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 The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes) 
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Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:13 pm
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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Miatro hissed at the state Lena was in barely able to stand up, her rage sadly blinding her as she moved with Lena towards the show and snapped some unknown man's neck...when Lena's voice shouted Miatro's rage snapped her out of it and hearing the voice only to hiss as her suit took the hit from a slug as she stumbled forward and glared towards Thracet as he swung towards her with a heavy baton! Miatro moved in time to block it with one of her spare knives but the punch ripped a little into her suit. But she quickly moved a distance away before he could hit her again.

Miatro used her agility and got some distance despite her long body as she hissed...before she gave him a sudden smirk of her own. "Oh....I'm going to enjoy this immensely..." She said her eyes gleaming with a more feral looking glare in those serpentine eyes as she kept her dagger at the ready while glaring at Thraccet. She quickly moved towards him...channeling that anger into a focused state as she moved with amazing agility! Her form zigzagging quickly to avoid making an easy target for any shooting or swings of that baton.

She went on the offence as she seemed to go for a slash of her dagger towards him. But instead it was to keep him focused on the front as her tail moved to slam it's pure muscular frame into his side and smack him away from her position. If successful she quickly moved her dagger into a throwing position and launched it at him intent on skewering some part of his body.


Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:04 pm
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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
The baton Thraccet used came down on the floor were Miatro once stood, her quick reflexes managing to send her spiraling back as the hardwood floorboards where she once stood exploded into a shower of splinters and broken wood. It appeared those muscles aren't just for show as Miatro would see the hulking blue skinned hunter return to his full height, standing a good two or three feet over her in the height she was at this moment as Thraccet would give his new prey a smirk as Miatro did the same. "Me too..." Thraccet said in reply as his eyes focused on hers the moment that look of hers turned feral, but instead of the fear that Miatro would sense most enemies express she instead saw the smirk on Thraccetsd face grow wide and toothy, his smile stretching wickedly ear to ear as she suddenly sprang forward, using that amazing tail of hers to spring forward in a zigzagging like charge that only a being like her could manage to pull off.

"Ha! What kind of stare is that!!! It reminds me of an animal!!!" Thraccet said with a laugh as Miatro closed in quickly with that dagger of hers. Thraccet grinning as he stepped forward into that lunge as Miatro would suddenly see him swing out with his gauntleted hand as he blocked the lamica's blade with the armor on his forearm as the razor sharp knife casted sparks as it slide along the metal bracer. The slash of Miatro's dagger allowed her plan to work as her strong tail came darting in from below. Miatro would hear the grunt of impact but unlike what Miatro would have had predicted her tail never skewered his body as instead her tail glanced off the armor cover his midsection and shot wide, it would be in this moment that Miatro would realized she fell for his trap as she saw the look on his face the moment she realized he didn't make a effort to dodge it, instead gambling on the trust of his arm and abdomen muscles as suddenly Thraccets other arm would snap downwards and quickly close around Miatro's tail trapping the long wriggling appendage between his arm and body, under his armpit before she would feel the sudden pull of strength as he sharply turned on his heels and her with it.

" Ha!! You know what the fucking weakness of creatures like you are!!" Thraccet shouted as he twisted and turned sharply, using that titan like strength of his to suddenly swinging Miatro's entire body as if it were a club, hurling her into the side corner of a desk as the heavy wood shattered on impact as he continued to swing Miatro through more furniture such as his chairs, bookshelves, corner tables and light fixtures as he made a full rotation before Mastro's collided with a sturdy wall, impacting it with a heavy slam that shook the entire room, leaving Miatro in the wake of destruction and the massive lamica size dent in his study wall. "Theses fucking tails of yours!! Once you get ahold of em your not so tough!!" Thraccet shouted and awsner to his early boast as he would grip the tail tightly, even when Miatro tried to yank it away she would discover a firm hold as if hooks or barbs were digging into her tail preventing her from slithering away easily.

"Tails like these also make great leashes for a slow bitch like you!!" Thraccet would shout with a grin on his face as step forward closer, his control of her tail preventing her from springing about like she had before as Thraccet would lash out with a back hand and smack that pesky dagger from her hand, his armor protecting him from the slashes and cuts she would try to deliver before he would swing out with a heavy left hook and slam a fist directly into the side of Miatro's upper body, colliding with the area where her breasts and rib cage would meet, likely knocking the wind from her lungs before Thraccet would in the same motion roughly grasp her breast. "Your ass is a little fat so it's easy to hang onto!!" Thraccet would spit as Miatro would be disgusted to feel his strong massive glove hand squeezing her tightly before she would feel the ripping of cloth fibers and straps as Thrace grabbed a nice big handful of her body suit before suddenly ripping his hand away with a fist full of fabric. " But if you want to be an animal! Then they don't ware fucking clothes!!" Thraccet shouted as he would roughly yank his gauntleted hand back, Miatro's upper body suit shredding into the pieces exposing her marvelously bouncing tits to the camera and the broadcast of spectators that were monitoring the situation with bated breath.

