Shokushu High School

The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
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Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Tue May 12, 2015 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

Punishment had been fleeting … at least in a sense though she had tried to walk the straight and narrow and even made a little progress the temptation was always there and it was easy to back slid. Not to mention her plans on getting some payback against Vera had utterly failed.

She still had no idea as to what happened with Princess Tidal? Was she ever coming back? She had gone to the beach less frequently though when she was last there she fond that peculiar ring …

As it was the girl schemed in the back of her head. Though she sought out a means to reclaim her position as Student President … well she still held the title with no real power and it was that which she had wanted back …

Amy had to leave her side after making some quick introductions. The fellow student had a meeting in the journalist department and Etolie watched her air headed minion rush off. Last minute details, she did no really care.

It was a little breezy today but it was a cool breeze on a warm day. Etolie sat at the picnic bench just behind the dorms. Most of the girls that weren't suffering through classes were living it up at the beach where she thought she would go to at some point too but given the meeting Amy had this was the only time open to meet with Caddie otherwise she would be getting ready to go hit the beaches herself.

No in class Etolie wore a simple white shot sleeve shirt, blue shorts and sandals. Ankles, wrists, neck and ears had all been adorned with fancy jewelry. Her fingers contained numerous rings though o those hat knew her that gold locket was absent stored in the “safety” of her dorm room.

“So, Amy tells me you're a pretty good at chemistry?”
She was probably waiting her time, though when Amy told her about Caddie she figured not to waste such a golden opportunity selecting an area that was somewhat remote wasn't a coincidence after all.

Her eyes regarded the soccer field. It was just there at the far end near the edge of he jungle that Rhaine set that Demon upon her, a memory she did not like. Payback for certain though she had realized that Rhaine had been on good enough terms with one to set her up, sort of touche as to what she could do as well if given the chance but that was something she should have thought of, even if her arrangements with Tidal were pretty good she should have realized that some others would have their own arrangements. It was a mistake leaving her memories intact.

Author:  Sochi [ Tue May 12, 2015 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

The day was quiet charming, charming enough for the cute girl to dress in a cute Lolita dress, a blue that match the days mood. She wore the dress for several reason, frist most it gave her a sweet innocent look, and she enjoyed how the girl's would gawk at her cuteness. The second was she felt it was necessary to wear the get up every now and then to avoid suspicion of her true nature. Her short height, and small bust helped with that department exceedingly well. The third was to hide her vials, and spell book. There was another reason as well, she looked professional in the clothing she wore. Why not she was after all having a meeting with Etolie Lebanc. Who wouldn't dress their best, besides as she understood she was a rich girl like Caddie. It didn't surprise her that Etolie was common dressed, there was still a smug sinister presence about the girl; some how that pissed off Caddie. Something like that would intimate normal girls, but among the rich it was common aura and Caddie found it enjoyable usually. This was different while the rich held contempt for others in their neat little group they typically hid it are smart with how they displayed it. This was a straight I'm better than you, especially seeing as the girl never looked up to acknowledge her presence. Not even a corutsey of a hello.

' I need to fix that disrespect' Caddie thought as she surveyed her now new target of the day. Etolie had a strange sense about her something mystical, perhaps she was magic user herself, or it was something else all together...Caddie made note of it as she took her seat. It was the only time the two had to really have conversation it seemed. At least that's how that idiot assistant explained it; Luckily they where in a slightly remote area so Caddie would have some privacy if the chance came along for what she wanted.

“So, Amy tells me you're a pretty good at chemistry?”
Etolie remarked upon her arrival, quick to the point. Interesting, she didn't have time waste it seemed. Appreciable but that did not clear up the disrespect given her. 'A glance would be nice bitch... I'm here on you're behest' The witch thought bitterly as prepared her answer finding herself looking out at the soccer field.

Her tone smug and confident as gave rapport." I am quiet accomplish in chemistry, pretty good is quiet insufficient to say." Caddie mused proudly."Of course i doubt that dimwitted assistant of you're even understands the basic elements of it let alone speak of a basic description of skills ." An insult had been thrown here, how would the other girl respond? That was a question Caddie was looking forward to.

