Shokushu High School

A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]
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Author:  Kieran [ Wed May 07, 2014 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

Calista sat prostrate before Vespira as she returned to the bridge of the commandeered ADD rescue cruiser, she was sitting on her knees, her head bowed low as it touched the floor, while her palms were laying flat on the metal deck over her head. She was naked once more except for the addition of a brand new collar manufactured through the ships industrial equipment. The heavy titanium was formidable; it was at least two inches in height and a quarter inch thick, it was shiny and smooth, while the back was magnetically sealed and could only released by a special key possessed by Vespira.

She waited patiently to be acknowledged by her alien mistress, her eyes turned down to the floor, only seeing the bare feet of the ships former Commander as she stumbled toward the flight controls. She could see dollops of cum splattered on the deck where it had oozed out of the ravished woman.

She shivered a little as she felt her mistresses eyes fall on her, taking in her prostrate form and feeling her pussy grow wet with anticipation.

Author:  Vespira [ Wed May 07, 2014 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

Vespira gazed ahead at the stars crossing past the viewscreen. The ship had changed course and was heading deeper into the outer territories. The Commander had the pleasure of being fucked by the alien woman's thick phallus. The ADD officer was not fully brainwashed and trained yet but she was enthralled well enough to obey commands. So the woman stood there in the nude with alien sperm running down her still twitching thighs.

Poor Calista had been left out though. The woman had remained prostrated before the serpent woman all this time. She was left hearing the moans of pleasure come from the very woman that came to save her. Of course thanks to Calista's mental powers, the Commander loved every moment of her ravaging. She thought it was her new purpose in life much like Calista herself.

But now, Calista had earned Vespira's undivided attention. This special talent had betrayed her own people in order to be pleasured by the Gorgonian. Now, it was time to see how far her precious toy has fallen. "Calisssta..." she called with that familiar hiss in her voice, "Rise... Show yoursself to me. Tell me, how did it feel betraying the ADD? Betraying your own people hmm? How did it feel bending the very woman who ssaved you to your will? Have you ever done that to another human, used your powerss againsst them?" Vespira was indeed curious to hear how her pet felt doing all this to her comrades.

Author:  Kieran [ Wed May 07, 2014 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

Calista rose to her feet and presented herself to her mistress, the metal posture collar restricted the movement of her head left or right as it sat flush with her jaw. This led to her field of vision being limited to the horizon in front of her. Her pussy ached with need, while her mouth watered at the thought of licking the alien woman's cum out of the Commanders ravished pussy. "If felt good to know that I am freeing my sisters from their enslavement by the be ushered into the true lives."

As she thought about bending and twisting the Commander to her will, she blushed and tried to look away, but the collar force her to look directly at Vespira and into her eyes. " felt incredible to bend this woman to my made me incredibly horny mistress."

"I have never used by abilities against another human before was against the rules as Special Talent...may I ask for something from you my mistress?"

Author:  Vespira [ Wed May 07, 2014 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

Vespira smirked as her pet could only gaze helplessly into her eyes. Calista had been broken down so many times that the poor human woman could do nothing but lose herself in that hypnotic vision. The alien crimelord was pleased with her pet's answer. "Yesss... Ssoon you will have many sissterss joining you," she stroked through Calista's long blonde hair, "The ADD, they fear you. They know they are weak and you can break them sso easily jusst like that sslut behind you. That is why they keep you from using your powers."

The snakewoman smiled faintly at Calista wishing to speak up again. "Very well," she hissed, "Assk. But, play with yoursself while you do sso. Entertain me..." They had a long trip back to what Vespira could call civilization. She would learn much about her precious new pet and soon have access to the lovely ADD ladies that were currently bound and gagged in the brig.

Author:  Kieran [ Wed May 07, 2014 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

Calista spread her legs, sliding a hand down over her taut stomach and began to rub her swollen pussy lips, while her other hand reached up to play with her right breast. For a long moment she pleasured herself, biting her lower lip as she played with herself and stifled a moan before she remembered that she had a question to ask.

"M-Mistress...I-I....oooo goddess yes....I ummmm...p-please...may I...uuuhhhhmmmm break the agents on...this ship?" Calista managed to asked as her body shivered with pleasure, her eyes rolling back in her head, but unable to lean her head back. A long, low moan escaped her lips and then her eyes snapped open as she remembered that she had been told just to play with herself.

"D-do you...wish me to c-cum....mistress?"

Author:  Vespira [ Wed May 07, 2014 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

Vespira hid her smile as that look of realization crossed Calista's features. The woman was so focused on pleasuring herself that she nearly forgottent the question, what a little whore. The question was unnecessary as what Vespira had planned was exactly what she had planned. It was truly delightful to find a slave that was not only loyal but more than capable in breaking others to her will. The ADD were truly fools to allow this lovely minx to slip from their grasp.

