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 Never trust the nurse! (Open to all) 
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Post Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
Shokushu Campus, although well-designed and surprisingly self-sufficient, is far from perfect. Even though the monsters are urged to have a modicum of restraint, and security measures are put in place with the student body's safety in mind, injuries and sickness still happen. Be it a case of the common cold, a scraped knee, or a bone bruise received off a fall from the cheerleader pyramid, Shokushu's nurse's office is well equipped to handle any dire situation, though some would say the staff's "bedside manner" to be a bit over enthusiastic. Nevertheless, accidents and sickness does happen, and when it does, Xenoanthropological Officer N!xau Cangelosi was there to help.

The door to the office is unlocked, opening as the first bell of the morning rang, ready for its first patient.

(OOC note: open to any and all students, Cangly will try to help as many as it can! ^_^ )

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
Can you believe this? Her eyes narrowed at the new girl as if it were her fault, and it was. Etolie would loop things about to find her fellow student at fault as she is helped along by the ditz Amy; The girl wasn't the brightest but served her role well enough and had been a lackey for the elitist.

“Injury in PE, volleyball practice ...”
Amy states as she helps Etolie into the officer.

“Crap, my stuff! I don't need any of the commoners going through my things. My iPod is there among other things … my locket ….”
The iPod she could care less about but the locket had sentimental value to her and Amy nodded, understood what she was being asked to do and hurried off. Those things were locked away in the teacher's office as Etolie didn't trust the simple lockers though the office was still amongst the reach of the commoners. Her left knee throbbed.

“Hello! Can I get some frigging ice already! God!”
She yelled out as she waits, the nurse having stepped out at the time for a few minutes it would seem.

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:48 am
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
"In a minute! I'm in the back!" It was a distinctly masculine voice, but in some way, calming. The door opened from one of the two exam rooms, and out emerged a young doctor, youngish, one would say looking like a certain teenage doctor from one of those early nineties sitcom, thick-lensed glasses covering his eyes, scratching at his unkempt brown hair like an absent-minded professor. He notes Etoile and Amy, still in volleyball uniforms. "Ah, accident on the hardwood, eh? Yeah, let me get you on one of the tables." He opens the door, letting the two inside. "Just tell me what happened and I'll get the compress prepared."

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:16 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
She had been about ready to launch a snide remark … commoners … then she saw him, and well, she halted for a moment. He wasn't so bad looking though after being assisted to the table she dismisses Amy to get her things, notably that irreplaceable locket. That wasn't the only reason she was shooing her ditzy lackey away … it gave her more alone time with the professor or nurse or whatever … it was rare that she even paid attention to commoners and she blamed being stuck at this school for that with so many insolent girls that needed to know their places. The things that went bump in the night weren't the only ones that preyed on the girls here, Etolie did it from time to time too though in her case she had to rely heavily on her memory spells to prevent from getting into trouble or some jail time but no one would ever lock up the “Princess”.

“Volley ball, that dingy girl … Miss Adams … spiked the ball and to get out of the way I fell and banged it up pretty well.”

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:33 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
The young doctor just responds with a smile and nod, rather respectful considering. "That's the problem with team sports. You're only as good as your weakest link." He takes a compress from the freezer, laying it on Etolie's knee, applying steady pressure. The hand does feel quite cool as well on her thigh, maybe taking her mind off the pain briefly. "I trust that's the only thing you feel? How far can you bend your knee?"

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:44 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
Weakest link! She narrowed her eyes. “She was goofing around and spiked the damn ball outside of the game.” Well, that was certainly not the case but her pride was hurt there. The compress had been cold soothing the bruise a bit.

“I'm not sure ...”
she tries though she knows she still had a pretty good range of movement. It's a bit stiff though she flexes her leg enough for him to see up her skirt at the green lacy panties deliberately giving him a peak before slowly drawing her leg back town.

