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 Climbing the Ladder (Anna) 
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Post Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
The light clattering sound of fingers across a keyboard filled the Head Girl's suite. Just like any other day, Vera was busy typing up reports and dealing with the numerous matters that her duty required of her. But a new sound was mixing in the light clatter of typing fingers. It was mostly a sniffle here with and occasional whimper there. She did not pay the sounds any notice as she continued with her work.

The student sitting on her knees on the floor was an example of what happens to students who decide they are much higher than they really are. The woman was a junior with brown hair that came down to the shoulders. Her uniform was neatly folded on the floor beside as she sat there in the nude. Black rope was used to bind the woman's wrists together and bind to her ankles as well. The same rope was used so they were linked in a way to prevent the poor student from rising up to her feet. A ball gag was inside her mouth, bound around her head to keep her from spitting it out.

Much like most students that attend Shokushu, this woman was rather attractive. This one was one of the top cheerleaders on campus which was what led to the big headed thought of being able to talk back to a Head Girl. Vera was not one to mind someone trying to stand up to her especially if she was the one in the wrong. But this poor cheerleader was just an air headed bimbo who wanted to seem big infront of her friends. Of course her friends were wise to leave her presence when the Head Girl decided to bare her fangs at this one. The woman resisted at first but with access to all student records, it did not take much to find some little secrets the cheerleader did not want to become common knowledge. With that, the student was in her web til the punishment was done. To seal the deal, Vera had already taken pictures of the woman in various positions nude and bound in rope. It was safe to say this student would never cause problems for her again.

Growing weary of hearing the constant sniffling, Vera finally looked up from her computer. She held back a smile at the sudden light in the cheerleader's eyes and aura. It was a simple emotion, hope. But the poor woman's wish to be free was not to be granted just yet. "I trust you have learned your lesson? You will not do this ever again now will you?" Vera asked calmly. The student nodded quickly to each question. "Good, your punishment will begin now. You will crawl outside my room and wait beside the door. You will keep your eyes to the floor and not look up at a single visitor should I have one. Be good and I might release you before the day is done. Now go.." She enjoyed the despair that came from the helpless woman. Breasts swayed as she trembled and half hopped, half crawled towards the door. With her arms and legs bound as they were, it took a few attempts to finally get the door open and even more to close it behind her.

Sighing softly, Vera leaned back in her chair. It was important to maintain an appearance of superiority. It would only make her job much harder if students think they could dare lash out against her. She was not one to rely on physical force to make people do what she wants and she preferred to keep it that way.


Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:43 pm

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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
Anna was on the brink of a rather foul mood. For the past week, Head Girl Tanaka had relentlessly haunted her mind. The white haired fatale had abducted her, molested her, humiliated her in front of her peers, and then led said peers in the plundering of her body, for hours. And all Anna could think about is how to get closer to power like that. And she certainly had little humility in her intent to squirm closer to those in command, whether it meant crawling on knees or licking boots or wearing a leash. She had finally worked up the nerve to visit the woman's office, looking ever the good girl; piercings taken out, makeup perfect, immaculately precise uniform clinging skimpily to her round form; only to find a terse note on Ms. Tanaka's door announcing she would be away on indefinite leave. So pissy and disappointed, she skulked back through the halls to return to her dorm and relieve some of the tension and excitement she'd let build up through the day.

But as they say, good things come to those who wait.

"Celia Tennant," she purrs. Students rarely have any good reasons for coming to the Head Girls quarters and those with any sense usually have the good foresight to avoid the place like a plague. So, Anna is likely the first one to find the little treat waiting outside Ms. Matsumoto's door. And, in a shocking coincidence, she actually knows the girl in question, is in fact, one of the cheerleader's dark little secrets. The cheer squad is a circle as vicious as any at Shokushu. Publicly, they deride anything remotely sapphic, but their inner interactions are defined by an oddly erotic circle of sadistic intrigue. They take great pleasure in finding any weakness in their peers and exploiting it for their own pleasures. So it's quite clear Celia would have been adamant about keeping her little carnal romps with Anna secret. Earlier in her time at Shokushu, Anna had taken a stab at wiggling close into the inner circle of the cheer squad, and Celia had been her in. But the girl's gymnastic body was matched to an unimaginative mind and an undue sense of narcissism, and when Anna realized that the cheer squad had little to offer her in terms of social climbing, she quickly brought an end to their trysts, and her brief relationship with Celia had simply become a potential blackmail card to play at an indeterminate time in the future. She had thought little about the girl until she found her now, nude and hog-tied before her. Eyes drifted over the name plate on the door. Head Girl Vera Matsumoto, a name she was only vaguely familiar with, and then down to Celia, a devilish little smile playing across her lips.

