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 The Heartless and the Maid [Vera] 
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Post The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
It had been weeks since Vaneesa's last visit to this building. When she did visit, she came with questions. Questions about the monsters residing on the island. Yet she was not answered, and instead, punished for her heinous crimes. The redhead knew she would return to the tower building someday, though she didn't expect to return so soon.

Vanessa stood at the doorstep of Vera's room. She had a feather duster in one hand, and a spray bottle in the other. The crimson-haired girl had intended to do some snooping around the head girl's room while in the guise of trying to make amends. It was a perfect plan, and Vera would not be able to catch her as easily this time around. The crimson-haired girl had her hair tied into a bun. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to wear a maid outfit, but decided against it since it would probably be against school rules, or that Vera would be even more suspicious if Vanessa tried that hard. She set the duster and spray bottle on the ground before lightly slapping both her cheeks with her hands. "You can do this, Vanessa... You can do this." After regaining some self-confidence, the redhead knocked on the door and picked up her supplies. "Hello? Vera? It's Vanessa. I've come to clean your quarters... I was hoping I could pay you back for helping me out a few weeks ago."

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:59 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
A knock came to Vera's door. "Enter..." she called. The source of the nervous aura was none other than Vanessa Crowell. The Head Girl remembered this one rather well. She had corrected the student and even broke her down in the basement. But, the items the student had in hand revealed that the purpose of this visit was not a sexual one or at least not yet.

The offer to clean her suite was not entirely uncommon amongst her servants and Prefects. But the lack of effort in bringing cleaning supplies did warrant notice. Before, Vanessa tried forcing her questions through a pathetic attempt of seduction. Could this be another ploy? It would be very easy to simply turn this one away but she may as well keep potential threats close for the time being.

"Clean my quarters?" Vera replied, "You do not owe me anything, Ms. Crowell. But very well, if you wish to clean then I will not stop you. You should at least make a better effort to bring all that you need ahead of time. A spray bottle and duster is not enough to meet my expectations. Go to the janitor's closet out in the hall. You should find all you need there." With that, Vanessa was free to head out and grab what was in the janitor's closet. There was a cart with a mop and various cleaning supplies. There was also a vacuum cleaner.

The Head Girl continued with her work as usual. Just like the previous visit, the silver haired woman was sitting at her desk and typing at her computer. Does this woman ever stop working?


Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:34 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa entered the room to notice Vera in the same spot she always was. The knight was immediately annoyed when Vera told her she should have come with better cleaning supplies. What, was she supposed to drag a vacuum up to this floor? She kept her temper checked and set her supplies down. "A-ahh... how silly of me. I'll go get them." The redhead nervously laughed and walked to the janitor's closet. She pulled several cleaning supplies over to Vera's room, which would take up a few minutes of her time. The girl quickly glanced at the head girl with her soft amber eyes. The head girl was still working ferociously on whatever she was doing. The girl rolled her eyes and grabbed the mop. She dipped the mop into the bucket of water and began to clean the floor. She swiped through the floors. The girl would occasionally glance at nearby furniture in the room. The bookshelves, tables, and chairs would all be examined. Though she couldn't do much than to look at them as she swept by with the mob. When the redhead had finished cleaning the floors, she approached the silver-haired woman. "Excuse me, Miss Matsumoto. You should take a break from your work. I'm sure it'd be nice to relax. I could even clean your work station and have it done by the time you come back." Vanessa said in a calm, collected tone.

Vanessa Crowell
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Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:52 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
The flare of emotion revealed all Vera needed to know. This was not a show of thanks. Vanessa was obviously not fond of the Head Girl. So why bother with all this? The correction was done unless the student manages to get in trouble again. There were no debts needing repaying. There were only two things it could be. Vanessa was trying to get back on Vera's good graces, most likely to try and get information out of her. Or the girl was hoping to find some answers while cleaning.

The furniture in the suite were as good as a student could possibly get. It was certainly better than anything in the dorms. Not only was it of good quality, it looked nice and went with the overall look of the suite. There was nothing on the tables except for a few decorations on the dinner table and the remote for the flatscreen on the table in the living area. The bookshelf was filled with books on law, business, and some on computer science. There were also few rather old looking books or tomes that Vanessa could not really discern what they were from the bindings.

"That will not be necessary, Ms. Crowell," Vera replied calmly, "I have my work that needs finishing and so do you. Instead of interrupting my work, work in places where I am not. There are plenty more rooms and tasks to finish." So far, she was not impressed with Vanessa's performance. The woman had only mopped the floor so far and had immediately went to Vera's desk next. Vanessa's intentions could not be more obvious. Not that it mattered as she could easily lock her computer and there was nothing on the hard drive itself that would be useful to her.


Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:04 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa didn't believe that her cover had been blown yet. She still felt that she was fairly under the radar and could still find some useful information. "Sorry, Miss Matsumoto." The redhead replied in a low voice. She politely bowed and headed off to clean the shelves of books. The crimson-haired girl pulled out all of the books and began to personally clean off the dust from each book. She made a careful note of which books belonged where. Occasionally, she would feel around the books and glance at the back end of the bookshelf. There's nothing here... Vanessa thought to herself as she continued to clean the shelves. She had already raised some of Vera's awareness by asking her that question. It was best to lay low for a while and clean her surroundings. The redhead would continue to dust the decorations on the table and the wipe flatscreen.

Vanessa Crowell
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Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:01 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
There were no secret switches or rotating bookcases to be found. As for dust, the old tomes had little to no dust on them while the other books varied depending on recent need for such refresher courses. Even if Vanessa tried to be thorough in her 'cleaning', she would have to move on soon enough. So where should Vanessa go then? There was a balcony though there was nothing out there but she may have to clean the railings and that side of the windows. The carpets needed vacuuming. There was the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom as well. There were no shortage of tasks and Vera may expect all of them to be done perfectly. Would Vanessa be punished for doing a poor job?


Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:46 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa had easily grown impatient. Vera sat at her station and busily typed away with no signs of slowing down or growing tired. The redhead would have praised the head girl if she didn't hate Vera. The teen tried to keep herself occupied with cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms. She was quite a neat freak, but somehow, she had missed a few spots. Most likely because this wasn't her room, nor was she cleaning this area out of her own goodwill. Particles of materials still remained on the carpet, showing improper vacuuming. Likewise, the blankets were messily folded because Vanessa just didn't care. The longer time passed, the more tired Vanessa grew. She decided to take a temporary break and collapse onto Vera's bed. The knight let out a sigh. "Ughh!" She weakly punched one of the pillows. "A little nap will be fine. Vera won't even notice..." The girl giggled, closing her eyes.

Vanessa Crowell
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Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:24 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Time dragged on and seemed to go even slower when Vanessa did not have her heart in the tasks she volunteered for. Vera could sense this in the woman's aura and noted with disappointment with how little the woman paid attention to her surroundings. Even Kitten cleaned her suite better when the woman was still learning how a vacuum works.

Seeing the red head leave for the bedroom, Vera decided to look at the woman's progress. It was not difficult to point out every single thing done wrong. Every task was not done to completion except the for the bookshelf. This would not be tolerated.

"Ahem!" Vera cleared her throat as Vanessa closed her eyes. Caught red handed. Did Vera hear what Vanessa said? "If you do not intend to do your job, why volunteer for it, Ms. Crowell?" Vera stated coldly, arms crossed in front of her, "Is this how you are going to pay me back? By pretending to care then slack off when no one is watching? You are not worth my time, Ms. Crowell. You are dismissed. Return what you borrowed from the janitor's closet on your way out. I do not have time for students who only pretend to be good students."

Disappointment was in every word Vera spoked. What was this behavior? Only a child would try to do something so selfish and stupid. Not only did Vanessa fail to find anything, she once again proved to Vera that she was nothing but an immature brat.


Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:56 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa groaned when she heard something nagging her awake. As her eyes slowly opened, she expected nothing less of the stern witch. That feline had her arms crossed and a condescending look across her face. The redhead rubbed her eye as she was still waking up. She glanced over at a clock. "I literally laid down ten minutes ago..." She said in a low voice before looking back at Vera. Her amber eyes locked onto the head girl's. "If you didn't want me laying on your bed, you should have just said so." The knight hopped off of the bed and brushed off her skirt. "Look, I'm sorry I fell asleep. I... have just been very tired lately. I'm still trying to recover from my mental illness of seeing and imagining monsters... do stuff to me. I am thankful for you." She sounded a bit more genuine this time around. Of course, she couldn't tell Vera that she had been actually attacked by monsters. Vera wouldn't believe it. The redhead took a step closer to the silver-haired woman and grasped her hands, holding them tightly. "Please, give me a second chance, mistress."

Vanessa Crowell
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Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:02 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
One cannot claim to be genuine when that same person literally talked back about sleeping on the job. What sort of child says 'If you didn't want me laying on your bed, you should have just said so'? It was truly impressive how much worse Vanessa could make herself look . Now the woman was not only incompetent but was also less mature than a five year old. "That is by far the most idiotic thing an adult could say when doing a job. You are an adult right, Ms. Crowell? Say that at your next job when you get out of here, I dare you. If you are too tired to work, do not volunteer for something you apparently have no care for such as thanking me," Vera said coldly, having no sympathy for the woman at all, "You have wasted my time, Ms. Crowell. Get out."

There was no excuse for this behavior, none. Even if Vanessa had suffered from monster attacks, it would have taken no effort at all to not volunteer. This was spur of the moment anyway so the woman would have betrayed no promises. Instead, the woman came in and went to sleep in her bed. If Vanessa cannot comprehend what she did, she has bigger problems than just monsters on this island.


Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:17 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa slightly glared back at Vera. She desperately needed to find some piece of information to rat Vera out. But how was she going to do that if the head girl kicked the Knight out, and most likely would never let her in again. The redhead's grip slightly tightened against Vera's hand, squeezing it harder. It wouldn't be painful in any sense. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite. Vanessa's hands were soft and warm to the touch. They were far more delicate than what a knight was supposed to be. The distressed amber eyes looked into the woman. Vanessa couldn't get kicked out! Not now! "Please! I-I saw you working really hard. And, I know that I sometimes don't work as hard, but that's why I'm partially here. Not only to amend for my wrongs, but also so I could develop a hard-working attitude." Her eyes strayed away shyly. "...Is that not... okay?" The crimson-haired girl let go of Vera's hands and hid them behind her back.

Vanessa Crowell
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Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:57 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa would blame Vera for all her misfortune. But in the end, it was the knight's own foolish actions that led to this. Even if Vanessa had suddenly had a change of heart and actually meant the words she said, why should the Head Girl believe a word of it? Not only did Vanessa not put much effort in her work, she failed to put in much effort in her supposed spy mission.

"Ms. Crowell," Vera said, voice as cold as ice, "You come here lying to me about wanting to help and to work. You then claim it is not your fault that you failed to do the work you VOLUNTEERED for. Now you claim you are here to learn how to work hard when instead you spent your time watching me instead of your own work. Not a single area you cleaned was to standard and I find you sleeping in my bed. Get out. I will not say it again. Or would you rather I lock you down in the basement. I doubt anyone would care that someone as useless as you disappeared."

The Head Girl made it quite clear. Vanessa screwed up this attempt. If she was going to have any hope of coming back into Vera's good graces, she better leave right now. Whether Vanessa would even be allowed to return was a question better left unanswered at this point. Vera had no patience for people like Vanessa, acting tough then hiding behind a veil of innocence in hopes that someone would feel sorry for her. It was apparent that Vanessa was looking for the easy way out and that disgusted her when so many other students actually try to work and earn their grades and position.

Vanessa would have to find a way to earn forgiveness which was not in this room right now.


Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:26 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa pursed her lips. The girl shyly held onto her elbow with her other hand. "Sorry..." The redhead picked up all of the cleaning supplies and avoided any and all eye contact with Vera. There was a part of her that hated being a nuisance to others. Even though the person annoyed was none other than Vera, the Knight still couldn't get over it. She kept her lead low and returned the supplies without so much as another word. And with that, the crimson-haired girl began closing the door behind her. Her amber eyes gathered up enough courage to glance back into the head girl's room one more time.

The Knight would return several times to the building, albeit she never went to knock on Vera's door. Often, she would pace back and forth before leaving. Why? Why did she care so much? The teen was on a mission to expose the head girl, yet the memory of Vera's disappointment hung over her head for days. On one day, Vanessa sat just outside the room. She was seated on a chair while she was nervously playing with her thumbs. No matter what, the girl just didn't have the courage to knock on the door again. But... why?

Vanessa Crowell
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Sat Mar 07, 2015 4:34 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
The Head Girl was returning to her desk to work as Vanessa left. Looking back only revealed the woman's back to the student. The redhead returned a few times though all Vera knew was there was a presence beyond her door that seemed nervous. The presence would eventually leave. It happened from time to time, a student climbs the tower and immediately decide against entering the Head Girl's suite. But, this presence came more often than usual though that did not really narrow things down at all. It mattered little, Vera could only assist those who have the courage to knock at her door.

Vanessa would see students leave the room on a few visits. The mood of those students varied. Some were crushed while others were pleased with how things went. It just depended on the purpose of the meeting and whether the student ended it on Vera's good side of bad.

The student thought she was safe just pacing in front of the door or sitting in a chair. But, she did not know Vera's schedule. As Vanessa sat outside, she saw the sash wearing Head Girl approach the door. Vera had meetings to attend to today and returned to her suite later than usual. Seeing Vanessa answered a few questions though it changed nothing. No words were said as Vera walked past and unlocked her door. Vanessa was not thrown out of the tower at least. Beyond that, not much has changed. Vera was once more in her suite, probably working at her desk like usual. Would seeing the silver haired woman give Vanessa some courage or send her fleeing back down to the ground floor?


Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:02 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Gosh, she hated the mind games that Vera played with her. That silver-haired woman acted like she didn't care about the Knight. But Vera had desired Vanessa. It was a fact, or rather, something Vanessa desperately wanted to be true. The door itself seemed to provoke the redhead, taunting her to knock on the door once more. Eventually, the crimson-haired girl approached the door. She gave herself a second and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Hello? It's Vanessa. I-I have something to confess." Even though Vera couldn't see her, the teen was nervous. She tugged the middle of her skirt down with one of her hands. Then, Vanessa pressed her forehead gently against the door. "That time in the basement... when you corrected me..." Her cheeks blushed bright red. Oh, how she didn't want to say this. "I-I'm ashamed of it, but I was turned on. So when I asked to clean your room, I had hoped to get your attention. I know this is a selfish desire- especially when you're so busy all the time- but please..." Her throat was dry. She gulped. "Please, touch me..." She sobbed.

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:16 pm
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