Shokushu High School

Unexpected Tutor (Vera)
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Author:  Seraph [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

As Seraph soared through the sky he mostly ignored the school below him. With a light reflection preventing him from being seen he was simply revelling in the joy he still felt from being free and simply flying. He dipped and ducked, flew in loops and all manner of stunts that he still found enjoyable. Even now he remembered the bitter coldness, the entrapment, that he had suffered in the plane of Void, and his free form flying was simply another way he reminded himself that he was free of it.

Eventually he settled down and had his first proper look at the school beneath him. Judging by the locations of the few souls he could see, as well as the location of the tracking spells he had placed on each of his 'gifts' he guessed that classes were over and most of the students would be in their dorms. One of the few times he could risk entertaining himself with a student in fact. But which one?

It would have to be one he could already see, but most of them were either in the basement or currently entertaining other inhabitant's of the isle. However a swirl of something he recognised caught his eye, mana. Focusing his sight on the source he saw the concentration of mana there, someone was clearly practising magic. As his focus broadened he was slightly startled to see the exact location of the student.

So Vera Matsumoto practices magic? Interesting.

Seraph floating in mid air as his mind worked through possibilities. I need more information. The moment he thought that the Darklight Grimore appeared in front of him, already open to the correct page.

As Seraph started to read he noticed the mana around Vera's dorm gather for what must be another spell. This could be very interesting, everything depended on how he approached her. As fun as simply grabbing, arousing through mana saturation and raping a student was he could do that with any student. Someone of Vera's position would need something special. And as he read through her entry in the Darklight Grimore he asked himself Just what would be the key, what could I use to make this as entertaining as possible?

Author:  Vera [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Being one with potential, it was required that Vera practice magic a few hours a day. She did not mind it entirely. She was going to practice without such an order. But being a requirement does turn an interest into a chore which was always annoying. It also did not help that the island's dampeners prevented her from using much of her power at a time. Even a Head Girl could not get around this fact.

Glimmering lights fell like flakes of snow around the Head Girl. Light and shadow were the elements she had a knack for. Odd as they were opposite elements but she found them to work rather well together. Bright lights could easily form new shadows and pitch darkness only made lights seem brighter.

The woman's silver hair settles gently against her back and shoulders, the last spell causing them to rise and sway by unseen forces. Vera was still dressed in her school uniform. A light blue sash hung loosely around her waist showing her rank and position amongst the students. Sighing softly, she began to chant once more. Lights flash about her body as colorful orbs of light began to float about her body. They danced in the direction she wished forming a brilliant show for her unseen audience.

With a clap of her hands, the orbs burst into multi colored threads that weave about her body and through the air in a scintallating flash of colors and lights. Despite the non aggressive nature of the spell, she continued to strain her body from channelling her mana through the dampeners. Sweat glistened her brow as her breathing grew heavy. Finally having enough, she lets the spell end. The threads and orbs shatter into a rain of glitter about Vera's body. She smiled faintly to herself as she enjoyed the sight of the lights falling about her. Taking a brief break, she drank some water and sat casually on the edge of her desk.

Author:  Seraph [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Having finished reading the entry in the Darklight Grimore Seraph feels as ready as he will ever be. With his form still invisible he 'fades' through the roof and finds himself in Vera's room.

As this is the first time he has been in a Head Girl's room he looks around and sees just how luxurious an existence they had compared to the regular students. The room is impressive, and even more so when it is compared to regular rooms.

But admiring a room is not why Seraph is here, and his attention shifts back to Vera. Like all the Head Girl's Seraph finds he has no trouble in seeing her soul. She is resting for the moment, but Seraph can still 'see' the traces of magic, light and shadow magic. So very similar to his own preferences. For most of their use the two strengthen the other, although eventually they reach the point where one simply overwhelms all trace of the other. But for the beginning they work well together.

Making sure to remain far enough away for his mana 'bubble' to not affect Vera Seraph watches her closely while he waits for her to begin casting again. He has a fairly good idea of her abilities based on what the Darklight Grimore had told him and the fragments he could see in the air. But he wanted to see just how good she was, and just how she felt about her powers being limited as they were. It could very well give him the opening he needed if she knew about them, and wanted them gone while she was practising magic.

Author:  Vera [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Due to her position, the dampeners were still in place as a precaution more than anything else. There were already other channelers causing harm to themselves and to school property due to spells going awry. The Headmaster would not be pleased to find his pet damage herself for being reckless. Also, she was still a student to majority of the staff's eyes. This meant she was still meant for entertainment for monsters and must not use her powers to cause harm or kill the island's 'guests'.

But, NICE labs wanted to learn more about magic and what it did to the female body. Perhaps they will find a way to completely supress a student's powers leaving them as normal students or as mages under the rule of the labs. A cruel fate if successful.

Vera smoothed her skirt as she rose to her feet once more. The Head Girl was patient, calm, she never pushed her powers more than they needed. She focused on merely performing the spells successfully and took a step by step method of developing and learning about magic. The words of magic fell from her lips as the shadows in the room seem to darken and slither along the floor. The inky blackness began to separate and form into tiny little puppets that began to dance on the floor before the Head Girl.

