains that suspended his body up in the air, ripping them out of the ceiling with one quick motion. He fell to his feet, landing with a dull thud that seemed to shake any debris that was on the floor with the force of the landing. Snarling he wrapped the chains around his scaley forearms, for now a reminder that he was sleeping, and wanted nothing more than that.

The room contained his magic, kept him from summoning others to his aid. However, the room could not contain his physical prowess, and the door to his exit was ripped wide open, metal twisting and clanging against the wall as he tossed it to the side. Stepping out he took a deep breath. It wasn't fresh air to say the least, but the air had been better in that hallway than that room.

Looking to the left, and then to the right, the demon cracked every bone in his body at once, and with a flick of his tail, slashed a deep gash into the cement of the hallway wall, taking just a bit of his frustration away. Something else caught his eye, a sticker of sorts. Walking past it he grabbed it, snatching it off and crumpling it up with his fingers before tossing it over his shoulder.

That's when he heard the scream.

Eyes perked, his lips curled in a devious smile as the scream belong to an obvious female voice. It echoed throughout the hall, but that did not stop the lizard man from slowly trailing his finger tip down each wall, around each corner, letting it send otu a high pitched, grinding noise as he did so. He stopped after a few seconds, however, when he reached three doors. Tilting his head to the side, he stood in front of one of the marked doors, rubbing his chin for a moment before licking his scaley lips.

One snap...two snap...

Fingersnaps echoed in the halls as the demon was soon joined by what would be dopplegangers of his own self, two mirrored images that stood side by side him. The only difference was that these were savage beasts, drooling, snarling as they took their places as their master had commanded them, at the other two doors that Grail had to choose from.

And as if on cue, all three of the beastily demons slammed their bodies into each metallic door as hard as they possibly could.

Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:52 am
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Absentmindedly the girl found her fingers caressing each envelope with gentle care, as if each letter were an ancient artifact from centuries past. Though, that is how her life with Ky seemed, centuries and centuries ago. She found herself wallowing in regret and happiness as she recounted memories past.

“I hate you Kyleena!” A small, almost albino looking child fumed at the tall, lovely specimen. “I hate you!” The tone was shrill and high, followed by a series of physically weak, but emotionally powerful punches into the supple woman’s thigh. Harley looked down at the child with a rather emotionless expression, her emerald eyes washing over the adolescent face. She sighed then smiled “How many times have I told you brat, my name’s Harley.” The woman rose her arms behind her head in a stretch and casually began to walk off. The child sat in bewilderment, her tear stained face full of confusion and hurt. How did she always stay so calm? The child bit her lower lip, Harley had worked just as hard as she did and she didn’t complain. She had ran just as far as Chris, herself did and she stood there with a confidence and stature that really made Chris look so vain and foolish. She admired this woman, and it was going to be hard without her. “Hey! Wait!” She screamed, pushing herself out of the grass, launching herself into a sprint after the violet-haired goddess. “Why are you leaving Ky- I mean Harley?” this question seemed to bring a myriad of pain and hurt to the woman who seemed so unbreakable. Harley looked down at the little girl who had to take giant steps, to keep up with her average stride. “You’re going to be tall one day, you know that?” She said, her juicy red lips curling into a smile. “Just like me.” Harley turned her gaze upwards at the sky. “Do you know why I made you work so hard today Catherine?” The name that the child usually despised, seem to roll off of Harley’s lips like a muses grace. She look up at her, looking at the serenity of her gaze and mimicked it, also crossing her arms behind her head. “No, but I didn’t like it.” She said twisting her face in distaste.
Harley glanced down at her for a second before answering, “I know you didn’t, but Cath there are going to be so many things in life that you wont want to do, but you’ll have to do. Me going away is one of these things.” She looked down at the child, who now stopped and stood silent. “Catherine, your dad has been kind to me letting me stay with him and all.” She wanted to cut out her tongue for such a lie, but she wasn’t ready to tell her yet, she would come back for her. “But it’s time for me to go off and get an education, and hell, who knows maybe you’ll live with me one day when you’re in college.” She added with a wink. Christine looked up at her, her cousin, her best friend, her sensei, the woman who was invincible, and she finally understood. What she understood? She wasn’t quite sure yet, but something happened at that moment. “I’ll race you home!” The words blurted out of the child’s lips. Harley stared after her for a second, and then smiled to herself before taking off in a sprint behind her.

