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 Contraband (Nikki X Elise) 
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Post Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
The target is a small cargo vessel designated The Blue Hog. Nikki had received word a week ago suggesting the Hog was being used to transport a cache of guns to a private buyer. It was a juicy opportunity for a number of reasons. While the slave pens were infamous for their sex slaves, that only constitutes a portion of business within the sector. Manual slave labor churns out cheap weaponry and bootleg goods that are then smuggled out onto the major trade routes. These transactions are typically handled as relays, with the goods being passed over the course of three or four ships over the course of the journey as a means to evade interception. The Hog was far enough in the relay to minimize chances of encountering slaver defense fighters yet far enough from the destination to avoid any encounters with the buyer's personal guard.

As Nikki's ship approaches on the Hog she's practically salivating. It's a rickety, bare bones old ship. Elena has forwarded her the schematics, a small vessel typically maintaining a crew of three to six. The desire to remain undetected means smuggling ships rarely have sufficient defenses and this old piece of junk certainly looks like an easy target for boarding.

The crew remains seemingly unaware of the approaching predator, the ship remaining on a steady course, communications systems open but not sending out signals, completely unaware of the chaos about to be unleashed upon them.

Everything is just about perfect. Everything but the prize. The cargo hold is packed with boxes. None of them hold guns. And curled like a dog on the filthy floor, a pretty young thing. Any semblance of humanity has been stripped away. She's nude, her eyes glazed from the sedatives they recently gave her, a choke chain around her neck fastened to a low hanging girder, her arms shackled uncomfortably behind her back. Broken and drugged, she lies curled into a ball, pretty blue eyes glazed, slender body criss-crossed with bruises. Outside the hold, two aliens stand guard, nursing over the bites and scratches they received in the process of restraining her, their conversation growing bolder as bored, they consider what use they might make of the precious cargo.


Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:09 pm

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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
One of the Aliens, a combination of bulky and porky as he had muscles on his arms and legs but a disgusting belly and a pig like noise grunted as he was rubbing a bite wound bandaged up on his left hand as he looked at his fellow guard for the current shift.

"Hmph...that little whore is quite the fiesty little thing...almost wonder how her owner's gonna tame that wild cat?" He chuckles looking at his companion.

"Heh well I can see why he would want her body wise, she is easily a looker and quite worth any buyers money, question is, how shall we 'repay' her for these little memories?" He asked as he had a few scratches on his face not deep but just tiny scratches.

Unknown to any of them, the pilots, guards or anybody on the ship, Nikki's ship was slowly lowering itself behind the ship as Nikki smirks as she began charging her ships gun slowly.

"That's it little piggy bank...come to Nikki and let her burst you open," She giggles in joy already thinking of how much this heist could get her and Elena fresh weapons to use against the slavers in this galaxy and maybe some other things worth selling off to the black market as Nikki's eyes where hungry, and by god she was going to have a feast soon...

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Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:17 pm
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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
Blue light crackles across the expanse of space as the laser sprays from the ship's gun, a quick, surgical burst that rips through the rusty paneling of the ship and cuts a jagged swath down the length of the engine.

The entire ship bucks and shudders. The hog guard, who had finally made up his mind to sample the wares, is in the process of stomping out his pungent cigarette as the blast hits. He slams into the door with a howl, his buddy stumbling to the floor in front of him. The cargo hold is slung into disarray, poor girl tumbling across filthy floor, choke chain tightening around her neck. Eyes bulge as she tries to scramble up the length of the tilted deck, wriggling on her belly like a worm. Heavy wooden boxes sail and crash across the room. A quick roll is the only thing that saves her from being smashed beneath a cargo box stuffed with holo-porn.

"Shit..." growls the captain, a humanoid who's body seems almost translucent, the dim light of the cockpit reflecting in odd ways off his body, as if the light itself is avoiding him, a sketch of his form only offered in pieces, different angles offering different, seemingly contradictory facets of his frame. He twists the wheel, fiercely steadying the ship as he tries to crank the engine. It stalls, then stops completely.

The smoldering hunk of metal bobs like a sitting duck before Nikki.

Over the speakers comes the captain's voice, sounding less like concern and more like irritation, like this is an inconvenience he really didn't want to deal with. "We have a boarding party. Nature unknown but not sanctioned security or police. That means pirates, crew. You know how to deal with them. You know your roles. Assume positions.


Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:36 pm

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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
"Agh fucking dammit!" The Hog Man cursed as his thick body slammed into the door hard almost sure his weight could've broken it down as the door with a clank hit the floor hard as he grunted and stood up slowly, hearing the Captain's warning about a pirate attack as he growls.

