Shokushu High School

A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)
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Author:  Starla [ Sat May 03, 2014 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

Rachnara gave a soft giggle as the young alien spider girl sneaked through the campus with such ease that it nearly blew her cover over her own faint laughs. She had arrived in this unique school and after making sure her ship was safe and secure. She began heading through the campus and examining the various buildings. Making sure each step was light, quick and so stealthy she would've put ninjas to shame. Rachnara easily heading up to ceilings to avoid being spotted by passing by students. The one thing she was curious about was the rather impressive tower that was said to hold quite a few secrets. Rachnara smirked and easily scaled the tower with impressive speed almost moving like a black blur up the tower and noticing a window and peeked inside with careful movement to avoid making any noise.

Once making sure the coast is clear she slowly uses her fingers and carefully unlocks or opens the window and slips inside and heads quickly to the ceiling and staying hidden as she looks around this room. Wondering what manner of being lived in this location..This room or suite was vastly different to the dorms that Rachnara had peeked into for curiosity...for now the spider girl hadn't...sampled the girls just yet and wanted to explore her future hunting ground.

Playfully making a nice small temp nest in this room on the ceiling. The Spider Girl smirked and looked around for hopefully a little entertainment.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat May 03, 2014 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

Vera was out on campus for majority of the day and afternoon. She had her own classes to attend to just like any other student along with her usual duties. She corrected a student in the basement and attended a student council meeting. It was a full day for the silver haired woman. Her work did not end when she got back to her room either as she usually had to send reports and update records based on what happened and needed to happen in the future. Little did she know that a surprise was waiting for her in her tower suite.

She took the elevator up to the upper floors of the building and unlocked the door with her keycard. The Head Girl was dressed in a perfectly kept school uniform. The only new addition was the light blue sash that hung loosely around her hips, signifying she was a Head Girl to the other students. The young woman set her belongings down and turned on her computer before heading into the kitchen to prepare some tea. She did not seem to notice something lurking up on the ceiling though she did turn on the lights, illuminating the large living area nearby her desk she worked from.

Once tea was made, she would sit down and proceed to go through emails and other messages left for her by those above her. Always working, it was amazing she could keep this up without burning out.

Author:  Starla [ Sat May 03, 2014 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

Rachnara smirked as her spider eyes were made to look in the slightly dark room of this suite. She spotted the form of Vera arriving from the door easy enough as those eyes looked all over that body of Vera. She covered her eyes for a moment once the lights were turned on. Luckily it seemed the Head Girl must've been busy as she barely bothered to look up and possibly spot Rachnara's little nest of webbing in the corner. Rachnara smirked and silently moved along the ceiling gently spitting a nice thick strande onto the ceiling as Rachnera lowered herself upside down right behind Vera and smirked. Watching her work with such stealth as she smirked while admiring the beauty before her and even lightly sniffed at the girls lovely aroma. Sending a shiver through her body...such a delectable one to sample.

Rachnara carefully moved herself a little higher for now and began weaving webbing through her fingers and began making various ropes of the sticky substance as she observed Vera's actions silently. Rachnara had to admire this ones need for working despite being a student like those other girls outside.

The Spider Girl grinned faintly and deciding to tease Vera as she lightly drops one tiny thread of webbing to land ontop of Vera's head. If the Head Girl were to look up at this point. She'd see the grinning face of Rachnara right above her with a playful smirk as she would playfully wrap her arms around Vera while placing one of her carapace armoured hands over the Head Girls mouth. Chuckling softly into the ear of Vera while her spider legs wrapped around Vera to avoid any struggles as the pair dangled in midair together.

"Hmm so sorry if I startled you my dear...." Rachnara teases holding Vera in a rather strong grip and the very sharp looking claws that Rachnara had for fingers would probably also make struggling a bad idea right now.

Author:  Vera [ Sat May 03, 2014 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

((Forgot to switch accounts. Oops. XD))

Vera was working between light sips of tea only to feel something on top of her head. She grabbed it and felt the sticky substance before looking up and seeing the grinning face greeting her. "Ahh! Mmph!" Her cry was cut short as a hand sealed of her mouth while other limbs wrapped around her body, pinning her arms to her sides. She felt herself be lifted out of her chair, her feet dangling in the air as she was trapped in the spiderwoman's grasp.

