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 Controling a Dream (Kanoe) 
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Post Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
It had been a while since she had been on the university grounds. After the last lesson she had given Kanoe. Destra found she had to take of things of the island. In the end things panned out better then she could have expected them. Now that she was back though, it would be time to resume Kanoe's lessons. Lucky for her it was a Saturday, this meant no classes to get in her way. Destra had her new servant drop a letter of in Kanoe's room, while the young woman was out running errands. Destra didn't want to startle the girl too much. Inside the envelope, was a room key similar to the ones used in a hotel. There were faint traces of mana on the key, suggesting that a spell had recently been cast on it.

Along with the key card was a simple note asking Kanoe to come to room 7B, if she had the time. The room was on a floor currently closed due to modernization of the floor, and the dorm rooms on it. Even though Kanoe had a key, and spell to enter the small pocket dimension of hers. Destra saw it best to retrieve Kanoe this way, as a precautionary step. Inside the designated room sat Destra reading through the pages of a tome. The room however looked like a rather large library. The shelves filled with various tomes, and ancient scrolls. In truth Destra had linked the door to her pocket dimension. The spell on the key card would in turn bring Kanoe here once she walked through the door.

I wonder how Ms. Kanoe has been doing these past few weeks. I hope shes been using those spells I taught her. Destra didn't look up from her tome, as a presence appeared behind her. I've delivered the letter like you asked mistress. Will you need my services during the instruction? Turning a page in the tome Destra seemed rather bored with the report. "No, I will not be needing your help just make sure that barrier is in place. I don't want an incident like last time with her." The woman wrapped her arms around Destra's neck, as she began to read over Destra's shoulder. That's a rather interesting incantation you’re reading up on. Is it another precautionary matter against this girl? Destra took the woman's hand off of one her shoulders, after closing the book. Destra stood up as she turned to the woman. "Yes it’s another precautionary matter to control her. Now go set up the barrier my pet, before she gets here." The woman would disappear from sight, in order to do her mistress bidden. Destra knew today was going to be interesting, as she placed her hand on the tomes cover.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:36 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
The long period of time since her last lesson went mostly unnoticed by the dark witch. The young student had her own matters to deal with involving new monster attacks and serving Natsuki. But that did not mean she went lax on her own training. The dark arts were still very much a part of her life and she strived to improve and grow stronger in hopes of fighting these creatures of the island.

Completing her chores assigned by Natsuki, Kanoe returned to her room to find an envelope waiting for her on her bed. It had long became a normal occurance to find notes in her room left by staff and monsters. What used to be a secluded witch was now trapped in a web as creatures pulled at her like strings of a puppet.

This particular monster was a lesser of the many evils she had dealt with. The succubus Destra was one of her few tutors in the dark arts with the small price of her body. The thought of it being a small price sent a shiver through her body. Her body and mind had changed so much as she approaches the end of her Sophomore year in this school.

Receiving a message like this made the witch look over at her dresser. She was surprised that the drawers were still closed. The last messenger had an odd payment of taking undergarments from her. It was of no consequence who delivered the message. Kanoe was slightly surprised at the request format the message was written in. After being ordered around so much, it was a nice change to be asked to come to a designated spot 'if she had the time'. At least this one treated her with some respect unlike other demons.

The witch slipped out of her school uniform to change into something more comfortable. She put on a loose fitting black robe with a small V cut down the middle. Her cross necklace rested nestled between her large firm orbs. Kanoe sighed softly as she felt the cool fabric wisp quietly down her pale form. She wore only a lace black thong underneath the dark robe.

Room 7B was an unused dorm room on the bottom floor of the same building she was at. Once dressed, Kanoe left with the keycard in hand. The silver clasp on her braid beats lightly against the small of her back with each step of her bare feet. A light tingling sensation filled her body as she considers what her next lesson will be from the demoness. Her body been thoroughly trained for sex, it was already anticipating the required payment in advance.

