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 Hiccup (for Levi) 
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
"I know.... he always pisses away his cut on gambling, hookers, and booze...... he even tried to buy me once.....So I shoved one of Pyro's plasma charges in his face hahaha.." Red joked as she fallowed Gizmo down the long blue misty corridor befor talking to Pyro on the other end. No suprised he disagreed as she rolled her eyes at the response, sighing into her wrist com. "Fine... I guess theirs a rule about blowing up team members anyway..." Red agreed desciding to drop the subject as her and Gizmo moved on.

The pair soon made it to E-5 as Red let Gizmo enter first. Watching her partner quickly move to a computer consol and get busy hacking. Meanwhile Levi the Red checked out the room they were in,seeing the numeous dead bodies of these odd spiders creatures they were facing, also known as egg heads according to her as she took a knee by one of the corpses, rolling it to better examine it, yet it was stuck to the floor by that very sticky green slime as Levi was implused to look and touch, putting a hand on its surface only to get stuck.

"Eh.... uhoh...." Levi sounded as she stuggled to get her gloved hand free agin with a very strng tugg agiest the slimy green crap befor her eyes flicked to Gizmo as he made his triump, yet his victory didnt last long as their attentions were soon taken by the collection of monitors flashing to life depictinga large armored figure as who or what ever it was demanded their surrending.

"Our last chance?.... sounds like your out of options your self if your resorting to calling out random numbers at us.... how about you surrender and I'll make your death quick clean and painless..... mybe.... I'll even use my 13-3.... uh what ever.... just come out allready so we can shot you..." Levi sarcasticly threaten befor drawing her other pistol of her belt.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:14 pm
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
Quebos shook his head with a sigh. The monitors going black as they were disengaged. In the distance a door was being opened and there came a steady metallic sound that was steadily growing louder. Gizmo had looked to Red.

“That doesn't sound good, Red. I don't think one of Pyro's explosives will help this time around.” He did not hear the door close though and he kept working, the computer he was at was still on as he interfaced with it shaking his head as he worked.

“Got it!” The gas was siphoning out of the hall and those heavy doors that slammed shut earlier could be heard opening once more. Whatever the captain had left it seemed that this was it. Just that one thing that seemed to be drawing forth steadily obviously knowing of their position.

“It sounds big … one target … heavier than Claw. Should we take it out or try to avoid it? If we fall back it's safe to assume it's between us and the bridge and meant to keep us from advancing. With the number we did to the engines and Pyro trapping entrance anyway we shouldn't have to worry about them fixing anything anytime soon so I doubt he wants to just wait us out and hope for the best.

“But, I'm no tactician. If there's only one then Pyro could head up the other passage unhindered will we keep it busy.”

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Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:11 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
Red glared at the armored being displaying himself on the monitor wall with murderous intent. Watching at the cocky bastard shook his head and gave a reluctent sigh as if he was talking to some hopless children, it really pissed her off. Yet befor that armored being blinked off the screens Red's helmet darted back and forth between the door of this chamber and the monitors befor she took aim at the monitors with her duel pistols and shouted out in her usuall angry tone of voice.

"OH I'M COMING FOR YOU ! YOU COCKY BASTARD! I DONT CARE WHAT YOU PUT IN MY WAY! I'LL DISTROY THISSHIP BEFOR I LET YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT RUNNING OFF!" Red shouted befor pulled the triggers and blasted the monitors, saddy emptying her clip into the wall of monitors as they all exploded into a sea of sparks.... this girl probly being the most blood thirsty humen they have ever seen.....

"NO! I got it!" Red shouted as she turned to Gizmo, holstering a gun befor reloading it with another energy pack, doing the same to the other pistol befor holstering them both on her belt as Gizmo used the terminal to suck all the gas out of the halls like she ordered making it safe to breath for now.... but red still wasnt taking off her helmet not unless she had too...

Yet read glaredat Gizmo through te sensors on her helmet and sighed at his sugjestions, putting both hands on her hips as she listened then shook her head at the idea. "I hate when your right.... I think we should take it out..... if its how you think if we dont attack it then it will just sit but I know he cant wait us out... we arnt te only clan team out here.... " Red considered as she moved to the door and peaked out to check the hall real quick...

