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 Searching, Seeking... (Open For All) 
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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:06 am
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If I had not been a creature whom was organic magical and scientific all in the same bdoy I'm sure seeing an angel might have been a bit strange as I'm sure it would have back when I went by the name Erica; back when I was a weak human.

"Quite the interesting conversation; I'm sure when I was bogged down by science & humanity I wouldn't have believed a word either of you were saying though... So that's a good indication of how difficult any such thing would be."

I turned towards them shifting my shape to my more humanoid one the height and appearance of my old Erica self.

"Still I'm sure your creator dear angel wouldn't like one whom has spit in his face and taken immortality upon herself to help or befriend you."
((sorry about the absence was ignoring mina a little ;^^))

"Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

Sun May 11, 2008 7:35 pm
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"My creator is forgiving. For the sake of my new calling, I am empowered to bury former disputes. For it is only through acts of darkness that the light of carnal bliss can be appreciated." I bowed to the newcomer and extended a hand of friendship to this one as well. "The Kingdom of Lust - Shokushu - can and must reign."

Delivering Salvation since...

Sun May 11, 2008 11:49 pm

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"Mina Riley is what I go by now in this universe"

I took her hand and shook it gently eying the demoness I had met prior then this angelic being again I offered a friendly smile to her and a nod.

"It is what I did in my universe, It was the rule I ran the cosmos by but, it became useless when I eradicated mortality... one thing I regret in my life."

"Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

Mon May 12, 2008 2:34 am
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
Jezebel cocked her head slightly, her long red tail idly twirling back and forth in her hand as she took Altima's words into consideration. As absurd as it seemed, some of the archangel's words did have the ring of truth to them. The seraph was certainly right about one thing: Jezebel would continue to rape the students of Shokushu regardless pf whatever the divine being's true motives may be. Nothing and no-one could ever deter the insatiable, lust-driven succubus from feeding upon every tasty little morsel she could get her hands on.

The more Jezebel thought on what Altima has said thus far, however...the more the seraph's words began to sink in...the more it all began to make sense. 'An age where Good and Evil need not exist'. An age in which carnal lust and exquisite sexual pleasure would become the new Paradise. A wicked smile spread across the succubus's face as she pictured all the pretty young woman of Shokushu gathinering before their new messiahs as they spread the Gospel of Altima to the eager, thousands, of blissful, sex-crazed students, crying out over and over again to their saviors in sheer extacy, begging for more and more, as their naked, writhing, glistening bodies shook and convulsed from orgasm after mind-shattering orgasm...A seemingly endless writhing mass of lustful, perpetually horny young women, all eagerly making out with each other...Hungrily licking their fellow students' bodies clean of the gallons and gallons of hot, creamy demon jizz that continued to cover them all from head to toe, as Jezebel and her comrades continued their never-ending sexual assault on the entire student body of Shokushu High...

Jezebel shook her head vigerously, trying in vaine to clear her mind of the intensely erotic images flashing in her mind and focus on the present moment. As it was, the lascivous red-haired demoness's body had reacted quite readily to the visions floating in her head. Her nipples became hard as rocks. The demon's massive tentacle-cock became engorged with blood and stood straight up at attention, drooling copious amounts of pre-cum onto the ground, as her pussy started juicing up, the lusty succubus's sweet-smelling fluids flowing freely down her legs at the mere thought of raping so many gorgeous young women.

Ignoring her body's rapidly growing arousal, Jezebel stepped foreword, extending her hand to Altima's out-stretched hand and gave it a firm shake, cementing the friendship between angel and demon...between Light and Dark...Good and Evil...Heven and Hell. It was perhaps the most symbolic gesture in the entire history of Creation.

Who'd have thought that, after all these mellenia of bloody conflict between the Forces of Light and Darkness...after all these centuries of Yahweh and Samael constantly butting heads...after all that has taken place since that fateful day that Qween Lilith fled from the Garden of Eden, abandoning her husband Adam and the ways of that fool of a god Yahweh...Everything would change with one simple gesture.

