Shokushu High School

The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)
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Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

Not all the beaches were fair game she had supposed and that was the only reason that she had checked this one out with a few of her rich and as snobbish friends but as the day panned out they had to leave one by one. Exams, the need to study … pathetic though Etolie only really cared about was the sciences mainly chemistry. All her courses with the exception of chemistry and business were things she was mediocre at though by no means was she stupid, she just didn't care for them as what interest did they hold for someone that already had a fortune?

And she was so good at her fields of interests that she did not have to study. Occasional for business she had to look something up but never for chemistry.

Today she was wearing here green bikini that displayed her figure well and the heart shaped locket she wore around her neck. She had her glasses on today. She ran out of contacts forgetting to get more for that was always a thing that her servants did on her behalf though now she had to do it for herself.

She had been the last one left as April left. Lame. But she took her chances here on the secluded beach. In another hour she'd call it a day before it grew too late. She rolled over on her stomach on the large blue beach towel and continued to read her novel, sighing when Raul wasn't there to apply lotion to her back. Must she do everything herself?

Author:  EvilRoeSlade [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

Submerged in the waves, the Princess gazed at the shore, eager to select the victim of the afternoon. Uncharacteristically, she found herself bored. Of the group at the beach, it seemed like she knew every type present, and had ravished most of their kind by the dozens. Just as the Princess began to consider taking up a hobby that didn't require human females, she sees her.

The glasses catch her attention first, as she's always attracted to objects that reflect off of the sun. The locket next, she's almost more eager to steal it than she is to molest her target. Humans always have the most interesting decorations, many of which are now littered in the Princess's cave beneath the waves of Shokushu (her home away from home).

But as she observes this girl in the green bikini and her interactions, her desires increase. The way she commands her peers like royalty herself marks her as a worthy and attractive mate, and her refusal to care about anything going on in her surroundings causes the Princess to burn for her attention.

Almost unconsciously, she shifts to human form beneath the water, allowing her hand to travel down to her groin, brushing her tiny green landing strip before toying with the folds of her pussy. It does nothing for her, she needs the touch of this young woman.

Her friends were an obvious waste of her time, so the Princess sets to work getting rid of them. This close to the water, it's very easy. A little gust of wind blows sand in one's eye too many times, and soon she makes an excuse to go. She subvocalizes her Song, using it not to attract but repel, and then another remembers an appointment elsewhere. Soon the only person left on the beach is the one she wants.

A more secluded area would fit her needs better. The Princess rises from the sea in human form, flicking a strand of seaweed from her hair, letting the salt water drip to her ankles. Unashamed of her nude body, she wades down the beach in the shallows, keeping just her feet submerged. And then she begins to sing, calling out to her target's mind.

There are no words, just a haunting wail that varies in pitch, sounds secretly describing the mysteries of the sea and the pleasure to be found within. Beautiful and ghostly, everything and nothing. As she sings, she walks away from the girl, luring her to a less hospitable area of the beach where angry waves crash against jagged rocks. Even as waves smash against her face and body, the Princess remains unaffected.

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

She's just about to glare about that racket, she was trying to read … but after a moment something tugged on her mind. It wasn't racket but a sweet melody that was like the promise of sweets to a young child.

Etolie glances over her shoulder but can't see much from this angle and snaps a book mark in the place of her book and turns around.

WOAH! Where did she come from?

Had she been that immersed in her body? Their were no words to that song but their was something alluring about this. For a second she considers that one of her friends must have set this up, someone wanted her to have another plaything. There was nothing she could see that would pick out her station after all but who else knew of this place. She dismissed that thought though, not wanting to think of her as some filthy commoner. Something about this … something that thrilled her and told Etolie to draw near.

She did so following as she was lead as easily as the Pied Piper lead rats away. She does not realize that she's doing so at first. Then when she's close enough Etolie speaks.

“Are you new here. I don't recall seeing you around? April put you up to this right?” She remarks on her nakedness though by the dip in her gaze Etolie likes what she sees.

Author:  EvilRoeSlade [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

The Princess blinks and stares at Etoile in surprise, acting as though she were only just alerted to her presence, though of course the student's movements had been perfectly tracked from the beginning. Shyly she puts her hands over her breasts, a gesture designed to give her mark more confidence.

Her song stops, its alluring effects slowly drifting from Etoile's mind.

Still clutching her chest, she saunters towards Etoile. "Why... yes," she says, building on the story that Etoile has already provided for her. "April told me that if I came here, I'd meet someone wonderful. I thought she was lying, so I decided to take off my clothes and go for a little dip before I found her and punished her. But now here you are. What is your name?"

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

Etolie was a sharp one at times though like most she was subject to flattery. Being in the position she was in though that usually meant that someone wanted something so she remained dimly aware of that. Her suspicion was that the girl must have wanted some attention though there had been nothing too alarming in her words.

