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 Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva] 
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Post Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
It hadn't been that long ago when a transport ship had docked within the hangar bay of one of the ADD's space faring vessels.

Barely a week ago, really.

The crew had come aboard with a specimen that they had managed to capture only with great difficulty, despite its small size. They had never seen anything like it before, and given how hostile it had been toward people and how insistent it had been on forcing itself on females, they suspected it was something else to defend against.

And naturally, it was critical to find out as much information on the damn thing as they could, anything to give themselves an edge in case any more of them happened to show up, which was pretty much a given these days.

All in all, a very routine mission.

Up until the research section reported the thing breaking out of its containment. It hadn't really been much of a concern then, past calling up several teams to hunt it down and capture it again. It had been rather frustrating, however, the teams being forced to close off sectors and combing part of the ship for the exclusive monster.

And to make things worse, members of the search squads were disappearing one by one. And they knew that it was likely the thing that had captured them and was holding them hostage.

Still, no one reported it.

Because, hell, they were stuck on the ship, weren't they? And in space. With all ways off the ship under close guard and secured. Still, it was annoying to chase after something they hadn't managed to find yet. Almost as if the thing knew the ship better than they did, which was possible. And there was the troublesome reports filtering in on people disappearing now, along with parts of the ship malfunctioning, as if something was getting stuck in the machinery and bringing it to a screeching halt.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the one leading the squads was sure that they were closing in on the thing's hiding spot... Well, things might have been different. Much different, indeed.


Alarm klaxons blared through the corridors of the ship, as announcements rang out from the communication systems, warning people to evacuate the ship and to stay away from specific floors or sectors as they were no longer secured. Already, it seemed as if many of the people had disappeared by then, taken away from their comrades by not only one escaped beast but an entire swarm of them.

In reality, the Harvester that had escaped its containment had managed to feed on several females, sexually, and had acquired enough nutrients necessary... to evolve into a Colony, one that had infected the ship with living flesh, while it produced smaller Harvesters, only in their first stages. From then on, it was inevitable as the Harvesters began capturing females to use to expand their 'hive'. And truly, an infected ship was a danger to anything it came toward, even if it drifted in space.

It would have been horrifying if the ship had crashed on a planet... With that many Harvesters aboard, the world would have stood no chance at all. And if it had been one with a high population...

The Harvesters wouldn't have taken long to conquer the entire star system, really.

And thus, it was here that any of the remaining personnel that hadn't been captured were being ordered to evacuate the ship and do what they could to ensure the vessel remained dead in space, the flight crew having already done their best to take navigational and thruster controls off line and left them under an encrypted lock. Still, better safe than sorry.

Now, many of the crew that hadn't been captured were trying to get off, while from all around them, the Harvesters appeared to be bursting out of nowhere, attacking the fleeing females at every turn while being barely repelled by weapons and devices.

Just barely.

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Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:33 am
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
Minerva had just arrived on board a few hours ago, having come from Antares Base directly. There was apparently a big discover recently and any agents that weren't on patrol the call in to the warship for a briefing. Minerva had just completed a long patrol had just returned to Antares base when she had been ordered to head over to the warship. Stopping to refuel at the Antares Base, the young woman immediately headed to the warship. It had been a long day for her having going to on a long patrol only to turn around and take a long trip to the warship in deep space.

Upon arriving at the warship, it seemed that no one was interested in dealing with her at the moment. It seemed like everybody was busy dealing some sort of trouble on the ship. All attempts by Minerva to get any info on the trouble was rebuffed by the crew, which the young agent found odd. She could only assume that whatever it was an embarrassing problem that the ship captain had forbidden anyone to talk about. The crew would only direct her to some quarters where she could take a shower after such a long trip.

Minerva went to her quarters and took a shower all the while concerned about how tight lipped the crew had been. The redhead was sure there was something up, but she first wanted to make to take a long shower first. That was Minerva's first mistake. Minerva had just finished her taken her shower and was putting on her dress uniform when the alarm klaxons went off. The young woman quickly double checked her ADD uniform, she had substituted a short pink skirt instead of the standard skirt as was typical for her. It complemented her hair much better.