Arriving at 7B, she knocked lightly before sliding the keycard into the lock. The witch felt a different sensation as she opened the door and stepped inside. It was like a ripple of dimensions washed over her form. Her vision blurred causing her to blink several times to find herself in a rather large library. The key must have been for one of Destra's pocket dimensions, she thought to herself.

Kanoe's eyes trace over the numerous shelves of scrolls and tomes. It was a scholar's dream here. But she quickly regained her focus and moved to where Destra sat. The witch gave a polite bow before speaking. "I received your message and key," she said calmly, "It had been a long time Destra, I was uncertain you would contact me again after our last incident." She was still plagued by the dark whispers inside her head. They seemed to be growing stronger the more she delved into her art. It was becoming difficult to tell which voice in her head was her own.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:36 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra could fell the shift in the dimensional fabric as Kanoe entered. The succubus eyes wandered up, and down Kanoe's form. By her facial appearance she was displeased about something. Her crimson orbs finally locked with Kanoe's. "I know I told you that you could come into the dimension using the key and spell I taught you last time. Have you been using that spell I taught you to change your appearance? I'm hoping that will keep you out of trouble with the school. That and I had to leave the island to tie up a few lose ends elsewhere. I figured this way would be safer, as for you not to wind up in the position you were in last time. "

Her fingers taped on the closed tome, on the table she was standing next to. "You don't need to worry about your other half today. I've taken precautions to make sure she won't interfere this time. There is one last precaution I want to take though. With your permission, I would like to place a seal on your other half. The seal will put her into a dormant state, and allow you to study in peace." Destra didn't want Kanoe to exert too much energy yet. The girls other side might try and take advantage of the situation. That was something Destra couldn't allow, or her pupil might not learn a thing.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:44 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
"Hmph.." she huffed softly at the nagging tone this demon took, "Yes Destra, I have practiced. But a few things happened and I wear the standard uniform when I go to class now. I do my best to avoid conflict with the school for now." Kanoe's jaw clenched at the reason a key card was used instead of the spell she was taught. Both the demon and herself did not want to deal with the darkness that reside within her. A safety precaution but it did not make her feel better that she had little to no control when in Destra's realm.

Speaking of precautions, the succubus had more ideas for the dark witch. Much like the letter, Destra mentioned the idea as an offer rather than a command. Whether or not her words or responses held any weight was still questionable but at least she had some sort of say in their agreement. Placing a seal on her to keep the darkness at bay, it seemed harmless enough but she already had seals on her as is. The island itself seals and suppresses her overall power and according to Keemari there is a seal on many of her memories of magic. Would this weaken her even further?

"I thank you for at least asking if you could do this to me," she began softly, "But what would happen to my magic if you sealed the darkness within me? Would that not be like sealing heat from a flame?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:28 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Her pupil was naturally worried that this spell would take away some of her power. The finger tapping on the tome stopped, as Destra rubbed her temple. "Your dark half is a part of you. There is no denying that fact, but is not a part of you at the same time." Destra stopped as a screen appeared next to her, and a pointer appeared in her hand. A few pictures would appear on the screen, but they looked like they had been drawn by a seventh grader. "Your dark half was created when you began to study the dark arts. In essence the dark arts created a doppelganger of you, similar to a split personality. Except in this case there are two souls in your body. That's why I was able to put your other half in a golem in our last lesson. The problem is the body of any creature can only hold one soul, so your body is spending resources trying to compensate." Destra stopped her explanation in order to let Kanoe catch up, or at least store the information.

"I also believe that's why you’re having problems controlling your mana. I could place your other half in a golem, and seal it away. The problem with that is, even in my current condition she would still be stronger than me. There is also the chance two Kanoe's in the same realm could tear the dimensional fabric apart. The safest bit would be to seal her inside your own body. Your condition should actually improve once she is sealed away. Do you have any other concerns, or questions?" The screen and pointer would disappear. It was all taxing to explain, but she wanted to assure Kanoe that the spell was perfectly safe. In turn it would be the girl’s choice whether or not to go through it.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:00 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Kanoe listened intently to the explanation of her condition. Though informative, the witch could not help but frown at the visual aids that were provided on the conjured screen. It was never really appropriate to use such childish drawings to represent the dark arts. But the lecture was useful and explained much about what was happening. The witch did not realize that her condition had the potential to tear apart dimensions. And her darker half was stronger than Destra? Did this mean she already had enough power within her to fight certain demons?