She’d gathered her letters, and wrapped her scrunchie around the massive bulk. They were hers, so she was going to take them. She’d also had a few letters from different students, one name in particular caught her eye ‘Rebecca Renfroe’. However, she didn’t have time to dwell on the matter because outside of the door she heard a series of popping noises, no snapping noises. She surveyed the room again, while quickly and quietly wrapping the iron rod in her hand again, stuffing the letters into her now abused bag. She braced herself, listening hard for more noise. BOOM! The student clapped her hand against her mouth to keep herself from screaming loudly. The noise startling her enough to nearly drop the iron. She bolted off behind the desk curling underneath it and peering out through a thin lining near the top staring at the door. She swallowed hard, for she didn’t know what to expect. She watched in horror as the door began to twist and contort with each powerful slam. “Shit!” She thought frantically to herself, her palms sweating against the thick iron clasped in her hands like it was another appendage. There was no other way out, so all she had to do was wait. Wait and pray whatever was trying to get in, didn’t.

.oO And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see. The devil tips his hat to me. I do it all for free, because your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Oo.


Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:59 pm

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With each powerful crash against the metal door, Grail's mind wandered backwards, back to the time right before he was locked up inside of that hellacious room. Was is punishment that put him in there? Had he done something wrong on this magnificent island to warrent such a nightmarish fate? Or, had he gone in there willingly, tired of what had become of him from being on the island.

The metal creaked, bending as his body smashed into it over and over again. Memories cut into his mind like disassociated film images, a scene here and there of events that transpired over the last few weeks that he could remember before he had nothing but darkness enveloping him. He was in the middle of the gymnasium, standing there and looking out to the crowd that was before him. The entire floor was littered with monstrous beasts and the entire student gym class, and all of them were being ravaged in any place a tentacle, or a cock could fit. It was a magnificent sight, to see all those writhing female bodies give in to the small army that he had amassed. He laughed a deep laugh, almost thundering in how low it was. With arms crossed, he viewed as one student after another was defiled, filled and covered in demonic seed. It was indeed a personal masterpiece to the monster, and he was enjoying every single solitary moment of it. That is, to say, until he felt something spear into his back, something small...and the last thing he felt was his body falling down to the gym floor below.

Something had indeed happend to the lizard man in that time, and the only guess he could come up with was that he was either tranquilized, or else a big wig from the island tried to take him down. Either way, he was free now, as much as he hated the idea, and he was going to take his building frustrations out on someone, or something...that was for sure. His mind was filled with nothing but rage and lust right now, two emotions that had been building inside of him since he was locked in that forsaken room.

The clone on his right had busted through the one numbered door quickly enough, emerging into a room that was rather odd for a school. There were gallows galore in that room, as well as a platform made out of wood in the shape of an X, and on it there were four metal restraints at the top of each arm of the X. The clone grinned to himself, and so did the beast that was controlling him. Grail slammed through the other door just moments after his clone had decimated his own door. Dusting himself off he peered into the room, blinking somewhat as there were four chains hanging in the middle of the room, each hanging down at the same length as the others. Looking around, surveying for a bit, he also saw several whips inside of a glass case, and below them on a shelf, were several other implements of what could only be torture. Clamps, knives, and some rather large sexual toys as well.

"What the this place?" He hissed to himself as he looked around the room. The third and final clone had pushed his way into that final room, the unmarked room. The door flew off the hinges and crashed against the nearby wall. All three rooms were entered, and all three beasts stood before the doors, looking for any signs of life that they could find.

Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:55 pm
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(I've seen a picture like the scene you described ;D It was sweet )

Each thunderous boom against the door was deafening to the blonde’s delicate ears. Continuously she weighed her options, should she stay in the haven and security that the cavern beneath the oaken desk provided her? Huddled with her knee’s to her chest like a defenseless child, gripping the iron so tightly in her tiny fist that the rounded impressions on the metal began to rip into her soft pink flesh. “Coward.” She scolded herself, a shrill shriek threatening her pale lips with each voluminous, threatening crash against the door. She peered through the opening, a small ray of light in her eyes while she watched as the door was smashed and twisted into a useless hunk of metal. There were more crashes, more masses pounding against something else. It hit her suddenly that there were more than one of whatever was trying to enter the room on the other side of the pathetic door, and they were breaking into the other rooms. She bit her lower lip hearing the first door tear from it’s hinges and fall to a horrendous thud on the ground, only a mere moments later a second, and she fears the door that lay as the only shield between her and whatever was trying to break in was about to become its next victim.

Boom! a series of astonishing sounds echoed throughout the tiny room as the door was relentlessly cast from its hinges, only to be discarded against the opposing wall. She drew her head to her knees in silence. She didn’t want to see what awaited her in the doorway. Anything powerful enough to tear away the monstrous metal doors, had to best her in strength and brute force. She mentally punished herself, a million thoughts whirling through her head on what she should have done, what she had to have done if she had been thinking with a clear head. The lights for instance, a dead giveaway that someone was in the room. Her heap of letters that lay careless in front of the desk, the broken drawer not even a foot away from the letters. All except one letter, the one Ky had written, the one she clutched painfully to her chest with the iron. How long did she have? What torture it was to know the impending doom that awaited her, and yet not know at the same time. Curiosity, what a wretched trait to possess. The student’s head lifted, as thought it weight one thousand pounds to peer out of the hairline crack that became her only window to the now, destroyed doorway. What awaited her was shocking at best, and terrified her to the core of her very being. It resembled a human, perhaps it once was with its distinguishable male features, but it was horrific and twisted into was could only be described as a demonic reptilian. Huge in frame, bulk in stature, but was shocked her was the pure carnality about the being. The way it’s tongue hung loosely from it’s lips, how heavily it breathed into the air, how it’s chest heaved up and down as if it were inhaling the room itself. Movement, caught her eye. There were more of those things. More of them outside the door. “Don’t breathe, don’t move, you’re not even here. You’re going to wake up any second, warm in your bed. Elise is there to comfort you through your nightmare. She’ll tell you to go back to sleep, and everything will be okay in the morning.” How pitiful and wishful thinking becomes when you’re scared, the student thought solemnly to herself. Her body ached to move, her voice pined to scream, but she was still as stone, forced to wait out this torture.

.oO And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see. The devil tips his hat to me. I do it all for free, because your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Oo.


Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:29 am

Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:53 pm
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(Thanks :D)

Grail hissed to himself as he explored the rather odd looking, medieval room. Nothing was technologically savy in the least, everything looked crude and made by a caveman of sorts. All except for the faint lights that hung down from various outlets in the room. Running his finger over several items inside, he determined that from the dust alone, no one had been in this room for ages. Growling to himself more than ever now, frustrated that he had not found anything of use to him, he turned around, slamming his tail against a nearby wall and slicing a good chunk of cement, cutting deep into that surface before whipping his tail back around him, stepping out of the room and looking to his right, watching as the other clone began to step into the unmarked room.

Unlike most lizard's, this one was sniffing the air, not flicking it's tongue back and forth to get a sense of anything that was nearby. It stomped loudly towards the desk, seeing that there were several letters scattered about the area, all of them in a messy pile around one certain place. Sensing something bout the room, Grail stepped inside, instantly smelling something in the air that was more than just staleness. Something surged through him just then. Anger perhaps, maybe something else, either way, it caused his tail to lash right out at his clone, stabbing his own creation right through the chest and split it down, causing the beast to be split in two from it's chest to it's legs, spilling blood all over the letters below before it dissapeareed into a mass of darkness.