The PA system came to life as the female voice warned everyone to evacuate the ship. Worse the voice announced that certain floors and certain sectors must be avoided as they were no longer secured. The redheaded agent's ears perked up at that. If they weren't secured, that meant somebody...or something was on board the ship and the ship's marines couldn't contain it. Minerva listen the voice on the PA repeat the message again to make sure she heard that right, however the voice suddenly let out a scream and the PA system went silent. Well, that's all I need to hear. The agent moved to open the door to start making her way to the other end of ship to make it to her fighter. She had wished she had brought her pistol with her but she thought there would be no reason to be armed on a friendly vessel, especially a warship like this one. That was Minerva's second mistake.

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Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:29 am
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
From within the very walls, they lurked.

Hidden away in vents and pipes, spread out throughout the very ship, bringing the machinery to a shuddering halt, the Harvesters were hard at work. Following both their genetic instincts and deeply buried protocols intertwined into their cellular nature, the beasts all had been working around some sort of biological clock to bring the ship to a stop.

And in retrospect, though those aboard it would not be able to appreciate it, they were doing a particularly effective job at that.

It wouldn't have been that bad, truth be told. Except, as soon as the alerts were sent out ship-wide, crew members quickly found themselves ambushed by numerous Harvesters, many of them in their advanced stages thanks to the early captures of the search squad-members.

And to make the problem worse...

Harvesters had managed to worm their way into certain critical areas. Such as the armories, for one. Without access to the weapon stores, it made fighting off the monsters even more difficult. The situation would have still been salvageable and the crew would still have had a fighting chance, except some of them had gotten into the environmental sector that regulated the atmosphere for the entire ship, something that was supposed to improve efficiency ended up becoming a major design flaw in the face of the Harvester threat.

With the poison of the Harvesters' pheromones being filtered through the entire ship, the female crew found it even more difficult to fight back, especially when their urges were being sorely tested.

Beside, it had been a major blow to the morale to see one's comrades willingly fall for the Harvesters one by the one. There weren't even any hiding places left, not with the rising temperatures, making it easier for the aliens to sniff them out faster. And it was here that one of the recently produced Harvesters, still on its first stage, had come across a lone agent, smelling relatively clean because of the recent shower she had taken.

Still, it smelled a female.

And thus, the Harvester found itself chasing down the agent through the vents as she worked her way across the ship, the air filled with the sounds of both battling crew members and hungry Harvesters, sounds that covered up the relatively quiet scurrying of the little Harvester following Minerva.

All it needed was an opportunity.

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:17 am
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
The first thing Minerva noticed was the sounds of battle going all around the ship. She could here pistol and rifle shots going from what sounded like all sections of the ship. The young woman could hear the screams of the crew as well as what sound of inhuman creatures on board. The ship had to be really in bad shape given the chaotic nature of the sounds all around her. The agent wondered briefly how such creatures could had have made on board without raising the alarms until now. The redhead felt very vulnerable with out a weapon and silently cursed the fact that hers was back at her fighter.

The next thing she notice was how much hotter it was getting in the ship, the ship environmental controls must habe been damaged in the fighting. The heat was unbearable, Great what else can be going wrong? The young agent began to upbuttoned her coat to try to let in some cool air in; it helped but not a lot. As the somewhat cooler air flowed under her coat and hit her skin underneath. Instantly the young woman felt a flush through her body as she suddenly could feel the tightness of the shirt underneath around her chest. The agent was surprised at how sensitive she had become, it was then she realized that there must be something in the air.

Instantly the woman realized that she had to get off the ship before she succumbed to whatever this was. She began to try to move more quickly down the hall as she began making her way to her fighter. She realized that her body didn't want to move, just simply wanted to stand there and wait. It was only by her force of will that she could move forward down the hall. Despite the need to run down the hallway, she could only muster a brisk walk down the hallway. The young agent quickly got down to the next doorway that would lead to a round that would let her move along the edge of the ship so she could fighter with little trouble. Little did she know that there was a vent right above her with something waiting for opportunity like this.

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Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:22 pm
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
It had been a while since the PA system had buzzed with warnings and alerts.

Since the one in charge of shipwide communications had been attacked by one of the Harvesters, in fact, her shrill scream being the last thing to ring out across the speakers. It was only now, however, that scuffling sounds could be heard faintly from the speakers, the fading din of a struggle. Somehow having activated the PA system again, perhaps through a desperate kick or through the frenzied actions of tentacles, the sounds were soon followed by moans and gasps.