"Well if it helps me improve my abilities then I suppose it is alright to have this seal cast upon me," she replied, "It would at least stop her from interfering each time we have a lesson." Or teasing her thoughts with dark images and whispers. At least she hopes this will shut up the voices in her head. Kanoe was still a little nervous, unsure what to expect when part of her is sealed away. "What do I need to do?" Either way, it was her only way to continue moving forward with these lessons and this teacher was the lesser of evils compared to her last tutors.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:17 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
"You don't need to do a thing. It's not some big ritual or anything. I do have to warn you there are going to be some side effects. You'll feel dizzy for a bit, and you might have moments when you feel like you've had an out of body experience. This will last for one or two days till your body adjusts to only one soul being active. Other than that, the control over your manner should immediately improve to a degree." Destra began to walk over to Kanoe. Once she was arms length away from Kanoe, Destra raised her hand with her pointer finger aimed at the middle of Kanoe's head. "You might fell a slight tingling sensation.”

Destra would begin the spell by mentally saying it in her head. She didn't want the dark half, or Kanoe researching this spell. A small ball of mana appeared at Destra's finger tip, and floated towards Kanoe's head. That was until it phased right into the girl’s body. "Okay were done." Destra lowered her hand and walked back to the table. "Now we can begin today's lesson. I told you in your last lesson that this dimension is real, and anything that happens is subsequently real. Today's lesson is to give you a bit of control of this said dimension. We can't have you hang in a tree all bound up, when you enter of your own free will."

Destra placed her hand on the book she was reading before. The book began to change in design, and thickness until it was a completely different book. "I'm going to start you on something simple to practice on. Your clothing should do just fine for this exercise. When you feel you’re up to it, close your eyes and clear your mind. I then want you to picture an outfit you find to be sexy. It doesn't need to be erotic, and show a lot of skin. At least something you might ware, if you were going dinning with your lover. You don't need any spells, so all you need to do is focus on the image and picture yourself wearing the outfit." Destra would pull out a chair, and sit in it. She was watching patiently to see what her pupil would come up with.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:32 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
The student's body tensed up as the finger was pointed straight at her head. She could feel the channeling of mana around her as the tiny ball of energy appeared. She did not have time to study the threads of how this spell was done before the bead of mana reached her and flowed into her body. As announced, a brief tingling sensation washed over her mind and body causing the witch to sway a bit on her feet.

Kanoe was not given much time to recover as Destra moved on with today's lesson. Being reminded of her last lesson brought no pleasant thoughts especially when the succubus continued to remind her of her failures. She was not sure what controlling this dimension will do for her when the monsters are in the real world. But if it is to keep from being ravaged like she was last lesson, she could not complain.

Her eyes followed the woman's hand as it came to rest on the tome on the table. She watched it morph in size and looks before her eyes. The lesson seemed simple enough. The witch had already done something much the same with the first spell she was taught by Destra. Something that looks sexy and can be worn to dinner...

Kanoe closed her eyes and tried to focus on an image of a dress. Her thoughts still felt a bit strange since the seal was placed in her. It was like she had more breathing room in her head now. Her black robes began to shimmer and shift over her body. The garment remained the same color as the sleeves faded away and the v cut sealed. The fabric took the shape of a sleeveless shimmering black dress. The outfit hugged tightly to the curves of her body, making her covered breasts seem even larger to the naked eye. A long slit is cut up the sides up to her thighs to allow for easier movement.