"No, you will not cum jusst yet, my pet," she leaned in closer, gazing deep into Calista's eyes, "You will break those agentss but firsst. Look into my eyess... Relax... Let yoursself melt away until you hear nothing but my voice..." Vespira watched with hungry eyes as her pet slowly lost focus and slipped away. "Good girl... Now lissten... When I release you from your collar, you will use your powers how you please on your fellow agentss. When you use your powers on them... It will feel good... Very good... Better than ssex... You will have vivid fantasies of my cock entering you as you use your powers on them as your reward. Embrace it. Embrace your desire to break the wills of others."

She waited, letting those words filter through the grey mush that was Calista's brain. Once satisfied that her pet registered the commands, the Gorgonian gently removed the collar to allow her pet free reign of movement. "You have much work ahead of you," Vespira said softly, "Go. Break them... Break them all. Use any means you wish. Bring ones you have broken to me, offer them as your trophiess. I will be keeping our lovely Commander company." Vespira would wait for Calista to ask any final questions or take her leave before calling the other woman to her. She would give the Commander her own personal attention as she gazed deep inside the woman's eyes.

All prisoners were being held in the brig. All had their limbs bound and were gagged. Blindfolds and earplugs sealed their hearing and vision, leaving them all floating in a senseless void, unaware that their fellow crewmembers were in the same room or if they were still on the ship.

Author:  Kieran [ Thu May 08, 2014 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

Calista stared into the alien woman's golden gaze without hesitation as her face became slack, a blissful expression forming there as she listened to her mistresses words. A wicked little smile formed on her face without her conscious effort as the Vespira told her what she was to do. She her mind was filled with the orgasmic cries of the women's ultimate defeat, of their being broken and tamed. Already her body was quivering with pent up sexual energy from simply thinking about committing this traitorous act.

The moment she was told to have vivd fantasies about her mistresses cock thrusting into her hot, drooling pussy, she climaxed, squirting her juices out onto the floor behind and beneath her as she moaned loud and lewdly for her alien captor. "Y-Your will...i-is my will...mistress" once she had recovered enough to speak, standing up from her knees to where she had collapsed in front of the ship commanders seat.

She smiled at the commander and saw a brief glint of fear cross the woman's face as the blond hair walked towards the exit of the bridge. She could hear Vespira's hissed command and woman quietly answering, though anything else was cut off by the door shutting behind her. She sauntered towards the holding cells where they were keeping their prisoners, perusing her options for her newest toy.

The blond haired woman stopped as she spotted the medic from before.

A lovely young woman, her form was that of a dancers taut and incredibly sensual, her breasts were small, not more than a handful, topped by deliciously pink nipples that stood hard and firm in the cool air of the ship. Her hair was cut into a cute pixie cut and though a good portion of her face was hidden, it was still quite lovely to behold. This had likely been her first mission for the ADD...and now she found herself at the mercy of an alien slaver and her new pet. She lay on her side, asleep from what Calista could tell, which prompted her to enter the cell and place a hand on the side of her head to enter her thoughts to see just what it was she was dreaming of.

Author:  Vespira [ Thu May 08, 2014 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

The medic was still unconcious either due to sedating herself and the crew before or because there was little the helpless agent could do in her state besides sleep. With the gag in place, the woman could only make muffled sounds from her throat though she was mostly silent during her slumber. She stirred only faintly to Calista's touch as the psychic searched the woman's mind.

There was nothing really worth sensing. The agent was indeed asleep but it seems her thoughts were not yet forming into anything coherent dreamwise. Of course, that just gives Calista free reign to do what she pleased with this woman's pretty little head. What little memories the special talent could snatch were of being a newblood to the ADD. This woman was from Shokushu though she was one of the lucky ones who were not attacked by aliens and was saved by way of the ADD blockade. A young woman who still knew very little about how the galaxy worked it seemed. The medic took slow deep breaths, remaining fast asleep even with the hand pressed to her face.

Author:  Kieran [ Thu May 08, 2014 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

"Perfect," Calista whispered as an evil smile formed on her face, taking a moment to insinuate herself seamlessly into the young woman's thoughts and drawing off her own recent experiences on the alien planet, sifting through her own memories and tailoring the young woman's dreamscape to match the world that she had been trapped on for two weeks.

Slowly the swamps of the planet formed, the woman waking up free from her captivity, wearing little more than her one piece bikini undersuit and carrying an ADD pulse rifle. This would likely be incredibly disorienting for the young woman, who's last waking memories would be stripped naked and helplessly bound on her own ship.

