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 The Search (for Phoebe) 
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
“A passenger?” Perhaps he had been surprised by that or a bit confused. It was the later she soon discovered. “You mean prisoner?”

Galactic basic hadn't been his first tongue after all. But he nodded allowing her to get straight to business. Time was of the essence.

Determining the likely route to the infirmary was fairly easy. As long as they took a direct route they had to pass by this birth. They would have to go out of the way to approach by a different route. The only issues had been if they got to the infirmary ahead of her and where to set up an ambush. There were the Voren too though after her close call earlier she hadn't seen any. Whatever Gersham did to distract them seemed to be working.

At a particular T junction was the best place to set up. Right where they had to make a turn to head towards the infirmary she could hide in the opposite corridor and strike from behind. In addition it was still a ways from the infirmary and wasn't well traveled outside of the bots she saw.

It took a bit of hustling to get into place after determining that the only Voren in the infirmary had been the one Gersham sent there. He wasn't alone either, there was a human and a relic of a medical droid. Other sections of the station probably had better ones though this had to have been the closest medical facility in order to get the Voren stabilized. If he could afford better medical care they would move him. It was tough to factor that out since the Voren was simply in this section of the station because he was searching for her.

She would see two hulking lizard creatures. She recognized the species from Faulk's vessel though she didn't recognize either one. One moved in front of the smaller Kurgan, his white fur and lab coat making it easy to identify him among all that green of the scaly beasts. The other was in the rear. Neither seemed to be expecting trouble either.

However, Kurgan did react suddenly dropping to a knee. Of course he had been aware of her scenting her long before he saw her. He acted as if expecting something. If nothing came he'd play it off as a stumble attracting the attention of both his guards before they shuffled him along to the nearest infirmary.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:33 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Aside from droids moving about, or deeply aggravating thoughts on what could go wrong with a single misstep, one couldn’t hear a thing. Using one of the support beams as concealment, Phoebe hid along the junction her target was most likely to use to get to the infirmary. With other aliens being a rare sight along the same path, there seemed to be no need to hide the blaster any longer, and after a quick check it was simply a matter of anticipating her friend’s arrival.

Footsteps announced the trio’s presence though a cursory glance confirmed they were whom she meant to ambush here. She emerged like a ghost from the fog once they completed their turn, weapon raised to eliminate them while they were still within range. Her pulse raced, making her grimace, something that couldn’t be helped. The woman’s breath got caught in her throat, for fear of letting them notice her approach right then and there. While her blood should’ve boiled at the idea these men were keeping Kurgan hostage, circumstances turned her limbs into tingly extensions of the woman’s apprehension for she knew what they could and had done to her back on one of their ships, making her feel small and meek by comparison.

Thankfully, the blaster didn’t care about any of that. She saw Kurgan drop and acted. At this distance, perhaps, he picked up her scent with ease, but the thought was short lived as the young blonde ended up lavishing the trigger with some much needed attention.

Whether they had any sort of body armor to protect them, Phoebe still gave it her best shot. Avoiding the white fur among all that green, they were easy enough targets to pick off. She unleashed two energy blasts into the rear guard’s back in rapid succession, hoping to drop him for good when one should’ve been enough to dispose of most creatures instantly. As the scent of burned cloth and flesh filled the air, the first body hadn’t even hit the ground before the other specimen became the center of her world.

She’d waste him in much the same way. There was no need for some great speech, not need to see the eyes of her soon to be fallen enemies, she simply needed them gone. If they dropped without a hint of life left in them, or were simply out of commission for a time, the cloaked figure made haste to reach Kurgan and get him out of there.

A hand lowered from the blaster and helped him up, fingers intertwined with his as she began leading him back to the ship. Time was of the essence. She could explain everything later.

Short, but extraordinary nevertheless. - Phoebe Denning, awaiting your command!

Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:00 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
The saurians wore minimal body armor. Thick green padding over their torsos designed to bleed away minute energy. Effective against grazes and long ranged shots the armors afforded little protection against ballistic weapons and just about as much against melee ones.

It was cheap for the most part. Something that did just better than nothing. Their heads were unprotected. What she may not have known was that these creatures were tough. They took a bit more to kill. They may have been capable of shrugging off a shot or two especially at range. These were close quarter shots to the3 back of their heads.

Well the first one had been double tapped and killed outright but the second reacted. Spinning around he managed to get his blaster rifle up only in time to catch blaster bolts to the face. He went down after getting a shot off that wasn't even close.

Laying their he wasn't dead unlike his companion but he would never wake again. Kurgan was getting up by the time she approached. He seemed conflicted for a moment as if knowing why he was being transferred.