"Call Pyro....use the low frequency com and tell him about their monster.... We are going to assult it and give him time to get to the bridge and do his magic tricks.... How any grenades do you have becuse I have a idea...." Red would order, grinning behind her helmet.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:03 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
The monitor sparked as it was shot though as a question was poised to him Gizmo answered.

“Two. Pyro has a ton of ordnance though if you need him to leave anything somewhere though keeping it secure probably isn't possible unless he falls back to the cargo area.” They probably didn't have the time for that though.

He contacted Pyro and told him the revised command. They were being delayed though that would not help this vessel much. Once the others had control of their situations they would move in of course. If any equipment was needed he would relay that along with a place to leave it though barring that he would tell Pyro that they had things under wraps here.

Levi would only see Claw down the hall still seeing off the gases effects. He was distant though, a good 80 yards away from where they hustled too so he was out of the way. After a moment though she could hear a metallic clang. It was steady coming this way and growing louder as it approached.

From the end of the hall in the direction of the bridge came a large armored target. It was large, though not as large as their Rhek companion. The footfalls were loud though so it had to be just as heavy. Was it a person or a machine? It was tough to say though there was no cover out in the hall save for Claw and perhaps any doorway that was opened into a lab but currently it seemed that the target was going to just march out towards them rather than seeking any sort of cover.

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Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:48 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
"That will work...." Red said reluctantly as she peaked out te hall befor moving out into the ships corridor. Looking both ways as she waved her hand to Gizmo for him to fallow.

Waiting until after Gizmo explained the situation to Pyro she looked up to him through the glowing red eyes of her dark helmet and crossed her arms. " Find me the part of the ship with the thinest layer of hull between us and the out side.... if this thing is that scary I dont want it on board the ship no more... " Red said, smiling evily behind her helmet as she moved with Gizmo down the hall. The duo seeing Claw laying unconcious still, a mere 80 yards away befor they both suddenly heard the heavy pounding of metalic foot steps behind them as that sound put her hair on edge. "WHAT!"

Red sounded suprised as she quickly turned around, quick drawing her two pistols and aimed them both down the nerrow hallway in the direction of the hulking figure slowly lumbering in their direction.

"It found us already?" Red said suprised as she flicked her eyes back to Gizmo, then to their unconcious friend Claw 80 yards away, while keeping both her pitols trained on the new enemy as it slowly lumbered twords them both.

"Giz!.... put your explosives on my belt... and get to Claw.... he has a bigger gun..." Red hinted, holding still for the momment to let Gizmo put his explosives on her belt, loops specificly for grenades for an easy task, possibly leaving her with four bombs befor letting Gizmo move back leave her inbetween the enemy and Gizmo as she carful watched the metalic armored being closly, taking a step back as it moved closer and closer.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:49 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
“Searching,” He tapped the controls of his wrist computer getting the specks for the ship easily enough. There at the docking hatches the hull was thinnest in the event of an emergency with the need for others to cut through with plasma torches.

He turned over his two grenades before they heard the thing, attention shifting to the large machine though it had found them quick he surmised that that was probably due to it being told to check a specific area first.

The shoulder cannon was good. Though without the armor to supply it with a power source it was good for one or two shots though he could modify it to use their armor easily enough in little time. Though using it from Claw's position it was already hooked into one.

The thing had a grenade launcher pop up from a forearm. It fired a grenade that exploded in a cloud of gray smoke providing cover as it kicked in it's rockets streaking forward as it hovered less than a foot over the floor as it came forth.


The voice electronic and machine-like as a blade popped out above the clamps making up it's hands. A chest plate sliding open as it rushed forward firing forth it's capture cable even as Gizmo got to that cannon of Claw's powering it up and aiming at the cloud of smoke trying to lock onto a target without catching Red in the ensuing blast. He had caught little more than a glimpse of the machine that they were now facing though and so he followed Red's lead here as he took aim on the flash of lights that made up some of the lights being that face plate that it wore, mainly that visor area which was the only thing visible to him at the moment though he heard the propulsion of those hover rockets kick in as it rapidly sought to close the distance with the pair.

