Shokushu High School

Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)
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Author:  Melzirr [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Searching, Seeking... (Open For All)

The dimiunitive form of Melzirr peers around. Since he has arrived he has been sort of lost and he hoped he could be lead in the right direction. After all... his once-in-a-lifetime chance to be here was exciting, exhilerating, not to mention heart-stoppingly thrilling. He has heard quite alot about the opportunities to be had on the island.

He blinks his single eye as he emits a gentle humming sound. He grips his specially crafted gun as he was holding a futuristic-looking space tool in the other. He was making some careful adjustments to it. Then he emits a satisfied sigh, "All done. I just upgraded it's capacity so it can last abit longer before I need to recharge it."

In the back of his head, he thought, 'I really could use a lair, a base to plan for things. Perhaps maybe I can ask one for a willing hand to help assist me, if they want. Maybe as abit of payment I can provide them with custom-made gadgets and weapons to help assist them in their goals, as well."

He soon concentrates briefly as his gun disappears back into a hidden 'dimension door' aka 'subspace pocket'. He wouldn't be needing it right now. It would be only a matter of time when he needed it.

Where he was located... deep within a forested zone on the island, a good distance away off the campus grounds. But he was hoping to situate his new 'lair' near the science building. Maybe that might be a viable option for a technological 'know-it-all' like himself!

Author:  Melzirr [ Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

He emits a gentle hrm before he blinks, noticing the form of a demon-like entity. He blinks a few times as he says, "Eh? I'm a certifiable genius, to be exact! I... I'm a visitor around here. I guess I classify by what you can consider a 'monster'. Of course there are many others that fall into that specification, as well!"

He then gives a shrug as he gives a bright smile. Then he waves a three fingered hand around for a moment. He then says, "I'm Melzirr, to be frank. I'm from Metra-Verde, a planet quite a distance away from here. And I'm here to enjoy my time here. What about yourself... ma'am?" He turns his head and hides an apparent blush. She was cute and all, of course.

But he was a token genius and a masterful inventor. And soon he whips out a pair of single-eyed goggles, presumably fit for his race of aliens, as he slips it on and then gazes over her. He carefully examines over the demoness, as if studying her briefly, and then he slips them off before they fade.

A look of contentment flows over his face as he finally adds, "I'm hoping to start working on coming up with a decent base of operations, as well."

Author:  Minariley [ Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I gurgleed slightly as my form slowly oozed across the forest floor; to tired to maintain my shape and unable to rest where I might be found in such a sorry state. my goal was to find something living and rip a bit of energy from it; any energy even if it was just enough to take my human esque shape. I was embarassed for letting myself become with weak without finding a bit of a meal for myself. Soon though I oozed around a tree to see with my own eyes... well not quite 'eyes'. what I saw with was more an arcane second sight, It was a familiar looking denizin of the island and a not so familiar little... thing. I myself was little more than a large silvery blob rising off the forest floor to sit as well... still a formless silver mass of something... talking a bit of an impossibility for the moment I'd continue to move closer to the pair hoping one might want to see what I was and maybe get close enough tor me to touch.

Author:  Melzirr [ Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:05 pm ]
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"Yeah, I guess so," he says with a smirk.

Soon he raises a three fingered hand up as a small device appears within it. It then starts spraying him with dazzling lights. Once they start to fade... he stands fully decked up in a rather nice tuxedo. And his more obvious features down below well hidden from any prying eyes.

He then blinks as he notices the amorphous blob which must be another interesting monster come into the foray. A few blinks from his single eye and he suddenly seems quite interested in it as he soon slowly follows Kazari's lead and slowly approaches Minariley.

Soon he says, "I think I'm gonna probably choose one of those abandoned buildings near the science area of the campus for my base of operations. I will need to probably decorate it all up with the best defenses the entire galaxy won't know about."

Soon a rather loud, boisterous laugh leaps from the small blue 'cycloptic' alien. Sure, he may be small... but his voice and tone was sure big and loud. It definitely didn't make him seem so short when he talked and sounded big, for sure.

Author:  Minariley [ Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd just stare at kazari, though I certainly would have responded if I could have. as the little creature approached I recognised the technology and species, one of the ones I had... more or less enslaved for My terran empire. All I could do for now was stretch on the ground and touch the two of them; though there was not much tere for me to absorb from the pair to my misfortune though it was good enough for the time being.