"Oh whoever the sonuvabitch is, is so dead," He growled grabbing his rifle he had beside him and headed to his position and turned to his companion, "You stay here and watch the Prisoner, don't want her crawling out while this is happening," He said as he heads to meet the rest of the Alien smugglers, one was a muscular werewolf type monster dark grey fur and yellow eyes wearing nothing but cargo pants and a rifle growling.

Next to him was a man humanoid in shape with Greenish skin big red pupil less eyes and wearing a vest and shorts two pistols in his hands as he looks around for the captain.

"Where is the captain?" He said looking around as the Hog Man grunted in annoyance at this mess up of this little shipment.

"Gotcha...come to mama," Nikki purrs with a licking of her lips as her ship began landing ontop of the ship and began to lock onto an airlock into the ship as Nikki began gathering some weapons, one rifle over her back and two pistols in slots on her hips and a bag filled with Grenades as she smirks and heads to the airlock cocking her guns.

"Now then time to go shopping," She giggles heading through the airlock her weapons ready and primed as she began opening the airlock to get herself into the ship.

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Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:43 pm
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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
Smoke pours from the Hog as Nikki's ship sidles against it. The airlocks open with a whoosh and through the door steps the hellcat herself, armed to the teeth and ready to wreak havoc on whoever gets in her way... which is, apparently... no one.... Dull halogen light flickers on and off from the ceiling, the desolate loading dock stinking of sweat and sawdust but seemingly abandoned. It's a small cargo ship, not meant to hold so much as an escape pod and the loading dock is consequently modest, simply a couple of small docks large enough to fit forklifts, ramps to bring goods in from the ship's interior. There's a slight sway to the ship, a deep creaking rising from the interior and Nikki is left to wonder idly how long this hunk of junk will be able to sustain the damage her laser did to it before simply falling apart.

Unbeknownst to her, an adversary creeps in the midst, slinking low across the high, raised floorboards. Lean, sharp muscle is hidden beneath a gleaming black carapace like that of a beetle, skin slick with secretion where the plates part. Honeycombed eyes watch her with intent hunger as the creature prowls above her, mandibles clicking together softly, antennae twitching as it waits to pounce.

"Jesus Christ, Our Lord in Heaven, why are you such a monumental asshole?" growls the girl in cargo. She's woozy still. Her vision blurs. Her response time is all shot, but the rush of adrenaline has at least shook her from her stupor and on the plus side, it dulls the bruised pain of her body. She lowers the tenor of her voice in what one might assume she imagines Jesus to sound like, as she begins voicing both ends of the exchange. "'Hey Elise, Jesus Christ here. I know you're probably pissed but that's just because you can't define My eternal plan. You might not like being raped but there's one thing you can't deny. It builds character!'" She's scrambling across the floor. There's good news and bad news. The shock of the laser tore a rafter free and now, rather than being tethered to it, the chain dangles loose around her neck. The bad news is, with her arms still pinned behind her back she's still left squirming desperately. Eventually she manages to get her back to a stack of boxes, shielding her from the sight line of the door. Carefully, she wiggles to her knees, releasing a deep sigh of relief as she presses her back to the wooden crate, testing the weight of with her shoulders. "Fucking. Pirates. Because life wasn't shitty enough. That's just what I need. Fucking pirates. Jesus, you're a cocksucker."


Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:07 pm

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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
"Hmm nothing here...strange...figured they would put a guard at the docks of this rustbucket," Nikki said calmly walking forwards her rifle in her arms as she glanced around slowly for anyone on the ship as she glanced around only seeing some forklifts and no goods to swipe early and growls before she heads towards one of the doors at the back to get into the ship but slowly in the silent dock she began hearing something and glanced around quickly her gun at the ready slowly as she felt like she was being watched.

"Hmph...alright...gotta move fast and get to the cargo hold of this junk pile before these smugglers regroup," Nikki said as she headed to the door again keeping her ears open for any sounds of attackers.

The Alien who was guarding the room where the slave girl was tied in stood at attention he had Grey Skin, yellow eyes, and was bulky in the arms looking like a grey skinned humanoid his species unknown as he glances into the cargo hold for signs of the girl as he stepped inside calmly glancing around.

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Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:16 pm
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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
A brief, nearly silent chittering is the only warning Nikki's provided before the creature drops from above, inhumanly fast. In one smooth movement, it wraps itself around her standing form, legs wrapped around her slender waist, squeezing hard. One nimble three-fingered hand, the nails like razor blades, closes tightly over the wrist of her gun hand. His other hand sleeps beneath her belt, one long finger cruising the tight line between her thighs, other two fingers splayed across her hips as if daring her to try to draw her other gun. She can feel something slimy and insistent pressing against the small of her back, smearing goo against her soft skin, a throbbing mass slithering from between its legs like a string of gooey balls. Mandibles click beside her ear, a voice like sandpaper. "Mm-mm-mm... If you were looking for a pimp, you could have just knocked. You'll look precious shackled to that other piece of sweetmeat...."