Thraccet would hold Miatro there for a brief moment afther grabbing her harshly before he would bring that same fist down that he used to rip away her top and slam it square between her eyes, stirking Miatro in the head hard enough that she would be sent swing back like a weeble wobble, slaming the back of her head agiest the ground before her sneak like body would bring her swinging back up for Thraccet to deliver another punch. "Fuck sake! I'm gonna enjoy raping you on live holo coms you dumb fukcing whore!! Teigrin's used slut was starting to get boring! But you.... your going to look nice in one of my cages!!" Thraccet would shout as he slammed another fist into Miatro's face, striking her agin in the same way, causing her to wobble back before her snake like tail would bring her back upright for another fist he was winding back up. "I got the perfect one! I caught a nasty serpent a few days ago that I'm sure wants a nice fat tasty snack just like you... hes hungry and oh so pissed off...." Thraccet would shout again before suddenly Miatro would notice out of the corner of her eye Thraccet suddenly jousel lightly as something tackled into his side, not with enough force to topple him but was enough to force him to pause and look as Miatro would see the small figure of Lena pressing against him, grappling at his side as if she were capable of actually stopping him.

Miatro would see the distraught human come running over to help her as the weak, defenless, naked and terrorfied girl tackled Thraccets side and grappled against him waist with all she had, punching and beating his side with her one good arm as Lena seemed to have had pushed fear aside to come help her savior. "EHh!! S-stop!! STOP IT!! STOP HURTING HER!!! SHE NOT WHO YOU WANT!! I-I"M... I"M WHO YOU WANT!!" Lena shouted before Miatro would gear the painful cry of the human girl as Thraccet shoved her back and threw her to the ground. "Shut the fuck up! I'll get to you in a minute!!" Thraccet would yell back before returning his attention to Miatro.

Hi there, I'm a new to the galaxy, if you ever want to party just shoot me a call!
Lena Harper

Wed Sep 23, 2020 5:47 am

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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Miatro's eyes widened as her tail attack failed, not even a blunt slam to knock him away! Her tail getting caught by him preventing her from using her speed as she hissed at the barbs only to gasp at the punch to where her breasts and rib cage met. Making her briefly loose her air for a moment as he roughly grasped one of her breasts. While also ripping off parts of her suit. Miatro however dodged his attempt at hitting her head moving it quickly to the side avoiding his strikes. This mission was going south fast...just as she saw Lena tackling him from the side and distracted him...and gave Miatro the chance.

Lena's distraction would give Miatro the moment as her tail moved and the thicker coils looped and tightly squeezed down around his throat! She wrenched with power to make sure he was choking and using her muscles to lift him off the ground and threw him into some of his recording equipment as she hissed. She quickly moved a hand towards one of the pockets of her suit...and silently remotely contacted her ship to come in for a pick up.

She quickly approached Lena and gently lifting her up into a Bridal carry. Her eyes glancing around the room quickly before spotting a window...her tail grabbed a heavy item and threw it to smash into the window and shatter the glass! Just as she saw her ship coming into view it's ramp extending out as Miatro hissed...she would at least get the Princess out of here...the hunt would be another time...she quickly leaped and landed on the ramp and slithered inside as it closed up...and Kaa quickly got some distance before firing an array of missiles onto the compound to cause damage and destruction before blasting off into space.

Miatro once inside leaned against a wall and slide down...with Lena on her lap as she pants heavily. "Damn it..." She grimaced as she looked at Lena. "I almost screwed this up...well mission half completed..." She whispered as she grunts and carries Lena towards the medical bay of her ship.


Wed Sep 23, 2020 8:32 am
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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Lena's distraction gave Miatro the chance she needed afther Thraccet swatted the human away with ease as Thraccet would shout his frustration with a heavy elbow to Lena's side hard enough that she was knocked unconscious the moment she hit the ground, but before Thraccet could recover his footing Miatro managed to use that insane length of hers to coil her body in a way a normal being couldnt as Thraccet was caught in the vice grip of her tail sudden looping around his head while he still hugged the end of her length. "AGH!!! FUCKING WHORE!!! Thraccet shouted as Miatro struggled with the titan of a man, her entire body lifting off the ground as he rose to shake her off, thrashing about for a moment as Miatro would feel her body go this way and that, slamming grand, walls, and more furniture before she managed to pull her weight and trip Thraccet off balance enough that he lost grip of her tail and Miatro manged to riped him off his feat by her thick neck and hurl the man over into the array of recording equipment.