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Tue May 12, 2015 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

Etolie did not waste time with matters that did not interest her. Nor was she use to playing nice as Eve was the only one in her social circle that had more clot than her and Eve wasn't often around, which b default left her in charge of most things.

Names were not so important, not until the girl peek her interest in some way. She only remembered Amy because she was around so often and became the gofer for her current clique. Rhaine would have been too common to remember had it not been for the threats, however implied they were. Vera too, though with the later it was getting pay back in some way.

Her brow raised at the boost of skills. She had yet to see anything and figured that at least Amy hadn't wasted her time completely. The girl was cute and there was an ulterior reason for her selecting a remote place. She figured she could have some fun with her if anything else, hence the simple clothes. She might have to get rid of them after all and so used these simply things even if she did no want to really wear it.

As to Amy, well she wasn't going to stick up for her and Amy was only useful for the things she made her do. “I'm surprised that twit can even tie her shoes so you can see that things that she may perceive as impressive may be fairly ordinary but she was very animated about your skills. However, she could not really explain not that I care to hear her explanations but I decided to humor her today seeing that there was nothing else gong on, save for perhaps a visit to the beach.”

She made eye contact for the first time. Today she was wearing her contacts, which had been the norm expect when she ran out of replacement lens back on her first year. She was so use to delegate such meaningless work to servants that she hadn't done it at first because it was beneath her attention

Caddie did not look to be much of a threat though. She was conscious though and might make a small scene if she were not careful … causing sleep and relocating her the short distance, perhaps even making some excuse to get her closer to the trees so it would take less effort to move her although Caddie was on the small side so that shouldn't be too hard she just sought to limit her own excursions.

Author:  Sochi [ Tue May 12, 2015 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

Punctual if nothing else. She hardly took the bait a lesser girl would have cringe at the remark. She held a lack of sympathy. A fellow sociopath it seemed. Barely even sticking up for servant even went as far as to insult her. That nearly brought out a smirk, still Caddie planed to rid the girls bad tempers. The Yangs, where Blue Bloods ... publicly that meant nothing very little even, but behind doors one could say here family where richer than most governments. So she had been told finances weren't regularly talked about with her family. Syingy as they where the mere mentioning of money some how always caused more waves than peaceful harmony. That was not meaning of this day it was to see if she was of partnership Though there was a bit of a down play of her abilities.

At least she was making eye contact now.' won't help the hell I'm oing to put you through later on' She remarked to herself as she made eye contact with other rich girl. It was then Caddie knew for sure the two had been locked into a duel, from the moment they meet. A surprising revelation but an interesting one at that. Caddie was already imaging the removal of the girls clothes allowing her to do things with the toys she hid under her dress. Etolie didn't seem to be real threat a moderate one if anything. She was already believing she was ahead, as always that was her downfall and biggest source of strength. If she was to knock the girl out it would be a bit of drag to get to a more private area, still if she could get her to a more private area...

" Today is a good day for a swim isn't it."
caddie commented with a cherry voice." If you don't believe her words I could prove it to you."

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Tue May 12, 2015 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

In other circumstances the two may have even been friends, well more the phony sort common to such elitists but for the time being they were locked in a contest of sorts. A shared interest in chemistry served to start them off as rivals rather than the best of friends after all.

Neither had given the other much credit as far as what the other had been capable of trusting in their own techniques and skills.

“The beaches will be crowded though I know of a private little beach only a few of the girls know about so it is never crowded,”
she was being truthful though the beach was a little further than the ones commonly used but for that very reason few were unwilling to go the extra few minutes. It was not a lie, it was the very beach she was to bring victims to Tidal for their mutual enjoyment even if Tidal was unlikely to be there she could incapacitate the girl in route to that place.

“Say meet back here in an hour?” She added after taking a look at her expensive watch though the gears were already turning as to the best place along the path to spring her trap. Though she would probably have to lead the way for the most part and thus would have to wait until they were near there or take a chance and wait a little longer to see if Tidal had been back yet.

Then she was at odds as far as when to spring the attack, maybe after seeing this chemistry thing, yeah, that was it.