Feeling those sharp claws against her body, the woman could only tremble in the creature's grasp. The suite provided only a mild deterent from monster attacks simply by being so high up in the tower, requiring slightly more work to reach Vera compared to students in the dorms. This particular guest did not seem to mind. Vera took slow breaths as she did not struggle. She did not know what this woman was planning but she knew it would be less than pleasant for her.

Author:  Starla [ Sat May 03, 2014 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

"Good girl...just do as I say and you'll have a nice time with me.." Rachnara teases softly as the pair were lifted higher and allowing Vera to see the little spider nest built in the corner of her room without her noticing...before she felt her body spinning slightly as the legs using webbing coming from the spinneret of Rachnera's and began wrapping webbing around Vera binding her arms to her sides and also wrapping her legs together. But beside the arms and leg bindings Vera's uniform was still showing. Rachnara gently stuck Vera to her web and finally removed her hand from the poor Head Girls mouth.

"Hmm that's a nice look for you...a little basic as it goes for bondage...but we'll have plenty of time to...experiment.." She purred with such a sensual tone of voice as her multiple spider like red eyes gleamed. She moved one of her sharp fingers carefully and began popping off the buttons to poor Vera's shirt. Wanting to see the goods under her captives uniform for now. "But before we get to the main name is Rachnara...may I know your name my dear prey?" She purred the word prey being more sensual sounding as she grinned showing four fangs in her mouth.

Author:  Vera [ Sat May 03, 2014 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

The student's long silver hair trailed below her as she slowly was spinned around and around. When the monster was finished, her arms and legs were bound. Even if she could wiggle free of the creature's grasp, she would not be getting far with these bindings on her. The webbing was soft but she could not break the threads. Once wrapped up, the hand was removed allowing her to speak and answer Rachnara's question.

Vera looked at the creature as the thing gazed at her hungerly. She truly hoped she was not going to end up being this spider's food. Then again, there were rules that protected students here though most students probably wished they were dead after suffering from these sorts of encounters. "Vera... Vera Matsumoto," she answered softly, "Is... There something I can do for you Rachnara?" Despite this obvious break in and intrusion, Rachnara was a guest of the island. As a Head Girl, Vera knew about the purpose of Shokushu and its many guests. Though it was unlikely, she did try to remain on the good side of some of these creatures in hopes of making her appear more useful for other things besides being a fuck toy or a slave.

Buttons lightly clatter on the desk below as one by one they were cut from her blouse. Her blouse opened some, revealing her lovely cleavage contained within a lacy white bra. She could only guess what sort of experiments Rachnara had planned.

Author:  Starla [ Sat May 03, 2014 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

"Hmm how interesting...your not screaming at me in fear...begging to be released curious," Rachnara purred raising an eyebrow faintly. The spider girl smirked as she gently parted open the uniform of Vera's blouse exposing the Head Girls white lacy bra. "Ooh nice," Rachnara purred out as she carefully moved one hand around and gently cut the back of the bra and removed it exposing Vera's lovely chest. The webbing holding Vera's body was indeed quite soft, making sure it was actually almost relaxing against Vera's legs which were almost fully cocooned in the webbing.

"As for what you can do for me...right now is entertainment...I only just arrived here and well I was looking for a special first meal..." She teases as she hoped her constant teasings of prey or meal would scare the Head Girl in her webbings grasp. "But I'm also looking for a training dummy...I am a young Black Widow who well has a love for the kinky arts of sexual fun," She teases showing the sticky webbing between her fingers as she smirked and gently wrapped two small strands around the nipples of Vera and gave a little playful tug from both.

Rachnara slowly licked her tongue along her long fangs and began moving closer to poor Vera eyeing the poor girls neck. "Hmm first off let's give those lovely breasts of yours....a little upgrade," She teases as her fangs gently moved and sank into the neck of Vera...but the feeling was like a small prick like from a needle...a brief pain and then suddenly a strange pleasuring sensation began spreading over Vera's body...while focusing on her breasts.

Author:  Vera [ Sat May 03, 2014 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

More webbing wrapped around her legs, encasing it completely in white sticky threads. Her bra was cut off, leaving the pieces of cloth fluttering to the floor below. Her breasts now exposed, thin strands wrapped around the Head Girl's still soft nipples. A tug caused a slight gasp but the woman made no other sounds or tried to squirm free. Her legs flexed against the threads but soon gave up upon feeling no yield from them at all. The webbing may as well been steel cords.