"You make a compelling argument, Altima. And are right, tthhere isss no reasson for uss to be enemiess. I hope you will forgive my initial sskeptississsm. When you have the Motthher of All Demonss and the Great Adverssary ass your parentss, you tend to develop ccertain...viewss. Eacchh and every demonic being iss born with the ssame rebelliouss evil nature ass the Great Lord Ssamael Himself, hating Yahweh and Hiss creation with a passsion and sseeking to desstroy it in any way posssible. We are wicked, vile, utterly ssinful creatures, and proud of it. Ssucchh hass been our way ssince the beginning of Creation. Ever ssince tthhe beginning, it hass alwayss been tthhe ssame thing...Good against Evil, angel Verssuss demon, Yahweh battling againsst Ssamael."

"Now, after all tthhesse millenia, it sseemsss tthhingss are about to cchhange. Ssoon, tthhe eternal battle between tthhe Light and tthhe Darknesss will come to an end. Tthhe entire conccept of Good and Evil will become obssolete. A new age will begin, a new kingdom sshhall be created. Sshhokusshhu will become the Kingdom of Carnal Dessire. And tthat ssuitss me jussst fine. In fact, your illuminating wordsss of wissdom have inspired me with a grand vission of what the future will hold if we work togetthher to forge this new Kingdom of Lusst..."

Jezebel grinned as she telepathically sent a mental projection of her recent vision to all the non-human entities in the area. "But why sstop tthhere? Sshhokusshhu iss but one tiny island sssurrounded by miless and miless of water. Tthhiss placce iss hardly big enough to contain the entire New Kingdom. We need to think bigger." One sharp-clawed finger pointed towards the sky. "Tthhere iss an entire universse out tthhere, countless worldss possitively teeming witthh life. Oncce we esstablish our Kingdom here on Sshhokusshhu, we sshhould travel from planet to planet, ultimately sspreading the Gosspel of Altima...and tthhuss exxpanding our Kingdom to every planet in the universsse. After all, Yahweh'ss Kingdom iss infinite, why not ourss?"

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:09 pm
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:57 am
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
I decided to further embed the imagery by kissing the back of her hand. She was, to me, the equal needed to make good and evil obsolete. She was so important to my true calling. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is my supposition that the constant sexual energy expended here makes this an ideal place to begin. The girls an easy convert from the Ways of Old to our Great Testament. And once this realm becomes enlightened, so to will the other Angels and Demons, seeing the Light of Sexual Pleasure and how it renders this plane truly free."

Delivering Salvation since...

Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:48 pm
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
Jezebel smiled sweetly at Altima as the beautiful pink-haired angel kissed her hand, all the while her eyes lingered over the silky smooth flesh of the divine one with ill-concealed lust. It took the lust-crazed succubus every ounce of self-control and then some to keep herself from tackling Altima to the ground and thrust her hard, throbbing cock into the gorgeous seraph's sweet little pussy.

"I agree, my dear...and tthhere are many potential convertss on tthhisss island, ssome whom may be more eassily sswayed to join the Caussse tthhan otthherss. However, I am convincced tthhat, by working togetthher, we will be able to open the eyess even tthhe most sstubborn of mortalss...And eventually, all the beingss of Sshhokusshhu, human and non-human alike, will be sshhown the Light of Trutthh. Ssoon, very ssoon, tthhiss great island will truly become a paradissse of pleasssure."

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:23 pm
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
I smiled at her, as smile showing a fair amount of my own desire for the demon, and a deeper emotion growing within me for her. "And as the Bringers of Paradise, we will be afforded dominion over the land, as Regents of the Way, Queens of the new Carnal Kingdom."

Delivering Salvation since...

Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:53 pm
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
"To get a little furtthher on tthhe ssubject, tthhere'ss jusst a little more tthhat I'd like to get figured out before we continue. We are about to establisshh a new Eternal Kingdom tthhat will ultimately sspan the entire cosmoss. Sso where do our resspective Massterss fit into all of tthhiss? And what of Heaven and Hell? Your Masster is the embodiment of Light, and mine of Darkness...Sso what will become of tthhem oncce our Kingdom comess to being, and Good and Evil become no more? I am cchharged witthh the ratthher tediouss tassk of frequently giving reportss of the goingss-on here to my lord, and I doubt that he will be pleassed witthh my nexxt update, given all tthhat iss being disscussed between you and I tthhiss day. I don't know if it will turn out the way my lord will no doubt percceive, but I am ssure tthhat he will fear tthhe abolition of Good and Evil will mean tthhe end of hiss unholy reign, and of the Great Abysss itsself."

It was an important point to bring up, in Jezebel's eyes, and one that the demoness needed addressed before she prepared the next step of her secret plans. Samael and Yahweh both stood in the way of the ambitious succubus's goals for Supreme Rulership of the heavens. If they disappeared without Jeze actually putting forth any extra effort, then she was even closer than she had hoped in gaining control over the cosmos. If not, then she had a lot of work left to do before there was even the slightest chance of achieving total victory.

Altima's response would determine Jezebels entire course of action...

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:07 am
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
"There will be no need for them as they are today. They will each be regents of their realms, as deliverers and moderators of the New Holy Word." I explained, "And we will reign from here, to illustrate the balance Carnal Salvation brings."

Delivering Salvation since...

Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:13 am
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
(srry i havent posted in this thread in quite some time mostly for certain people in this thread pissed me off greatly none if you mind you)

Kaza swung down from a tree, landing in the center of this small group, she looked to Jezebel and bowed politely. "my my dear friend....its good to see you again...and hello to creatures that i do not know....." Kaza stretched and looked about.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:19 pm
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
((I know that you're anxious to get to the 'fun' part of the thread, love...I just want Jezebel (and myself) to learn a bit more about Altima's plan for the New Kingdom. Such knowledge will help me in our thread with Cassie (desperately needing something to aid me in my next post there--looking for the right words and actions in order to successfully persuade Cass to join our Cause), as well as any future threads.

Kaza, welcome back to the thread. I'm not quite sure what happened to the other members of our little group hare, as they have not been around for a while. I noticed, too, that a number of posts have been deleted for some reason. As things look right now, I believe that we may be the only three participants left in this thread...))

Jezebel bowed her head in agreement to Altima's words. Though somewhat disappointed in the answer she had received, it was no more than she had expected. Her aspirations may be a little on the high side, but with enough patience and cunning, they would one day become attainable. "And sso it sshhall be...tthhough I remain doubtful tthhat my Masster will be content with hiss placce in tthhe New Order. How I might convincce the Demon King tthhat abandoning the Old Wayss for tthhe New will work to the benefit of all partiess involved."

It was a legitimate concern. Her Master held certain views about these things, and to say that the Serpent King would be a rather difficult one to sway would be a major understatement. Jezebel was going to have to be extremely careful in how she was going to handle this most difficult of situations...

The she-demon took a step backwards just as spoke her final words, as her dear friend Kazari had chosen that moment to make her presence known to the red-haired succubus and her rather intriguing friend, Altima by dropping down from her perch and landing right between angel and demon.

A surprised expression had appeared momentarily on Jezebel's face at the sight of the new arrival, as her keen demonic senses did not pick up the presence of the blue-skinned succubus. Her expression rapidly changed, however, so quickly that it may have appeared to the others that it had not been there at all.

"My dear Kaza," Jezebel began, smiling warmly as she gave the demonic woman a deep bow, all the while gazing upon the beautiful demoness's rather alluring body with undisguised lust. Memories of her previous encounter with Kazari and Haruma flashed inside her mind, and the erotic images of the two succubi and the she-wolf all fucking each other like wild beasts on the beach on that most beautiful of days making the horny demon's arousal to grow even further.

The lusty fiend's massive cock, which had grown a good sixteen inches within the last ten, fifteen minutes, expanded another two inches in only a few seconds. It now reached over two feet and stood straight up in the air like a fleshy flag pole. Copious amounts of pre-cum was oozing out the tip of the cock's head, coating the entire length of the shaft, even as the the lecherous succubus's love juices continued to flow freely from her sopping wet pussy to trickle down her legs in a steady stream, leaving a growing puddle on the soft ground by her feet.