I'd take a human esque shape; a simple human esque shape though with a pair of fox's ears and pair of matching tails, not fake of course. red sweater, long brown skirt with white stockings and a red beret.

"I dislike being reduced to a puddle but, it's what I get for giving myself eternal existance."

I didn't quite call it life anymore; life had feeling, life had emotion and pleasure... all I had was pain and a vauge twisted enjoyment.

Author:  Melzirr [ Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

A sly smirk soon flowed over his face as he soon raises up a hand as a small device soon materialized above it. Then he yells, "Hologram off!" Soon the forested area fades as it reveals a flying saucer-type vehicle. Then he grins, folding his arms over his chest.

Soon coming from his saucer was a mechnical 'worker' drone. It starts to approach the smallish alien as it bleeps, whirrs, and finally it spoke in a deep, bass-like monotone: Sir. We are almost ready for converting one of the nearby abandoned buildings into a sizeable workshop and base for you. Do you have any preferences?

"Hmmm," Melzirr says as he gazes off towards a building not far from where he, Kazari, and Minariley was at. Then he points at it as he says, "That looks like it'll have to work, Bono. Go get the others and tell them to start work on that place immediately."

Yes, sir :quips the drone designated as Bono. It then returns back to the ship as he gathers a few other drones and they soon started to head to the building.

He then lowers his gaze to the ground. A gentle sigh comes from him as he says, "Well... at least I'll have my own workshop, laboratory, and home. So I can finally relax and really enjoy my time here!" Then a bright smile forms on his face as he fixates his gaze upon Minariley then Kazari.

"You'll be allowed to come to my new workshop/laboratory when it's done. I'm sure you'll like to check it out. I'll make sure to give it advanced security features, too. None of the human females in their right mind would likely want to step foot near the place," he says thoughtfully as he taps his chin a few times.

Author:  Minariley [ Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd have thanked her for poking me and letting me finish shifting shapes if she hadn't been an ass about it really.

"I'm sure I'm just as effecting with them in any shape I take..."

my eyes and attention on the little blue alien shaking her head looking from ship to him.
"Many of the students are very curious... they often go place many would think they wouldn't... I would know better than either of you i suppose once being human myself."

Author:  Altima [ Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:02 pm ]
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"None avoid plesures of the body with the zeal these students do." My voice preceded me, as I descended from the sky above to join the small collection of creatures. Touching down, I smiled at my companions, "Why do they not just hand themselves over to carnal Salvation? I shall never understand. I do thank you all, however, for forcing their lustful Heaven upon them."

Author:  Jezebel [ Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Flying high in the sky, hidden by a thick blanket of clouds, Jezebel's leathery bat-like wings fully outstretched as she glided casually above the densely packed forest. Having just taken part of a most delicious feast back in her secret lair, the slender pale-skinned succubus was content to float around the island and take in the sights. It wouldn't be long before she needed to feed once again, of course...

As she passed by the Shokushu Forest, Jezebel's demonic senses picked up a handful of non-human life signs. Curious, the crimson-eyed she-demon quickly made her descent. As she drew closer, Jezebel got a good look at the rather diverse group conversing on the ground below. There were a couple familiar faces among them that she recognized from the pool party she had attended some months previous...Kazari, the gracious demonic hostess that had served her and the other guests there...and Mina, the fox-tailed shape-shifter who had spent much of her time at the party conversing with Keemari.

The other two...the diminutive blue alien and the pink-haired angel...were completely unknown to her. The appearance of the little blue man was strange enough, even in a place like Shokushu...but what in Samael's name was an angel (an archangel, no less!) doing here? Even more peculiar, she appeared to be chatting it up with the other three like they were close comerads instead of mortal enemies.

And what was this about 'carnal Salvation' and 'lustful Heaven'?

This scene was definitely worth investigating...

"Greetingsss comeradss," Jezebel called down in a pleasant cheerful voice to the small crowd below as she made her final descent, her wings at full extension and her arms outstretched as the naked demoness touched down onto the soft forest floor without a sound.