The girl's heart races in her chest. She tries to drown it out, mouth dry as she listens for the sound of footsteps, trying through the haze to measure how far away they are, to mentally map out the guard's location, ready to shove all her weight against the crates, to upend them atop her captor.


Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:25 pm

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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
Nikki widened her eyes as she heard that chittering sound and looked up to see that insect wrap itself around her form, it's legs around her waist as she grunted at the tight squeeze as she felt the razor fingers of this insects hand around her gun and gasped taking a sharp intake of air at that finger teasing between her thighs as she tried to struggle in his grip trying to throw him away or something as she grunted as her guns where being watched as she tried to move one hand slowly to the pouch on her belt as she kept struggling against the insects grip on her form.

The Guard slowly approached her position as he grunts walking deeper inside making slow steps to no doubt intimidate her with how soon he'll be upon her, his form glancing around for any kind of sign of the slave girl keeping ears open as he sniffs the air.

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Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:32 pm
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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
The thing against her back feels like a string of beads wrapped in slime. One plops free with a sticky sound, a good three inches in diameter, sliding slickly down her back and over the round curve of her ass before hitting the floor beneath her with a wet plop. It's then that she realizes in horror just what they are. Eggs. The hose against her back slithers against tender flesh, a good nine inches at least and extending further as she feels his excitement climb. The captain's voice comes in over his headset and he momentarily loosens around her, distracted, as a long, sharp finger sinks idly between her tight netherlips. "Status report, Bleez." a long, narrow tongue, sticky like flypaper, slathers across her slender neck, momentarily too distracted to see her fingers creeping down to her pouch. He replies. "It's just one stupid monkey, probably hired by the ADD to rescue our dirty pet cargo monkey. But this one has child bearing hips..." Excited click of mandibles. The egg tube, prehensile apparently, slithering around her thigh as it leisurely guides itself between her legs.

With all her force, the girl flings herself at the crates. Then again. Then once more. And finally it topples with a monstrous, splintering clatter. One Motherfucker. Two Motherfucker. Three Motherfucker. She counts silently in her head before finally gathering the nerve to peek over the wreckage of the boxes, trembling like a leaf.


Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:41 pm

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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
Nikki grunted widening her eyes in shock as she feels that bead like item slithering down her back splattering onto the floor as she shivers. "Eggs? You fucker!" Nikki growled as she slipped a hand into her pouch looking for one of her grenades she had on hand for now but it was hard with that finger teasing her tight cunt as she groaned a little trying to fight away his attempts at arousing her and fight him away, but she growled when she heard his reply to the captain, "I'm no ADD slut you bastard!" She snapped at the Insect.

Shown was a pile up of crates and a single grey arm poking out of the pile hand twitching she had caught him by surprise...but she would have to move fast to get away before he got his second wind and fight out of that pile of cargo boxes.

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Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:52 pm
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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
"Mmmmmm... That's exactly what I am. Now who's a dirty little incubator?" long tongue trailing up her neck, coiling wholly around her ear before cruising along the inner channels. He twists her wrist painfully in an attempt to make her finally drop her pistol. Hand drawing out from between her legs as he situates himself. The grip of his body loosens around her hips for a brief few seconds as he poises his breeding tube against her tight little snatch, thick force pressing against her honeyed hole.

"Attention crew," the captain again, coming over the loud speaker. "We have an ADD infiltration. Sole agent. Bleez has her incapacitated. V'rrt, it's your shot. Don't hit anything worth fucking, please. Grayl on standby." The bay doors begin to ease open.....

The girl leans forward and with spiteful disgust, spits a glob down at her captor. A quick, woozy glance surveys the room. He left the door open. Thank god. Hips wiggle, small chest bouncing as she wiggles on knees across the dusty floor, the chain dragging along behind her noisily. Covering some distance towards the door, putting herself between her captor and the exit, panting, she finds a box to rest against and then, with what seems a herculean force of effort, without the help of her arms, with her body aching and her head foggy, she starts to squirm to her feet.


Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:04 pm

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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
Nikki gasped as she felt that cock of the insectoid's pressing against her pussy now so close to getting in as she grabbed one grenade and tapped the button to activate the timed detonation, "Here you fucker! Chew on this!" She snapped as she attempted to thrust her hand with the grenade towards his mouth with one free hand having dropped her pistol to try and drive that grenade into him and try and use the surprise to get her gun back fast.