Even over the chaos of the fights taking place through the ship, it did not stop the noises from growing in volume as the unwilling hostage quickly gave herself over to the Harvester manipulating her body, shouts being replaced by words of encouragement.

As bad as the silence had been, it was unarguably worse on the ship's crew to hear something like this happening, a preview of the fate that awaited them all, and the morale took another hit.

One that it wasn't likely to recover from.

The battles were beginning to grow weaker, which meant that either the defenders had managed to repelled the Harvesters. A small victory, or at least it would be until the monsters managed to get themselves organized again through the colony and returned for a second wave.

Or it meant that the defenders had lost, something much more likely given the sheer number of Harvesters each group was being attacked by, coupled with the limited numbers of weapons to fight back with and the lack of solid defenses to fall behind.

And things only grew worse when the ship suddenly shuddered, the tremors of an explosion shuddering through the decks. It wasn't too difficult to figure out that the gravity had been sabotaged, robbing the crew of the ability to move around normally, while the Harvesters did not appear to be bothered by it, moving the same as always. Without gravity, the crew members found it difficult to fight back when they couldn't remain in position as their fortifications kept on floating out of place.

The tremor did have the added effect of giving the stage one Harvester an opening.

The little worm-like creature leaped out of the vent and onto the Agent's back, its tentacles wrapping themselves around her arms and chest before tightening enough to the point that it was damn near difficult to pull them off her, even as the Harvester began slipping several more tentacles into her dress uniform, following the primal urgings of its collective genetic material while pumping out even more of the pheromones in much closer proximity to the female, allowing the chemical to its work for the creature as usual.

While the pheromones did what they were designed to do, the Harvester would concentrate on the pleasant task of manipulating the female through erotic contact into being less resistant to it, unaware that the Agent's will power was more than the pheromones would be able to handle.

For the time being, though... Tentacles began slipping underneath her uniform and garments in order to get to the Agent's breasts, intent on teasing them and adding fuel to the fire.

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Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:16 am
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
Minerva got the doorway only to find the door was shut and secure, the agent cursed under her breath as she now realized she had one more obstacle in her way. She opened a nearby panel so she can turn the wheel that acted as a manual override. She reached over to the door only to discover how difficult it was to slowly open the door. Either something was jamming it or she had trouble forcing her arms to use their strength to turn the knob.

It was then that the PA system went active again. The beautiful redhead could hear the sounds of moans and gasps over the system as whoever was manning it had been overcome by...whatever was causing this situation. Apparently whatever it was it was pretty powerful to take on an ADD warship, now the young woman on the PA was shouting louder and louder as she was encouragement to her attacker. The agent could only feel horrible for the woman and realized how desperate the situation had become.

The sounds of battle slowly died away as she realized whatever was attacking the ship was winning. If they defenders had managed to fight whatever this was off, they would have done something to restore the ship. Take back the PA system, disable PA system, fix this awful heat, something. But instead, a tremendous explosion rocked the ship. The agent found herself throw upwards to the ceiling as the gravity failed completely through the ship. She managed turned her back so that it take the brunt of the blow as she bounced off the wall just over a vent in the ship. Her only consolation was that the explosion enabled her to jerk the wheel and get the door at least partially open.

However as Minerva floated away from the vent, she suddenly found herself under attack by one of the monsters attacking the ship. It felt like some sort of giant worm landed on her back, at least that what she thought at first. Suddenly she could feel tentacles wrap around her arms and chest as they tightly grasped her body. She struggled with the tentacles as she feebly attempted to force them off her nubile frame. Get off me, you stupid worm let me go.

The young agent could feel her body becoming more sensitive and harder to move as the creature begin to release more tentacles, this time going down inside her loosen dress uniform. She could feel her body tingle as the tentacles moved down her back. It was clear that the creature was releasing some sort of airborne chemical that was making her aroused and weak. It was only by her will alone that could even move at all. She let out a soft moan as she felt a pair of tentacles begin to wrap around her breasts, her dress uniform now protecting the creature as it went about its work. As she began to drift to the floor, the agent realized she had to get to her fighter if she was going to have any hope of using something to pry this creature loose. She resolved herself to push herself to the now opened door as soon as she could place her feet properly.