"Come out....come out....whoever you are...." He growled, pointed teeth knashing together as he spoke out to the darkness, licking his lips as each step he took towards that desk made a thundering crash against the ground.

Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:56 pm
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It seemed like an eternity. The glimmering eyed student’s body ached in places she wasn’t aware existed from crouching so incredibly still, concentrating on every muscle in her body to stay perfectly in place. This, of course, didn’t include her head with its wandering, large eyes. She tilted it towards the door, peering through the hairline crack at the abomination that eagerly inhaled the air in the room, when a grim discovery suddenly shook her being as the creature seemed to gaze right at her. “It knows that I’m here. Her beautiful teeth dug hard into her pale lower lip, a sudden rush of color filling the plump morsel.

She jumped, not high, nor hard, but she jumped nonetheless at the sound of what seemed like diamonds cutting through glass. Tucking her head to her knees again she could only gather that it was cement after the heavy series of thuds that continued afterward. Gathering up the luster to raise her head again she was met with yet another one of the terrors. A second one of these horrific creatures had entered the room as the first one seemed to motion towards her location after a series of heavy thrashings with its foot, thrashings that shook the ground. This second one, it was different than the original one. This one had a certain, inhumane human quality about it. It seemed dreadfully evil, and relentless as its thick muscular tail pierced through the flesh of the first creature like it was paper. A crimson mist sprayed through the air, raining down to the floor as the tail cut through the leathery, thick skin of the creature like butter. A large pool of blood forming as the middle of the creature came and it fell apart in two pieces. The deep red pool spread out, engulfing her precious letters like the plague. This made her bring her hand to her face and nose to stop from screaming and quite possibly throwing up. She shut her eyes tightly, leaning the back of her head against the desk. The second creature slowly approaching her with thick, heavy, earth shattering steps. She could almost feel the creature’s sticky hot breath as he spoke, could almost feel the razor-like teeth against her skin as they brushed and clicked together in unison as he spoke. He taunted her, like a cat playing with the proverbial mouse before ending its life slowly and painfully. It was then she was sure. It knew, no, he knew she was here. She started to think back through all of her encounters, though there hadn’t been too many, there were still more than she would have liked. She’d never been terrified for her life before, except with one when she was dangling hundreds of feet in the air off of a plateau. Monsters had taunted her, monsters had threatened her, but none of them had ever caused bloodshed and threatened her with immediate death. She looked back through the crack, thick muscular legs continued to advance towards. What was she going to do? What could she do? She could feel her adrenalin release, her body numbing to emotion and pain, her hands and core shaking violently like convulsions as he neared her. She struggled to keep her breathing steady and quiet, smashing her delicate hand, with her precious letter hard into her face.

.oO And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see. The devil tips his hat to me. I do it all for free, because your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Oo.


Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:13 pm

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Grail lashed his tail out, letting blood fly against the wall that was nearby. Taking a deep breath he stood before that desk, sensing that there was something behind it. He cleared his throat, placed his hands down on that desk and began to speak, his personality coming back bit by bit, and coming back fast. "You should thank me...that beast that was in here would have torn you to shreds...cracked your bones, made you feast on your own intestines...Me ending it's life was a godsend, and you should at least show your face to show how much you appreciate me saving your life. It's only the not rude thing to do..."