That look didn't last long. With a foot he kicked the blaster rifle up into the air, snatched it, then fired into the face of the still living being before he followed. Evidently Voren doctors didn't adhere to the “do no harm” that humans followed. And why would they being different species.

There had been a response to the discharging of blasters in the station. It was slow in the section that they were in but eventually a few of the older security models would be dispatched to sort things out. Most of the time they would arrive after all the shooting was done. Here you got what you paid for and that worked to her advantage so far.

There was no resistance in getting back to the ship.

“I haven't seen Viryon.” Kurgan broke the silence as they neared the ship. He reasoned that this was the vessel. All had been quite thus far. Kurgan snatched the sleeve of her arm.

“There's a few scents here. Recent. Alien.” He closed his eyes taking a deep breath before opening them. “Five including yours.” He did not brake it down any further than that simply bringing the blaster rifle up to the ready.

Despite being a runt Kurgan appeared to have some skill even if it paled in comparison to the others of his kind.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:24 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Whether a precaution or simple vengeance, the wolf did them a favor by making the second Saurian join the other in the afterlife. Since the two guards were dealt with, there was nothing left for them to do here. She knew the way back and made haste to return to the ship, swapping out her blaster’s energy pack along the way. Four charges had been depleted already. Better safe than sorry, she thought, now back up to six potential shots for whatever obstacles may be in their path.

Thankfully, they were in the clear. No droids, no security personnel, nothing to detain them on the spot. Kurgan only broke the silence when they reached the ship, her steps grinding to a halt as he snatched up her cloak’s sleeve. Now wasn’t the time to mention Viryon, let alone everything that’s happened during their respective captivity though it was certain he’d noticed her absence by now. She had to focus and so did he.

“I’ve got a man in there, and another tied up.” If one could even sense Gersham the way a Voren sensed her, Phoebe had no clue, but it should give him a fair estimate on how many they were dealing with. “The rest are crewmen we still need to get rid of, if he hasn’t done that for us already.”

She made no secret of the fact it wasn’t actually their ship. A lot of time had passed since they last saw each other, but the implications of what they were doing here had been quite clear. All that’s left to do was enter and assess the situation, unless Kurgan smelled blood or some other snippet of information telling them how things were going at the time or had already played out aboard the ship.

Opening the door and scanning the premises, Phoebe hoped Gersham did his job and did it well. It’d be another obstacle out of the way and the last thing she’d want was to remain here any longer. All she wanted to do was take off and get out of here, finally giving her some peace of mind though there were plenty of things to worry about regardless.

Short, but extraordinary nevertheless. - Phoebe Denning, awaiting your command!

Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:21 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Kurgan could have scented Gersham but his scent had not been here at the door. Gersham could come and go, even use illusions to alter the senses of others to a degree. Indeed, Gersham was a Tulpa, one that was designed in every way to be real. Even so beings with acute olfactory senses would pick up something unnatural.

The Voren simply nodded. Figuring one of the scents belonged to her assistant. Another being dealt with left only two. Still he entered ahead of her, eyes scanning, nostrils flaring. Only one scent was stronger here and it lead to the aft of the ship. The blend of the others had been fainter. Either they had been here awhile or departed within a day he guessed.

Once they had been inside the door sealed them in locking itself. The ship had been devoid of any surprises. Phoebe heard the docking clamps being disengaged prior to the ship slowly disengaging from the station. When she arrived at the cockpit she saw Gersham at work piloting the ship as he pulled away from the station at a leisurely pace. She even glimpsed a monitor that was still on feeding her images of a portion of the station before they pulled clear, a feed from a camera at the side of the ship that Gersham didn't turn off.

Kurgan wrinkled up his nose for a moment though his blaster rifle had pointed at the deck of the ship. It was clear that this was her associate.

Once the ship had a clear course set away from the station all that was left to do was wait until they were clear in order to activate the FTL drives. Gersham swiveled in his seat to face the pair.

“No surprises I couldn't manage.” He hooked a thumb to the monitors. “This ship is garbage though I discovered a few things. Cameras for one and a retractable turret on the underside for dealing with those pesky situations with organics when the ship is docked. There's even a secret compartment.”

He tapped his foot on a panel of the floor. “Where there's one there's bound to be more.” He didn't have the time to go through the ship. Hiding things from him had been practical impossible.

Then as if remembering Kurgan he grinned and stood. “You must be Kurgan.” He offered a hand that was shook. “I have to return to my latest acquisition before we get out of the system.”