Keeping her gestures simple, she continued to guide the little people through their show with little dances and acrobatics. Shivering slightly, she lets the forms fade back into the shadows as they split off back to their original positions. Seems she was approaching her limit once more.

Author:  Seraph [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Seraph watched for flickers of annoyance or irritation in Vera's soul, but he was the one to feel those emotions as she remained calm. It seems Vera did not mind the inhibitors, which put that particular approach out of the question.

Seraph watched her newly summoned shadow 'people' as they danced and weaved, he had never used magic for such an idle amusement, his own practices were still focused around combat, and the idea was novel. Maybe if he had thought of it he wouldn't have fallen.

Seraph loses himself in the possibility, but as his mind returns to the present he notices her body starting to reach its limit. Without thinking he extends his mana 'bubble' so that the fringes of it engulf Vera, thus invigorating her body and allowing her mana to reach a level as if the inhibitors were not present.

For the moment Seraph is focused entirely on the shadow 'people' and his mind does not consider the consequences of his action. He does not even think about how Vera will react upon suddenly finding her spell easier, suddenly feeling her body overflowing with energy, and how that energy will in turn flow into the spell.

Author:  Vera [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

The inhibitors were much like a filter. It catches the energy or mana she tried to use, forcing the flow to stop unless even more mana was used. Even with more mana, the filter tended to destabilize the threads causing the magic to be even harder to control. So even the simplest of magicks become a chore to even an experienced mystic.

Though it leaves students helpless against the monsters, it was an effective training aid. If one was strong enough to cause damage with their spells with inhibitors, they could potentially fare much better once off the island. Not that the students really knew what lies beyond this island.

As she was releasing her spell, a sudden surge of power caused her eyes to widen. The force of energy pumping through her body easily broke passed the inhibitors and all that built up energy cause the shadows to flare and writhe out of control. Vera's body crackled with energy as she suddenly pulled away with a loud cry. The spell sunders with a loud clap of energy, sending the Head Girl sliding across the floor until she hit the back of her couch.

Her body shivered as she looked back to where she was. The shadows had reformed back at their original positions. The faint crackle of energy was all that remained of her spell. She was glad she forced the spell to end. Vera did not wish to know what would have happened if that much energy went wild.

But that did not answer the many questions that came up. She still felt completely energized. Her mana was overflowing and her stamina was returning. The Head Girl's body tingled with delight as the light rubbing of her clothes brought even more tingling heat to her fair skin. What was going on?

Author:  Seraph [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

As the spell flickered and faded Seraph looked confused for a moment, but then his mind caught up with what he had done. He saw Vera's form had been thrown back by the out of control spell. Silently cursing his own idle release of mana he looks through her soul for any sign of pain that would indicate an injury. He was relieved to not see any, and he suddenly decided that now was as good a time as any to reveal himself. After all, he would have to repay her for his dangerous use of mana.

Suddenly his body seemed to shimmer into existence, the light spell around him that concealed him fading away. I am sorry for the surge of mana, I was focusing too much on watching the spell and did not think. Would you accept my apologies Miss Matsumoto? Oh and try using the words Milla Vestrum Isrea for such a spell. They are far more efficient and controllable.

As he spoke the words the shadows flickered again, but this time formed into full grown humans of shadow who started to dance through the room before fading as Seraph waved his hand at them.

Author:  Vera [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

The Head Girl shook her head as she slowly rose to her feet. Her eyes narrow at the shimmering lights that fade away revealing an angelic being. Seems many of her questions were answered at once by his appearance. Smoothing her skirt, she regained her composure as she eyed the angel warily.

"It is not polite to spy on people," she replied, "Is there a particular reason you were watching me or entering my room?" Vera had dealt with monsters before. She acts as a messenger to some between the staff and the monsters. There are some monsters she had deals just between herself and the creature in question usually in the form of assisting one another with punishments and fresh meals. Though it may lead to her being raped, it was part of her duty to ensure the monsters were comfortable.

She eyed the summoned shadow. The Head Girl did not show any signs of being impressed by the display. It was magic afterall and she already knew monsters were not hindered by the dampeners.

Author:  Seraph [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Seraph laughs at her statement. I'm sure either of us has done things far more 'impolite' than spying on someone. As for your question, I was bored. Although that wasn't the reason I decided to visit you in particular. I noticed the mana fluctuations that indicated someone was casting a spell, and once I worked out the location and identity of the spell caster I decided to pay you a visit.

Seraph waves his hand, and in his minds eye he could see the protection ward he had just cast spread across everything in the room and the rooms walls. Light and shadow wind user I see. Personally I prefer light magic over the other, but I will not deny that for basic level spells they strengthen each other. I am slightly curious as to how much training you have and just what spells you can cast. Cast whatever spell you want, use as much mana as you want. I will handle stabilising it and provide the mana you need. As he asked her to cast a spell he lets his mana bubble grow and spread throughout the room. However this time he focuses on it to make sure the mana is as refined as possible. When, no if, she does decide to cast a spell he will use his own abilities to ensure it remains in complete control. In essence all she has to do is start the spell and direct it.