Thraccet sailed into the equipment as the electroics exploded with a shower of sparks and broken parts instantly cutting the feed to the broad cast and the spectators outlet for brutal fight porn as Miatro had secionds before the hunter recovered. The feral nature that lamica was once expressing vanished as her animalistic fight or flight responses kicked in and told her to runn. Miatro would see out of the corner of her eye the sight of Thraccet pushing the remains of a desk and console off his body as he climbed to his feat with a evil snear on his face as he glared at Miatro and how the lamica reached out to the human who did her best to help her as Miatro hoist the unconscious girl into her arms before rushing to a window.

"You gonna run bitch! Just like that!" Thraccet said as he stood up and began to rush over to Miatro's location, however by the time he was half way across the room Miatro had already hurled a desk through the window and forced Thraccet to pause and shield his eyes as the massive fog lights of the lamica's ship loomed out side the window as Miatro would quickly move onto the ramp that extended down for her to make a quick board and escape, however as Miatro did she would spot out of the corner of her eye the vision of a blue scaled tendriled beast come barreling out of the stair well and into the hunter she was once fighting as it tackled Thraccet to the ground snarling and screeching as the hunter let out a grunt and groan as it bite and managed to catch him off guard.... the last distraction Miatro needed to escape as she climbed into the ship with her prize.... the Outlaw Princess Lena Harper.

Safe now, Miatro would feel the exhaustion hit her as she slump to the wall, the unconscious girl in her arms as Miatro would grimace at her her wounds, her destroyed suit, her exposed breasts, the first time in a long time a being like her likely met her match in combat agiest an unknown enemy, however none of that mattered now as the main objective was complete, she got the human out of that pit and Teigrin would pay her handsomely for Lena's safe return, however for now Miatro had more messing matters as she would carry her prize to the medical bay and get Lena's arm checked out, and Miatro could some treatment too for that bruised rib and cuts along her tail from Thraccets barbs.

Hi there, I'm a new to the galaxy, if you ever want to party just shoot me a call!
Lena Harper

Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:00 pm

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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Miatro sighed in relief as she slithered through her ship. It quickly blasting away from the planet with the beasts causing some damages and hopefully her ships last salvo buried the fucker in rubble. But something in the back of her mind felt different...she'd be ready for that fucker next time...her eyes gleamed with her pride as a huntress damaged by that display...she'd only just escaped thanks to Lena...she looked down at the out cold Princess and sighs. Carrying her gently towards the medical bay and carefully laid her into a vat...placing a breathing mask over her face to protect her eyes, nose and mouth along with mufflers over her ears to prevent any of the medical salve getting anywhere it wasn't meant too.

She slowly sealed the vat and a green clear liquid flowed and filled the vat...slowly engulfing Lena and began the healing process. Miatro stripped out of her damaged suit handing it to some droids to get it repaired as she put on a simple black robe over her form as one of her medical droids began bandaging and applying medicine to her wounded area's as she relaxed in the medical bay...the Vat was one of her most advanced works. Miatro sighed as she looked at her damaged would heal nicely but she might need to shed the skin to make sure it was perfect.

She glanced at the sleeping Lena watching as the salve worked it's amazing science...slowly fixing and repairing the damaged arm along with healing internal damages too. She watched mostly incase her Princess woke while in the vat to avoid her going into a panic. Miatro waited silently as she let the medicine work on herself...knowing she had to get to the resort and with Lena nice and safe before she could get the next batch of payment.

If Lena didn't wake up once the vat was finished...slowly draining the liquid out and leaving a fully healed and perfect looking Lena. Miatro gently picks her up and carries her into the private bedroom...a lovely Crimson Bathrobe wrapped around Lena's figure and laid on a soft bed that one could almost sink in. Miatro looking at Lena when she awoke. "I owe you my life Princess...thank you so much." Miatro said softly. "Don't panic, your safe...despite my slip rage at what they had done to you clouded my judgement..." Miatro sighed as she leaned against a wall her long snake tail slowly swayed before she looked at Lena.

