Shokushu High School

Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)
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Author:  Thorak [ Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

The beach always took a part in the erotic fantasies of the human beings, at least the males of this species. The creature had devoured enough male brains already to know that, and the beach really seemed to take some central role, unjustified according to the belief that they evolved in the steppes, yet undeniable. There seemed to be something special about the thought to penetrate a womans body, while the sand was rippling though her toes. Something unique about the thought how tiny grains of sand were sticking to a sweaty body. And if one asked for an appropriate place for conceiving the firstborn... There was a good chance that the humans were thinking about a remote beach during a vacation on an exotic island. Why else were so many honeymoons directed for these places.

This beach was perfect. Remote, the tiny grains of obsidianic sand of a deep black, standing in deep contrast to the azure blue water. It seemed almost as if it had sprung directly from a wet dream.

And the creature knew that she would come, because she seemed to like this place. It was hers somehow, her place to relax. Her place to remain aloof from the others, but unbeknown to the presence of her alien stalker.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

Pia was wandering along the beach. She had taken off her sandals, holding them in her left hand, because she enjoyed feeling the incoming waves lap at her feet, and to feel her toes sink into the sand. She was on her way to one of her favorite spots on the island. She had found it by chance right after arriving on the island, walking with no specific purpose, just wanting to see more of the island. She had loved how the black sand made everything else seem so much brighter.

Pia was wearing a yellow sun dress and a straw hat as well as her tinted glasses, to protect against the sun. On her back was her Hello Kitty backpack, containing a towel, some sunscreen, some water and a book.

Picking out a place at random, Pia walked a few steps inland, and spread the towel like a blanket. She then let her sun dress drop, not knowing someone was watching. Underneath she wore her new swimsuit. It had been bought just before she left for the island, and never actually used before. Pia thought that it was maybe a bit to.. sexy for her normal taste, it looked like it would fall off if anyone pulled at the strings at her neck, but she liked its bright, sunny colors.

Putting her glasses down on the blanket beside her backpack, the girl walked into the water. Once the water was at her waist, she let herself fall forward, enjoying the resulting splash with childlike glee.

Author:  Thorak [ Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

Far away, behind a rock, a creature of nightmares slipped into the water, without even making a splashing noise.

Aeons of directed and manipulated evolution had turned the creature into a perfect multi-terrain warrior. A race in a galaxy far away, absorbed by his ancestors millenia ago, had developed an almost similar concept of gills, as the fish on earth did, so the alien breathed in deep, pushed water through them, and swam a turn, just for the sake of it. Seeing it here, in this medium, making turns like an ancient plesiosaurus, one would hardly belief, that water was not its natural environment. Even its eyesight could adapt, filtering out the different refraction index, giving it a clear sight on the girl in her bright swimsuit. He saw her perfectly shaped legs, saw as she fell into the water.

It was a feeling that started in the lower part of her spine, grew through the ancient genetic rememberances in her spinal cord. As it reached the brain, it formed a


The word... the sound... was hers, yet not hers. It was as if she thought it, even if she didn't want to think it. As if it belonged to someone else. And it felt cold. Threatening...

The creature devoured the male brains of a race to adapt, to learn and to modify the own genetic makeup to become... compatible for the mating with the females. Even though this behaviour had some serious drawbacks, it also had its benefits. Some of them unexpected. The monster in the water realized it as it approached the helpless swimmer.
Almost every mind it had devoured, had seen a film called "Jaws". And the common consensus of these minds seem to dictate that this tune was appropriate when...


...a monster with a horrible mouth filled with rows and rows of teeth, was approaching a helpless swimming girl.

"Du-Dunh... Du Dunh"

And the tune of "Jaws" was playing in the back of her mind, even if she couldn't make out anything unusual.

Author:  PiaM. [ Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

At first, Pia simply floated in the water, enjoying how the water cooled her on this hot day. After a short while, she started to swim with a few strong strokes. She might not be an Olympic swimmer, but she handled herself well enough in water. Yeah.. This was the life.
A short swim, and then she would head back to land, relax a bit and catch some sun.


Huh? What was that? Jaws? Of all melodies to get stuck in her brain..
Pia knew the waters here were supposed to be safe from sharks. Truth to be told, she had not seen any signs of aquatic life. Not that she had been looking closely. Clearing her thoughts, she continued swimming.


Suddenly feeling vulnerable, Pia slowly turned in the water, and started swimming towards the shore. Working on her tan seemed a lot more appealing all of a sudden.

"Du-Dunh... Du Dunh"
Pia started swimming faster, loosing a bit of her control and grace in the process, kicking faster and stronger than she needed. A few more strokes, and she would be able to walk the rest of the distance..

