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 Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh) 
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Post Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
Nin casually walked the school grounds. It was slightly before dawn, shuttle hints of the sun were starting to appear upon the horizon. A perfect time to be snooping around, and eves drop on those hiding secrets. There was no doubt in Nin’s mind that there was something being hidden within the school. The plane ride was a first clue; she didn’t just fall asleep on a plane ride she wasn’t a frequent flyer, and she tended to stay awake in moving vehicles. Not only that but her sweets, and other desirables had been taken while she had entered her strange sleep. That probably nagged her the most. Taking Nin’s sweets and movies was like taking gold from a dragon, it was highly improbable one would live or endure her retaliation, as well as go unnoticed. To take them without notice right underneath her nose was disturbing.

Even if she did fall asleep, she was a light sleeper and had a sensitive body. For example the cool breeze currently hitting her legs and breast was causing her body to over react sexually. Mostly thanks to her form fitting collar shirt button down to just under magnificent jugs, exposing her cleavage and part of her nipples where slightly hinted at; even more so do to the fact that they had harden and grew slightly. Having cut the skirt length down to 6 ½ “, effectively hitting at her rounded ass; with each gently gust of wind, her sex moistened. She knew if the breeze kept going she would probably begin to start dripping with her own juices. Either way she thought about how it could’ve been done, there was just no clear cut answer. The only thing she could rationalize that she either been drugged or put under sleep. Her body was a clear testament of that.

Coming across a door she tried to open it. No use whatever the door lead to she wasn’t entering it. If she had some way of picking the lock; no there was sure to be another way in. stiffening a yawn she continued to transverse the school grounds. As she left a strong gust of wind sending her skirt up, and revealing her well endowed sex promptly pierced in three places. She didn’t bother pushing the skirt down; it wasn’t like anyone was watching, and besides if anyone did see it really didn’t matter. It was an all girl school so there wasn’t much to hide if one of her peers sees her. Besides she wasn’t wholly against letting her pussy secrete her pre-cum, which in a way it was practically drooling. Stiffening a yawn she continued walking completely unaware that she was being watched. Spotting a half opened window see saw her opened window. Without a second thought she pushed the window farther up and began to climb inside. Mooning the entire island as she did so.

Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:42 pm

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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
Despite her belief otherwise, she was being watched as she climbed through the window. The watcher admired the view from his hiding place in the nearby trees even as he marveled that any student would go without panties, given the school's infamously short skirts. Still, she was obviously new and probably didn't realize just how strict the staff could be with dress code violations. Or, he thought as the light reflected off his three eyes, causing them to flash red, what the island's real purpose is. His snake-like tongue licked wolfen lips as he anticipated being the one to introduce her to that reality.

Kakumaoh had noticed her a bit earlier when he had been approaching the campus to get a look at the new playthings. As she was clearly worth his attention and had helpfully put herself in a position that would make it easier for him to introduce himself, he had followed her from concealment. A grin had crossed his lips when she tried to access a particular door. Sorry, that's for guests only. Aside from some of the staff, no human can open it. When she'd entered the building, he went back to that door and used it to make his way in. Moving quickly, he went to the door of the room she'd entered and peeked through the window to see what she was doing.

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Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:03 pm
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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
Once inside Nin instantly began to poke around desks and cabinets, she didn’t expect to find anything, but people had an odd way of telling people their personality with their belongings. For example the entire desk that seemed to good as knew where obviously used by more organize and perfect students. While some of the more out of range desk spoke volumes about each individual. The arrangement of the classroom also told her what the Teacher there was like. From what she could gather there really wasn’t much of a teacher, more like an endless line of random characters on an off again. If this was an exclusive private school she was sure they had well paid over egotistical teachers, within each class.

Gently laying a hand on one desk as she as sexually walked to the teacher’s desk, her skirt bouncing up teasingly displaying her ass, still completely unaware that someone or rather something was watching her, as she naturally teased whatever was watching her she began rummaging in the teachers desk looking for anything that may give her more information about the island. Reaching into a drawer, which caused her to slick her luscious rump into the air revealing her moist sex, she began to hum a lovely little tune. Not once looking up to register any threats, or to see the creature looking in on her as she was poking her nose where it didn’t belong.

Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:03 am

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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
With the girl's attention focussed on the teacher's desk, Kakumaoh took the opportunity to enter unnoticed. Since he was certain that he could stop her before she could get out of a window, he decided to have some fun with her before having his way with her.

"I'm not sure what you think you're doing, but you aren't supposed to be here," he said. "Not to mention a rather obvious uniform violation. That's a pretty serious set of demerits you're looking at. Although we might be able to work something out so that this doesn't get to the administration." If she didn't look at him, he hoped she'd think he was a perverted staff member. Of course, she'd find out the truth eventually either way, but it might be interesting to see how she reacts.

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Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:34 pm
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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
“Speaks of the devil.” Nin said instinctively darting down as to be not seen. It was a futile effort as she was obviously busted, but if the staffer couldn’t recognize her well that was better. If she escaped the perverted man’s clutches, which she could; being a 10th Dan in Karate assured her that she could escape. There would be no proof to his claims that she was snooping around before school hours. She was however unaware that she wasn’t as good as she normal was thanks to inhibitors when it came to monsters. Most perverts like easy submissive prey, despite her provocative dress style she was every much a fighter a turnoff to most.” Nin no care bout administration or demerits. Adminstration stupid for making skirts this sort anyways. Nin gave her measurements perfectly. People always taking advantage of pure Nin Nin’s clothing.” Nin chanted in her small voice pretending to be shy and air headed, ignoring the fact that she purposely didn’t wear any undergarments and the fact she cut the skirt shorter than it already was.

” Nor Nin understands what you mean by work something out. “Her last words teased in a baby pouting voice, it was a killer technique. She hoped the staffer would instantly forget about her break and entry.” Nin just came looking for answers to rumors Bout Island. She likes solving mysteries and gathering facts.”

Her brain was scheming to trick what she thought to be a perverted staffer, into telling her some of the secrets of the island. It would be a minute before she actually asked any questions, as her master once said. ‘The Venus fly trap always waits for the last second to clamp down on its prey. Why, simple it easier to get what you want when the target is most comfortable and relaxed, and when one least expect it strike at the last second possible. This is the same within a fight, let your opponent get sucked up in his rhythm, and when he perceives victory take it from him…Oh and don’t forget Nin this also applies to questioning. Let them think what they want and when the meat comes don’t hesitate to butcher it!’ That was what she was going to apply here and now, draw the man into thinking he had easy prey. While it was quiet the contrary the promise of defiling her sex was true if he gave satisfactory answers to her questions, was a technique she had perfected in high school, it almost never failed to achieve what she wants.

To add to it she rose up her leg seductively and ran her hand up her leg slowly enticingly. All the while pretending that she was a shy and sexually uneducated dimwit of a female, who was willing to trade sex for answers to rather dumb questions.” Boo, Nin’s legs are called. So is her private place.” She moaned annoyed. Little did she know she was actually making the whole thing worse, by teasing the creature she was mistaking as a staffer.

Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:41 pm

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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
The girl's ditzy act probably would have been more convincing if he hadn't been watching her for a while; her actions when sneaking in had betrayed a far more intelligent and determined person than she was pretending to be. Still, for now he would play along with her game; after all, he had the upper hand and she apparently hadn't realized he wasn't what he was pretending to be.

"If you think the skirt's too short, you really should wear the uniform panties," he said in reply to her comment about the skirt length. If she really thought anyone would accept that as an excuse for the uniform violation then she might actually have been as ditzy as she was acting, but he suspected she was just trying to keep him off-balance.

When she made her claim as to what she was up to, he gave a slightly dismissive bark of laughter. "What rumors are you talking about, and why couldn't you just ask one of the staff or head girls about them instead of sneaking around where you shouldn't be? You aren't likely to find any answers here, anyway."

There was an implied offer in her raised leg; it was probably insincere, but he'd be taking her up on it either way. How long he'd be able to keep his act up before he made a move just to shut up her irritating persona was open to question at the moment, though.