"If your alright, we'll be going to a little resort...Teigrin's pay full expenses." She said with a smile before showing Lena a display with Teigrin's contact number. "If you want to give him a call...go right ahead." Miatro added.


Wed Sep 23, 2020 5:36 pm
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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Lena would remain unconscious through most her treatment that Miatro performed on the sleeping human. Thraccets survival games and the treatment by his men had taken its tole on her, but Miator's and medical technology would take care of the physical scares and blemishes that stained the humans perfect skin and heavenly sculpted body. The medical tech on board Miatro's ship was almost like magic, it worked wonders on the humans body and in most cases she was in better conditon then we when first arrived, most small vessels didn't carry such an extensive lab of medical supplies, only large ships or stations had such medical technology and how Miatro got a hold of such wonderful tools would be left a mystery as she toiled away on the humans body until she was ready to be taken out of the vat of healing solutions only a few hours later.

Lena would wake sometime afther that as the human would slumber for 8 more hours afther she was placed on the bed giving Miatro the time to treat her own wounds, clean up, and even dress the once naked human in clothes meant for the lightly larger lamica, however the ruby red robe fit well enough if not a littly baggy on the humans body. However Miatro would note that the human seemed to lost a little but of weight according to the file Teigrin had given her... however Miatro could easily understand why, Thraccet and his men were apparently only allowing her to ingest their cumm for the last seven days....

When Lena did wake up she would do so with a groggy groan, despite the healing her muscles still ached a bit and her head was still a bit shaken as she saw up out of the soft squishy bed, her hand reaching up to cup her fore head as she winced as if she had a bad hang over. It would be a moment as Miatro allowed her to become aware before she spoke as the sexy Lamica would see the somewhat cute, if not at the same time disheartening reaction of Lena jolt in a minor shock before her bright blue eyes flicked to Miatro's. Lena glared at her with wide and surprised eyes for a moment, lettng Miatro speak before she would reach up and gently cup her forehead once agin...

" I-I......uhm... Dont mention it.... Its fine.... Thank you..." Lena said softly, few words as her head was still pounding in her ears as she looked about Miatro's room, it having been the first time seeing it. "Where? where am I?" Lena asked as she looked about, all the while Miatro would notice the edge of Lena's rope slide off, exposing her shoulder and the faint edge of her breast as Lena would slowly look to Miatro again as she was becoming a little bit more coherent. "Wait... your the?.... you saved me?" Lensa said as she shifted on the bed. "You.... you really saved me?" Lena said looking to Miatro then around the room as Miatro would notice faint tears forming in the human girls eyes as she slowly began to realize the situation. "T-this isn't a trick?" Lena said hopefully as she would lift a corner of the bed sheet, feeling its softness as she ran her fingers of the soft silky sheet.

Miatro would see it took Lena a moment as the tears would begin to stream down her cheeks, but theses tears werent of sadness or fear, they were joy, Lena smiled as what must of been the first time in the last several days she was smiling as she bounced on the bed gently, Miatro watching the human modest breast gently bounce with her excitement before she look around the room as Miatro would speak more. However Lena didn't appear to be listening all too much regarding the resort or Teigrin, however when Miatro mentioned her self and her slip up Lena's tearful but joyful eyes flicked to hers.

"No! You didnt do.... Uhmm.... no its fine... you didnt mean for that to happen.... its ok...." Lena said as she would look away, wiping some tears off her cheek before Miatro would agin mention Teigrin, and the option to call him if she wanted too, yet Lena would look away and shake her head. "No.... I dont want to talk him....." Lena said with a little resentment in her voice, clearly blaming Teigrin for what happened and in all honestly she had every right to blame him, the deal, her capture, and everything up to this point was his fault.

Hi there, I'm a new to the galaxy, if you ever want to party just shoot me a call!
Lena Harper

Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:15 pm

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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Miatro nods softly. "It's no trick, your onboard my own private vessel." Miatro informed softly as she moved slowly closer. "We didn't get much chance to converse...I'm Miatro Pentes," She said with a gentle bow of her head to Lena while giving her a smile and offering a tissue for her to clean the tears. But she noticed the resentment and frowned softly at that. "Alright, well I'll let him know that your safe at least..." Miatro said as she moved closer and gently and slowly placed a hand on the shoulder of the Princess and gives her a smile.

"But still I want to say put you at such a risk was my folly." Miatro said softly and gives a smile. "Anyway even if your mad at about we take advantage of his gift...he gave me an all expense paid resort time...and well the invite is for you my dear as well." Miatro added gently. "But how is your arm?" She asked gently brushing two fingers up and down the formerly damaged arm.