Author:  Thorak [ Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

Another stroke, and another one... and ano...
She would feel something at her ankle, enclosing it, dragging her backwards through the water. Like a rope, but slicker, thicker and... stronger. It was a if she was feeling muscle movement within it. And it was warm, warmer than the water, and warmer than her, thus making her feel it through her skin. And it was strong, unbelievable strong.

A flleet glimpse of a dark shadow under water was the only thing she would make out off her aquatic attacker. It was big. sixteen feet, not counting the refraction.

And all the time she heard the music of Jaws in her mind, and just couldn't get rid of it.

But then it turned, just like that. It turned and headed for the beach, towards the place where she unfolded her towel.

Author:  PiaM. [ Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

Pia let out a surprised yelp as her foot was snagged. Half a yelp to be precise, as it was cut short by water getting into her mouth. Spitting it out, she started kicking at whatever had grabbed her, without her foot connecting to anything.
What is this thing?
The tune from Jaws still in her head, her first thought was shark, even if she was pretty sure a shark wouldn't have just grabbed her. Octopus? Maybe something like a krake?
Whatever it was, it was huge..

As the thing turned, Pia's head was momentarily pulled under the water. She just had the time to take a deep breath.
OK. This is it! I'm gonna drown!
But to her relief, the thing did not seem to want to pull her down. As her head cleared the surface, she was surprised to see that she was being dragged backwards towards the shore.

Gaining courage from the fact that she was not eaten or drowned.. yet, Pia tried reaching down to whatever was at her foot, hoping to find a way to free herself.

Author:  Thorak [ Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

Reaching down she would only encounter another muscular tentacle, which grabbed her wrist. Systematically her limbs were restrained by four strong tentacles, making movements close to impossible, yet holding her to the surface. The music had stopped, its climax had fainted away already, and was replaced by a creepy silence. She still hadn't returned to shallow water, and she felt how her body was dragged down, towards her attacker.

It was impossible to make out features of the being at first, human eyes just weren't made to work under the surface as good as they were fit above it, and she was still too far away.

But it dragged her closer. Darkish grey claws enclosed her waist, giant claws, each palm would have been fit for this task on its own. Closer and closer she came to the creature, and finally she was able to make out details about how her attacker was built, even if she would probably prefer that she wouldn't. She was held by the creatures claws, and four giant tentacles growing from the back of the creature in an X-shape. The being had legs, and a long tail, and another pair of arms, which resembled those of a giant mantis. And the face... Pia would be dragged towards the creature until she was facing it: A mouth filled with rows and rows of teeth, like that of a shark, but with twitching mouth tentacles surrounding it. Eyes, red like burning coals, were staring into her own eyes.

And then it kissed her, or better... mimicked the idea of a kiss. The tentacles closed about the back of her head, about her cheeks,twitching and squirming and she would feel something slimy, warm and leathery being shoved into her mouth. It tasted alien like nothing she had tasted before, somewhat salty, somewhat fishy and somewhat like cinnamon. It was a sexual act, there was no doubt about it, and most probably that thing in her mouth was the tongue. It squirmed, it probed, it twitched like crazy, yet it kept her mouth open for the warm breeze that came from whithin the alien. A breeze that filled her lungs, which were desperately begging for a gasp of air already.

"If you want to live, i recommend you not to stop me..."

It was her voice again. Her thoughts, but not hers at all. It was as if her voice was taken from several recordings in her life, and then glued back in the wrong shape. Oddly atonal.

Author:  PiaM. [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

It might have been a futile effort, but Pia struggled with all her might to escape the tentacles. She expended quite a bit of her oxygen in her panic. The occasional bubble of air escaped past her lips.

Her fierce struggle stopped the instant the great claw closed around her. With a great effort of will, she ceased her squirming and went stiff as a rod. The claws must be strong enough to squish her like an overripe grape.
I must not tempt it to grip me harder!

Between her nearsightedness and the water, the creature first appeared as a blur. As it leaned its face closer, her myopia served to make every hideous detail stand out that much clearer. She turned her head away in a futile effort to escape both the tongue and the disjointed voice.
The air, however, was a welcome relief.
Pia's breasts rose and fell as she greedily sucked oxygen from the wiggling organ that had invaded her mouth.

If I can get just one arm loose.. Pia started to slowly twist and turn her right hand.
If I can loosen my swimsuit somehow, wiggle out of it, then maybe I can escape the iron grip..

Not much of a plan, but it was all that kept Pia from completely freaking out.

Author:  Thorak [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

The voice, her voice yet not hers, spoke in her mind again., drowning her upcoming hope with its words, not just stated as simple threats, but sounding merely like something, about which no doubt was even possible.

"Don't fight back... its futile now. There is no chance for you anymore."

A movement went through the aliens body, and Pia would feel by the passing current, how she began to move. The alien was literally walking on the ocean floor, carrying her towards the shore.

"I will carry you to the beach, and i will rip your suit apart..."