"Well well well, look at you, you little social climber. Are you Miss Matsumoto's new doorbell? Her obedient little guard dog?" Knees bent, she leans over the prone cheerleader. Anna's rear pokes out behind her, breasts threatening to bust out of the skimpy blouse and into Celia's face as she strokes under the girl's chin like the owner of a loving pet. She tips the girl's chin up to her, expression flashing amusement as Celia's eyes, mixed with terror and humiliation, desperately try to stay on the floor, to avoid looking at Anna. "Arf arf...." she teases, lips against Celia's ear. Fingers unlace the gag just enough to open her pink mouth briefly. "Dyke whore...." mutters Celia, before the gag is locked back in place. All it elicits from Anna is a pat to Celia's cheek, rising back to her feet to tap her knuckle softly against Vera's door.

She likes this woman's style. Maybe this day could turn out interesting after all. She smooths out her skirt, settling into proper, demuring pose as she waits for the Head Girl to answer the door.

Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:14 pm
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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
With Celia a distance away, it was difficult to notice the emotions radiating from her aura. It was fine by her. She was done with the cheerleader and the rest was just business at this point. Vera could care less what happens to the woman now. The student just had to sit there like a bad puppy till she released her. She could now focus on reading letters and emails from various students, teachers, and staff.

She was not expecting any guests today so there was some slight shock at feeling a new aura at her door. Teachers and staff generally contacted her by phone, email, or letter. Students though most fear her, some do come to offer assistance or to ask for help with certain class work. Few took advantage that she can be a tutor as well as a punisher. But it mattered little, she was kept busy one way or another and that was not even including the occasional monster visit. Vera's eyes rose to the door as she felt a sudden flare of emotion beyond it. She could make out the fear from Celia with sparks of anger. Seems she was going to have a visitor afterall. The new aura was much stronger, revealing emotions she had difficulty reading. Perhaps it was eagerness or perhaps ambition was what she was sensing. Sure enough, the knock at her door meant this person actually wished to see her.

The Head Girl rose to her feet and went to open the door. Her long silver hair trailed behind her as she walked. Her guest was a young student with black and purple hair. Remaining tall and composed, this woman was only a few inches shorter than her. She could tell this one took the effort to make sure her uniform was clean and flawless. Though it was not uncommon for students to show such discipline, this looked to be a woman showing up for a job interview. With this student unafraid of the nude and bound student below, she was intrigued.

Before she spoke to the visitor, Vera looked down at Celia who was gazing at them both. "I thought I told you to keep your eyes to the floor," she said coldly. The cheerleader's eyes widen but the Head Girl spoke no further on the subject. Safe to say, the nude woman had just bought herself a longer sentence.

"My apologies for having you to see such a mess," she said softly to the Anna, "Come in, miss." Vera closed the door behind the woman. "I was not expecting a guest. I trust you have a reason for coming all the way to my suite. I do not believe I have had the pleasure of meeting you so I am at a minor disadvantage. Sit." The Head Girl took her seat back at her desk. Celia's uniform was still on the floor beside the chairs infront of her desk. She folded her fingers infront of her as she took a look at the student. "Now, what can I do for you?"


Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:06 pm

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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
Oh! She could pass as the other Head Girl's sister almost, from that pretty straight white hair all the way down to that cold calculating look in her eyes. But she's certainly cordial. Her palm lingers over Celia's pretty head. Her own head is held askance, curious little smile playing on her lips. Her head lowers in a half-bow as Vera begins to speak, eyes lowering to the floor, and as she hears the Head Girl reprimand Celia, she pats the girl's head, like a lonely dog, before briskly stepping into the woman's office.