He stood up, licking his lips before taking a step back away from that table. His fists and forearms were still wrapped in those chains that he had been unable to fully get off of his body. Crossing his arms, the seven foot tall demon would tap his foot, his tail slashing back against the cement. "Or we could always go for the second option. You keep hiding, and then I find you...and when I do, you learn that there is nothing worse than the pain that continues to hurt, even after your nerve endings have been completely and utterly seered off by flames. You woke me up...whoever you are...from a nice little forceful rest that I was made to take for some unknown reason. I have no clue as to how many years have passed, but for something like myself, which I'm sure you've run into other...things on this should know how bad someone can be, even if they haven't had a student like you after a few hours." He uncrossed his arms and then stompped his foot down on the ground, forcing the room to shake slightly.

"Imagine what it is like for something that hasn't had any relief for years...Do you really, really want to take the chance on him being friendly? Show yourself...and I best like what I see when you do. Think about it for a minute."

Sat Oct 27, 2007 8:28 pm
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Location: Shangri-La
She could not see much of the demon now, but she could hear. She heard the sickening, gut wrenching splatter of the crimson, thick blood splash against the wall in a stream at a flick of the demon’s powerful tail. It made her skin crawl, and she felt nauseated. The light, momentary scrape of the demon’s claws as he placed his hands on the desk made the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, and sent a distinct chill down her spine. Her eyes widened, he spoke to her. She felt she could faint at that precise moment as he described the supposed brutality of the recently deceased, but something else fueled her. Anger. He continued to monologue, speaking more to himself than to her, she realized this. He was merely, considering his options aloud rather than address her.

A moment passed, a moment that seemed so long after the threatening earth-shaking stomp from the demon. He had given her, her options, but she had a better one. Sure, she’d come out of hiding. Fear only seemed to turn over to anger when she realized the demon’s true incentive. Death, now that was something to be scared of. Rape, well that just simply pissed her off. Boldly, she played her cards. She banked her life on the assumption the demon was sexually suppressed and wouldn’t hurt her if she came out from hiding, but was more certain her option if she stayed hiding would be much worse, she was in no position at the moment to even think about putting up a fight. Slowly, one leg up to her thigh slide from underneath the desk and she shuffled her way out of the comfort of what was her hiding spot. Her delicate fingers wrapped around the top of the desk, pulling herself upwards. Her head emerging into view, her hair framing her pale alabaster face, falling down her back in light, subtle waves. The fingers of her other hand still gripped the iron tightly, and she also used it to hoist herself up to her full height of 5’8. She felt small, as the demon’s substantial height towered far over her own. She swallowed hard, her eyes flashing in a fiery defiance towards the creature. She said nothing, she didn’t have to, she was ready now to fight. She doubted she’d last long, but she would never go down without trying. Her grip tightened around the iron and she unconsciously backed away from the desk, putting a more comfortable distance between the hideous creature and herself.

.oO And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see. The devil tips his hat to me. I do it all for free, because your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Oo.


Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:17 am

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Much to the creature's astonishment, he watched as she shuffled her way through the bottom of that desk, up to a standing position. He placed a finger and a thumb on his chin, as if he was already just judging her based on her appearance. He lookd at her chest, looked at her hands gripping that iron rod and felt something surge through him, arrousal. Grinning like a madman, he would take a step back, looking at that iron rod and laughed. "You are definately, definately not thinking about using that...are you?"

The question was asked, but the event that unfolded would be completely different. Raising that tail up in the air he struck out at her, but before the tail traveled too far towards her, he slammed the appendage down onto the desk that she was hiding under, splitting it in two and causing splinters to explode from the meer impact of the desk. It was a simple case of showing her who was the more dominant of the two, the class of the species if you will. He took another step foward, yanking his tail behind his body as he stood just about a yard or so away from the student that was staring him down. "Aren't you glad you got up?"

A long, flat tongue ran across scaley lips as he eyed her once again, scrutinizing every single inch of her. "You're a bit tall for a student...most of you girls barely hit the five foot and a half're just a wee bit taller...think that makes you a tough girl? Is that what you think?" He growled, his body bending foward a bit, stepping closer as he brought that face of his near her own. "Go ahead...go ahead and smack me with that iron rod as hard as you possibly can, you ignorant, pathetic excuse for life. See what will happen after you do." He hissed, hot, foul breath blasting right into her face as the demonic hell beast drew his attentions down towards her body. "Go ahead and do it...or drop the pipe...and your clothes. Either way you will not leave this place unbroken...little shit...It's your punishment for waking me up...Though, the less painful route would be the second...option..."

Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:29 am
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She could feel the burning sensation of his eyes wandering over her body as she stood there, nearly frozen to the spot. Not so much from fear, but for lack of a better idea while she was weighing her options. He made a notion towards the rod that was nearly set permanently into her hand and she glanced down at it for a second before lifting her gaze back towards the creature.

The thick, muscular tail lashed towards her. A bluff? She wasn’t sure. She stayed still, let him capture her see what happens, but to her expectations and initial assumptions the tail stopped short, slamming and splintering the once beautiful oaken desk into hundreds of chipped pieces that now lay in disarray. Surprisingly the student did little more than twitch as the desk was loudly destroyed, her eyes watching carefully as the tail left its due. Another sardonic, and rhetorical question from the sarcastic being, which was replied with another angry flash of a cutthroat death stare.

Discomfort, a lot of it. The creature advanced, and she considered moving backward, but his cockiness and pride only seemed to boost her own. She inhaled deeply and stared his directly in his steel eyes. He spoke to her in a domineering manner, and tone that she didn’t much like and only proved into making her even angrier. Her face began to flush a bright red, but she quietly and painfully bit her tongue. He breath was rancid, hot and sticky, with each word it felt as if it were wrapping and engulfing her completely. She jutted her chin outward, tilting her head upward to match his stare. She watched as his attentions were now slightly more focused on her…physical attributes opposed to her earlier actions of hiding and then finally, he was finished with his arrogance. She’d show him.

Without a second thought the student threw the iron aside, dropping it to the cement with a loud clang, and immediately following she balled up all the liquid inside of her mouth and spat directly into the demon’s face. “ Fuck you!” One would think Christine had learned to never use that statement when faced with these horrifyingly familiar situations, but for lack of a better term she used it. Still, balled up in her hand was the letter, her last and only link to her cousin.

.oO And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see. The devil tips his hat to me. I do it all for free, because your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Oo.


Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:48 am

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The demon had noticed that she seemed to be quite defiant, even as he spoke to her. Kids these days, they had no respect for power, or the people that would weild it. Taking a deep breath, he was going to continue berating her until she shouted out those two famous words, typically last words. He felt the spit hit his face and for a moment he was a little stunned, not realizing that she had just done that until he felt it drip off his chin and onto his hand a bit. Clenching his fist he shook his head once, letting some of that spit fly off onto a nearby wall.

Blinking once, he started to smile, rows of razor teeth greeting the student as he took another step closer and looked at her dead in the eye, his face growing closer and closer to her own. The jets of hot air emmitted from his nose were sure to hit her pretty little face as he cracked his neck to the side. "Very...Unwise..." He said, licking his lips for a moment before he would purse his lips together, winking at the woman before he would spit his own vile saliva right in the student's face. As he did so, he lashed his arm out at the woman, attempting to grab at that balled up letter that was in her hand, wanting to see what was so important that she was down here.

Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:04 am
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The student mirrored him as he advanced her, his face inching closer and closer to her own until she could feel the very slight trace of breath from his nostrils. To her surprise, the creature reared back, and spat right back in her face. She stood there almost dumbfounded for a moment before her face twisted in anger. She’d spat in many a faces, and never once had anyone or anything ever spit back. Without thinking of the repercussions as the creatures arm lashed for her, her own arm reared back and connected painfully with the creatures gaping maw.