She smiles a bit effected by the words but wonders albeit briefly where the girl's clothes are.

“April can be an air head at times. She never said anything to me though I'm willing to bet she was trying to shock me. The voyeur that she is she's probably about here somewhere hoping to watch.

“The name is Etolie Leblanc,”
she extends her hand. If this was an April girl then she was of high station and not a commoner, at least she probably was considering that April wasn't too big into scenes that were overly aggressive. Of course, April had a way of surprising her in the past.

“Not that I care, I rather like seeing you like this but where are your clothes?” She didn't see them around but wasn't looking too hard either. “And you name, pretty one?”

Author:  EvilRoeSlade [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

The Princess giggles and allows a blush to creep to her face. "Princess Wave is my name," she declares, not caring that it would be a strange thing to call a human persona.

She grips Etoile's hand and pulls it to her lips, kissing the back. There's something sinister about the gesture, perhaps the way she ends it by locking eyes with Etoile and then dragging her tongue briefly along the flesh. Or perhaps it's how unusually strong she is, certainly much more than a slender girl whose weight is mostly in her hips and breasts would suggest.

"Do you really think we're being watched?" she asks coyly. "If we are, then April must be disappointed by what she sees so far. Or maybe not. You seem to like it well enough, after all." She ignores the query about clothes for now, having no interest in something she barely understands and never saw the need for.

She rolls her shoulders and arches her back, letting her bare breasts jut out. "Come swimming with me, Etoile," she says abruptly.

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

She doesn't know what it was, that look, that kiss, the refusal to answer the question about those clothes. Yet her hand is already caught up in her grasp. “I-I don't think she'd be disappointed but April didn't send you ...”

She was a bit uncertain now, something told her to be on edge. She had never encountered one of these things in disguised form before, could that be it? But she knows the drill for how often has she been on the other side of things.

“You're one of those things.” She is horrified at that realization but does not show it hoping that she is wrong though it is clear that the Princess is stronger than her, the name adding to her suspicions. Sometimes it was good to be naïve like April.

Author:  EvilRoeSlade [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

The Princess titters with glee. "Yes, you're quite perceptive. Though I wonder why you would think even for a moment that I was at the beck and call of one of your unworthy followers. I am the Princess of Tidal and heir to the seafoam throne. I am certainly not 'one of those things,' I am a unique and beautiful creature, most unlike anything in this vast universe."

As she speaks, her legs vanish and fuse together, replaced with glittering green scales that shimmer like a rainbow. The thick and powerful appendage doesn't sit still for a moment, it coils around Etoile's legs like a serpent, pinning her against the Princess's body. The Princess stares hungrily into the girls eyes, as their breasts are crushed together by the intimate embrace.

"Ahh... that's better. To answer your earlier question, my tail is what I would consider my clothes. Satisfied? Of course you are, we no longer have any reason to mistrust each other. Now you are dressed inappropriately for a royal audience, by which I mean you are dressed at all." Her tail constricts for a moment and then loosens. "Why don't you take care of that, love?"

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

She goes wide eyed and tries to run but the hold on her hand and the fact that she is nearly taken by surprise causes that tail to secure her. She is jerked forward, her breasts pressed together with the Princesses as her breathing rises and fall.

There are no shocked pleas, no cries of letting her go. She realizes how it is and that they weren't likely to do much go.

Somehow she finds her voice. “April is always doing crazy shit … she's not all there.” Her question about her clothes from earlier get answered and she steals herself to keep watching the women and while she is not released that tail loosens.

At least she is not taring her clothes to shreds. “If you are so different then why don't you prove it,” reverse psychology here? She was not in denial with what was going to happen though there was nothing she could do about it at the time. And if their situations had been reversed … still the pit of her stomach burns with indignation.

“The stupid school wouldn't let me bring my servants so I have to make do … alright, I'll take them off.” She only has one hand free so it takes her some doing to remove the bikini top letting her breasts spill out as she tosses the top away from her on the beach, only the golden locket remains on her chest though it provides no protection from her prying eyes.

“Release my legs, you already have one of my arms and I can't take the bottoms off.”

Author:  EvilRoeSlade [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

"Let you go love? Aww but I quite like you where you are." To accentuate her point she lets go of the arm and wraps her arms around Etoile's waist, crushing their breasts together somewhat painfully as she grinds her scaly waist against Etoile's groin. She repeats the motion two more times, letting out a gasp of pleasure.

"I see your point though," she says, uncoiling her fish-like tail and setting Etoile's legs free. "You have done as you were asked and I certainly didn't mean to restrain you. I just got... a bit carried away for a moment." She stares at Etoile's breasts hungrily and then, a creature lacking any restraint, dives forward, taking one in each hand as her tongue gently runs down between the crevice, leaving her salty saliva behind.

"So," she says pulling back. How shall I prove my differences to you?"

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

When the Princess draws her closer with that motion she finds that it is painful though not overly so. She figures that this will hurt a bit and she braces for such mentally.