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Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:49 pm
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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
Nin rolled her eyes as the staffer questioned her lack of panties. Most perverts wouldn’t question it, who would? A free up-skirt and pussy show right before their eyes and yet one would suggest something, that was obviously purposely neglected. Who really question that unless your eighteenth century Englishmen. It was a something that left her slightly bewildered, which Nin shrugged it off as she pondered her next moves. the staffer was going to be a bit trickery than the others she had been faced with in high school; he seemed to be more intuitive and crafty. Then it was a game of wits and intuition. Or so she thought from her perspective as she had not tried outsmarting a demon before, nor did she know she was up against one.”She did, they simply dismissed it off as silly stories told to freshmen and newcomers.” She giggles as she replied, ignoring the statement about her panty-less bottom. “ They tell Nin that monsters run around doing very naughty things to girls.”If he was buying her ditzy act it would be merely assumed that she was dumb enough to believe the rumors and tried to find proof of it, which she did but had not of yet gaze upon Kaumaoh, who Unbeknownst to her was ell of where of her intelligent.” So nin decides to go find information for herself.”

Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:37 am

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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
He let out a bark of laughter at that. "Seriously? You're told that the stories of monsters are just made up to haze new students, and you feel the need to look for evidence to support this? Do you really think that there might be monsters lurking on campus, waiting to catch students alone?" If so, you're going to find out how right you are soon enough. His voice took on a stern tone as he continued. "Perhaps you should tell me what you're really looking for, before you get into even more trouble than you're already in." While he doubted that it would make a difference just what she was up to, it might give him some additional leverage over her in the future.

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Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:44 pm
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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
The bark of laughter was letting her know she was getting the staffer laxed, well at least she hoped she was doing that. Besides it was the best excuse she had, she couldn’t up and say this school is hiding some type of conspiracy, without first confirming there was one. That’s what the supposed staffer had walked in on as she attempted to find anything that a student smart enough, or a teacher/staffer dumb enough; to hide something about the islands darkest secrets. Surly the staff knew that students told just as much truths within their lies as much lies. It was something she did her-self, a healthy dose of truths and lying often hid one’s real intentions, if played right. Did she believe there was rape monsters running amuck no, but in human experimentation that generated Resident evil like monster maybe. For the most part Nin was thinking something far more sinister than glorified zombies. And it still ran along the lines of illegal experimentation, and the students where the test subjects. Why it was an all female school, was of many questions she needed to answer during her investigations of the school.

The staffers sudden stern tone was like rattler warning he was about to bite. Well he wasn’t the only one with fangs, but for the most she believed that he believed she was a total ditz. Though she sensed the atmosphere becoming dangerous, thin ice, surgical precession was needed. “They swore to Nin they where and challenged her to prove otherwise. Cause Nin find such creatures only on DVD’s not real life. Though it would be rather amazing if such creatures did exist; Nin would keep lot of pets.” She clambered enthusiasm changing the subject from what she was really doing. Such information was best kept out of perverted hands, she knew what men like that would do with it.

Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:59 am

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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
She was apparently dead set on keeping up the same story no matter how unlikely it sounded. Still, he'd let her keep digging herself in deeper, just to see how far she'd go before realizing she wasn't getting anywhere; unlike if he'd actually been part of the staff, her lying wasn't going to make things worse for her here. "Just what sort of evidence of such a thing did you expect to find in here?" he asked, obvious skepticism in his voice. "A note in the lesson plan, perhaps? 'Monday, third period: field trip to minotaur lairs, remember to bring string', or the like? Not that I find it likely you were challenged to find evidence that the stories were true. Possibly told something like 'Have you seen any evidence that such things are happening? No? Then why are you taking these stories seriously? It's just some upperclassmen hazing the new students, that's all.' Or maybe told to see the nurse if you'd claimed to have actually seen such a creature slithering around, since that'd be a good sign you're either hallucinating or just acting out for attention." He didn't even bother mentioning the difficulties that would be involved in trying to keep such a creature as a pet, since he was pretending to deny even the remote possibility that they existed. "No, young lady, you're already in pretty bad trouble, and you'd better start answering truthfully if you don't want to make it worse." Admittedly, all he might do to make things worse for her was pass some information along to Daphnee, which might result in her, Vera, or one of Vera's other prefects investigating and giving her a session in the basement, and he doubted that she was able to do anything that would annoy him enough to bother with such a course of action. She wouldn't know that, though, and the threat might have an effect.