She shakes her head. "Oh, no, Miss Matsumoto. No apologies at all. It was nice to see Celia again. Besides," Pink tongue flicks lips, eyes drifting back up mischievously. "I've seen worse." Hips sway, practiced sashay as she sinks to a seat in the hard wooden chair across from the desk. Despite the stiff, formal nature of the seat, she makes herself look comfortable, one arm draped over the back of the chair, the other folded in her lap, precarious skirt climbing up just barely parted thighs. "Anna Lenox. Sorry to arrive unannounced but I was passing through and with a welcoming mat like you had, I simply couldn't resist." Eyes are keen and amused, despite their deferment from locking directly with Vera's. She defers with ease, somehow coming across as a practiced and confident decision, a show of respect. Her posture is certainly not lacking in poise. "I had come to visit Miss Tanaka, to explore opportunities beneath her. But I'm to understand she will be away for a time?"

Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:58 pm
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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
Anna was doing well in at least maintaining a casual composure despite being in a room most students dread. Vera considered the answers she received from this woman for a moment. Seems this one was looking to become a Prefect under Shai Tanaka. It was unfortunate that Head Girls have been taking leaves of absence recently. It meant a larger work load for herself. But, perhaps in this case it means an opportunity for a new asset.

"Head Girls tend to have many duties and some require a longer leave from campus than others," Vera replied, "Beyond that, I cannot tell you how long she will be gone." Or if the woman would be back at all. Monsters and staff can be rather greedy at times. As she spoke, it did not take long to bring up Anna's file onto her computer. As expected, the appearance was merely a mask of what this one had been doing.

"So you are now in my office in hopes of finding a new opportunity, correct?" The Head Girl spoke cooly, "What do you hope to gain from this? Why do you wish to work below a Head Girl?" She studied the woman's aura carefully. The file already told her much. This one was a troublemaker or at least a former one. Perhaps this student had been punished by a Head Girl and this one was hoping to get a hold of such power. There was many reasons to work for a Head Girl but she doubts that Anna's intentions were pure ones. She will start with the simple questions before she begins to peel away the cheap mask Anna was hiding behind.


Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:41 pm

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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
Her file is sprinkled with grievances, little things mostly, some absences and repeat dress code violations, sleeping in class; her grades in the maths and sciences most abysmal, her humanities average, art grades and comments glowing, almost understandable given her lack of a high school education. Tongue taps upper lip, head tipped 45 degrees as Vera combs through her life. "I feel so naked, Miss Matsumoto." It's a gentle tease.

"I suppose...." There's a faint pause as she seems to consider the question. If Vera had asked her if her intentions were pure, she'd undoubtedly be puzzled by the very thought. Fingers lace in her lap, chin rising, back arched to display cleavage jutting forward. "I suppose I desire the same as anyone else. To be of value. To have that value recognized. To be rewarded for that value." Her smile is wicked, all "sweetness and light" clearly and intentionally opaque.

Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:58 pm
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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
The file was indeed lacking in many areas. With the exception of art, the woman was doing rather poorly in class. But she did not need this file to make Anna feel naked. This troublesome woman would do that all for her soon enough. This student's answers were less than pleasing to the ear. She did not need her empathy to know what was being said was nothing but lies and fluff. Apparently this one was doing what that cheerleader outside had done, underestimating a Head Girl.

Vera remained calm and showed no annoyance nor praise for the girl's answer. "Is that so? And what value are you, Miss Lenox? Tell me, do you always wear such immaculate attire when you attend class. Do remain composed like you are now when you sit during lectures? Is the value you are trying to show me right now your true value?" Her voice was cold as her eyes remained gazing into Anna's. This one wanted to play games, thinking a few sways of the hip would get her this position. The Head Girl was going to show exactly who this student is dealing with. Vera did not like being toyed with at all.

Anna had already dug herself into a hole, now it was up to these questions to see just how the woman will recover. Punishment was already running through Vera's thoughts. But it was not entirely absolute, the student may prove herself enough to at least lighten the sentence. Who said she was not merciful?


Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:25 pm

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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
"I worry you might misunderstand my desires, Miss Matsumoto." Her cheek is turned to Vera, eyes dutifully set on the ground even as her uptilted smile belies the innate posture of submission. "I have no intention of deceiving you. Nor should you mistake my miseducation for stupidity. I'm no bad girl reformed. And you have, I'm sure, my very soul stripped and spread on the monitor before you." Eyes uplifted even as her chin is tipped down, burnished gold glimmering like a fox's. "I don't intend to pretend, with either you or Ms. Tanaka. I simply thought it would be respectful to approach her in uniform code."