"But for now your no doubt starving...come on, let's get some meat on you." She said as she gestures for Lena to follow before playfully swaying her heavenly serpentine hips. Leading the young princess towards her kitchen. Miatro swaying and moving like a snake might slither for Lena's visual scene.


Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:35 pm
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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Lena seemed disturbed by the offer to contact Teigrin, didn't want and it was understandable as to why. Miatro didnt need a file to know that she was basically his slave, his figure head for the company he ran as well as princess for the syndicate he managed. Miatro knew why she was there at the Thraccets hunters retreat in the first place, she was a offering, she was always going to be raped and hunted, how the reason this was all so bad was because Teigrin didn't give the crazed hunter permission to do something he didn't pay for.... at any rate however Miatro would spot the resentment on her face. She didnt seem willing to talk to anyone but her right now and Lena didnt plan to as she wiped tears with the sleeve of her robe, fighting the sobs before she spotted Miatro lean forward and offer her a tissue.

"Its ok.... its not your fault I was sent there...." Lena said softly, wiping some tears before she would look back to Miatro and smile faintly. "... I'm use to risks... Teigrin does things like this all the time..... so I'm use to it.... I mean... I know what I am.... but still.... this was the first time it ever got so.... bad... you know" Lena said with a soft grit of her teeth, her eyes welling up with more tears as Miatro would see her first clench around the tissue before she agin relaxed and sighed softly. It appeared this human has go through a lot since her "employment" under Teigrin as her "business partner" seemed to really work her hard.

Lena would seem to calm down afther a moment before Miatro would approach and check her shoulder as the curious lamica find that the wound had healed nicely, not a blemish remained on her skin as Lena would watch her examine her bare shoulder. The act not seeming to embarrass the princess in the slightest. Miatro would speak while she examined her, brushing her fingers slowly over her soft skin, the remark of taking advantage of the situation on Teigrins expense forced a smile on her face as she dried her eyes with the tissue. "yeah... t-that sounds good...Lets do that." Lena agreed as she would reach up and gently take Miatro's hand into hers, holding it seeming to calm her. ".. I'm gonna make him pay for this mess up.." Lena said with a smile before she would looked to Miatro and smile once agin. "yeah! I'm... pretty hungery.... I didn't get.... much food down there.." Lena said as she would frown as a bad memory resurfaced from her time spent at the lodge before Lena would look back to Miatro and take her by the hand as she was helped of the bed as she would fallow Miatro twords the kitchen.

Lena would fallow Miatro hand in hand, her eyes couldn't help but fallow the sway of the womens hips as she slithered along, Lena's eyes flowing up the snake like lower body and then to the humanoid upper body as she glared for a moment before Lena would speak up curiously. ".... So.. what are you?" Lena asked before she paused and blushed realizing how that must of sounded. "I mean.... Your name is Miatro.... its nice to meet you... I'm..... well you already know me.... " Lena said softly before shaking her head again afther realizing might be being rude.

Hi there, I'm a new to the galaxy, if you ever want to party just shoot me a call!
Lena Harper

Wed Sep 23, 2020 8:20 pm

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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
"If your meaning my species, I'm a Lamica, we're a species from a very jungle heavy world." Miatro teases as she moves ahead lightly and turns towards Lena with a playful smile. "We're natural born huntresses and we only recently got involved with affairs off our world...we normally sell our skills to the highest bidder." Miatro said with a smile. "Go ahead and have a touch if you want." She teases moving her tail up so it playfully swayed before Lena's eyes moving closer and brushing the tail tip through the young womans hair. The tail close for Lena to touch and feel the scales....if she moved her hands down the tail she'd feel it was silky smooth...going towards the tail tip showed that while going up the tail showed a faint roughness...just enough to be felt.

Miatro smiles and opens up her cupboards and brought out some variety of simple food. Easy to munch on and all that. Before the tail playfully moved itself slowly around Lena's shoulders giving her a soft embrace before bringing her towards the table. "Help yourself." Miatro said as her tail moved away from the girl and let her eat any of the offered food. Miatro had already tended to a few ADD before so she knew her food was at least acceptable for human consumption.

"So got any other questions for me Princess?" She asked while also getting some drinks of water one for herself and one for Lena...handling her the drink when the chance arrived. "I'll send him a message later once we arrive at the resort just so he knows your well, then we can both enjoy watching his wallet cry for mercy." She giggles.