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Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:51 pm
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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
Fed up with the Staffer. Not to mention out of idea's to keep up her ditzy act. Either this staffer was thinking too hard or he was just that used to digging into the truth either way. The push had come to shove, and if she had to shove. Standing up and twirling around she readied herself to tell the guy off.As she did this the sight and truth of Kaumoah was within her eyes. A gasp escapes her mouth, and deep since of thread fills her stomach. She had taken the stories as a hazing, though believing some type of experimentation was going on. Now before her very eye's was such a creature that she couldn't phantom a better name other than a Demon. she took a half step back, before bolting for the nearest window preferably an open one.

As made for an escape she cursed under her breath. She had lingered too long in trying to get the creature to cough up information. In certain ways she had succeeded, him verbally verifying that there where monsters as per believing every lie had some truth to it. Yet this was beyond any answer, any reasoning she only hoped she could escape the creature masquerading as a staffer.

Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:19 am

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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
Perhaps if he'd been human and she'd run immediately after coming out of hiding, she would have made it even though he'd been expecting her to try running at some point. As it was, her mad dash was doomed from the start, as he only needed to take a few steps to catch her, grabbing her from behind just before she could reach the window. "What's your hurry?" he asked as he got a firm grip around her waist. "You were looking for evidence that the rumors were true, weren't you? Why try leaving right when there's some obvious proof right in front of you?" One hand took hold of her breast, fondling the firm orb as he dragged her back towards the teacher's desk.

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Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:58 pm
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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
(Sorry for late post been busy)
Nin out of reaction to being grabbed tried to head butt the creature but found the creatures gentle fondling of her breast. Her nipples hardened at the forced arousal. She began kicking and elbowing at the creature to no avail. Though not as physically as certain girls and of course males, Nin had a decent disadvantage, so strength wasn’t going to over power the monster, technique was a different matter. So far it wasn’t doing any good it was like she was being sapped of all physical power. It certainly wasn’t Kalumaoh fondling her breast. “Nin no needs your definition of answers demon.” She spouted trying to push his grabby hand away.”Nin only need to look get her answer. Now let her be !.” With deep sated angry words she tried her best to fight off the monster playing with her well endowed breast.

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:07 am

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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
"Oh, no, not until I'm done with you." The girl's struggles would have proven ineffective even without the school's inhibitors weakening her. "And this way, you'll have more information about what really goes on here than anything you might have found in here." A second pair of hands joined the first in molesting her, one going to her other breast while the other slipped under her skirt to caress her unprotected sex.

As he reached the teacher's desk, he turned her around and forced her down on her back, two hands at her breasts while the other two held her hips. "Besides, I think you'll enjoy this," he said as he ripped her blouse open, exposing her breasts to his gaze. "I know I will," he added, leaning down to lick one of the firm orbs.

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Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:49 am
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Post Re: Nosey New Student (For Kakumaoh)
"N-no! GET OFF HER." Nin vented angrily in third-person, as the creature began to molest her more. Another hand groping her luscious jugs, while his other new hand found her exposed wet sex brushing her piercings."NNNNNNH." she wailed a little as he did this, the combination was murder on her sensitive body. Her nipples hardened and a plethora of per-cum began to secrete form her sex lips. While this happened Nin felt her face flush with heat and turn deep red. Tears filed her eyes as she found her-self at the mercy of the demon. Who was hell bent on verifying the rumors she had been told.

Before she could continue to even try and struggle against her would be rapist. She was forced on her back against the teachers desk. Her face continued to heat up as tears fell from her eyes. As she watched the demon rip off her blouse. The combination would be overwhelmingly cute as the demon eyed like meat. It was poor belittlement, she had always been able to weasel out of any situation that faced her. If she had to she could defend her chastity now she was a damsel in distress."S-STOOOOP IT!"
She cried as she felt the creature tongue on her smooth skin, her body betraying her with extacy of pleasure. This made her more wet between her legs was which was now dripping.

Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:19 am
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