She's watching Vera with an expectant sort of curiousity, breath held, practically trembling with anticipation. Oh, like cold steel wrapped in velvet. My, my. All these Head Girls are just totally, commandin badasses, aren't they? Thighs brush together, flash of panties, damp between her legs already, and ivory teeth trail over her bottom lip. Breath held, breasts high, hourglass figure held in model's pose. "If you want me to attend all my classes, to improve my grades, to be immaculate in my dress code, I most certainly will. But I won't insult you by pretending it's done out of pure altruism. I don't make a habit of trusting altruists, Ma'am. You can never predict what decisions their codes of ethics will lead them to. But pragmatists like myself, we can be predicted reliably, yes?"

Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:19 am
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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
"I do not need your file when you strip your soul just fine on your own," she replied, "Altruists are easier to read if it is a lie. You on the other hand are here merely for selfish reasons. Easier to predict, yes. And that predictability gives me plenty of reason to not trust you. You arrive here wearing a perfect uniform and offer that you will attend your classes and improve your grades as if it were some sort of prize to me. That would be like going to your boss and asking for a promotion and raise for doing nothing and promising you will do better. At least an altruist is wise enough to make an effort to improve herself before coming here rather than making a thin mask of lies."

Though the woman was honest to a point and correct in some ways, the answers were not helping Anna at all. The woman simply had nothing to offer that would benefit her or this school. Even the immaculate uniform was nothing but a mask in this situation. She did not mind students who take full advantage of their positions assuming they were not stupid about it. But those students generally had something to offer as well. Whether they were always good students or they went through some sort of reform did not matter, it was the effort made that mattered.

"You have yet to tell me why you want to work for us," she continued calmly. Reading the woman's flaring aura, she could see the woman was excited. It was no mistake as Anna's posture shifts and her thighs rub together. Perhaps this one liked being talked down to by someone in power. Still that did not excuse having her time wasted by someone with a particular fetish. She was not in the mood for games and she will tear this student apart if Anna continues to underestimate her.


Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:39 pm

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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
Tough crowd. This woman is like ice. Clever though; a real bitch but then, that might just be a virtue. Her eyes turn back downward as Vera lectures her, smile slowly disappearing, and when her voice returns, it's softer. She's not scared of punishment, quite the contrary, but the possibility of being thrown out on her ass concerns her, so there's a pause before she speaks, as she carefully measures her words. "What I mean, Miss Matsumoto, is that I will do whatever it takes to prove myself of use to you. I'm not asking for a position, merely the opportunity to prove myself fairly." She tips her head curiously to the side. "I do have certain in-roads amongst my peers that good girls might not otherwise have, and no ethical quandries to prevent me from exploiting them."

Her eyes lift just slightly now, from carpet to desktop, and that edge of a smile dares to twitch at the corners of her lips again. "If you'll excuse me for being honest, Miss, I have difficulty finding discipline in the curriculum. I never finished high school. I'm still not quite sure why I was chosen for this institution." Eyes raise just slightly, pointed expression; it's quite clear she knows why she was chosen for Shokushu; before lowering again obediently. "But after meeting with Miss Tanaka, I believe the structure offered by the Head Girls and the responsibility of a position beneath one would enormously help me develop here."

Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:42 pm
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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
"You were chosen because you have potential value that can be tapped. Despite what you or others think, it is possible to take advantage of such potential to... I suppose in your words would be increase your own value," Vera said softly, "Unfortunately, students like yourself are too busy trying to rise up against the rules for small gains and benefits that are fleeting at best. I suppose there is some merit that you now come to me claiming to put forth time and effort to change."

"Your excuses for your lack of discipline are pointless. If it is so hard for you to follow directions and perform your assignments in class, why should I waste my time trying to teach you anything?" the Head Girl continues, "You claim that a higher position will help you when you seem incapable of doing even the basic tasks of a student here. You do not correct an irresponsible girl by giving her even more important responsibilities. That would be a foolish risk with little gain."

She was not completely heartless though. She could see hunger in the woman's eyes. It was not often one had such a strong ambition though this one did little planning to get to such a goal. "You claim to have connections that the school may have use of? Do go on. Consider this your opportunity to show that you do indeed have some value." Vera did hope that Anna at least put some thought in this claim. Much like a real job interview, preparation was always important. She had no time to deal with someone floundering about because of lack of planning.


Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:36 pm

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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
This girl is frigid. But if she registers any anger at Vera's brusque sense of superiority, she hides it well. Her aura ripples with a strange cocktail of disappointment and excitement. Ever submissive, her bottom lip trembles in just the faintest hint of a pout. Fingers fidget in her lap, eyes just slightly raised to register her attentiveness to Vera's words. She catches her lips between teeth finally, a pregnant pause lingering after Vera's words. And as she finishes, yes, there is the faintest hint of irritation bubbling just beneath the surface, but she bottles it well.

"I know the girls. I know what sort of trouble they get up to. Celia out there," head tipped at angle towards the door. "Is a nic fiend. She gets her cigarettes from the head cheerleader who, I'm not sure, but I'd assume gets her stuff from one of the teachers." She shrugs. "Little things. I can fit in among them where a perfect student would stick out like a sore thumb. But it looks like finding new students to discipline is the least of your problems." A tip of chin towards the stack of papers on Vera's desk. "I was just over-eager, I guess. I had assumed you don't exactly have girls knocking down your door to help with your workload, and figured enthusiasm and supplication would perhaps be enough to be considered for a position. Any position."

She sucks in a tight breath, lashes fluttered up Vera's way. All her presence seems to be doing is irritating the Head Girl and while, in the long term, she'd love to goad her towards disciplinary action, the last thing she wants is to close out the long-term possibilities of drawing close to her. Perhaps a speedy tactical withdrawal is within order. "But no. You're absolutely right, of course. I was being incosiderate towards both your time and your position. I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Miss and I won't return until I have something to offer you." She lifts to her feet, fingers smoothing the skirt down her shapely hips, chin dipped downward. "You've given me a lot to think about."

Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:09 am
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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
Vera provided an opportunity for the woman to show her stuff. Unfortunately, Anna did not know when to stop. The student did provide some interesting information and perhaps something could have be worked from there. But then the Anna decided to back away which the Head Girl found truly annoying. Her time was not being wasted until the woman gave up. Now all that time was for nothing.

"Sit.." she commanded evenly, her voice did not raise but there was a strange tone to it that suggested not to question the order "You come here unannounced claiming you want to work for a Head Girl thinking that swaying your hips and playing coy would get the part. I tolerated your conduct to see what you have to offer and now you suddenly give up and claim you know how my time is best used? I never said you were wasting my time but now that you have given up, you are now along with all the time you just spent trying for this higher position you seek."

The Head Girl's eyes narrow at the uniform Anna was wearing. "Someone so weak willed does not deserve such an immaculate uniform. Remove it and fold it neatly beside Celia's there on the floor. She too wanted to prove she was higher than what she was. But the moment difficulty appeared, she immediately gave up. You have proven you are no better than the bound woman outside my door that you teased." She was annoyed with this nonchalant woman. Vera was not fond of being toyed with. Anna did not plan and despite given an opportunity other students would die for did not do everything in her power to take advantage of it. The least she could do is give this student a lesson. Even if the woman does not return to her, it would at least provide insight into any future jobs this one may try.

Once Anna was stripped down to the nude, she commands the woman to remain standing. "Is this what you wanted to show me?" she said calmly as she rose to her feet and slowly circled the woman, "Raise your arms and cross them above you. If you think swaying your hips and uncrossing your legs infront of me is what it takes, then any slut on campus would be able to work under a Head Girl. Is that what you think?" Vera grabbed a handful of the woman's black and violet hair and pulled back painfully, forcing the woman to gaze into her cold eyes. "Do think hard on your answers and do not dare lie to me. Lie to me and I will ensure this will be last job interview you will ever have."


Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:01 am

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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
Without hesitation, she reseats herself, lips twisted upward, infuriatingly wry. It's time for a change in tact. She knows that much. Sure, she may have started the game off poorly, but she walked into it blind, and each response she gets brings her a better understanding of Vera. The fact that she's still here insures she's not out of the game just yet. As Vera commands her, she begins to undress. Shoes are unlaced, feet slipped out delicately, shapely legs peeled from tight stockings. She folds them over the back of her chair as she stands, fingers hooking beneath her skirt, body bent as she wiggles them to her feet. As she unbuttons and removes her skirt, she responds. "With all due respect, Miss, I think that's something of a hasty judgment. I know Celia quite well and I believe myself unequivocably superior to her in most ways." For her lack of grades, her vocabulary seems at least above par. The strip is casual, neither a prolonged tease nor bashful, but merely matter of fact. Stripped from the waist down, she carefully takes the time to fold over skirt, placing it on chair, draping white panties over it, and then sets about unbuttoning her shirt. "I am sorry though. I should have done my research first." Rounded shoulders shrug out of top, hefty swell of breasts liberated from her bra.