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Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:04 pm
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
Red covered Gizmo as he moved back to claw, those red eyes onher helmet well trained on the metalic monstrosity. Unable to tell if it was flesh or machine, or a combonation of both as it lumbered forward. Red inching her self back carfully as it moved closer, hoping to keep her distances befor it finilly reacted.

"SHIT!" Red shouted as jumped back after she saw it flail up one of its hulking large lobster claw like arms, having some kind of weapon extended out befor it launched a metalic tube directly twords her as Red tried to turn tail and ran for cover! Lucky it was only a gas cannister of oppsuring mist and not live ammo or elscshe would have for sure been caught in the exposion as the hall instantly filled with a thick cloud of gray smoke concealing Red and the enemy from view of Gizmo as he rigged that cannon.

Red was already running, stumbling blindly through the smoke as she only needed to run forward! Struggling to switch her helmet cams to thermal imaging befor she heard the sound of jump jets ignite in the hall behind her with a loud sonic boom and crackle of machinery! "Uh oh....." Red said, her voice clear over the comm as the machine launched down the hall and into the cloud just as Red turned to catch a glimpse of it quickly gaining speed on her through her termal sensory camara's on her helmet.

"GIZ! SHOOT! DIRECTLY AHEAD! SHOOT NOW! NOW DAM IT!!" Red shouted in a calm paniced tone over the comm channel the group shared. Red screanmed, charging ahead through the smoke in te direction she knew Gizmo to be in befor she dove belly first onto the metalic floor, dropping her pistols and covered her helmeted head to hug the floor in prep for the screaming hell fire to spray down the hall twords this thing!

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:44 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
Thermal imaging showed that the lights beneath it's visor and legs were warmer than the cool alloy of metals and cables. The rockets that accelerated it were by far the warmest as they roared to life as the machine drew near. It's chest plate opening as it prepared to launch a capture cable at Levi . It was now that the size differences be3tween her and the machine were in her favor for even if gizmo fired blindly as long as his shots were high he had little chance of hitting her.

That com in her helmet crackled to life though. “What's going on!?” Pyro's voice came as she hit the deck hearing the thunder of the heavy cannon as it fired straight over head. It was a powerful weapon but took two or three seconds to cycle through enough power though it cut through most cover with ease.

The machine was hit and she heard it fall though she heard the rapid fire of the grenade launcher shooting forth two grenades that exploded.

She was too far away to be caught in the blast of either though one contained an EMP pulse knocking out that cannon though the second was a frag grenade. Claw's heavier armor probably protected him fully from that blast but Gizmo couldn't be so lucky and would sport a serious injury if not death depending on how accurate the grenade was.

For a moment there was no sound either from behind her or in front. The legs of the machine had been upon the ground cooling and the lights were off but still emitted some heat and where lower by at leas ta foot as if the thing was kneeling rather than down.

Then lights, more than before sprang to life. The face plate had been destroyed in a section and the alloy it was made from had to be strong indeed if the head had not been blown clean off or maybe it took a graze.


It had yet to move as the mechanical tone was indeed clear to her ears.

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Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:19 pm
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
This was one of those momments Levi was proud to be short and small, it made ducking for cover and hiding every easy, expecily when thoses loud plasma cannon shots erputed from the hallway ahead, down from Gizmo as he tooj his shot.

Covering her head and closing her eyes behind her helmet as she only heard the powerful explosions slam one afther the other into the machine coming for her and the sheer heat from the burner even through her clothing and armor as she curled up to better avoid all that fire and plasma.

With all the explosions going on Levi didnt catch tge glimspe of those two grenades being fired but she did hear the two diffrent explosions and the sound of Pyro's voice over the comm. One EMP, the seciond a frag, they sounded distictly diffrent to each other and it wasnt hard to tell it came from Gizmo's location.

However Levi didnt have time to think about wounded allies, only the enemy she didnt hear coming crashing to the floor as once those explosionsstopped Levi quickly rolled over onto her lower back to gaze up at the beast still mostly in one freaken piece! "OH CRAP! What are you made of!" Levi said suprised, shes never known of anying able to take a shot from Claw's cannon, let alone three! She was able to see a clear view of it through her thermal helmet camras from the sheer heat of the shots it took as the young mercenary wasted little time hopping up to her feet carfuly infront of it, eyeing it curiously befor it suddenly hummed back to life!