Both of them broke through the waves, as they got into more shallow water. Yet the alien creature didnt stop the kiss, restraining Pias head with the mouth tentacles´about its back. At least the tongue withdrew from Pias mouth, which was an improvement.

"Then i will put your tender body onto the warm, black sand, and as you feel the grains pressing into your skin, i will stick my genital into you."

They reached the beach, and Pia would feel the sun on the part of her face which was not covered by alien mouth tentacles, She would hear the rustling of the obsidianic sand beneath the creatures alien feet, as it walked about the beach.

And then the aliens kiss ended.

Author:  PiaM. [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

"Don't fight back... its futile now. There is no chance for you anymore."
"I will carry you to the beach, and i will rip your suit apart..."

By the time she felt the movement of the water around them, Pia had almost concluded that she must be drowning. That all this was the last nightmare of her brain, while in reality she was unconscious on the black ocean floor.

Ascending in the air brought an end to that delusion. She could feel rivulets of saltwater running down her skin. She was shivering, not from cold, but from fear. Small noises escaped from her mouth, muffled by the enormous tongue. A small drop of liquid escaped her lips as it withdrew, whether it was spittle or just water.

"Then i will put your tender body onto the warm, black sand, and as you feel the grains pressing into your skin, i will stick my genital into you."

Pia let out a long scream, a sound of pure terror.

Author:  Thorak [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

The penis of the creature was already urging to be released from its protective sheath within the body of the monster. It was rock hard, pressing, aroused by the genetic remainder of the human male brains the creature had feast on. Their instincts, that were Thoraks instincts now, urged to fornicate with this girl, shred her swimsuit and lick her nude body, while its shaft was sliding into her. The creature had adapted, and being able to feel all this meant that it was compatible now.

Then she sceamed. A scream of utter terror.

It sent another surge of arousal through the aliens body, but this time it originated not in the parts that were human. It originated in the depths of a libido that belonged to the original, alien part of the monster, the part that never changed, even though the alien adapted it’s own metabolism with each new race it encountered, so it could fertilize their females. It was the part that reacted to her fear, her nausea, because that was what the aliens offsprings would feed on. But the alien just felt it, felt the satisfaction her scream gave it, it wouldn’t even know why.

She was a bookworm, a bibliophile. She never came to the beach without a book... to her a story in a book would be more then just a collection of words, more then just something to put on the shelves, pretending a not given urbaneness. It was something that one could taste, smell, see and touch. She would be a person to whom sex was not just a carnal experience, but something that started in vivid imaginations. Putting ideas, pictures about the coming rape into her mind made it even more rewarding to the alien, because this imaginativeness turned them into fear and disgust. And the alien planned to abuse this fear, to make her do its bidding.

It put her onto the black sand, released wrists and ankles, and stood there, towering before her now and blocking the sun with the immense frame of it’s body.

“I will rape you either, but if you want to survive this, you will do as I say. Take your suit of. Slowly so I can enjoy it.”

Author:  PiaM. [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

isjointed scenes of abuse and violation flooded Pia's mind, mixed with images of capture and submission from somewhere deeper in her subconsciousness. Her lower lips were quivering, tears pooled in the corners of her mind and her powerful scream turned into frightened whimpers.

As the tentacles released their grip, Pia regained her senses somewhat. Scrambling madly, sand stickling to her hands and feet, she struggled to put some distance between herself and the monster.

Pia had no wish to agree to the demands of the creature. As far as she knew, the horrible entity planned on having its will with her and then killing her anyway. But she could not bring herself to run. Not yet. That would mean tuning her back on it, opening herself for an attack by any of its appendages. Besides, for some reason, she would rather be able to see what she feared.

Very, very slowly, she got herself up to a standing position, even if her knees were wobbly from fear. Slowly, she put her right hand behind her neck while cowering her bosom with the other hand. She took one step back. She then started tugging at the knot. Soon it came free, exposing more of her skin. If not for her left hand, it would fall down and reveal her round, soft breasts.

"P-p-please.. must you do this? It.. its too horrible.. I do not want it to be this way..", she begged, taking one more step backwards at the same time.

OOC: The monster from Pias first completed thread wiped her memories ( and restored her hymen), so as far as far as she knows, she is still a virgin. She also does not know that most victims of monster rape survive. This to clarify.

Author:  Thorak [ Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

"What you want is irrelevant"

The very essence of the rape. And the creature enjoyed saying it to her. The whimpering, tears... the begging... all this brought joy and unearthed arousal from the deeper, inhuman parts of Thorak. But it also satisfied the human demand for power, which was the only thing human allowed to remain from its male victims.