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:06 am
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
It didn't help that for such a small creature, the worm was ridiculously strong.

Despite any attempts at struggling and getting it off, the creature continued to bind itself to the Agent, using tentacles that were both incredibly difficult to get a grip on and quite elastic in how they were stretching themselves further as they wrapped themselves around the female's body. If anything, because of her attempts to drag them off, they were clenching down onto her body even more, making the process further difficult by doing so...

As if she was caught in quicksand.

A very bad pit of quicksand to be caught in, indeed. Especially when the tentacles that had coiled themselves around the Agent's mounds were now squeezing them into prominence, teasingly so.

Though it was a small comfort that the Harvester hadn't begun to sneak any tentacles down further her body yet, the creature did not refrain from sexing her up by using some of its free tentacles to toy with the Agent's nipples, tweaking and rubbing the little peaks in between worm-flesh, unable to do much without further nutrients at this point.

A fact it would be sure to rectify as soon as possible, the creature now edging its way down her back, relaxing the tentacles' hold on the Agent enough just to shift downward before tightening once again. All the while, it continued to release pheromones, the airborne chemical working to ensure that the Harvester's needs were met by constantly bombarding its prey with both rising heat and arousal, though it was understandably confused as to why the female was still moving at this point.

But then again, being strong enough to resist a Harvester wasn't always a good thing. After all, the stronger the female, the stronger the Harvester would be. And any strength it gained from the female, it would surely share with the rest of the 'family'.

A very bad thing, all things considered.

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:52 pm
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
Despite the best efforts of the agent, Minerva simply could not get the creature off her back. Even when she did get her hands on the creatures tentacles and pulled, it was like pulling on rubber bands. She could only pull them so far before they snapped back into place. If there was someway to get this creature free, this was simply not it. The agent would have to find some other way to get free of the Harvester's grip.

Already she doing the best to try stifle the moans that were escaping her lips. The tentacles wrapped around her orbs began to squeeze and massage them. Already heavily effected by the chemicals in the air, Minerva could feel her dress shirt becoming tight as they began to swell. The heat was getting intense at this point and it was getting unbearable for the red head. She opened her shirt to let some cool air, not being able to remove the garment for now as the creature was still on her back. She could now see the tentacles move under her black bra as moved around tweaking and rubbing her nipples. Already the little nubs were becoming erect.

The agent hit the ground and she expertly pushed off towards the door. Her time spent in deep space on patrol had paid off, as she had to get pretty adept at working in zero gravity to operate in the living quarters potion of her old fighter. She was probably one of the few agents that had was pretty proficient in operating in zero gravity. Still she would have to agonizingly wait while this creature did whatever they wanted as she drifted from one spot to next.

Already she could feel the creature slowly moving down her back, moving just a little time bit at time as it would use its tentacles to resecure itself as it went. The agent could not take any opportunity to regain the upperhand as the Harvester made sure it would only release a tentacle very briefly when the other tentacles were secure on her nubile form. The screams and shouts of encouragement over the PA system left little doubt in the redhead mind on where the creature was heading. She could only hope she make it to her destination before then.

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:43 pm
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
Slowly and steadily, but surely, the Harvester wormed its way down the female's back, ignoring any attempts to dislodge the creature by clenching itself against her body, following both its natural instincts and genetic programming.

Given what it was, the Harvester was far from being complete. All of them were, every last one of them. By their very nature, they were creatures born of scientific ambition and engineered evolution. It didn't matter what sprang up to strike them down nor what obstructed them from their prey. Given enough time, the Harvesters could evolve beyond their inadequate forms and into something much more suited to the task.

The living embodiment of evolution itself, that was what they were.

And the creature demonstrated this now, despite the fact that it was only a mere stage one Crawler. Some sort of chemical solution began to ooze out of the tentacles, quickly soaking into the Agent's dress uniform. Quickly, the fabric trapped under the tentacles began to grow frayed and weaker before dissolving away as the solution mixed with the air, creating a corrosive substance that ate away only at inorganic matter, allowing the monster to strip the Agent of her flimsy protection without needing to free her from its grasp...