Opening her eyes, Kanoe blinked at her outfit and walked around some. She never worn something like this before causing a faint blush to rise in her cheeks. It is not often her lover and her can find a place for dinner on this island. "Umm... How is this, Destra?" she asked finally.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:49 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra's eyes went wide as her pupils dilated some, but that was only for a brief moment. She was actually enjoying the garment that Kanoe had switched into. It was unfortunate that she wouldn't be wearing it for very long. "That is perfect Ms. Kanoe, however as much I'd like for you to keep the dress on. It really isn't suited for the lessons, and disciplinary actions you will come under." Destra slid the book she had changed before across the table. It was now closer to Kanoe for her to pick up. "I'm going to need you to change again, but this time we'll do it differently. I want you to pick an outfit out from that book, and change into it by the same method you just used. "

Inside the book Kanoe would find images of outfits that seemed borderline modest, while their were some on the more erotic end. "You can pick and chose pieces if you want to make your own outfit, if none of the ones in the book fit your taste. You don't have to wait for me to finish speaking, so go ahead and change. I'll briefly go over disciplinary actions for these lessons, while you do. I have to warn you I'm a sadist, so I go by a strike system." Destra produced a wooden paddle, and placed it on the table. Her maroon orbs locking with Kanoe's own. "For every strike you'll need to bend over and let me spank you with this paddle. The number of strikes determines how many strikes on the bottom you get. Naturally when you behave strikes are deducted. When you reach ten strike the punishment increases in severity. Now I determine strikes based on behavior, control of a spells outcome, you awareness to your surroundings, and if you come to your lessons prepared. "

Destra stood up from her chair, and went over to one of the shelves. She seemed to be skimming for something on the shelf. "Of course I won't be looking for these at all times. It's impossible to catch every little detail, or get things correct the first time through. When you feel worn out just tell me, and we'll take a break. Also don't be afraid to ask any questions that these lessons might bring up." Destra returned to her seat with a new book in hand. The book looked very similar to the one Kanoe was asked to look at. Apparently she was reassuring herself that she had given her pupil the correct book. Either that or she was just passing the time until Kanoe was ready.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:37 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
The student smiled faintly at Destra's reaction. Her teacher really was skilled at giving praise and flattery for her successes. Actually having the first task go correctly did bring a boost of confidence to Kanoe's day. Of course she was still skeptical that the rest of the lesson would go as well. The dark witch knew she was far from perfect with her magic and control.

It was Kanoe's turn to widen her eyes as she flipped through the pages of the book that was passed to her. Her options were broad but still even the most modest of outfits revealed much of key points of her body. Destra was already ordering her to get started while the demoness continued speaking but the witch's attention was immediately drawn to the wooden paddle placed on the table.

Her jaw clenched as she looked at the disciplinary device and then to the succubus. Seems the demon was taking the strike system too literally. It was sadly not her first time that she was introduced to the wooden paddle but that did not mean she was looking forward to being spanked. This only reinforced the need for perfection in her art and conduct before her teacher. At least she was warned ahead of time.

Once Destra returned to reading another book, Kanoe returned to her own and began searching for an outfit to change into. The witch finally found one that was the most modest she could manage which was saying very little. Her eyes closed as she concentrates. The long black dress shimmered once more and began to shrink and adjust in size and mass over her body. The adjusting continued for a bit before settling into the form of a small french maid outfit. The outfit was black with some whites. The skirt was extremely short, revealing her white lacy undergarment without the need to bend over. The corset was tight around her body, causing her huge E cup breasts to be pushed up. The blouse barely covered her nipples, revealing the faint outline of her areolae around the edge. The rest of her pale breast above the tit was bare, revealing the depths of cleavage for all to see. The outfit included black pantyhose and black stiletto pumps.

Her cheeks blush faintly as she gave a low curtsy bow. "Is this to your liking, Destra?" She asked softly.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:07 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Looking up from her book there was no sudden reaction from Destra. She closed the book and placed it on the table, before getting up. She walked over to Kanoe and began to circle her not once, but three times in total. She finally came to a stop in front of Kanoe. "It doesn't matter whether I like it or not. It’s what you find the most bearable to learn in. I realize you would feel more comfortable in your own clothing, but your normal clothes are too modest and long for most of these lessons. You have however shown you are capable of basic manipulation. I'll give you one more chance to change your outfit. I'll even let you pick out a different book from that bookcase."