Her silver hair was brushed away as fangs sank right into the student's neck. "Ahh!" She gasped in pain. Her body trembled as she felt the spider's venom pump into her bloodstream. The small wound began to pulse painfully at first before growing very hot and sending pulses of pleasure through her body. Her breasts tingled and firmed up as her nipples started to grow more erect. Some sort of aphrodisic, she thought to herself. The tingling sensation seemed to linger in her breasts as more and more venom was pumped into her system.

Author:  Starla [ Sat May 03, 2014 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

Rachnara chuckled softly as she gently released her bite hold and licked the small bite wound causing it to heal quite fast. The main fun began as poor Vera's breasts began growing quite warm and almost seemed to be...growing in size as Rachnara smirked hugely. "Ah perfect working just as it should.." She smirked as she suddenly tugged the now erect nipples with her webbing strands stretching the growing breasts out before releasing and letting them bounce freely.

The motions would cause something as the nipples were forming small droplets of a white fluid from the tips. Rachnara grinned hugely at this as she chuckled. "Ah perfect...the lactation has begun," She teases...the mere feeling of that milk gently trickling out of those breasts would feel so good to poor Vera's venom filled body. Rachnara latched her lips onto one breast and sucked on the exposed bosom and the nipple drinking up the milk. "Ah delicious...and a good source of protein for a young spider," She teases before moving further down to the only part of the young head girls legs not cocooned in the sticky threads...her pelvis and cute rear were the only parts still exposed.

"Of course...the best source of protein from a human comes from down here I believe.." She teases and pokes one finger against a certain no doubt growing damp spot on the Head Girl.

Author:  Vera [ Sat May 03, 2014 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

Her nipples strained against the now tight threads wrapped around them. Vera was breathing heavily as her cheeks became flushed with arousal. Her body was now pulsing with erotic need, the potent aphrodisic wrecking havoc on her libido. "Ahhhnn!" Her body jolt as the theads were tugged, causing milk to drip from her now throbbing teats. "Oohhnnn..." She realized the venom had caused her breasts to be swollen with milk. They were so very tender now as each suck on her teat caused it to release more and more precious milk. "Oh god..." she moaned, head rolling back.

"Uhhnn... Please... Please stop... I... I can get you students to... To experiment on..." Vera tried to make offers in exchange to making this stop. The students were already doomed, she was more than willing to send troublemakers to be punished by a monster if they prove to be reasonable to work with.

Feeling down below, Rachnara could feel the moisture in Vera's panties. Milk continued to drop from both nipples, tickling her senses as they trailed down her breasts and fell down to the desk below. She squirmed a bit but there was no escaping the hungry spider's touch and advances.

Author:  Starla [ Sat May 03, 2014 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

"Hmm perhaps my dear pet...I might be willing to indulge you...but you are just so delicious I don't want to stop sampling you..." Rachnara purred into poor Vera's ear. "But right now...I want let's have fun.." She grinned as she suddenly stopped her pleasuring and let the venom course through Vera's body keeping her breasts filling with milk to a certain size and waited for milking. While Vera's libido continued to increase which sadly for the poor Head Girl would stay active for a day or two after the venom burned itself out.

Rachnara began suddenly cutting up the small nest she had made as it was only a temp nest and also sliced the webbing holding Vera's legs making the poor Head Girl believe she was being freed only for her panties to be gripped and pulled down her legs as Rachnara chuckled wrapping two seperate threads around Vera's legs and sticking those strands to the ceiling as Vera would find herself dangling upside down with her legs quite apart exposing her sex as Rachnara who calmly was also resting upside down on her own thread smirked softly.

"Hmm quite a lovely sight you are like this my dear...why I dare say one of the more daring students might discover poor you in this horny state...and with such milky breasts..." Rachnara purred and groped Vera's breasts causing the milk to flow out easier as the spider woman chuckled softly. "But for now...your my let's play.." Rachnara smirked and pushed one of her rather long fingers slowly into the drooling netherlips of Vera. Rachnara's single finger going as deep as some cocks or short tentacles and stroked the insides of Vera's near on fire pleasure nerves. Rachnara chuckled softly and making the netherlips build up a froth.

Rachnara's legs expertly freed up Vera's arms only to move them behind her back with her wrists pressed together as webbing that went from her hands nearly up to her shoulders as Rachnara chuckled softly the webbing was strong as metal but soft like cotton. While Rachnara's finger continued pleasuring Vera just to the edge of orgasm only to stop.

