Shokushu High School

Cute, cunning & clueless (completed)
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Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Cute, cunning & clueless (completed)

She hadn't been on campus for long and she'd already witnessed various attacks from monsters on the occupants that looked so similar to her kin the Akti. It didn't bother her much knowing that the chance of them having any akti blood in them was quite small. She'd hum slightly as she currled up on a student's bed her current form, and the form she had choosen to spend the day exploring in, a small cute two tailed mono-tone fox, well save for it's little blue eyes. Quaetea Looked at the various things in the room finding them quite unique. She'd simply close her eyes for now, never having actually slept in a bed before she was finding it a nice change from the void of space or the rogue asteroid.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana had finished her studies early today, so she thought she would treat herself to some well deserved rest. She walked up to her dorm, and took out her key, swiftly unlocking it. She unslung her bag from her should and placed it beside her couch. She took of her shoes and walked into her bedroom, to find a cute little fox laying on her bed.

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Her ears perked up as she heard Diana enter. She'd look at the girl offering a yawn. the little fox was cute, that was undeniable but, when it stood showed no sign of gender as she cocked her head to the side looking at the girl.

Alright... so I saw the teddy bear titting there until the girl felt secure then it changed shape... alright That shouldn't be too hard to do

she thought eyes staring at Diana with a subtle bit of fear as she'd begin to back away towards her pillows softly sounding of false fear.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:37 am ]
Post subject: 

"Aww, aren't you so cute, don't be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt you"

Diana said, moving slowly closer as if not to scare the little fox, she wasn't sure where it had come from, actually, she had never seen a fox with two tails before. She climbed onto her bed and sat down.

"Come on, come out"

She said, trying to get it to trust her.

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:53 am ]
Post subject: 

She took a few moments to think cowering still before moving slowly back towards the girl stopping by her leg and smelling her slightly pondering what form would work best once the girl felt comfortable around her, looking for a sign that might help her decide.


she's offer a bit of the common vulpine bark a subtle sound in a cute tone pressing soft muzzle against her calf.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:57 am ]
Post subject: 

"Thats better"

Diana smiled, she crossed her legs and placed the little fox on her lap, she petted its head for a second, and looked into its eyes. It was sure a cute fox, she had never thought she would think a fox was cute, not like this one, they were pests back home...

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:19 am ]
Post subject: 

She settled into Diana's lap calmly feeling that the girl felt she was cute compared to other 'foxes' she had met. her tails woulkd sway a little tickling before they'd settle with her.

Now lets see what's on her mind...

she thought closing her blue eyes only to peer into Diana's mind unnoticed looking for anything she liked in a way that seemedto match what the creature had done to that human.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana was happily petting the little fox, softly, she didn't want to hurt it, not at all. 'I wonder what Darwin will think of this' she thought to herself, she hadn't seen her room mate for a while, well didn't matter, she would see her later.

She scratched it behind the ears, its eyes were closed, she didn't know, but she guessed that was a good sign maybe.

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:34 am ]
Post subject: 

The name Darwin came up in her mind a time or two and She would look through the girl's mind trying to find who or what Darwin was. Eventually as she was scratched behind the ear she'd find the answer; Darwin was a girl whom kept a masculine appearance and that this human girl had a bit of feelings for. The act of threatening a loved one often was used in the situations she had seen thus far and in a mind or two over the day.

She enjoys other females... then I should be enjoyable for her.

she'd yip eyes opening she'd stand and leap off of the bed and sneak under it hiding out of view as she'd make he r first shift of the day.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:38 am ]
Post subject: 

"Hey, come back here"

Diana smiled, it was a playful little thing, she crawled over to the side of the bed, and climbed off. She knelt down and lifted the sheet from the side. 'God... I should really make this bed' she thought to herself, before looking under the bed.

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:46 am ]
Post subject: 


the sound would seem more subtle as though the fox had slipped behind her and out of her room without notice; Quaetea would want to use that form again with Diana. In her new form though she'd seem as though she wasn't there as she slipped into Diana's shadow, Diana wouldn't be able to see Quaetea though would easily notice something strange, almost like goosebumps, which would only become more obvious when her room door slammed shut and locked itself.

"Hello Diana..."

a disembodied voice would say loud enough for her to hear; she'd feel something brush her leg but see nothing.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana stood up quickly, she heard the lock on the door click, that was strange, the locks shouldn't be playing up. She wondered where the fox went when she went to test the door. Stopping in her tracks when she heard the voice.

"Who's there?"

she asked, she couldn't see anyone, where could that voice come from? feeling something touch her leg, she looked down, there wasn't anything there.

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:58 am ]
Post subject: 

she'd laugh at the girl's reaction pulling herself out of Diana's shadow into a sitting position in her suggestive garments pink hair shifting slightly in the room that seemed to lack any wind. Her tail shifting behind her.

"I hope I didn't scare that little thing to death when ist caught me under your bed I thought I might have been found out and it would have warned you away Di... You don't mind me calling you Di do you?"

With that she'd stand and appraise Diana like a piece of meat; her skirt suddenly jerking upward with a will of it's own to show what diana wore beneath.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana looked at the strange girl sitting on her bed, she moved back a few steps, instinctively, something just appearing out of nowhere at shokushu did note bode well, ever.

"How do you know my name?"

She asked curiously, before her skirt was jerked upwards, she grabbed the edge and forced the front down.

"How did you do that"

She spared the girl no accusation, there was no wind in the room, there was no other way that could of happened.

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:16 am ]
Post subject: 

"Your name Diana? Well I've been following you in your shadow all day, I know about Darwin too, you care about the girl don't you?"

She'd pout slightly as diana held down the front of her skirt; she liked how her panties looked and she'd take a breath.

"I believe your species calls it telekinesis... I quite like that word really... this English language of yours is also really nice."

She'd comment, a button from Diana's blouse ripping itself free from the threads that held it on; landing gently in her hand as she paced... six inches off of the ground.

"You can pronounce my name Quaetea... my language would make your head explode if you tried to use it I'm afraid."

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