“It seems I still have a bit of a range with it though it hurts a good deal ...”

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:11 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
The doctor grinned, amber eyes peeking over his glasses as his patient relaxes, massaging the area around the knee. "Then it's just a bump we're looking at. No torn cartilage or problem with the ligaments. You might want to ask the coach for a kneepad. It'll heal quick as long as you keep the cold on it.". He looked away briefly towards the door. "I think the nurse had a wrap we could put around the thing. Have you had any trouble with your knee before?"

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:42 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
He looked, she was certain of it and their was a small surge of triumph at that. Of course it may have been a fairly common reaction for a man too but it showed that there had been at least some interest on his part.

She had never tried to seduce any of her professors before and while she thought he was just filling in or the RN here none of her professors had been attractive enough for her to even consider it before, at least not until now.

“No, not the knee though back a few years I did twist the ankle of that same leg in a boating accident.”
She tried not to do things that were too strenuous though.

“Good thing it's not too bad. So how many PE classes can I get away with sitting out on?”
The bruise a convenient excuse though wearing a bathing suit was going to suck for the next few days which she often wore when delivering victims to the Princess. Far easier seeing that most of the rendez-vous points were along the beach or in the ocean at that.

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:12 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
"I'd say one...maybe two if you're sweet enough.". The doc's eyes looked fully into Etolie's, seeming to note the girl's playful demeanor, as if telling she needed a bit of a break from these trying calisthenics. Indeed, telling from the undergarments, she was used to being treated like royalty. He draws his hand away briefly. "Of course, I can keep you here a bit longer for observation. The athletics department and I have an understanding after all..."

He went to the door, opening it, having swore he heard a knock. Probably the other girl with his patient's personal effects.

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:16 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
If she hadn't had the plain white shirt on she may have given him an enticing peek at her cleavage though it had been hard enough getting a pair of shorts around here baggy enough to let him peer down the legging to reveal the glimpse of her panties.

“Just two? Hm ...”
All the sweating of course was a pain in the ass but the mention of having the remainder of this lesson over with wasn't a bad idea.

“I think staying wouldn't be a bad idea,”
she grins cursing the light rapping sound on the door. Surely Amy wasn't back already, to get to the locker room and back -

But someone had been sent up with her things … Miss Adams … her eyes narrow as the door opens revealing the girl with her chest nut colored hair.

“I'm so sorry Etolie! Are you OK? The instructor wanted me to take a few things up to you that you had left in her office.”

Upon seeing the locket she jumps off the table intending to snatch the locket away from the filthy girl.

“OWWW!” Grabbing her leg the compact falling to the floor the pain sharp but not as bad as she was making out in order to get the attention of the acting nurse … Just fucking go away bitch! Jessica would get her's but for now she had other matters to fill her thoughts.

Not counting the guests here it had been quite some time since she had a God honest human dick and she was feeling somewhat turned on by that prospect, maybe it was because it was sort of a taboo student teacher relations and all.

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Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:00 am
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
The doctor is quick to catch Etoile before her leg buckles, drawing her upwards, letting the student's back press to his chest...which felt rather toned. He gives a nod to Miss Adams. "Thank you for doing that. Before you leave, go see the nurse so she can have you fill out the accident form for your friend as I tend to her." He helps the student back onto the table, picking up the compress, dusting it off as the other student leaves with a puzzled look on her face. He adjusts his glasses, glancing back to his patient. "Relics from home? Yeah, I can relate. Lots of students have stress build up from being away from their friends. And that leads to sickness. Sometimes they just need some time off, getting reminded of the good times. Now that I mention it, you looked pretty gloomy yourself." He smiles, almost disarmingly.

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
Such broad shoulders and a warm chest Etolie stands there for a moment, leaning up against him before being help up. Jessica was no friend of her's but she said nothing, the faster she got out of here the better.

