Shokushu High School

Teacher, an apprintice and something else (Clarice and...)
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Author:  Keemari [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Teacher, an apprintice and something else (Clarice and...)

It had been about a month since our first training, mating, and branding of my apprentice. Now that her mana was fully recovered and hopefully she had perfected or come close to doing so with the techinque I helped her out with I went to her dorm room and knocked waiting for her answer.

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:50 am ]
Post subject: 

A soft yawn escapes the tired woman's lips as she gives a sorrowful look to the door. Ever since that day with Haruma, the witche's attitude had changed far worse then what anyone could humanly fix. She was in a state of depression and aguish, hardly ever wanting to get out of bed and had very much lost her appetite for anything. The small dent in her stomach showed how much she was starving herself as she gets up. Her robes fall softly at her sides as she trudges to the door with half open eyes. Had it not been for her faint breathing, you'd think she was a zombie as she begins to unlock the door.

"Yes...?" her hoarse voice barely speaks as she finally opens the door. She blinks in surprise to see her 'mentor' infront of her, she certainly wasn't expecting the wolf man to know where her dorm even was. "Ke-Keemari? What...what are you doing here?"

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:58 am ]
Post subject: 

I step inside of her. "You don't look well Clarice, have you been sick is that why you haven't seen me since our first session?" I ask he calmly as I walk into her dorm room and put a pot down and grow a flower from it, finally completing the transportation flower for her. I turn back to her even though my demanor was the same I showed her some concern, something not usually given.

"Well are you alright you don't look well?" I ask her.

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:08 am ]
Post subject: 

She givesa a soft sigh as she lets him of course. Her mind was nearly blank with only horrid images of Kanoe dying...the way those ogres tore her apart, the way she looked for help from those insects. it made the woman shiver and enarly fall from her feet as she looks to her sensai with nearly colorless eyes.

"No..I...I'm not well..." she says, her legs quivered beneath her from alck of any nourishment. Still her stomach refused to eat anything, threatening to push it right back up if she ever sent it back down. She sick inside and out. That haruma seemed to have broken the girl in less then an hour and now she was a wreck. "If you don't asking Keemari. What is it you want here?..."

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:16 am ]
Post subject: 

"You haven't come to continue your training, for over a month. You seemed to excited when you found me and I know you've seen me around campus a few times. I was worried about my apprentice." I tell her.

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:51 am ]
Post subject: 

"You'll have to forgive me for not coming to you through the duration of the period...I'm...just...done is all," she answers before turning her back to him and sat down. She was extremely weary from standing which of course wasn't normal as she lays her head down. It may of been rude to lay down with a guest but she was exhausted.

"There's no point in fighting anymore...I just give up."

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:06 am ]
Post subject: 

"If that's the case then why are you alive, what was the point of your life to this point, to simply give up and die as the mess you are, to let another flicker of magic in your world die just when you found a true teacher?" I ask her.

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:25 am ]
Post subject: 

"To suffer...A damn monster got inside of my head and...I can't get her out. Don't worry about this please. I've got enough grief and I don't really need someone lecturing to me. Sorry for sounding the way I do Keemari."

She covers her ears and seems to go into a beetle position as she tries not let those images come again. But they still came, they always came! She gives a groan from her now growing headache. Why did she havve to suffer so abdly? What did she ever do to these things?

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:29 am ]
Post subject: 

"Is this a form of mind control?" I ask her. "A monster manpulating your dreams. I can tell you how to block her out." I tell her looking down at the poor girl, feeling symapthy a rare thing for me to feel for a human.

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:35 am ]
Post subject: 

"Its not mind control...she's just lodged these...these horrible images. Gah....their just killing me inside and they won't stop coming up. they come again!" she cries as tears stream down her face. Her stomach would make her lurch if it had any sustanance in it. Tears stream down her already red cheeks as flashes of what appear to be to Keemari if he ever saw, was a woman being ravaged and then torn into pieces by several things and left for insects to feed off of.

"Please...make it stop...I can't take this anymore..."

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I put my head close to hers as I look into her mind my claws bitting into her releasing a chemical preparing her. "Show me when this happened, let it flow to me, let these images flow free. Forget." I tell her as I slowly make her forget, forget everything that happened relating to this replacing it with images of being terribly sick.

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:58 am ]
Post subject: 

She gives a soft whimper as images of such horrible things are shown to the wolf. It would certainly tear a human up inside to witness such a horrible and vile thing as these. As they began to seep out of her mind, her body seems to go ragid and tense, unable to comprehend what was happening to it.

Her eyes cringe shut as hateful things become replaced with the thought of sickness. She...was...sick? That's all? Was this just anightmare and she would wake up from it? "Ke-Keemari..." she calls out in confusion to what was happening.

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:00 am ]
Post subject: 

"Shhhhh, such horrible dreams you had during that terrible month long fever, just forget them. I took care of you, my dear apprentice as did Kanoe, we were here for you, to help you. Forget, you were merely sick." I tell her. "We took care of you, we will take care of you."

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:20 am ]
Post subject: 

As her mind began to accept the words he was saying, her body began to relax as it took in the falsehood of memories he created. Kanoe and him took care of her while she was ill. The nightmares were just dreams from a fever...and they were gone.

Her eyes flicker open as color seeped further away from their original state and then became bright as ever. She holds her head furiously as a massive headache slams into it like a semi.

"Oh...what I hate about fevers..." she grummbles as she grits her teeth furiously, " that they never go away nicely." She opens her eyes to see...Keemari...very up close and cringes as she peers down to see his claws digging into her skin.

"He-hey!! Whatch it! Tho-those claws of your's are in my skin!. Oww!" she cries out as she begins to struggle from his grasp, but her body was far to weak to do such a thing. Not realizing she hadn't eaten in who knows how long and her face still as pale as it was before, she blinks confusedly at her mentor. "What are you doing?"

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:25 am ]
Post subject: 

"Oh good your awake and lucid." I tell her as I retract my claws the formula changing sending some much needed nutrients into her body. "Rather then trust you to the nurse I've been injecting nutrients into your body much like an IV. You see one of my techniques is to injest chemicals into my body of various kinds, medicine, posion, ect. I can then draw them to my claws and inject them into a person. This is how I gave you food and water during yoru time out in this fever. You seem to be doing well now though." I tell her.

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