With this, tentacles began to slip into between her legs, oozing out more of the solution and letting the rest of her uniform fall away freely, even as the rest of its tentacles continued to tease and molest at the Agent's body, unhampered. And to make matters worse, with the fading chaos of battles, another sound was growing more stronger, that of something approaching from behind. Still out of sight, it sounded quite obvious that this wasn't anything as small as the worm.

To be caught between the worm and another, much larger, creature was surely an undesirable situation for anyone.

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:08 pm
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
The agent could feel the creature moving down her body making its way closer and closer to her rear. She could not remove the creature no matter what she did and she was only barely hampering it as it made way down her body slowly. Minerva could only hope she make it to her fighter before the Harvester had made it ways to its destination. Already the creature began to in act its next stage of its assault.

The red headed agent suddenly felt a gush of hot ooze from the tentacles wrapped around her. She felt disgusted that the creature had chosen to loose control and began to cover her with this stuff. But it was then she noticed that the fabric of the material of her uniform was starting to fall apart. At first it was where the sleeves and the rest of her shirt met fell apart first as her sleeves slid down her arms and bunched up around her forearms. Then the uniform shirt ripped in two right down the path that the Harvester taken, with the front part of her shirt unbuttoned it the two halves fell away and drifted off.

The creature made quick of her bra as it thrashed it to pieces leaving her breasts and the tentacles wrapped around them exposed for the poor red head to see. She continued to moan and gasp as she floated through the door way struggling to keep her hands and legs from hitting the door way as she passed through. Her lack of movement played right into the little creature tentacles as they moved down between her legs and covered more of the ooze around her nether regions. With one flick of a tentacle, the young agent saw her non-regulation pink skirt get ripped free of her body. With a second tug, another tentacle pulled apart her panties leaving only the waistband on her body.

Within a minute, the poor agent had found herself almost as naked as she was when she exited the shower this morning. Apart from the black knee high socks and white boots she was wearing and the remains of her sleeves that had bunched up around her forearms, the beautiful redhead's nubile body was exposed to the world and the creature firmly attached to her body.

And things weren't getting any better, she could hear a larger creature of something approaching from behind her. Given the sound didn't sound human it was clear that a larger cousin of the wormlike creature molesting her was approaching. Quickly, Minerva floated down to another panel and pulled it free, it was only desperation and willpower that was enabling to make this effort now as she exposed a manual override for the door on this side. In her current state, she didn't think she could out run the creature. Her only hope was to was to seal the door from her side so she would have extra time to get away and get to the hanger bay. Of course with her hands busy on the wheel, she would let the Crawler have unrestricted access to her body as it heading to her nether regions.

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:11 pm
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
The Harvester's journey was slow, its every movement careful and calculated, but inexorable as it made its way down the Agent's body, tentacles wrapped over her arms, body, and now legs. Still giving its prey no opportunity to dislodge it, the creature finally eased its way through the small of her back, blunted barbs along its body pushing the thing forward in it's quest.

And behind, even with the door closing through the woman's desperate efforts, the second Harvester did not appear to be concerned, still moving as it had been. The click click of its footsteps continued to draw closer and closer; as one of the earliest Harvesters, the new creature was far from inexperienced or underpowered, a sizable crab-like creature scuttling down the hallway the Agent had gone through, barbs grown into imposing-appearing legs as tentacles waved in the air from behind, horrible black-colored eyes staring out at the sight of the door closing before it. Before long, it had closed on the falling door, and with only a single appendage, the door began grinding to a halt, the thing's monstrous strength too much for the weakened machinery.

And from the little space that was held ajar by the Harvester, several tentacles began to snake in under, attempting to grab at the female it smelled, heavy with pheromones and arousal. Sensing one of the younger Harvesters on her, the thing felt the instinct to hold the female down and allow its 'comrade' to invade her more easily.

A fact that was not likely to be appreciated by the prey, a fact that was forever lost on the Harvesters in their enduring quest to grow and evolve.

One of the tentacles managed to wrap around the woman's ankle, ignoring the sensation of the black knee-high sock and white boot she wore and instead merely focused on holding on to the female's leg as much as it could while it began the task of pushing the door up with sheer strength. Trapped now as she was, there was nothing near the Agent for her to use, save one of the many fire extinguishers that littered the ship's hallways. Poor enough a weapon, but something was better than nothing at all.