Gersham glanced toward Phoebe. “But once we can safely engage the FTL drive we can simply linger at the edge of the system.” The reason made clear as he grazed her cheek infusing that familiar heat within her. Just as easily as he could dispel her arousal he could infuse it. Only then had she realized that Kurgan had been affected too. His arousal was clear though he was holding it together, at least for the moment. Humans weren't the only species he could infuse after all …

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:20 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
As the door locked behind them and they were starting to take off, Phoebe had assumed they may have been walking into some sort of trap. It’d have been par for the course, that her luck had to run out eventually, but Gersham probably wouldn’t have been disposed of by some run of the mill criminals if he were actually in here.

Sure enough, they found him waiting for them, and her blaster had first been lowered, then placed aside due to lack of holster with a downright tangible sigh of relief. “Why, I never doubted you,” She quipped, catching herself smiling against all odds. Whatever happened to the crew checking up on Benny, she’d rather not know. It’s been ample satisfaction just being clear of the station, and with Kurgan on board no less.

All at once, her most immediate concerns bled away in what felt like an eternity. An odd sensation, really, the utter relaxation that followed an adrenaline rush coupled with knees about to buckle under heaps of glee. She finally had some time to celebrate a personal victory and relax at long last. The first thing that came to mind had been embracing Kurgan, along with attempting to track down Viryon though her location was technically known had Luna dropped her off where desired. Come to think of it, she still didn’t know if either of them was going to be alright after everything that’s happened. She owed the agent a lot.

Not that there was much time to think about any of that for long. She barely stirred to turn in the white wolf’s direction before halting dead in her tracks. “Acquisition?”

Was he referring to her? No warning came before he graced her fair skin with a fleeting caress. She wound up looking at the taller incubus, their eyes locked in what may have very well been mutual understanding of the matter at hand when a familiar touch invoked all too familiar sensations. That same infusion of molten heat pervaded a cheek, then spread further inward, claiming not only her now positively flushed features but everything beneath them. Swirling currents of liquid desire manifested in the woman’s chest, belly and ultimately her trembling nethers, each aching in their own albeit sweetest of ways from the faintest touch.

She burned with a subconscious need for more almost on the spot. The past week had been nothing but similar stimuli driving her crazy with want though Gersham always wore her out one way or another. Still maintaining eye contact, he’d find hers on the verge of growing dull and glassy in mere moments, with hands straining not to move and tend to all that eager and yearning flesh as the blonde’s succulent thighs barely kept themselves from rubbing together amid the confines of her current outfit.

Lips part to drink a deep breath from the air around him. Phoebe’s low gasp enhanced what was already there, pouring the delightfully warm flood upon altered cells which were nothing but gluttonous pleasure receptors by this point, bathing in the passing stream of air as if it could be their last. Her chest heaved excitedly, exalting the faint yet noticeable swell of her breasts in combination with the willful arch of the woman’s back.

Sublime temptations claimed her body whole while her beating heart practically pounded inside her skull. She knew what he meant by lingering on the edge of the system, and may have fallen for it immediately were they not in someone else’s company.

Few aphrodisiacs could be more potent than what he was doing with a single touch either and he could always do more had he desired it. With but a cursory glance in his direction, Kurgan didn’t look any better off. Was the goal to torment them, maybe watch them squirm? Would he give them some time alone? She doubted the latter being true, especially with his keen advances earlier. She’d endured months of captivity before, followed by weeks in recent times where more admirers than ever reduced to an addict of carnal pleasures which certainly helped her endure even if it meant fighting the very thing she craved above all else, but there was no telling how much her Voren friend could endure in the long run. Surely the attention he’d received while they were separated had been limited by comparison.

“Ahh~” Phoebe looked to Gersham with pleading eyes, torn between giving in and trying to retain at least a semblance of decency for a short while. Seeing how easily he could thwart her efforts to resist him, it was more akin to asking for permission not to succumb than actually being in control of things around here. “We-Well, I’m .. going to get on that as soon as possible.”

Short, but extraordinary nevertheless. - Phoebe Denning, awaiting your command!

Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:19 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Gersham caught the confusion on her face. It took little effort on his part to imagine what she had been thinking. So he grinned at that letting it settle there upon his features for a moment as he continued to watch the gears swirl in her head before he answered her.

“The bounty hunter's ship. What else would I be talking about?” It was as if he had conjured the thought of whips and chains without even having to tackle that verbally. Let her entertain the thought of being his pet again in such a matter. Though it should occur to her that if he wanted a slave there were far easier means of acquiring one. Nor did he have to assist her had it not been for Aegir. But now that the task was over Gersham might have been one of those sorts that adhered to the letter of things, she was free, Kurgan was saved yadda yadda though he could enslave her.