The alien was just humanoid enough to identify, what was emerging from the skin fold in its loins, driven by the arousal that Pia brought . It was the penis, or better... it had to be. What was coming out from the aliens body was just as inhuman as everything on the alien, but the knowledge about what it would be used for made thinking about it as what it was worse, almost impossible. A thick, shaft of greyisd red, ridged, bumpy, the glans of darker grey even, giving it the color of rotten flesh. She would see little,spastically twitching limbs, reminding at bizarre hybrids of mantis arms and fingers, growing from behind the glans. Translucent slime covered the growing shaft, and fell to the ground in large blobs, as the genital emerged. It was big already, and seemed not quite finished, as if what Pia saw was just the first part. As if there still was more to come, and the bulging skinfold seemed to confirm this impression.

The alien noted her step backwards, yet it didn't do anything to stop her. It was ten times faster, and it knew that survival instinct at least demanded from her to turn and try for an escape. But if she did, it would just catch her, and then rape her from behind. Like this it would even dehumanize her more, clarify how meaningless her demands and needs in this situation were. To a girl like Pia, whose sexuality would happen in her head even more than it was happening with her body, this had to be a devastating experience. And the monter knew that.

The aliens head lowered slowly towards Pias face. She would hear bizarre creaking and chirring sounds coming from the aliens throat, and feel the heat the creature emanated, even though the warmth of the sun was still sensible within the creatures shadow. A drip of slime,originating from the mouth tentacles, probably the alien idea of saliva, fell on her cheek, leaving a thin slimy thread connecting her face with the aliens terrible mouth.

Then she would hear its voice, that sounded like hers, in her mind again. But this time it managed to feel like an order, that didn't allow disobedience, even though it still sounded as if someone who didn't know anything about vocal rhythm, tried to fake a recording about something she said, by using recordings of old pieces she once uttered.

"Take your arm away. I want to see your secondary sexual characteristics"

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

Obediently, Pia let her hands move down, clutching the wet fabric with both ands just below her chest. Her breasts might not be as big as some of the other girls, but they still looked large and inviting enough for most males. Even inhuman ones. A bit of the slimy drool of the alien dropped from her chin unto her chest, landing right beside her left nipple.

Normally, Pia was very shy, sometimes painfully so, but right now, being exposed was not what was on her mind. Her attention was on the enormous bloated member of the creature before her. With Pia's poor eyesight and the alien appearance of the organ, it took some time before she even comprehended what it was. It looked almost like a monster in its own right. Pia's jaws dropped, and her eyes became round as saucers as she watched it grow.
"No, no, no, no, no, no..", she whispered, shaking her head in disbelief.
"No way that thing is going inside me! It will kill me! There is no room!"

Fear and survival instinct took over. Realizing running would get her nowhere, she made a brave, or maybe stupid, decision, and threw herself forward, seeking to roll between the legs of the monstrosity.

Its big, maybe it turns slowly. Please, please let it be so!

Author:  Thorak [ Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Sand Beach (for PiaM)

A surge of hope was swelling in her, as she managed to get through the massive legs of that thing, but it was a hope meant to be shattered. The alien allowed her to get past it, it allowed her to get on her feet again, it allowed her the first few steps in the floating black sand, towards the roar of the surf. But then it all happened too fast.

Two tentacles grabbed her ankles, and pulled her off her feet making her fall forward. They dragged her backwards through the sand, one or two meters, before she felt the claws of the creature closing about her waist, then turning her around so she would face her assailant again.

She would lie, head towards the shore now, between the legs of creature that towered above her. Unnoticed, without even making a noise, it had turned behind her, facing the azure blue water, but now staring down at her with horribly glowing eyes. The remaining two tentacles, the ones that ran over the creatures shoulders from behind, clasped around her wrists and restrained them, pressed them into the sand, while the ones that were emerging from the aliens back along its waist were pushing onto her ankles.

The alien released her waist and raised, holding her just by the tentacles, giving her an even better prospect on the emerging genital. It was longer now, much longer and thicker. Some holes were in it, close to the base, reminding at… nostrils?, right next to two twitching tentacles, that shared the same rotten red that the glans revealed. Translucent slime covered it, and fell in thick threads from the skinfold onto the yellow swimsuit that she still partially wore.

With a swift but complex motion, the alien knelt down. What had to be knees were positioned left and right to her body, while the feet talons were pushing deeper and deeper into the black warm sand behind the creature. The mantis like scythes of the upper arms, obviously the main weapons of the creature, were pushed into the beach right and left to her head, just like an unspoken threat, creating little fountains of sand as the tips dug into the black grains.

And then the aliens claws ripped her swimsuit apart, tearing it apart with one concise and violent motion, making her breasts bounce with the sheer power of the aliens movement.

“When the sun sets behind you, my fertile semen will trickle from all your orifices into the sand, and you will fulfill one of the most basic fantasies of your race. Conceive the firstborn on an exotic remote island, while the azure blue waves clash against the shore behind you”

Note to the Admins: Thorak is only trying, not succeeding.

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