Wed Sep 23, 2020 8:36 pm
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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
"A.... Lam...ica?" Lena said softly, rolling the word on her tounge, testing it for the first time as she continued to fallow Miatro down the corridor of her ship, staying close afther she adjusted her oversized robe slightly, covering her shoulder gently. "... What skills are those? Is it just hunting? Or is it becuse of the..... whoa!" Lena asked before she paused suddenly as she was surprised by the sudden movement as Miatro would lashed her tail plaufuly and brushed its tip through her hair. Lena staggering back at the surprise as sank under the tails tip as it patted her head gently, stroking her hair playfully as Lena would raise a wrist to remove it off her head. The act was sudden and caught Lena off guard as she would be a bit hesitant afther. "Hehe... t-thanks... I ah.." Lena stammered slightly, not wanting to disrespect her host before she would gently reach up to hold the tails tip, touching it gently, feeling the smooth silky soft scales along her fingertips as she stroked it gently forward and back, feeling the scraping sensation of Miator's scales as she ran her finger backwards against the grain of her scales.

Lena thought the exchange was a bit weird but however she couldn't lie that the scales were soft and gentle to touch, she liked the way they felt as Lena would gently hold the tip of Miatro's tail, rubbing it gently in tight circles over and over agin, loving the way the scales felt going back and forth before they reached the kitchen and Lena was guided twords a place to sit. "Thank you..." Lena said as she took her seat, running her hand along the back of the robe she wore so it doesn't bunch up around her legs, smoothing out the material as she sat down as Miatro gathered different snacks and good for Lena to eat.

Lena would watch as Miatro placed things out for her as the alien women appeared to have a good selection of different drinks, and foods safe for human consumption as Lena would see her place diffrent things out before she would look to Miatro who told her to help her self. "I can have anything?" Lena asked before she would reach out and grab a random rainbow colored bag of what Miatro would recognize as junk food, candy cereal specifically labeled as Mentor puffs written in an alien dilect, a common brand and one that humans around the galaxy seemed to love as Lena would take the bag and turn it around to examine it curiously. It was a look that Miatro might consider odd before Lena would look to Miatro before she would look away a little embarrassed."No rush to talk to him..... but uhm.... yeah......I have a lot like.... where exactly are you taking me.... and.... why are you helping me?" Lena asked afther the lamica gave her a glass of water and Lena would slowly open the bag to get at the contents inside.

Hi there, I'm a new to the galaxy, if you ever want to party just shoot me a call!
Lena Harper

Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:43 am

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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
"Well the skills in fighting, tracking and also we're downright immune to most toxins so we're great taste testers for clients who want us as bodyguards." She said with a smile watching the girls reaction to the tail brush. "Sorry about that, you are just the most adorable human I've met...granted my previous times was with ADD Agents I encountered." She said while sipping her water after giving Lena her own glass. Letting Lena get comfy and take the bag of Mentor Puffs. Miatro smiles letting Lena enjoy the first proper meal she'd had in awhile before she sipped her water and spoke again.

"I'll be taking you to the nearby Beach Resort of Silica," She said showing to Lena a small brochure on the it was one of the rare 6 Star resorts, with top tier dining, shopping and beautiful sandy beaches and blue seas. "Sun, Surf and Beach...all that and more for us both..." Miatro informed before she went into a more neutral expression at the last part. "Unlike your Boss or that scum who abused you...when I have company I treat them right." Miatro said as she looks at Lena with a playful smile. "You are too much of a beauty to be marred by such barbaric ways...a woman like you should be savored and enjoyed like a fine wine." She attempted a light flirting while moving her tail slowly. "I'll admit...when I first met your kind...I enjoyed it...feeling a humans bare skin against my coils as I had her wrapped up...pleasuring her until she begged for was heavenly." She whispered with an almost dazed look.

"I'll be honest, I helped you for many reasons, the first was money, I was hired by Teigrin to rescue you and he'd paid handsomely for you being saved, another is I'll admit attraction, your a beautiful woman and once your in a better spot...i'll try my hand at giving you a fun time..." Miatro teases with a wink. "I'll admit...I'd love to have you in my coils sometime soon...but not yet, your still recovering..." She cooed softly showing a little caring and was at least upfront about her intent. "But also it was disgust at the neglect you were given, despite your position, your basically Teigrin's property...and he didn't take care of you, a shameful display of ownership, if I had owned you, no one but me would enjoy your body...and any who dares will get a broken arm for even threatening you." She said showing a protective look in those eyes.


Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:14 am
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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
A faint blush would appear on Lena's face as Miatro would call her adorable. It was always weird to hear that phrase from aliens and even afther all this time of being a glorified space prostitute she hasn't gotten use to it yet. Still Lena would rip open the bag of candies in a effort to play it cool. "Oh... T-thank you.... I'm flattered you think that..." Lena said with a somewhat shy tone before she would reach into the bag of candy and fish out a round pull of sugar she would simply pop into her mouth before she would look to Miatro with a somewhat confused look as the lamica would continue. Lena garlingat Miatro all the while as the beutiful huntress explained the plans as if this was all some kind of planned vacation and she wasn't rescued from some alien psychopath.

"So.... Teigrin did hire you, I guess you mentioned that back.... at that place.... but he did and now he plans to send me off to this Silica place with you? Lena would look little disappointed by the revelation however Miatro would notice that the realization didn't seem like a real surprise to the human, nor was that disappointment directed twords her as Lena would reach into the bag of candy once again and pull out another piece to eat as Miatro continued to answer her questions. Lean meanwhile continued to eat quietly. " Well.... I'm mean.... I guess at least he cared enough to hire someone to rescue me.... but..." Lena would sigh softly as her eyes would flick to Miatro then to the top of the table at the selection of food. "Hes just gonna pawn me off again..." Lena said with a somewhat saddened expression before she would looked to Miatro as the lamica would continue.

Lena would listen to Miatro explain and honestly afther a few moments into the conversation the lamica would notice the faint blush on Lena's face brighten the more she she got into her love of humans and the way she liked how they felt ageist her coils. Lena would blush at the alien women's words, especially as Miatro painted a rather vivid picture before finally dropping the last major bomb shell that would spark the best reaction yet. Miatro would recount her plans to the point Lena's face was bright red and she was eating the candies quicker and quicker, her nerves growing that much more intense by the second, Miatro being very clear and open about her intentions as Lena would almost be steaming as the somewhat awkward conversation slowly ended with Lena having a empty bag of snacks.

"Ah!? Wow.... thats ah... oh..." Lena would say with a honest expression of wonderment, speechless and unsure how to really even reply to all that as Lena would look to the top of the table, her cheeks red and nervously trembling as she would reach out for another bag of random snacks and began to fidget with the plastic, her mind racing at the thought. Never has she had she heard something like this before, usually when Teigrin sent her somewhere it was for entertainment, like sining, dancing, or to appear on some kind of show... there was hardly ever very much talking involved... and when there was it was because they wanted her to same some kind of cheesy lines or put on an act, rarly did Lena ever get treated like something other than property... yet never... never was a client straight to the point about what they were intending to do.... there was usually the song and dance.... drinks, a party, and finally the privite show in the back Lena was expected to act out.... or els.... However this time was a little different as Lena was coming to find out.

"T-that's definitely a..... nice of you..." Lena said politely, her nerves showing as she would fumble with the bag some more before Lena would give up and reach out for the glass of water to take a big sip from, anything to clear her dry throat. "AH!..." Lena would gasp afther her sip before she would look to Miatro and shake her head. "What slow down... I..." Lena would say trying to think about what Miatro said. "I know....I'm pretty much property.... but" Lena would said with a somewhat saddened look. "I dont have much of a choice.... It wasn't like I had the luxury of being rescued by the A.D.D.... and I wasn't in a position to escape that place...." Lena said with a soft sign before her eyes would flick to Miatro as she berated Teigrin and his negligence, before claiming her self to be much better owner.

"Hm, better watch what you say.... Tei'grin is the boss..." Lena would say with a faint laugh before she would look at the cup of water in her hands, swirling the cup gently before she would return her eyes to Miatro, her cheeks still blushing a soft red. "So... are you looking to own me?" Lena would ask before she would look to the snacks on the table then back to her cup of water. "I mean.... I'm sure Tei'grin made you the offer....." Lena said bluntly. "Your not the first bodyguard I had who was given the option.... to..." Lena would speak before pausing mid sentence, not wanting to finish her own words as she would look at Miatro, her blush growing brighter. "To.... watch me for a cheaper rate... for the perks...."

Hi there, I'm a new to the galaxy, if you ever want to party just shoot me a call!
Lena Harper

Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:33 am

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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Miatro smiles in amusement at Lena's reactions to her comments and smiles softly. Before gaining an amused edge when she saw Lena's actions while she explained more about her plans for the girl. The reactions were just the best and Miatro wanted to see more and giggles. "I know you don't have much of a choice, besides Teigrin isn't my boss, he's my client, once my 'job' is done and your back with him, I can say whatever the hell I want." Miatro said with a smirk. "I can guess that you've had many people who use your body for cheaper by guarding you." Miatro said softly.