Author:  Sochi [ Tue May 12, 2015 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

The suggestion of a private area of the beach was an enticing, not for swimming but it was almost a guarantee privacy. It was a same the two couldn't be more than tactful rivals, even a false was better than no friend. Just more lethal. Such was the way of high society. Playing with the hem of her skirt to make straighter she began toying with ideas to ensnare the girl for a good and long BDSM session. It was interesting how the two some how manage to down play each other without inciting an all out war. Truly they ones who had power, though how much did the other have that was question that could only be answered in time.

The idea of privacy with the girl was already warming her sex up. "An hour it is then." It was best to spring her trap on Etolie during her chemistry experiment that was the best time to pull it. It would be difficult to conceal her action against a fellow chemist, but it would be more affective than any-other point.

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Wed May 13, 2015 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

An hour would pass and when they met Etolie was adorned in a green sundress with a floral pattern. She had been wearing less jewelry but that was for a simple tactile reason … she wouldn't have to worry about loosing any of it, not that she cared about the value only that it was tougher and longer trying to get replacements.

She had a picnic basket too though this held both the practical from a swim suit to the impractical such as Mr. Happy her favorite yellow dildo that had been “lost” to her for a fair bit. Of course it was due to having to leave it behind in her escape though that Demon Rhaine used sought to return it …

Pressing that out of mind she would be pleased to use it again though seeing that she was leading the way she could not steal glances at that fine ass of the smaller girl.

After confirming that Caddie was ready she set out though the thing with Etolie too was that she was prone to change her mind. As her thorniness grew with each step she took she was beginning to think that a simple memory chant afterward would ensure that matters proceeded along and she would see this chemistry that thrilled Amy so much, even if she didn't think it was much of a big deal she would have to wait and see.

They were getting closer to the beach so the time to ambush her before they began was slipping away and she would have to make a call as to act soon or wait until later. All this rush through her mind as they traveled on to the point she was near oblivious to her surroundings knowing from experience just how dangerous that could be but she was too caught up with her dark fantasies to even realize this.

Author:  Tinman [ Wed May 13, 2015 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)


It had learned from Juniper, the AI advancing. It had learned play though like a child Tinman had not learned responsibility yet. It had played a bit too much and now it's coolant levels had depleted to the point that it was about ready to enter a power saving mode. When touched it would reactivate or when hearing life within 100 meters. It needed to get it's coolant levels back up though today the failed war machine lucked out. It would not be idle for long before it would come back online, sophisticated sensors kicked in pinpointing the source of the two students. Judging that they were coming near it remained motionless for now seeing that it made a great deal of noise when moving and did no have the power to spare.

Author:  Sochi [ Thu May 14, 2015 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

Caddie had an hour to prepare the necessary accessories as they where. A portable chem set, not cheep toy set but a rather expensive, impressive chem set with things one usually would not find at a high school lab. It had been rather difficult to convince the the staff to let her keep it, so merely agreed to keep it at the school instead of her dorm room. She carried the over-sized suitcase with her as she re-convened, that was also caring a few toy's hidden away in some secret compartments.

She was wearing a pretty two piece that that revealed the confines of her ass. Etolie was leading the way, carrying a picnic basket. Odd no one mentioned lunch, well at least she would have something to eat while she played with Etolie.

As they traveled it was hard to keep track of landmarks and anything that could help her return to school grounds. Perhaps this was another reason to why the other girls didn't come up here it was easy to get lost if strayed off the path. The closer they came the more it came closer to ambush the girl from behind but time was also against her. If she didn't attack soon it would be more difficult, bur she wasn't sure about the girls reflexes.

Author:  Gersham [ Fri May 15, 2015 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

Hm? He gazed down from he tree he had perched in to have a closer look. He recognized one of them though the pair had been heading towards Tinman. While invisible he was flying over head. While he had thought of taking at least one of them he calculated that Tinman would probably only focus on one of them but he was uncertain. He had worked with the machine once before though he would remain close in the shadows in the event that one managed to elude the machine.

He questioned why Tinman was just being motionless though.