Author:  Vera [ Sun May 04, 2014 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

The Head Girl's world went upside down as she was left hanging with her legs spread fully apart. Her long hair hung far below her head, swaying with the rest of her body as Rachnara changed Vera's bindings. Being trained by her Headmaster and having dealt with the island's guests on numerous occasions, Vera was more than familiar with the art of bondage. The bindings were tight, allowing no freedoms at all without cutting off her circulation.

"Ahhh..." she gasped, her eyes going wide as that long finger pushed ever so slowly into her body. It traced along her trembling inner walls, feeling how juicy the Head Girl has gotten already thanks to the aphrodisics in her system. Her skirt and panties gone, the cool air soaked into her glistening netherlips and sent pleasing shivers up and down the woman's spine. Vera's eyes fluttered, struggling to keep her focus but failing as each stroke drew her attention more to her yearning needs. Her sex began to make an audible slurp as the finger continued to push in and stroke back and forth.

"Ooohhnn... Uhhnn..." she continued to moan softly as she swayed there in her bonds. Blood would slowly rush to her head, making her dizzy which only made the pleasure all the more hazy in her mind. Her hips rocked gently against the long stroking digit. Her eyes were growing duller as she continued to lose her battle against her own body. Juices and milk dripped down her nude form, tickling her skin like light fingertips tracing her bare skin.

Author:  Starla [ Sun May 04, 2014 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

"Hmm yes that's a nice sound my dear...let's see if your used to having sex in midair like this.." Rachnara purred and slowly pulled her finger out making sure it was felt leaving the needy sex of Vera. The 8 spider legs of Rachnara wrapped around Vera while a faint bulge began forming on Rachnara's human like sex as she moved around so she was in a good position while her legs thin hairs tickled the sensitive and milk dripping breasts.

A faint bulge began rubbing against the sex of Vera which the Head Girl would no doubt feel the cock shape forming as Rachnara purred. Before moving a little more and plunging her cock into that drooling sex spreading it's need folds out just right as Rachnara chuckled while her legs continued tapping and brushing the breasts jiggling them around as the milk trailed slowly down Vera so she felt it. Even the fine hairs on those legs felt amazing as they brushed her body so well. Every motion of Rachnara gave the poor human head girl pleasure and it kept climbing as her libido continued to soar higher and higher.

Author:  Vera [ Sun May 04, 2014 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

Her entire body was on fire as pleasure continously rippled through her. The numerous legs slapped around her heavy tits, causing them to jiggle slosh as milk spurt out onto the floor below. Vera could only groan as she squirmed weakly in her bonds. Slowly, the finger left her body with a wet pop only to be replaced with something much bigger.

"Auuughh!" She cried out as the cock pierced right into her depths. Though not a virgin, the Head Girl's body was perfectly tight, always ready to please her master or the guests of the island. Her inner walls clinged to the thick invader as it pushed into her. It was like Vera's body was sucking the cock in deeper. She rocked in her bonds of webbing with each thrust. Her moans echo off the walls as each thrust into the human's juicy body made an audible slurp as juices squished around the thick member. Vera's eyes fluttered and rolled back as her mouth hung open in awe. She struggled to endure but the bubbly fire inside her loins erupted and began to spread through her entire being. The climax was coming and she was powerless to stop it.

Author:  Starla [ Sun May 04, 2014 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Spiders way of Saying Hi (For Vera)

Rachnara chuckled softly as she moaned and thrusted her cock into those tight depths of the Head Girl. That cock spearing deeper inside and drawn deeper into Vera while Rachnera moved her hands and squeezed the breasts of Vera more so. Causing milk to squirt out as Rachnara purred. "Oh yeah that's a good girl..." She chuckled while thrusting her cock nice and deep inside and feeling the climax as she soon spewed her own cum inside the womb and pussy of Vera. Due to her being upside down none of it was escaping right now as Rachnara chuckled. Watching the orgasm of Vera hit as the spider woman grasping Vera and freeing the girls legs as the pair easily land on the floor or rather Rachnera does while holding Vera in her arms.

"Hmm that was fun at least for a pure sex..." Rachnara teases as she laid Vera on her stomach on her own desk and grasping her legs and having them tied from the feet to the kneesa nd bend in an L position. Rachnara chuckled. "I believe this is called Reverse Shrimp..." She teases.

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