"I'll admit, if you were offering I'd gladly take you for myself," Miatro said with a smile as she noticed the bag Lena tried to open and did it for the girl giving her the bag to eat. "You are so adorable, especially when you still blush despite all the things you've done while working for Teigrin...I would think a Space Idol like you would be used to the crazy lewd times?" Miatro added giving her a playful smile. "Hmmm...after all you are the beautiful Princess and I did rescue you from that fiend..." She said in a faux noble like tone. "Shouldn't that usually follow with you declaring your undying love for me as I sweep you off your feet and take you to bed for hours of pleasure." Miatro teases as her tail moved in and it playfully brushed one of Lena's legs to tease the girl.

"We'll need to get you a swimsuit as well once we reach the Resort...and I'm going to enjoy that of course." She giggles with a smile. "But I'll have you also judge my own swim attire." She teases. "So if you got any other questions, please ask, it won't take long to reach Silica." She informed calmly.


Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:20 am
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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
There would be a moment Lena would avert her eyes from Miatros own as the Lamica was pressing her points forward in order to spark those cute reactions at the poor humans expense. Lena's cheeks burning red afther the lamica's comments of guards offering to guard her just to use her, it was an expression that Miatro could tell was all too true, bounty hunters and other thugs would agree to it.... some even got away with it at first.... however Tei'grin put a stop to the loophole afther the first and second time as some less reputable bodyguards used it to make some cash and get a high class prostitute for the night at an establishment Tei'grin would pay for... it was a glaring oversight Mitro would obviously guess.

"What!! Thats not!! I.." Lena would sudden shout afther Miatro statement regarding the potential offer as well as the matter of Lena being so well "versed" in her trade as the sexy lamica would hear the human nearly choke on her water as she gasped and blushed brightly, almost fuming. "I'm not! I would never just offer it like that.... I..." Lena would object as Miatro continued her cruel teasing as Lena's face was soon bright red as Miatro expressed what a princess usually does when they are rescued. "Ah! No! I.... uhm.... S-shut up! I'm not... like that..... its just....." Lena said as she looked away shamefully. "I dont have a choice... if they..... want to..... and Tei'grin accepts then.... I'm just.... its not up to me..." Lena said as she looked way, knowing how that sounded, however the truth was that her line of work wasn't easy and sometimes it meant doing things she didn't want to do.... or els. "Besides.... i'm not offering...."

"Pfft.... of chores you would.... your made your plans very clear...." Lena said with a scoff as Miatro seemed to be very excited by the idea of shopping. Lena couldn't help but look to the womens eyes, the way she leered at her forced Lena to blush slightly as she would look away and take up the small bag of snakes Miatro opened for her. Considering the idea of binkis, hot sun, sandy beaches and all the fun with it. Lena wouldnt admit it was a little bit hot, but she would blushingly look away from Miatro. "... well acutally.... I do have a question but its more of a answer to a question I asked earlier... I guess... but ah.... " Lena blushed as she would avoid looking Miatro in the eye as she spoke. "uhm.... D-did....did Tei'grin give you the offer? to.... you know..." Lena asked in a effort to sound casual. Her voice cracking as she ask, embarrassed by the question, wanting to know just for her own curiosity.

Hi there, I'm a new to the galaxy, if you ever want to party just shoot me a call!
Lena Harper

Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:02 am

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Post Re: The Most Dangerous Game (For Miatro Pentes)
Miatro couldn't help it and finally began to laugh. "Oh calm down, I'm just teasing you." Miatro said with a smile before she began slowly leaning in closer approaching with a seductive sway of her hips with a smile. "Well...what if I offered instead?" Miatro cooed as she moves a hand and cups Lena's cheek brushing it with her thumb as she grins at her. "I'm sure you'll enjoy spending a good three weeks with me as my companion." She teases with a smile.

"But if your meaning I have access to your body...then it was slightly part of the conditions. Teigrin allowed me to take you with me on my vacation as my companion/arm candy." She informed as she moved behind Lena and let the human feel the Lamica's hands resting on her shoulders and began a light massaging work onto the shoulders and neck. Before she moved in and playfully pressed her breasts onto Lena's back. Her tail lightly wrapped around Lena's belly region the coils smoothly sliding and rubbing into the belly and lower back.

"So for the next few technically belong to me darling." She cooed and plants a soft kiss onto Lena's cheek. "Don't worry...I'll make sure it's an experience you'll love." She cooed teasingly with a sensual giggle...pulling on her Lamica charms to seduce the Princess.


Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:15 am
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