Fortunately he had no such designs. Between reporting back in the Gersham and starting to build up his own organization he didn't have much time. Still, she was already experienced in such realms and would require far less attention. He dismissed that thought for the moment.

Seeing his effects upon the two. “I will take care of it. I want to get to the edge of the system first so there are no surprises. I doubt they'll launch fighters or there will be something unexpected but better off safe than sorry.” He glanced to some readings then back at the pair.

“Go. Rest. Or do whatever. I'll join you once we're at a safe distance to jump.” Far enough from the station that should they suddenly launch fighters, if they had them, they'd never reach them in time before they made the jump away.

Kurgan didn't wait. Taking her by the hand and drawing her out of the cockpit. He managed two, maybe three steps before the blaster rifle clattered to the deck and his attention had been upon her. Pushing her back up against a wall, hands settled on her hips as his mouth descended to her neck. His long tongue licking against her flesh.

“You shouldn't have come.” He drew away from her neck enough so that he could gaze at her. Things could have been way worse, especially if Lysiss had been ready for them. “But I'm glad you did.”

His hands moved up from her hips, pushing aside the cloak tiny claws grazed over the sides of her flight suit. Hands then cupped her breasts eagerly squeezing them. Then tracing a finger between her thighs he used one of his claws to cut away at the fabric planning on hoisting her up and taking her right there if she didn't put up a fight.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:01 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Just one moment of silence could do plenty. She had been used many times before, but only some men and women left much of an impression. Having dangled the prospect of chaining her up again right in front of someone else she held dear, granting her all the more soul wracking insights as to what sinful pleasantries he could cast on such a lovely plaything, only beckoned those images to the forefront of her mind. Gersham would hardly find her ponder on the question at hand. The answers dwelled on lips tingling with anticipation, too wary of being honest with themselves. Steadily more unfocused eyes gave it all away for him to relish without having her mutter a single word.

Such vivid scenes were nothing but amplified in her current state of mind. The drug, his spell, whatever it was it spurred her on until the two of them had been dismissed. Gersham would take care of their most immediate concerns while Kurgen stole her away though they didn’t get far. They were likely within earshot when his rifle dropped, the gentle tap of a body pushed back against the metal wall where a staggered gasp had been elicited from her. There was no fighting him, only surrender to what they both craved beyond words.

That tongue had her on edge almost immediately. She knew it, but hadn’t basked in it for a long time, as her head dipped off to one side, offering more for her Voren companion to taste. Warm flesh clashed with damp affection rolling across her neck, time and time again tormenting her senses with everything they’d missed.

When he recoiled long enough for their eyes to meet, her body had been quivering with need. Crimson lust stained her cheeks, on top of parted lips feeding more passing air to already heated cells. “I had to,” Phoebe confessed, well aware the entire operation had been risky, but necessary in equal measure. “I’d never abandon you.”

Giving up would’ve been simpler, of that there was no doubt. She could’ve ditched Luna, ignored her request and hope to stay with Gorjen for the foreseeable future, someone who wouldn’t abuse her, and not only seek her out because of her unusual abilities but actually encourage practicing with them. It would’ve been the closest thing to a comfortable life at that point, potentially more had he decided to buy her rather than keep Phoebe for a time.

The flight suit became almost deliciously tight by the time Kurgan worked it over, infusing still covered albeit swiftly engorging mounds with his amorous touch. Soon thereafter, he lifted her up, cutting away at the pieces separating their most intimate bits. Supple thighs wrapped around him with determination, locking them in the same wanton union they’d done without for a while.

No, there was no abandoning him at all. Simply put, she was too attached to Kurgan to just write him off. The same could only be said about Viryon though she happened to be a distant thought in the here and now. Hands settle on his shoulders, fingers digging into the flesh for support and encouragement. Molten heat emanated from her eager chalice, pink lips twitching with desire with renewed nectar welcoming his advances.

Arms fell around him fully when he finally claimed her once more. “Yes .. Give it to me ..” She purred in his ear, mewling with want and pleasure to the mutual pace of their grinding hips. Soon, she found herself nuzzling his neck, if only to lightly muffle her cries and inhale his familiar fragrance. It’s been too long. At least in the moment, her every worry seemed to have melted away, and all that mattered had been the soothing warmth of a body pressed up against her own.

Short, but extraordinary nevertheless. - Phoebe Denning, awaiting your command!

Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:43 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Kurgan had not been possessive of her. It had steamed from a combination of things. How they met, knowing of her alterations and being cast scraps on occasion. So being a runt he had settled into his lot. Few of his kind where exclusive. Leaders of each clan often where or in the rare cases shared in the conquest of others.

Often, the hunt consumed them. The imprisonment she had found herself in back with Fafner had been a slice of what the Voren did on their own world. Barring the slavery aspect of their women. When their females went into heat they were hunted by the males. In this way they were animalistic. This translated into them hunting other species in a similar manner. These had to be enslaved given societies norms the Voren rarely traveled in those places in the galaxy that condoned their pack behavior, rape and slavery. Unless of course they were on a hunt.

Kurgan did his best to assist her in that hell. She was a runt too after all. And now she had saved him even if his fate wasn't as dire. At least it wouldn't have been as bad with fellow Voren around making him keenly aware of the status que. Warriors and hunters excelled. While the sciences were respected they were hardly as important.

He knew that he could be replaced as a doctor too. His skills were good and he had learned much about other species anatomies too. It allowed him to treat a wide array of species. His specialties being his own kind and humans but he had studied up on plenty of near humans and species that allied with the Voren from time to time.

He was eager for her. His pulse raced. He had her pinned to the wall and felt those legs cage him. He could even hear someone whimpering. It wasn't Gersham … nor was it important right now. He caught a word here and there but largely ignored it as he tasted her arousal on her skin.

Chest to chest he could feel her nipples stiffen beneath her flight suit. His arousal took control of him. He guided his shaft to her sex without further delay.

“As you wish.” Kurgan barely had the words out before he was diving in. One full quick thrust. His throbbing member exploding at the apex of that single thrust bathing her insides. He was not content with that alone. Another thrust followed and another. Each faster than the last.

One hand steadied her against the wall while the other reached up to her lips. Fingers dipping into her mouth to roll over her tongue. At the same time his head dipped again to her neck nipping at it with his teeth though falling short of drawing any blood.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Sat Oct 10, 2020 6:06 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
As soon as he’d entered, spreading apart the blossoming flower begging for attention, a nigh geysir of amorous warmth and familiar tightness washed over him with all the well known subtlety of a tidal wave. The vice like grip of velvety folds welcomed him in, having long ached for his presence to return, now left to squeeze ravenously around every inch of that throbbing spire. All he could muster was that lone descent before bursting, but it had to be one of the most fulfilling events for either of their bodies in weeks.

That boiling desire splashing against her insides did nothing to alleviate the blonde’s needs though which burned hotter had been left up in the air. It only enhanced those profound needs, drowning out the world around them as his essence spilled from snug confines, more so with each thrust he delivered in short order. There was simply no more room to accommodate that seed amidst aphrodisiac fueled euphoria, making her insides convulse with feverish intensity.

With the renewed scent of sex in the air, all Phoebe could think of doing was to feast on this addicting fragrance while Kurgan sated his needs. She offered more of her throat for him to lavish with attention, whimpering delightedly in the predator’s grasp, always wary that he may draw blood yet he kept himself from doing just that.

Altered nerves sprung into action before long, bringing more of that eager tongue against those select few appendages that would entertain them. It rolled over his fingers, carefully molding to those clawed digits, dipping between them and out again as if to tend to him completely, to cover every bit of his with warm saliva. At the same time, the pleasure shooting through her tongue only made the poor thing drool more, casting her further into that vicious cycle of pure mind numbing bliss.

She didn’t exactly recall when that first release wracked her body and mind, only that it did, but hardly deterred her needy flesh from wanting more. Had he allowed for it, Phoebe would only compliment his movements, grinding those hardened pebbles beneath her suit into a more servile state as they rubbed against him. They slowly bowed to her desires and the unstoppable flow of scalding delights which nourished the fiery passion of their lovemaking.

They were far from exclusive to one another, but compared to most he remained more than a fleeting acquiantance. She’d be hard pressed to call it love, but she needed him, wanted him more than others. Separated for a time, thinking she might never see him again, riding out their mutual desires felt even better than being with Gersham in a sense.

Their racing hearts made it difficult to tell whether she was more excited or not, but it didn’t matter as they were going to be burning through this together, her tingly grip clutching his equally small frame with the symphony of her stifled moans and cries being sung only for him.

Short, but extraordinary nevertheless. - Phoebe Denning, awaiting your command!

Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:27 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Kurgan knew her condition. Well aware of her altered state he did what he could to pleasure her tongue as well as her body. Welcomed home he pressed inside that heated tunnel. Spurned on by his own desires and needs. He lacked the toys right now to pleasure all of her at once but they both made due. Neither of them could have been prepared for doing what they were doing right now, at least, not so quickly.

He could feel those nipples coming to life as their bodies came together. Despite cumming so quickly Kurgan kept moving. Their hips twisted together, his member swirling those juices inside her.

After some time his drenched fingers withdrew from her mouth. Sporting a grin he looked at her drawing them both away from the wall he got a stronger hold on her waist.

“That couldn't have been too comfortable. Lead the way to your bed chamber.” It occurred to him as soon as he said it that this was a stolen ship. He carried her about keen to relocate them rather than ceasing any activity.

It might not have been as frantic but he used his hands to lift her up and down his embedded shaft as he walked. There were plenty of wrong turns before he got them to a bedroom. From the looks of it the room belonged to the captain. It was fairly large and well furnished but the only thing that mattered was the bed that he brought her too.

Once there he plucked her off his rod dropping her to the mattress. His rod glistened, smeared in their juices. “Better?” Even as he asked he began stripping off his clothing discarding it behind him. He wanted even more contact, flesh against flesh.

“I don't know what your associate did but it wasn't necessary.” Kurgan wasn't finished with her. Sporting another grin he moved to strip her too if she hadn't done so herself. Then he climbed back over her beginning again.

Whether he came to his senses first or had been more resistant to the aphrodisiac he teased her a little. His tip barely entering her at times, it sweeping over her clit before returning. His tongue licking over those exposed breasts and her neck. Pushing her fully back he then unleashed himself again using his full length to reach inside her as he brought their hips together.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:43 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Phoebe never had much of a tolerance for that potent touch despite having endured it for a number of days, always back to back from the moment her days began until fatigue claimed her consciousness once more. At times she’d theorized, though untrue at the core, that such forces existed solely to drive the blonde’s mind to the brink of madness over and over again. Scaling that blessed high straight to heaven only to be dropped back into purgatory left her wanting for more of that pulsating warmth that filled her to capacity.

He then stole her away from the hall to premises more comfortable than the wall though ultimately his partner didn’t notice discomfort, or just didn’t care about the chafing as long as it lent support to their deep embrace. The flames raged on all the same, unabated in their conquest of her flesh and mind. They were hindered little by the erotic torture of guiding Kurgan to a proper bedroom as the two of them inadvertently took their sweet time getting there, with the sheer amount of distractions every step brought to the woman whose luscious form continued to grind against him from start to finish.

The amorous specimen dropped to the bed, hazy eyes first hovering on that spire glistening with her shame, then his own as he slipped out of the final remnants of his attire. “M-Much better, but ..” She paused, clutching her chest with an all the more flustered look though there was really no need for it. “.. but I .. I want more.”

All around her, the walls and furniture were but a blur compared to the crystal clear male looming over her. Fingertips glossed over wet patches where he cut her suit, visibly fighting the urge to tend to the woman’s slutty flower herself. She could barely grasp a thought outside of giving in, with every severed thread giving rise to more lust infused mush that craved nothing more than that perfect cock.

Their clothes were shed in near unison. Had Phoebe been quicker, he would’ve been relinquished of all that bothersome fabric soon enough. She may have put on a show without the drug wreaking havoc on her senses, but it couldn’t be helped now. Every waking moment more of her familiar charms were unraveled, silky smooth skin he’d felt up and tasted roughly every patch of at least once throughout their time aboard one ship or another. Her chest rose and fell with quickened breaths, exalting their swollen, throbbing peaks.

Small hands lay flat on their backs beside her head, barely clasping the sheets. Supple thighs spread apart willingly, concealing nothing. An exposed neck was his to feast upon with a slight tilt of her head. The more receptive, more vulnerable demeanor came with an endearing look, one that only belonged to him until his actions shattered it, renewing the symphony of wanton whimpers and moans he’d often elicited from her in the past.

He had free reign over his latest catch. She cherished knowing him on top, looking down on his eager, but equally sheepish prey, how he’d be watching her burn with want and in turn crave her, with nothing but the wolf’s own masterful ministrations keeping that train of thought alive. He lacked none of his brethren’s spirit in that regard. She liked that. A lot. The one thing Phoebe appreciated more had been the mere fact she wouldn’t have to dream about Kurgan just to be one with him again.

All the things he would do to make up for lost time were but a fleeting scene in the back of her mind when he aligned that far from satisfied manhood with her blistering hot sex again. Thinking of herself chained down or tied up would only distract from the moment at hand, and thanks to Gersham there’d be many more to come.