She looks to her locket that Jessica set down with her iPod and a few other effects. Damn girl … “Four years, essential no brakes and not going home during such a time can be quite stressful. What do you think is the reason for that?”

Did she look stressed? She certainly had her degrees of stress with this place and would have gone to the bathroom to freshen up a bit. She glances to the man and shines a brief smile at him that quickly fades. Dealing with Kakumaoh was a bit stressful of course and the who situation regarding her fellow student Rhaine and her failed blackmail attempt.

There was that blue skinned alien too … how demeaning that had been … though serving Tidal had allowed her to torment on many occasions rather than be tormented as long as she knew her place, he CDR a constant issue that played with her mind.

“What are you saying, hm?”
She grinned as she looked at him. She was direct here in here question. “It must be hard though … working at an all girl's school all the time, especially with how isolated the girls are … I can only imagine how it is though, girls throwing themselves at you all the time … and when you have to check out more intimate areas of cuts and bruises too ...”

She lifts her shirt up part way to show him some of her midriff. It's a little red but looks fine otherwise. “Like this here, it burns, doc, when I tried dodging I slammed into the floor and got a little bruised here too, my knee hit first and took the brunt of it but I still collided with the ground a bit hard …”

She held the shirt up a little encouraging him to take a look and so that he could see better she slowly draws that shirt up so it hung just beneath her breasts slightly exposing some of the under wire of her bra.

“It won't keep me from addition gym classes, right?”
The question asked though it does not matter seeing that she asks for an opinion only to get him to look. “Maybe it is as you say and I just need some time off from PE ...”

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Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:30 am
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
The doctor chuckles. "I wouldn't say throw themselves at me, dear. Some of them tend to be a bit resistant to my charms, but in the end they find a little bit of distraction healthy, even with all of the other things that go on in a young woman's adventure in knowledge and self-discovery." The hand draws down along her belly, along the waistline of her shorts, thumb drawing into her navel as Etoile can feel the soft breath along her ear. It's been years since Cangly had tried the human impersonation thing. It was rather risky considering how quick some students learn about the little secrets of the island. Still, she felt so good, not to mention eager. Four years without her family, and eager for a dicking, reason to turn that down.

"The bruising doesn't feel too deep, but just in case...let's look further down." He steps away gently, walking around the student. "Take your shorts off, please..."

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:25 pm
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
Oh God, was this really happening? It was rare for her to be interested in a man though she had a paramour for a bit he was a bit of a dunce and defiantly not a keeper. He served her needs for the time being though she had broke things off with him before coming here.

Since then though … it had not really come up, she wanted a real honest to God dick in her, she wasn't looking for anything more than a shag, their was no reason to complicate things. Like the forbidden fruit that he was she found his touch incinerating against her flat stomach. There was no mistaking the dip of his finger inside her navel too, oh, he wanted it alright, she was convinced of that.

Even so she did not move too quick here nodding as she slid down off the table gingerly as to not impair her knee any. She nodded as she undid the top button and sipped the shorts down.

“I find that hard to believe, especially with the situation, so many girls unable to go home. Not all of them suddenly go dyke,”
she giggles a little making a show of wiggling her shorts down her hips and letting gravity do the rest as they slipped down her legs revealing the lacy panties with the little red bow at the front.

“I can't see much bruising but it hurts a bit ...” her eyes peak back up looking into his own ...

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:32 am
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Post Re: Never trust the nurse! (Open to all)
The young doctor pulled the shorts away, giving his own look at the situation, kneeling down, looking directly to the stomach, then...down. "Nope...looks perfect to me...but I do see a problem..." His hand brushes along Etoile's crotch, rubbing the slit through those green panties, noting a little bit of wetness. "Yes...this simply won't do. I think you need some tending to...stat."

With a practiced hand, he slides the panties down, the fingers flicking off the garment expertly, nothing on below the girl's waist except her socks and sneakers, thumb rubbing along that young sex, examining it with interest.

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:45 am
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