All the while, the stage one Harvester made its way down along the Agent's ass, more tentacles wrapping around her hips and legs as its other tentacles finally released themselves from her arms and chest, nearly stretched too far for the creature to handle. Small comfort, for it meant that the creature was so near to what it sought.

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Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:02 am
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
Minerva could feel the creature on her back continue to work its way down her back. Already a pair of tentacles wrapped themselves around her sexy legs ensuring that she would be unable to pull it off her as it made its way to its prize. The barbs provided a weird tingling sensation on her back as the creature continued down the small of her back. She hoped to get the door shut before it was too late.

Already she could hear the other larger Harvester getting closer and closer to the doorway as she continued to try to spin the wheel to get the door closed before it was too late. However, the shadow that appeared in the doorway let her know that time had already passed. The young woman saw the form of what looked like a large crab creature, she screamed as she saw its black-colored eyes stare back at her as she was so closed to closing the door. The larger creature then shot a tentacle underneath the door holding the door in place.

More tentacles poured through the opening as each attempted to reach out for the redheaded agent. She could hear the door whine in protest as the crab like Harvester began to pull it up. Even as it did so she felt something wrap around her ankle, the agent screamed again as she looked down to find the larger creature had a secure grip. She would not be going anywhere as it wouldn't be too long before the other tentacles found her and pinned her nubile body down. No, I can't be taken down like this. Not like this!

All hope seemed loss until she notice a fire extinguisher sitting in its place in case of fire. Suddenly she had idea and she reached out to grab the extinguisher. She hoped it still worked as she fire a blast of cold exhaust at the creature's tentacles. It wouldn't harm them but it would be a shock to the system of what ever that crab thing was. With luck when she used the extinguisher as a blunt weapon, she would be able to force the remaining tentacle to let go of her. Then she would be able to kick her self down the hallway where she would be safe from the crab creature for now.

Already she could feel the creature on her rear, its tentacles now too far way to maintain its grip on her breasts and arms. Quickly the tentacles wrapped around her hips instead making sure that Minerva would be unable to free herself from the Crawler's grasp. Soon it would be near her flower, a flower that was already a little wet from everything she had already gone through so far.

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Please PM me, if you want to RP a mission with me!

Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:38 am
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
It was then that Lady Luck smiled down upon the Agent, the cold blast of the fire extinguisher sending the larger creature not only into a shrieking fit but even went as far as to force it to withdraw, the tentacles releasing the female from their tight grip.

Harvesters, for all their genetic superiority to many other species, were highly intolerant of any sort of cold temperature. Even if it was merely cool, the monsters found themselves sluggish and their senses dulled. And the colder it grew, the more their bodies failed them. Hence, when the Harvester had been brought aboard the ship, it had been the mistake of scientists to keep on shining heat lamps upon the specimen in an attempt to observe it, unaware that they were allowing it to operate at its best.

And after the release, the specimen had gone straight for the hottest spot it could seek out, developing into a Colony quickly, consuming itself in the process but by doing so, it had spawned many more Harvesters.

And it was no mistake that the section in charge of atmosphere control was the first to be struck, the delicate machinery and computers sabotaged and destroyed by the Harvesters. With the rising temperatures, the crew found itself under quick onslaught from the creatures, moving in perfect cooperation and unhindered. And no one had yet to find the Harvesters' sole, and crippling, weakness... Not even their own creators.

Until now, in an act of desperation, was that weakness discovered.

Though, despite the creature retreating, matters did not grow any better for the Agent as more tentacles sprang out of vents from above, more Harvesters hiding and lurking within the walls. Sensing that the female held a threat greater than any of the others, one of the Harvesters struck first, slapping the fire extinguisher out of her hands before the tip of the tentacle opened up to reveal a mouth, snapping at the Agent in an effort to drive her away. And yet more tentacles continued to slide out of the vents, opening up their tips as well.

At this point, the tentacles wrapped around her legs relaxed enough in order to adjust their hold on the Agent, allowing the Harvester to finally discover what it had been seeking the entire time, the 'head' of the worm suddenly grinding into her flower. Losing no moment at all, the thing began burrowing into her tunnel, slick with arousal, barbs pushing themselves against her inner walls as to push itself into her sex.