After settling her clothes next to Celia, she calmly assumes the position requested by the Head Girl. "The other sluts aren't nearly so pretty as me," is her response. The one thing not showing in her aura is the wavering weakness of a lack of willpower. She seems to remain resolutely confident, even as the situation seems to have turned dangerously south. Her heart races, but it's not out of fear, but expectation. She holds position obediently, tight ivory skin couched in roundness. Her arms are twisted over her head, fingers closed over wrists, pushing her spine into an upward arch, perfectly round breasts thrust forward, light pink nipples tense. Her weight is shifted to one leg, hips peeking to the side, legs faintly spread, all smooth, voluptuous curves, ivory cream skin touched faintly with flush pink. She keeps her composure easily, unabashed in her nudeness, practiced from studio modeling. It's very clear she's used to being objectified and has neither shame nor resentment regarding it. She gasps hungrily as Vera twists her head backward, golden eyes settled square on Vera's. "I have no clue what it takes to find my way beneath you. That's what I intended to find out."

Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:29 am
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Post Re: Climbing the Ladder (Anna)
The woman did well in not wasting time getting undressed. Now it was just a matter of dealing with that tongue that continued to put Anna in the line of fire. Vera showed no signs of approval of the student's lovely form. She looked at the student as if the woman was fully clothed and not showing off any features. Though a Head Girl had her share of sexual encounters, she had plenty of self control to know there was a time and place for such things. For now, she was going to give nothing to this woman. This was punishment afterall.

She gave the handful of hair a cruel twist to almost the point of tearing out of Anna's head. "Talking back to those above you is not one of those ways. You had your chance to prove that you were better than the other students. You gave up. The only thing you may be superior in is in achieving failure. The only words that I want to hear from you lips is 'yes Miss Matsumoto' and nothing else. Do you understand me?"

Vera could feel the excitement from Anna's aura. The student had no qualms being in the nude before her. In some cases this may be a bit much for a punishment but the higher you aim, the harder you fall if you fail. She was going to show just how far the woman fell from this little game. Once she hears the answer from Anna, she will release her hair and head for the door. Celia was groaning as the vibrators continued to wear away at her nude and bound form. It was time to play a little game of her own.

The door shuts and Celia was on her feet, the ropes and vibrators removed. "Seems Anna here claims to be superior to you, Celia," Vera said calmly, "Since I grow tired of both of you and Anna seems to so enjoy wasting my time with games, you two will compete to prove your value. Since you both have proven to be nothing more than useless sluts, we will simply have to compare those qualities. Both of you, kneel and spread your thighs apart. Anna, you may lower your arms." Vera left the room briefly only to return with two long silver dildos. "The game is simple, you both will have these running at fully inside you at maximum level. Each time you climax, you will lose an article of clothing from your uniform laying on the floor. First to run out of clothing, loses and the winner will own the loser obediently until I deem the punishment complete. Do you understand?"

Once she heard compliance from both women, Vera would approach each of them and slide the dildo all the way in before turning it on. Being a Head Girl gave her access to various toys from NICE labs. These dildos were some of them. Both had sensors inside them and could be set to adjust to the woman's body, either producing more frequent and powerful climaxes or ensure the woman does not cum at all, always being held at the brink. Of course this was all for her amusement and to punish Anna. Celia was merely a glimmer of hope and to assist in smashing that pride Miss Lenox seemed to have. Celia's was set to vibrate and hold the woman at the very edge while Anna's was set to adjust frequencies of its vibrations. Each time Anna cums, the dildo will collect the data and adjust the harmonics so the vibrations hit the poor woman more effectively. If it stays in long enough, constant climaxes was a possibility. With the game started, Vera returned to her desk and continued her work, listening to the moans that would soon be coming from both women.


Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:18 am
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