"OH MY GOD!" Levi shouted in shock as she jumped back, nearly stummbling over. "Its still ticking!... OH HLL NO not for long your not!!" Levi shouted in what was left of its face face plate, reaching behind her back with both hands to take two of those frag grenades offher belt and pulled both pinns. "REBOT THIS!" Levi shouted frustratingly as she quickly dropped both explosives into its opened chest panel those lifeless cables hung out off befor she quickly ran as fast...(#1)

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:17 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
(#2).... ran as fast as she could back twords were she belived Claw and Gizmo to still hopfully be. Snatching up one of her two pistols off the ground that she noticed thermaly through the smoke as she came charging out of the gray haze and dove behind her Claw made cover.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:21 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)

The grenades went off. In that smokey haze there was a discharge of blue electrical energy and she heard a crash as the thing fell to the ground. Thermal imaging was tougher now as there was a lot of heat from the explosion that trigger that foam induced sprinklers.

Claw was still snoring, his armor discolored and would need a paint job though it was too think for the Rhek to feel anything from the attack. Nearby was Gizmo, his armor not as strong and punctured by a piece of shrapnel that oozed thick blue blood around the metal but it was clear that the shrapnel was acting as a cork for the moment.


Gizmo seemed outraged given all his tech was down. His blasters might as well be paper weights at this stage though he still had his blade that extended out from his gauntlet. He did not seem bothered by his wound though more upset about the loss of his tech.

The cloud of smoke began to brake up as Levi and Gizmo heard the creek of metal as the machine pushed itself back up to it's knees. Thermal imaging showed less blinking lights but the thing was rising up.

LASER OFF LINE … TARGETS ACQUIRED AT EIGHTY METERS … It had two grenades left and so kicked in it's rockets again streaking at the two. The grenades it would save as they were more effective against unarmored opponents.

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:14 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
Red didnt take the time to look back, she simply took cover behind Claw's unconsious body befor the explosion went off as Red pressed her self closly to Claw's side and overed her helmeted befor BOOM! The explosion rippled down the steel corridor with concussive force. Ripping steel plating and panels off the walls and knocking out the lights as sparking wires spilled out of the ceiling from around the center of the blast area fallowed by a discarge of electricity from that metalic monstrosity.

The dust soon clearned yet Red didnt peak out until she heard the metalic fram of the metal man collapse under its own weight with a heavy clatter of broken metal befor the foam sprinklers went off in the areacaround its smoking corpse to put out te electrical fires.

"Whoa! damn! Did you see that Giz! That wasbad ass!" Red said excitedly as she peaked out over Claw afther switching off her thermal vision to gaze back down the hall way litered in broken blacken metal and electrical discarging parts befor she flicked those cold red glowing eyes of her helmet to the distressed Gizmo writhing in agony of his blue bleeding wound.

"Oh dont be so dramatic you baby...." Red scolded him as she stude up from behind Claw and holstered her remaining pistol befor she crouched beside Gizmo, forcing his hands away from his wounded side to check it out.

"Eww... how did a piece of shrapnel get in there?" Red joked, keepingthe atmosphere light as she examined his wound more closly, getting blue blood on her gloves befor she reached to her lower back and pulled a small med kit off her utility belt pack and tossed it to the wounded merc. "Here... pull the shrapnel out first... then use the med foam to fill the hole... then reboot your stupid gadits.... I swear am I the only one who bought Amp" Red nagged as she stude up to put both hands on her shaply hips, scolding the wounded Gizmo jokingly befor she slowly trailed off as the pair heard the scraching sound...(#1)

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:29 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
(#2).... screeching sound of metal on metal.

"Oh my god you have to be kidding me...." Red shouted sounding rather annoyed as turned to face the direction of the hulking metalic being. Watching as it scrapped its self off the brunt scared floor, befor spouting more robot nonsense out loud, letting Red and her companion know its lasers were off line.... yet it did even uses those on them yet so the information was worthless anyway....

Yet Red watched it carfuly as it rose back up, drawing her blaster. Notig it was only 80 meters away from them, and with no place to hide or go besides back this fight might be one sided... but it was damaged so mybe she could kill it? Or make it unfuctional, becuse it woud make a great addition to the Rak'dos family....