With the effects of the pheromones, the sensations of so many barbs moving in perfect unison as well as the creature's constant squirms and writhes, it had begun its task of working the female toward orgasms in order to feed, its many cilia already hard at work by absorbing her sexual juices.

It had, in effect, begun its' harvesting.

Click HERE for my character profiles! If you're interested in a thread, just send me a PM and we'll talk! :D

Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:24 am
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
Minerva watched in the amazement as tentacle wrapped around her ankle suddenly let go even before she hit it with the fire extinguisher. Her eyes blinked in disbelief as the crab like create shrieked and withdrew all its tentacles to other side of the door. Cold!!! These things don't like cold!!!! The agent had by accident found the Harvesters weakness. If she can get to environment controls she may even still be able to save the situation.

However, it was then she heard a shrieks of fury that shook her to the core. It came from everywhere, the vents, the walls, the hallways, even the floor beneath her. The shrieks even at least temporarily drowned out the shouts of passion on the PA system. It was as if the entire ship was angry at what just happened, and they were all about to come after the redhead.

It was then that a fury of tentacles exploded the vent above her. The agent screamed as she saw them closing on her, she quickly pointed the nozzle of the fire extinguisher upwards to fire a quick spray. But the tentacles were simply too fast for the poor agent, with a quick swing the tentacle knocked the extinguisher out of her hands. She didn't have any time to react before it opened just in front of her face, snapping as if it was going to rip her face off. The young woman screamed again as she instinctively kicked the wall, sending her floating down the hallway and away from the wall of tentacles. Once more she was heading towards her fighter. Once more she was safe the least the ones that weren't attached to her already.

Minerva felt the tentacles around her legs begin to loosen, the agent looked down the length of her body to see what was going on. In horror she could see the Crawler had positioned itself perfectly with her flower and was about to strike. She desperately tried to reach down to stop the creature, but it was already too late. With a quick thrust, the head of the worm burrowed deep into her tunnel. The young agent's head suddenly flip backed as she let out a loud cry.

Her flower felt like it was on fire as it finally got the attention it was demanding due to pheromones that had spread throughout the ship. She could feel the barbs seeming everywhere in her flower as the creature begin to squirm back and forth inside of her. She began to gasp and moan as her head and breasts began to bob with every writhing motion the creature made inside her. Her hands reached the creature as she tried to pull it out, but with only an inch or so of it exposed, the creature was firmly implanted inside her. In fact her own attempts where only arousing her even more.

No, she was going to have to get to another fire extinguisher or her fighter first....but it was such a long corridor, it would take an eternity to get to anywhere where she can push off with her feets and hands again. She would have to somehow endure the sexual stimulation until then, somehow.

To see Minerva's Profile, click here
To read my short story, click here

Please PM me, if you want to RP a mission with me!

Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:04 pm
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Post Re: Like Rats on a Sinking Ship [for Minerva]
Snug within the female's sex, the Harvester continued what it was designed to do, inflict as much sexual pleasure upon its host as possible in order to gorge itself upon the juices that followed such arousal.

Such was what all other Harvesters before it had done, and it was what all others after it would do. And there hadn't been a single female that could resist the terrible chemically induced temptations that they imposed upon their unwilling partners. It wouldn't be long before the Agent eventually succumbed to the creature buried within her, even if she was even more strong-willed than any of the others. The chemicals and the actions of the creature would see to it, after all.

It was simply inevitable, and every woman that fell victim to the Harvesters knew it, even if it was only a gnawing shadow of a doubt in the back of their heads, despite their desperate hopes of dislodging the Crawlers from inside their sexes.

Even as the Harvester continued to squirm and flex within the Agent, its barbs endlessly moving around against her inner walls, she still came under attack from the others. Despite knowing that she was already doomed with their 'comrade' buried inside her, that knowledge did not stop them from wanting to force the female down and prevent her from moving until their fellow Harvester had evolved enough to restrain her itself.

She was too great a threat, after all.

Click HERE for my character profiles! If you're interested in a thread, just send me a PM and we'll talk! :D

Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:52 am
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