A sickening thud was heard as the student’s fist connected with the rough, and damn near metal bones of the brawny creature. She recoiled quickly, retreating a few steps backward, her free hand reaching up and wiping away the foul liquid that began to stream down her cheek. The letter, that was now reduced to a crumpled heap in her hand was wrapped tightly in a vice grip. She glared, her amber eyes fading from their golden luster to a deep, almost blood red color. She felt her face grow hot, and fought hard with herself to maintain some sense of composure and wait for an opportune moment to release her alchemic ability. She cradled her hand, and brought it up to her chest her slender fingers brushing lightly against the skin in pain, she winced slightly. “What the hell are you?” She rather thought the question opposed to actually asking, for she figured she’d soon know just what the creature had in store for her.

.oO And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see. The devil tips his hat to me. I do it all for free, because your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Oo.


Sun Oct 28, 2007 6:18 am

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Shocks would be flying abound today it seemed. The lizard man wasn't too particularly worried that the woman in front of him was not backing down. A lot of the students had a fighter's spirit in them, and he woudlnt' want it any other way. Something though seemed to have lit a fire under the woman's ass, so to speak, and Grail had no idea, or any reaction time for that matter, to avoid the fist that soon had been flying at his face.

Blinking for a moment, realizing that it was over just as fast as it had began, the demon beast from hell would only feel a slight stinging feeling in his face from her hit. Arching his brow, and turning his head to the side, he watched as her fist quickly retreated back down towards her side, not bothering with another attempt for now it seemed. "Still silent after all of that? Now you're just being rude cunt." He growled, his mind flashing through multiple angles that he could approach this situation, and his body seemed to have picked out one imparticular and implemented it imediately.

His own arm cocked back, quick as a bullet, and then his fist slammed foward, demonic hips twisting a bit as he aimed to slam his fist as hard as he could into her stomach, wanting her to realize full well that what she was dealing with wasn't a merciful creature, but something that had little patience for ignorance, and even less for some snooty little bitch that thought she was king of the castle. "What's in that hand of yours....bitch?" He growled as he sent that fist flying at her, wondering what could be so precious.

Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:11 am
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She saw his arm reel backwards, and new a hit was coming. He didn’t even try to be stealthy at it, another way to perhaps prove his dominance. As if that would ever happen. For his massive size, she had to admit, he was fast and though she was able to move in an attempt to dodge, his punch still connected. His fist was comparable to a giant stone lodging its way into the tightness of her abdomen. “Hnngh!” The student grunted, almost immediately collapsing to her knees, scraping them against the rough cement as she fell. Her chest heaved heavily up and down, her breasts threatening to break through the blouse itself. The letter, in the meantime had carelessly fluttered to the floor as she fell it lay in front of her just within her reach.

The student, with the wind knocked out of her struggled to breathe and could concentrate on little else than recooperating. Her eyes shifted their gaze towards the crumpled heap that was the letter. She was doubled over, both of her arms tightly wrapped around her stomach where the punch was received. The demon hadn’t been able to use his full force on her, due to her shaky dodge attempt, and she was thankful he hadn’t or else she might have been worse off than just merely immobilized. A shaky hand reached out for the letter, but was rejected with the demon’s powerful swoop, reaching her treasure before her hand could. She cried out slightly, but was struck with pain. “Y..You Bastard!” She managed to choke out between sporadic breathing. With great effort she pulled herself up onto her feet, her hair in a mass of silvery tendrils streaming in front of her face. “Give it back!” She cried, fighting through the pain and lunging violently toward the arrogant creature. Her arms wrapped around the bicep of the hand that held the precious letter. Her right arm pathetically pinning his bicep to her chest while her other hand wildly reached for the letter. She clawed, the fingers of the pinning hand digging as deep as they could into his flesh her other hand flying wildly scratching whatever was available to her. She let her teeth sink into the thick leathery hide of his shoulder. Something strange had completely taken over the student. She lost much of her thought and reasoning and was driven by pure instinct, that and her deep desire for the letter. Her last connection with the only family she had left.

.oO And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see. The devil tips his hat to me. I do it all for free, because your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Oo.


Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:17 am
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