All the while, Phoebe’s visibly trembling thighs only emphasized her need, as well as the still tingly flower whose comely warmth beckoned with nothing but the sweetest embrace he refrained from giving himself, if only to tease her a little more. When he finally did plunge back inside as far as he could go, the girl couldn’t keep herself from crying out at the apex of that thrust, gripping the covers tight.

The stream of molten heat shot inside her, up to the farthest regions of her spine, casting shudders upon her ravenous flesh. So full did he render her with his liquid desire that it spilled from ever more constricting depths, painting the sheets in the mark of their union, but there seemed to be no end to her drug induced cravings. She’d keep him here, uncaring of whether he closed the door at all or if anyone could hear them, let alone watch the pair, for as long as he had strength to spare in the conquest of his partner’s body.

Short, but extraordinary nevertheless. - Phoebe Denning, awaiting your command!

Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:34 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
It had been more than mere lust that stole over the Voren doctor. Before him he had her fully exposed. His spire returning to the blistering heat of her body. His tongue sweeping over her neck, shoulders and breasts in turn. She had been well trained from her time in slavery or a natural, Kurgan had no idea since he could not compare her before and after. Still he had been glad that she had been enslaved. That led to their meeting and their freedom. Even if he wasn't a slave himself he might as well have been. If not for his expertise in medicine things would have been far worse for him. He was needed in putting the slaves back together and on those rare occasions treating others of his species.

Painting her insides with his seed had not been enough. Still stiff he slowed only enough to catch her breath, her need driving him. Then after a minute or so he picked up the pace. Hands grasping her arms as if holding her down, the slap of their bodies as they joined together had been louder then the slurp of him sliding into her or the squeak of the bed springs. Nothing else existed.

Teeth grazed her neck and he even nipped her a little.

More than that aphrodisiac fueled them subconsciously. Even if he wished to stop Kurgan wouldn't have left her in need. His stamina went up against that aphrodisiac as he attempted to outlast the drug in her system. He drove into her again and again. Slowing down on occasion, varying the angle of those thrusts or even changing positions.

Taking her from behind he slapped her ass. Even when the box spring broke he didn't stop. At one point he had her straddled atop him allowing her to catch her breath and dictate that pace. At some point she felt fingers caress her neck from behind her.

A wet finger swirled against her anus in preparation. It felt cool with liquid and yet warm at the same time. A contradiction.

“You've outlasted poor old Benny.” Gersham chuckled from behind her. He didn't kill the mechanic but he drove the guy nuts with that touch of his. And with the mechanic unable to relieve himself. The tipping point had to have been him hearing her with Kurgan. He had been what she had been hearing earlier out in the hall.

“He's sleeping it off. Just how much do you have left I wonder?” His finger pressed inside her backdoor. He swirled it around feeling Kurgan's upward thrusts. Even interrupted the Voren had yet to stop. “Do you wish to play one more game?”

He peeked down at Kurgan before his tongue swept along her neck. The hand on the opposite side of her neck cupped a breast fondling it in his grasp. Kurgan's rested on her hips assisting him in those powerful thrusts upwards.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:21 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
“I’m .. I’m gonna .. I-I’m cumming!” One orgasm chased the other. “Mnuuhh .. My-My insides .. are melting ..” Phoebe arched and spasmed before him, above him, pinned down on the bed beneath him and unable to act beyond riding out her desires in the throes of passion. She failed to remember how often they’d changed positions, or how many times her body had been on the brink of recovery only for that drug to send her into another lust fueled frenzy. The now ruined bed endured more than it ever had, and there seemed to be no end to any of it.

The only time she could inhale the potent stench of sweat and sex that filled the room had been with every wanton bounce on his lap. That towering phallus speared inside her, hitting all the right spots. Screaming euphoric bundles of nerves were set aflame with bliss, forcing the breath from her aching lungs in an effort to exhale that love tainted air with an unbroken chain of sensuous moans. For their unseen audience, her bedroom voice didn’t care to be contained.

All this time, whenever her wavering focus hadn’t been shattered by another orgasmic high, Phoebe peered past the haze of indulgence that lingered in her eyes. Their misty yellow hues lingered on Kurgan where he could admire his own Voren reflection, while the equivalent of love bites along the woman’s neck tingled with gratifying aches.

Groomed to love every moment of mind numbing chaos in the sheets, Phoebe simply breathed it, lived it, knowing full well it was part of her being now. She licked her lips, gums, anything to sweeten an already wonderful reunion until a familiar chuckle tore her out of that pleasant reverie.