Author:  Vera [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Vera saved herself the next question, knowing the answer would simply be curiosity. She was never found of someone looking over her shoulder when working but it was not like she had much of a choice now. The woman sighed and began to chant once more. Her entire body tingled with the overflow of mana and energy as prismatic orbs began to float around her body. The multicolored orbs grew in size and began to split off into smaller orbs until a portion of the room was filled with the rainbow colored display of lights.

The Head Girl could never develop this much on her own. But this spell was causing zero strain to her body or mana. In fact she felt rather good when channeling this refined mana that kept seeping into her body. Her long silver hair shimmered against the glow of these lights. It rose off her shoulders and began to sway as unseen forces whip about her body. Vera kept her eyes shut, not saying a word besides the chant of her spell.

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Seraph marvelled at the spell, while such castings was easy for him he had never even considered using magic like this. To him it had always been a tool, something he used to achieve a goal. The idea that he could do things with magic to directly entertain him, without some extra medium to direct it at, was intoxicating.

So much so that he started casting spells of his own, figures of fire burned into existence before they started dancing in the light created by Vera, Beautiful sculptures of ice froze into existence, and a thousand other things as Seraph called upon each and every one of his schools of magic to add to what was happening around them.

He does focus a part of his mind on keeping his mana as controllable for Vera as possible, but for the most part he loses track of her in the growing chaos created from his magic.

Amazing. His voice is one of awe, and is directed both at what he has made, and Vera for showing him this new use of magic.

Author:  Vera [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Her breathing grew long and deep as she continued to chant. The incantation began to sound breathless as she continued to feel the growing heat build inside her body. Her thighs rub unconciously together in an attempt to feel some sort of relief. The mana was leaving her body hypersensitive to her physical and magical senses.

Every breath sent her firm orbs heaving against the inside of her bra and blouse. Her nipples drag up and down causing her breath to catch in the back of her throat with each word spoken. But she could not stop. The spell continued as the orbs danced and sway about her body. She was not aware of the spells being cast around her. Vera only knew of the mana flowing in and out of her body endlessly. The feeling was intoxicating. The more mana she channeled the more she wanted.

Her cheeks flush with growing arousal as her body swayed on weak knees. Not losing any stamina or mana, she felt no need to stop. The sensations fed into her brain, flooding out any reason and resistance. Her eyes open half lidded. The glassy look in her eyes showed that no one was home as she continued to recite the incantation as asked.

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Feeling something off Seraph was snapped out of his daze, and as he tried to identify it he felt something weird in Vera's magic that he was controlling. Clicking his fingers her spell suddenly ends, and he walks towards her. Her spell felt as if it wasn't controlled, and while Seraph could, and was, maintaining and stabilising the spell he could not control it without casting another spell of his own that would probably leave Vera in pain.

Getting close enough to see her soul through the spells still racing around them he frowns as her soul seems to be blank, as if her mind is gone. His hand touches her forehead, and suddenly her mind returns. Are you OK? Seraph's voice is concerned as he asks her. Of course he doesn't notice that when he is standing this close his mana is affecting her stronger than before, but since she is no longer channelling she is only being affected by a small amount of mana.

Author:  Vera [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

The searing flood of mana suddenly cuts off. Her spell ends causing her incantation to end in a soft gasp as she fell forward into the angel's arms. Vera shook her head slowly as she tried to get some sense flowing into her thoughts once more. She was unsure what happened exactly. The feeling of pure mana flowing into her was intense. She knew channeling brings feelings of euphoria but exhaustion or fear of burning out gave necessary warning signs to stop ones self. This mana that kept feeding into her had neither. Her body craved it and she quickly lost herself in the bubbling sensations.

"I'm fine.." she replied finally. Mana continued to feed into her body now that she was much closer to the source. Her body shivered as her breasts swell with arousal. She could feel herself growing wet. Never before had casting magic made her feel so good.

Shaking her head again, Vera tried to push away from the being. She was still a Head Girl and must do what she could to maintain composure. Even if her entire body was blazing with heat and energy.

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unexpected Tutor (Vera)

Seraph was slightly surprised when Vera collapsed, but he recovered in time to catch her as she fell. While she recovered from her mental white out he continued to hold her gently. Even seeing the arousal in her soul did not cause Seraph's grip to change, and when she finally answered his question before trying to push away he did not impede her, and as she stood up he could see her trying to regain her composure.

It seems I lost myself again, I forgot just how strongly mana affects ones soul, be you the caster or the target. It seems all I have done since appearing was cause you trouble. In way of apology do you have any requests? He gestures to the room around them where his spells still continue, maintaining such simple spells is fairly easy for Seraph and he doesn't even notice the fact he is doing so. As you can see, and probably feel, I do have a significant amount of magical knowledge. Perhaps a lesson in magic, or mana control, or a few spells would suffice as an apology for causing you such trouble?

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