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Fri May 15, 2015 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

The Asian had plenty of things stored away in that suitcase though she had been unaware that Caddie was planning the same thing as she had. But with the lack of land marks and people in her glances back at the girl she could tell she had lost track a to how to get back.

Oh, Etolie figured that she would be capable of working it out with enough time and light to work with and they still had several hours …

The sea breeze had been getting stronger the closer they got and she could hear the waves crashing against those rocks a good 100 meters from the shore. “It's not much further now, five minutes or so, let's stop here.” Sitting on a rock she set the basket down and fished out a bottle of water, offering up one. It was sealed and she cracked the seal on hers having a bit of a drink before setting it down beside her too. Now she remembered why she did not come out this way often enough.

She had considered the same question too as far as Caddie's reflexes. Then again she probably could do nothing about it, she had doubted magical aptitude as she tended to do in most girls. Izumi had some skill manipulating luck and Kanoe some magic she heard though she had not encountered anyone else and so assumed that most did not have any.

If left undisturbed though for a few minutes she feigned hearing something, mainly to draw Caddie's attention before making her move, her hand already closer to her picnic basket to hastily draw out the components concealed within.

Author:  Sochi [ Sat May 16, 2015 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

Caddie was well prepared indeed. The assortment of chemicals she carried with her could be lethal with the right mix, approabately those chemicals where taken, but that wasn’t the point. She had her special knock out gas prepared and ready to go.

Though carrying such luggage was tiresome chore, often why she didn’t carry it. Luckily Etollie stopped for a water break . Though the container was sealed, Caddie wasn’t too trusting of it by habit, but took it out of courtesy. Even though she could hear the waves they where by Labancs estimation five minutes out from the beach, breaking the seal of her own she drank some tasted it in her mouth before swallowing it.

As she rested, and tempered her patience. Etolie seemed to get distracted by something this drew Caddies attention, but to the callus rich girl. was actually seeing something or was this a set up? It was hard to tell, mostly because they was plenty of things that could go bump in the woods.

Author:  Etolie Leblanc [ Sun May 17, 2015 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

She had a right to be distrusting though the water was just that, a simple bottle of water. It was rare that Etolie was thoughtful enough to do such it was a deliberate act to make Caddie believe there had been only simple things within the picnic basket.

However, neither fully trusted the other and she had seen that Caddie was still on her guard. But with her memory and sleep enchantments that hardly mattered as she felt she would be quicker on the draw here, especially as her fingers caressed the necessary components …

Suddenly she burst into action, trying to invoke a hastily cast slumber effect. Etolie only knew three spells but she was quick with two of them and of course the crafting of her Voodoo dolls which took too long to be practical here. Besides she needed a final component from her, a personal possession or DNA of some sort.

Author:  Tinman [ Sun May 17, 2015 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

French … it's language filters heard French though the girls were now stationary. It translated what was being said easily enough with the uncanny accuracy of a computer even though it's creature had not been human it had all the 6,000 or so languages from that world installed since it was a simple matter and it would have contact with humans from all over their planet so it was practical.

As far as languages went French was common. It could hear English too before this even though the pair of students were still some distance off at present. Still Tinman waited though it switched it's rockets online figuring it would need them before long.

Author:  Sochi [ Mon May 18, 2015 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)

Etollie took to flight, in an impressive fashion. though she was casting a spell, Caddie hardly moved in reaction she didn't need to. She herself held more than one spell, she just need special designed cards or paper. Despite this she held a specialty in magic, hex.'Norma aroutuse." She spoke gently as her spell was triggered upon word of mouth oppose to most forms of magic. The Hex she held in mind was for Etollie to miscast her hastily thrown sleep spell, allowing Caddie to counter with her potion, it was strong enough to be inhaled. The affects of the hex would last for a few hours, mostly because she couldn't summon the manna needed for a longer stench; the young witch in training had not realized this yet, nor was she aware of serious limitation of the cast distance, as a resualt she too was caught in her own spell. The Potion would ware off in a hour.

All in all, Caddie was readily smug and cocky in her situation. She wasn't aware of the monsters of this island. The blonds first encounter seemed like a monster summoning oppose to an attack. "Is that the best you can offer... Etolie." Caddie said with toothy cocky grin.

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