Destra pointed over to the bookcase to her right, if looked at closely it was full of books with various fashions. "I didn't mention this before, but the outfit you choose to stick with will be your uniform. I guess you really can't call it a uniform, but you get what I'm trying to say. Once you are ready we will proceed with the rest of today's lesson." Destra walked back to the table, and her book that she had been reading. It seemed she was leaving the clothing choice purely up to Kanoe. The question was, what should she choose from the number of clothes available to her?

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:00 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
She could not help but feel like she was being jerked in one direction then the next. At least it's an opportunity to change outfits. But she was not sure what would be 'proper attire' for her lessons. All she knew is it cannot be too modest or long. Well might as well adjust what she has.

The dark witch closed her eyes again. Her french maid outfit shimmered and began to adjust in size and shape. The skirt grew a bit longer so it now mostly covered her sex and rear cept if she bent all the way over. Her blouse closed up tightly around her breasts, buttoning up to the top but still easily accessible if the lesson required it. More or less it was what a young maid would wear in perhaps a noble's mansion.

"Not sure what you wish for me to wear. But this is neither long nor very modest. Is this better for our lessons?" She asked.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:15 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra only peered over the top of her book. She had given Kanoe a second chance, but this outfit was better and worse at the same time. Destra pursed her lips behind the book, as she looked Kanoe over. The it hit her like a ton of bricks what was wrong. It was those luscious mounds of hers they seemed pent up. Standing up back up Destra placed her book down, and walked over to Kanoe. "That outfit won't do not at all it doesn't suit your figure. A maid’s outfit doesn't suit you at all. Seduction is about grabbing the person’s attention. That outfit gives me the impression you’re here to clean this library, and not here to learn. Let’s try this method then, since it worked the first time. "

Destra walked back over to the table, and partially sat on it. "I want you to picture a cross between your dinner outfit, and what you wore into the dimension. Just make the lower half shorter, and that should fix your little appearance problem." Destra kept her eyes on her pupil, awaiting the results of this later clothing change.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:29 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Kanoe frowned slightly. Said more modest now she wanted less modest. Well at least the next change will be easier with more direction to it. The dark witch concentrates as her outfit shimmered and became the dinner dress once more. She continued to focus as the dress shrank. The long skirt became much shorter stopping at around her upper thigh. There was still a slit down the sides of the skirt while the top began to split open. A v-cut spreads open revealing her pale cleavage and her necklace nestled between them once more.

Once finished, she sighed softly and turned around once. "Is this better?" She replied, "And will I be wearing this for every lesson?" The witch was unsure what to think of that. Of course she was being taught by a succubus. It is expected that her clothes will be removed and her body used for pleasure at some point. This seemed to just invite such actions.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:07 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
"Yes, that is much better Ms.Kanoe, and no you won't be wearing that particular outfit for every lesson. I told you before this dimension is very real, and everything in it is real. What I left out is this dimension reflects a person’s sexual fantasies, and desires. You can plainly see this isn't the current case. That is because the dimension can be molded, and changed to the whims of the people in it." Destra moved over to a seat and placed her hand on it. The seat began to change in shape as it gained cushions, and began to look more like a throne. It was apparent Destra was given an example on the manipulation aspect of the dimension. With a quick snap of her finger the chair returned to normal.

"You do understand us succubus can seduce people in their sleep. We do this by entering their dreams. Unfortunately we need to work within the realms of a person’s current dream. This requires us to adapt our appearance, and such. Back on topic, that was an exercise in manipulating what is currently in contact with your body. Your outfit will vary depending on the setting of this dimension. Now for your next exercise, I want you to manipulate one of these chairs. Change it very form to an item that fits the setting of your clothes." Destra walked back over to the table with her book on it, and sat down on it. Destra's maroon orbs landed on Kanoe's form, as she waited to see what her pupil would come up with.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:16 am
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