"Tthhiss iss a ratthher unexxpected ssurprisse, my friend...and, a mosst pleasssurable one, ass well. Ass I gaze upon that amazing body of yourss, I cannot help but tthhink back to our previouss encounter..." Jezebel gave a quiet little chuckle at her own expense as her mouth was being repeatedly smacked by the sticky head of her own twitching member. Having no more of this, Jezebel willed the offending organ to wrap itself around her body, and it obeyed, the surprisingly flexible member curled around her waist like a boa constrictor tightening about its prey, but much more gently. "and tthhesse memoriess, ass you can ssee, have obvioussly had quite an effect on me."

Repositioning herself so that she faced both Altima and Kazari, Jezebel grinned cheerfully at angel and demon as she licked her lips and chin clean, the long forked tongue wiping away the clear trail of sticky pre-cum that her cock had left behind. "Now tthhen, ssincce it iss apparent tthhat tthhe two of you have not met before, I do believe introductionss are in order. Altima, thiss ssexxy little devil here iss Kazari, fellow ssuccubuss and very 'closse' friend of mine, whom I have reccently had the pleassure of getting to know quite well. Kaza, tthhis angelic beauty you ssee here before you iss Altima, a mosst interessting sseraph whom, like you, I have jusst met thiss day. Sshhe wass jusst in tthhe midsst of delivering a ratthher intriguing message tthhat I'm ssure you would be quite interessted to hear. Dear Altima, would you be sso kind ass to enlighten my friend here about the Gosspel you plan to sspread and the new Kingdom tthhat iss to be created here on Sshhokusshhu?"

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Last edited by Jezebel on Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:07 am
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
I found Kaza to be a lucky woman, to have known the demoness as I wished to know her, but I would share my gospel, and being another noble demon to the fold of the new order. "Lust, pleasure, sexual Salvation is the true essence of freedom and peace. The Kingdom of God has served a purpose so long, yet so many deny it, and so many feel so ignored by the Almighty. Bad things happen to good people, et cetera, et cetera," I explained, "So I was sent, to learn of a new Kingdom. Oh, at first I was afraid. I denied my new mission."

I walked closer to my sisters, my hopeful companions, both in pleasure and in ideals, "But as the eons passed, I learned the truth - that salvation is found not in death or servitude, it is found not by the grace of God. The truth of pleasure, the truth of lust... these things bring true Salvation. The Orgasm is the covenant of that salvation, the evidence of God's will that all living things be indoctrinated into the Order of the New Way. That upon this land a kingdom will be founded!" I was almost yelling in excitement.

"The Gospel of Altima, the gift of the High Seraph, is simply this. No longer will the sentient life praise a deity, nor fear an unholy. No longer will Heaven and Hell reign dominance over the free of will. Now, we, the Harbingers of Salvation, will induct them, by force if necessary, to their new, primal, carnal concerns. All creatures will live to fuck, and fuck to survive."

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Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:44 pm
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
"well" Kaza spoke up holding her hands out. "i dont know shit about big guns up stairs..nor do i care...but you know the wrath of our lord if we betray him....not that i care unlike you two who have come to this world by either demonic or divine magic..i have not i am not bound by your ways..once my pathetic excuse of a mother bore me into this world i am no longer tied down by those custom's i do what i want when i want and i always get what i want" The demoness looked at the two women with an extremely evil look, her servant lay beneath her a dark shadow. Red tentacles wove up from the dark to slither and wrap around her body from head to toe, leaving a trail of slime wherever they went. One wrapped around her neck lovingly and rubbed its tip against her lips. She kissed it gently, looking back to the other two. "i would enjoy joining whatever your planning aslong as i get to fuck...and fuck as much and aslong as i can...thats all i care about now...sexzzzzzz"


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:35 am
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Post Re: Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
"That's all that's needed of you. Fucking. Sex. Carnal passion," I explained quietly, watching her with want, "That's the goal of our new world."

Delivering Salvation since...

Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:47 am
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