She removes her bottoms when she can tossing them in the same direction as the top. She does not expect to be let go though she is somewhat surprised that the Princess asks what she could o to prove her difference.

“You could let me go, that would be different but I don't see any reason for you to do that. So, here's something new ...” she pauses as if she expects to be blown off. “You could listen to what I say. That isn't the difference since nost things with ears have to lisnten but actually carry out what they hear, ”

Author:  EvilRoeSlade [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

The Princess bobs her head, smiling. "Mmm-hmm, I don't see any reason to do that either, I'm glad we're in agreement," in her mind, that statement indicated that Etolie wished to remain in her company and be subject to her every desire. Certainly a misinterpretation she had made often when dealing with humans.

She wraps an arm around Etolie's waist and snuggles in with a shark-like and fully predatory grin. "I've listened to everything you said so far, and see no reason to stop now." Of course there was no telling how her strange mind would interpret whatever Etolie had to say, or what it would cause her to do. "I'm all ears love. But I do hope we can go swimming afterwards." She giggles.

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

Etolie realized that fighting did no good. She was able to escape one of them once though but she had a few things in her favor then. Namely there was a distraction that the girl had and a bit of a distance but the Princess always remained in contact with her ensuring that Etolie did not have such a chance.

Etolie had wanted this initially but was drawn into such a state that she had quickly lost control. Still the Princess had not been violent with her so far when it was clear that she could do so if she wished.

“Yeah, so far ...” Etolie had to admit about the listening thing. She shook her head a little as if clearing it or perhaps not quiet believing it. Tentatively she brings a hand up to sweep against the curve of her breast. “The jury's still out on that. You want to swim? Alright.”

She stepped further into the water expecting things to grow dark for her once she did so. She was the plaything here and she hated that feeling of loosing all control even though so far she retained some false sense of control, provided that the rincess continued to listen and obey though she doubted the later.

Author:  EvilRoeSlade [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

"Excellent, come along then, little fish." The Princess takes Etoile by the hand and drags her deeper into the waves, laughing with joy. Of course swimming is an utterly mundane activity for a creature like her, but by Nereid custom, any lesser creature going swimming with royalty must obey their better's every whim for the duration of the journey. Naturally she expects this human to honor her culture without her explaining anything beforehand.

She pulls Etolie into the water and swims ahead of her, beckoning her into the freezing blue-green deep. The Princess herself is as excellent a swimmer as any sea creature, far surpassing any human. With her tail swishing along beneath the ocean waves, she circles around the plodding Etolie, teasing her by submerging herself and then reaching out with probing hands to graze Etolie's hips and breasts. Her violations are sporadic and unpredictable, another one occurring just when the student thinks the Nereid has finally gotten bored of the game. Given how cold the ocean is, at least the Princess's roving hands are warm.

She also directs Etolie deeper and deeper into the sea, grabbing her hand and tugging her if she tries to swim anywhere else, or diving under and pushing her head against Etolie's ass to force her in the desired direction. Soon even this isn't enough, not satisfied with the human's ridiculously slow pace, she grabs Etolie's arm and begins pulling her along through the water, until they're farther from shore than any sane girl would have swam without a life preserver.

The Princess stops and coils herself around Etolie, their faces inches apart again. Again she squishes their breasts together, grinning lustfully.

"Alright little fish. Our destination is underwater. That wouldn't normally be worth mentioning, but since you are a human, you would never make it under your own power. Fortunately my lungs are stronger than yours and can hold enough air for us both. So whenever you're running out, just press your lips against mine and you'll have what you need, alright?"

She frowns playfully. And well... this shouldn't really be a problem, but I should mention that until we hit an air bubble, I'm the only one that will be able to talk. So you'll have to be very good at gesturing or hmm... I might misinterpret your desires of me!" For some reason she thinks this is hilariously and giggles uncontrollably for quite a while.

"Well..." she says after she's calmed down, "That basically covers everything. Are you ready?"

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Siren's Song (for the Seafoam Princess)

There is no way she would have come out this far on her own on the best of days. She wasn't a strong swimmer but she wasn't a poor one either. She still would have liked to stay much closer to the shore though she has little choice in the matter.

Further she is subjected to her touch all along their travels though she shudders not expecting the lovely touch to come upon her. Her nipples are hard due to the cold of the water, goose bumps have formed over her arms and legs.

If she realized they were going to come this far out she would have taken off her glasses not wishing to loose them.

She glares at the Princess and should have known better about being unable to speak. Though now there is definitely no way out of this. If she couldn't speak … such a rotten trick, she sighs as she removes her glasses holding them tight in a hand.

“No, but that isn't going to matter … such a rotten trick,” not only did she have to pantomine she had to do so while carrying her glasses which would only serve to impede her gestures. She sighs and shakes her head. “Lead the way, it's not like I have much of a choice at this stage.”

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