Folding her wings behind her back, Jezebel grinned at her fellow monsters, exposing her sharp fangs as she stretched out one hand to rest against a nearby tree, leaning casually as she crossed her legs at the knees.

"Kaza...Mina...good to ssee you two again. It'sss been ssome time ssincce our pathsss lasss crossst...and I sssee we have ssome newcomerss in our midsst, ass well."

Now addressing the two newbies, she added, "Welcome to Sshhokusshhu. I'm ssure you'll find your ssstay here to be quite pleassurable. I'm Jezebel, one of the few ssuccubi to have taken up ressidencce here in this paradissse of pleassure. And what might your namess be?"

Author:  Altima [ Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:28 am ]
Post subject: 

A succubus, it impressed me. She, in the New Order, must have a far higher purpose than she did in the Old Ways. I gave her a humble bow, "I am Altima, the li-" I paused, I needed a new title. 'Liberator' was given by the former Highest, but pleasure had replaced nobility, and sex had replaced the former view of paradise. So, too, must I reinvent myself, "Altima." A title, that would come later. "Seraph of the New Truth. And might I say, dear Succubus, you serve the Truth in ways I can only dream of. The sheer volume of young girls you introduce to their True Salvation of Carnal Desire, it is worthy of praise."

Author:  Jezebel [ Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jezebel gave quiet, sardonic little chuckle at Altima's words. "You have an interessting way of putting tthhingss, angel. However, I highly doubt thosse little sslutss would agree witth ssucchh sssentimentsss. Tell me, Misss Altima...where did thiss conccept of 'the True Sssalvation of Carnal Desssire' come from? Forgive my sskeptississm, but it iss ratthher hard for me to imagine ssucch ideass coming from the mind of an angel, let alone an archangel...and I do not ththink tthhat the Man Upstairss would put up with ssucchh blasspphhmousss wordss from the lipss of Hiss divine sservantss."

Author:  Jezebel [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:04 am ]
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((Hmm...I wonder where everyone's at...))

Author:  Altima [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:27 pm ]
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((Sorry, I was at a confrence, and then my girl got banged up a bit... been a bad week or two))

Altima nodded, "He said it to me, in actions rather than words. He guided me to experience the revelation for myself, that the pleasures of the body are more important than the trappings of the Kingdom of the Hereafter," she smiled, obviously content with her memories of sexual slavery, "And He guided me here, to teach the young girls of the lessons that were taught onto me. The joys of sex, of rape and of all forms of pleasure. It seems your kind were right all along.""

Author:  Jezebel [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:04 pm ]
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((I saw in your Absence & Return thread. :( How's she holding up?))

"Interesssting...It ssseemss tthhingss have cchhanged quite a bit ssincce I've been away. It alsco appearss tthhat your Lord iss not quite ass infallible ass He would have everyone believe. And yet, tthhesse 'lesssonsss' tthhat you have been 'guided' here to 'teacchh' are sstill conssidered damnable sssinss by all who blindly follow the 'Word of the Lord', ass taught by every pompouss, hypocritical, ssself-righteouss, holier-tthhan-tthhou 'ssservant of god' ssincce the dayss of Mossess, nearly tthhree-and-a-half cccenturiess ago."

Jezebel chuckled again as she absentmindedly twirled her tail in her right hand. "It sseemss to me tthhat--if you have been sspeaking trutthhfully tthhuss far--it iss going to take quite a lot of effort and hard work for one angel to convincce every lassst one of tthhesse sssimple-minded mortalss to abandon the Old Wayss and embracce the New Trutthh. Are you ssure your up to the cchhallenge?"

Author:  Altima [ Sun May 11, 2008 9:53 am ]
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"It is my calling to bring them to a new enlightenment regardless of difficulty. So begins the Gospel of Altima. But I am not alone. So many on this island share my goals, share in the vision of the new Kingdom, the Kingdom of Lust that waits upon the horizon. I know it to be so." Slowly, I rose a hand in an offer for a handshake, an offer of friendship between angel and demon. "A new age of carnal salvation in which no good or evil need exist is upon us, sister. Our goals are, in essence, the same. Will you not be raping these young girls regardless of my motivations? As such, I see no reason we need be enemies. In fact, together, we can bring about the true salvation of all, the Kingdom of Lust is at hand."

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