Red imagined the payday for capturning it as she coud help but smiled behind her helmet as it seemed to gaze back at them with what was left of its metalic chassy and face plate befor it reactivated those booster jets and slung shot its self back twords them with incredilbe speed closing tge distance.

"OH YOU WANT SOME MORE YOU METAL HEAD BASTARD!" Red shouted in a happly blood thirst shout hopped up ontop of Claw's big body as a make shift plat form and took shot afther shout at the robots roosted broken up face plate and chest hatch, hoping to take it down bfor it got any closer, yet as a pre-caution Red did the unthinkable, reaching back to pull another frag off her belt and armed it.

"Come on come closer metal head..." Red whispered behind her helmet as she fired shout afther shout into its armored dome, fearlessly consealing a armed explosive behind her back so the metal man could not see it until it was to late. Red woud wait until the last possible seciond for the mechanical bot to get closer and closer befor chucked directly at its metalic chest and hopfuly bank it back into its chest cavity, it not it would still exploded in its face.... and hopful put it down for good.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:57 am
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
“That's the thing, Red, it's all shielded!” He did not know how that grenade knocked so much off line, the tech was not like anything he had seen though he took the kit and had grabbed the piece of shrapnel yanking it free as he dropped it just as the machine got to it's feet.

It hunched over crossing the cables of it's arms in an X to shield the vulnerable face from further damage. Hunched over the open chest cavity was hard to target too and only remained open because it was priming another weapon getting within 10 meters as shots washed over the cables with less effect.

It stood up at the 10 meter point launching it's capture cable at Red as a slender metallic cord shot free to unerringly strike at the launched grenade unconcerned with the blast and planning on sacrificing the manipulator to refrain from taking a direct hit again.

By this stage Gizmo had his armor patched up but only had one functional weapon, his knife, which was going to do less than squat to it. Though at this range he could see that the fire retardant form that was showering down further down the hall had provided some additional protection against blasters too, great, just what they needed!

Gizmo would use his knife if it had snared Red though the wire was quite strong and not meant to be cut. Failing that he would turn his attention to that open chest plate thinking it was one of the few places that it was still vulnerable though he was not sure what to expect as the thing sacrificed that manipulator. The pair found that there were more, the one damaged in the explosion was only blackened rather than warped aiding the other three as they launched forth to deal with the two. Each of the manipulators were somewhat knew though it had always had cables it know had claw like manipulators at the end that could be detached and affixed with other tools as needed. Inside it's body it had many toys after all and now it tried to grapple the pair as the clamps of it's arms were far too powerful and less controllable.

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Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:13 pm
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Post Re: Hiccup (for Levi)
Red fired on it as it zoomed closer and closer, hunching over to protect its broken area's like its chest and face. Was it thinking? Red thought to her self, reusing to let up, but those blaster shotsxwere having no effect on her target. Its cable like arms were simply soaking up each shot like nothing until it hit the 10 meter mark as it opened its self up behind its shielding arms to un leesh its counter attack!

"NOW!" Red screamed, chucking her grenade intended to bank itinside its chest cavity just as she jumped back in time off Claw belly, narrowly dodging one of those grappler cables and fell toher shaply botto with a heavy thud. Yet it did somthing red didnt count on, snatching that grenade out of mid air and sacrified one of those clawed tipp cabels as the grenade exploded showering it agin with fire!

Red, Gizmo and the unconcious Claw were all just out side the explosive radius of 8 meters, yet when fire cleared as more foam sprayed from above as the thing was still standing! Red quickly scrambled back and on to her feet to keep her distance from the hulking metal man as she fired more shots at that chest and its head to no effect other the piss it off as more cabels shot out, making four in all... one scorched black as it shot out from the smoky haze to grapple at Red. Making her amazed it was still functional, yet Red didnt have time to gawk over this weapons capabilitys.

"GIZMO! WHAT DO WE DO!! YOUR A SCIENTIST THINK OF SOMTHING!" Red shouted to him as she blasted it from her position befor a pair of grappler cables got the drop on her as one claw tipped cabel closed over the hand holding the blaster, partly crushing the gun she held while another claw shot forth and grappled her helmet closed over of her head effectivly getting her.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:41 pm
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