“Be .. Benny ..” She barely recalled their lone prisoner aboard the ship. He simply didn’t matter right now. They could tend to him later. What was more important to her one track mind, however, had to be Gersham himself. Thankfully, he was close by now.

She knew what playing another game entailed. Her mind would inevitably go numb, her vision filled with nothing but blinding white hot pleasure. Though she dictated the pace for the moment, she was still outmatched and, if her other companion’s advances were any indication, outnumbered soon enough. The prospect of losing herself to this burning desire even more made Phoebe drool at the thought.

Her sweat clad charms shimmered as though they were downright dipped in alluring moisture. Supple breasts swollen with arousal jiggled in time with those mighty thrusts from below, their stiffened crests poking proudly from the heaving mounds of flesh. The jingle of an anchor piercing joined the chorus as it tapped mildly against her belly, each resulting sound in stark contrast to the slapping sound of their bodies which echoed with the messy amalgamation of their juices.

She then looked back, one arm relinquished its hold on Kurgan’s shoulders as it wouldn’t be necessary to support those questing hips or the wolf’s strong grip in the first place. It sought out the man behind her to try and place her hand on the back of Gersham’s neck, beckoning him closer. She really wanted him to play with her while she still had some measure of consciousness left, let alone a single coherent thought, unless he preferred becoming merely another source of stimulation to the luscious plaything before him.

“Y-Yes~” She purred, a joyous smile blending in with an already lecherous, but equally radiant expression that had claimed the oversexed blonde’s grimace whole. “Yes, yes! One more game, please .. Please play with me more ..”

Short, but extraordinary nevertheless. - Phoebe Denning, awaiting your command!

Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:41 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Phoebe)
Grunts emitted from Kurgan as his hips thrust upward into her. There was some control, that spire of meat hit those delicious spots within indicating that his head was a little clear. The doctor wasn't blindly hammering away at her or simply chasing his own pleasure.

While aware that Gersham had been present he did not stop what he was doing. Fingers secured a hold on those hips as he pressed into those snug folds again and again.

Gersham debated with himself. Just whom would outlast whom? He knew that altered body had endurance. Having experienced it before he knew of her limits. She was eager for this half turning around as his fingers continued to work into her back side. They moved slower then the torpedo being pressed inside her as she was lifted inches up with each thrust only settling back down as that shaft slipped most of the way out of her before ascending back into her once again.

His fingers moved in a lazy circle while the fingers on his other hand played with her nipple. It would be so easy to bleed even more aphrodisiac into her but he didn't. She was still coherent, which was good. There was no sense in overwhelming her.

Games had to entail some form of risk after all. They could be stacked against him or even lean in his favor but he detested those that he had no chance in winning or always won. Her eager response caused a grin to shift over his features. He leaned in to her drinking of her lips and giving her sensitive tongue a work out with his own for a few moments before he pulled away from her. His face still close to her own.

“Good. It's simple really. Just who will out last who I wonder? If you out last your partner I will grant you one favor or service that takes no longer than a month. If you don't last then you do the same submitting to me for a task or service no longer than a quarter of that time.” And more for the doctor he continued. “I'm great at detecting deception so faking unconsciousness won't work.”

Just in case the doctor was listening he didn't want to give him any ideas of throwing the contest. Just to be fair he went on. “If you both fail at roughly the same time then nothing happens. For a bit of added incentive Voren if you are the victor you'll get that pirate captain Lysiss.”

It should be manageable to get a hold of her. As it was the Voren in the station might have her. Granted that was a big if assuming that they hadn't encountered Phoebe before. His Shadow Walk allowed him to get into secure places with ease provided there was a shadow at the other end which was most of the time. Lysiss had an aura about her know smelling like Phoebe.

It was to fool and through off the bounty hunters. Gersham assumed little would happen outside of some chaos and misdirection but he had no idea how that would play out. In any event getting at the pirate was something he could do. Overwhelming her was easy enough. She was a mere human after all and retrieving her meant nothing if he got his prize, a small price to pay.

“One week for me to use you however I see fit. Whether as a mere chauffeur or to keep you in chains. Or perhaps you rather have me in chains or keep me in reserve for a future favor.”

His grin deepened. He let her think it over. If the terms were too great he still was going to have a bit of fun with her in the here and now. Even if she expected he never said he would cease fondling her. Unless she denied him that he would continue to assist the Voren leaning in for another deep kiss to seal that deal and inevitably play with that vulnerable tongue of hers with his own.

Gersham, The Black Prince
Character Listing


Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:44 pm
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