"Incubator...? What the hell is going on, Nikki? Better not be having problems, not after the last shipment, because if I gotta get in there and save your ass again..."

Nikki panted, softly pressing a finger on her ear not touched by that things tongue, "Nothing Elena...just a bug problem," She said not waiting for the grenade to explode as she pointed her pistol at the opening doors quickly.

Just then the boxes shook as a loud grunting roar and the muscular man got out of the boxes and growled seeing the girl trying to reach the door and get to her feet as he growled and walked towards her stamping hard to the floor. and grabbed her hard by the hair dangling her off the ground as he turned her around and punched her belly to take the wind out of her, "Looks like you don't know your place whore," He growls out.

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Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:11 pm
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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
Her labia is stretched achingly wide as the egg is now halfway in her, lips closed around its full circumference, now working it past, letting the suction of her sex tug it snugly inside her. Lost in rapture, thighs squeezing tight against her, mandibles drawn wide as it tonguefucks her ear, it's left wide open as the grenade is jammed into its mouth. The crack of gun butt shatters one mandible and jams the grenade into its throat. It falls back from Nikki, tumbling backwards, clawed fingers over throat and as she twists away, the egg falls free, splattering against the floor, splashing her calves in breeding goo. Elena chirps in her ear, but the doors are already open, a great hog-like beast leveling a heavy shotgun at her. She barely has time to sidestep before the blast rings through the dock, catching their beetle friend square in the chest. Its body flails in the air, throat burst open as the grenade detonates and as it lays, a mangled prone wreck on the floor, the eggs ooze wetly out of its limp fuck-tube.

V'rrt growls into his communicator as he swings the gun to set the beads back on Nikki. "The creepy bug fucker is in pieces, boss." He fires again, as he backs through the door and away from Nikki.

The slave girl's hair has just been left to grow, long silky mass of dark hair that frames her slender form. It would be beautiful if it weren't so matted and dirty. And that's exactly how she looks as she dangles before her captor, pretty white body a patchwork of blacks and blues, smeared with dirt and grime, chest rising and falling with panicked breaths. While the buyer has remained a mystery, they know some of her history, a poor little slave bought by the Midrozi clan, perhaps the most sadistic slave trainers in the galaxy and turned over to a buyer before being fully broken in. But she looks on the verge of it now, her bottom lip trembling, that fire seemingly just gone. A hitch rises in her throat, pretty blue eyes awash in tears, cheeks stained wet. She glowers up at him, but there's no venom, just hopeless resignation that this is her inevitable use.

For a few blinks of the eye, at least. Then there's the slow, unsure creep of a smile across pink lips. Blood trickles from the corner, body contorted against the blow to her belly. "Oh.... I get it..." Voice a teasing wheeze.


Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:27 pm

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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
"A bug problem, right. Make it a dead bug problem and move on, we gotta get this done as fast as we can, Ni."

Nikki pointed her pistol at V'rrt and fired some shots at the Hog Man as she sighed shivering at how close she had gotten just then from that insect before looking at the hog man and kept firing her pistols while heading towards the door slowly her guns trained and ready as she kept her distance from the shot gun weapon as she tapped her comm.

"Alright problem solved and I'm inside the ship for which way to the prize?" Nikki asked calmly into the comm that was linked to Elena waiting for her response.

Meanwhile the Man smirked at her forcing her onto her knees now as he makes her look up as he calmly moves his cargo pants down showing of a cock grey in skin too and hung rather well as he grunts, "Let's see if your any good slut, that suck that cock right now," He growls yanking hard on her hair.

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Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:34 pm
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Post Re: Contraband (Nikki X Elise)
V'rrt retreats, drawing Nikki pas the loading dock. It's a lounge, cramped but suitable, the two couches of heavy metal set at opposite ends of the room to double as barricade cover, and one of her attackers at each end. The pig with a shotgun, the wolf with a machine gun. As she steps into the room, the air fills with bullets, leaning over the backs of the couches, emptying shot after shot without impunity, rusty pieces of siding ripping and clattering from the walls. The shots of her own pistol dent and pock mark the couches.

She stares up with wet, dark eyes, limpid and glossy, smirk insufferable but also forced. Her face reels back as he smacks her with the length of his throbbing meat, but she doesn't let the smirk die. "No. I get it. I'm the last thing you're ever going to fuck." He twists her head back sharply until she's left whimpering like a dog. "Careful, cunt," he warns, but her mouth won't stop moving. "They'll slaughter you and claim me and your porno stash as their merchandise, but I bet they'll let me watch as they chop yo-----grrrrrrrk!" Eyes bulge as he thrusts past her smart lips with one furious thrust of his hips.


Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:44 pm
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