Author:  Vespira [ Thu May 08, 2014 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

The agent's eyes fluttered open. She could feel the damp earth beneathe her as well as the humid air all around her. All of her senses were telling her she was in the jungle as she looked around. Her last memory was back on the cruiser though. She remember sticking needles into her crewmates and then into herself. She was vacinating everyone of a possible infection or virus. The medic could remember no details though, it was all hazy in her mind. The big question remained though, how did she get here and where were her crew?

She noticed the one piece suit on her. She did have that one last she recalled, not realizing her real body was stripped while unconcious. But, the pulse rifle was something she recalled checking out. What was going on? The medic rose to her feet, grabbing the weapon and holding it at the ready. "Is anyone out here? Commander? Anyone?" she called out to the jungle, looking around to see any signs of the cruiser or anyone. The medic was very worried and confused on what was happening.

Author:  Kieran [ Thu May 08, 2014 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

Slowly the sounds of the jungle filled the young woman's ears, her voice echoing amongst the alien trees though no reply least no intelligible human reply. The setting sun slowly plunged the swampy jungle into a darkening gloom, the thick mud lapped languidly at her bare thighs. The jungle grew silent, eerily silent as all of the noises ceased, the feel of malignant eyes taking in her nearly naked form, glowing yellow eyes staring back at her.

More eyes began to appear just above the surface of the water, only a couple at first, but more and more appear until she was surrounded by a semi-circle of nearly two dozen glowing reptilian eyes. The soupy water erupted beside the Medic as she was suddenly physically thrown from her feet and came splashing down a moment later.

As she surfaced and cleared her vision of the muck, she would be confronted but the most ghastly thing she had ever seen. IT resembled a huge toad with its thick dark green mottled skin that was covered in warts, ram horns sat atop its head curling around several times, and it stood upright.

Its two enormous arms that hung to the ground like an ape’s and even crouched, it stood at least twelve feet high.

Thankfully the young agent had her rifle still somehow.

Author:  Vespira [ Thu May 08, 2014 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

The young woman's eyes go wide as she saw all those glowing eyes peering at her. Surrounded, the agent tried to back away from them as best as possible only to be blown right off her feet. She crashed into the water and came up, coughing and sputtering. She got up to find a hulking toadlike creature before her. The medic panicked as she backed away, pointing her rifle at the thing. "Stay away!" she cried out, "I'll shoot!" Her pulse rifle charged up, ready to unload every shot into whatever moves closer to her. She would not be the one engaging these unknown creatures but the agent was more than allowed to defend herself from attackers. What the hell was going on here? Where was her crew? Why was she here? Finger on the trigger, she prepared to fire on the first thing that moves.

Author:  Kieran [ Thu May 08, 2014 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

The huge creature seemed to sneer at the woman and her puny little weapon as it croaked at her, the sound echoing around her and then being answered hundreds of times over. Truly she was surrounded and just one step away from being completely helpless before this brute. The monstrous creature in front of her croaked in what must have been an approximation of a chuckle, obviously it did not take the threat issued by the tiny woman seriously or it simply did not care since if she killed it, there were at least two dozen of the other creatures watching her.

It took a step forward and reach out, grabbing the girl by the throat as it lifted her up with it taloned hand watching her and sniffing, grinning evilly as it raised it other hand up towards her.

Author:  Vespira [ Thu May 08, 2014 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

She had no clue how she ended up in a middle of an entire army of these toad things. But, the ADD agent was not about to just sit by and let them take her. She had this rifle for a reason. As the toad moved in to grab her throat, the medic pulled the trigger and fired multiple shots into it until it collapsed into the water. If any of the others moved, she would fire at them, trying her best to keep them at bay by shooting them down as they come. The woman would not stop firing until she was overwhelmed or her weapon stopped working. "I said stay back!" she screamed, "Stay away from me! Someone please help me!" The woman's heart was racing and her actual body was trembling from the fear and tension the dream was putting her through. She was panicking, firing at anything and everything coming her way.

Author:  Kieran [ Thu May 08, 2014 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Gifted Slave [Calista & Vespira]

In the real world Calista smiled as she watch the young woman's body twitching and trembling, gently caressing her face before she altered the dreamscape. It was a subtle little thing and the young woman would have perceived it as have started running away from the aliens that had surrounded her. The blond haired woman was kneeling in a puddle of her own juices she was so wet simply from the experience of using her powers to tame this woman.

She decided that she wanted this one as a pet and would have to ask her mistress' permission for her.

In the dream, not far away from where she was running, the frightened ADD medic would be able to see a group of low shrubs crowned by a cluster of thick shoots that roughly resembled bamboo - there weren't many places that had presented a place to hide, but this was the best she could see as the sounds of pursuit drew closer and the sounds of the alien monsters croaks echoed in the air.

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