Shokushu High School

He Waits (for Phoebe)
Page 3 of 5

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Fri May 31, 2024 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

The closer she got to the pair the clearer she could hear Gersham's voice. Aegir's had not wavered as if distance really wasn't a factor. From the one sided conversation Phoebe guessed that Gersham was unaware of her presence. Preoccupied with his conversation with his creator.

She came to realize that Aegir was conversing with her at the same time. His attention able to keep two, possible numerous separate conversations going at the same time. He could choose to include or exclude people from his gifts though most beings spoke verbally instead of attempting to project thoughts or form their own thoughts in a means to keep a conversation going.

It was unnecessary to be a telepath when Aegir was around. The mere act of constructing one's thoughts allowed him to read them and respond. It was more of an effort not to scan surface thoughts. However, he tended not to pry too deeply unless curious or it being necessary to ascertain truth as far as the target was concerned. Sneaking up on him for a sentient was rare indeed. Particular species could, mainly plants and artificial creations. He couldn't detect a brain dead individual with his passive senses but could delve into their mind if he wished. Most of the time he had to effect repairs before he could dig through relevant information or communicate with them. Given the effort involved Aegir often didn't bother unless it was important to him in some fashion.

Yes. There is that. Glad that my Tulpa was of assistance to you. He set aside her thoughts about the node for now. If she changed her mind on that point he was sure that she would tell him or he'd pick up on her continued regret in not choosing to have one.

All this could have been avoid since he could have intervened at a distance. His abilities were limited but still vast. When it came to bugs he would have been able to easily deal with the matter. However, it gave him the excuse to come here. Even if he had interrupted some of her fun he couldn't pass up on seeing the pilot again.

Certainly you are in a better place than when we first met? More a rhetorical statement than anything. You are not interrupting, feel free to enter.[/i][/color]

Gersham was mildly surprised at her appearance. Mostly because he had been preoccupied in his conversation to have heard her. His eyes took her in. The heat that still blazed there, his eyes traveled over her form pleased with what he saw. Even from across the room she had noticed a certain “rise” in his attention. Phoebe certainly did not miss the way he touched his arm as if brushing something off his sleeve when she could have sworn that he was quelling his own desire.

Aegir regarded her as well. Mouth tendrils twitching. He was harder to read, less obvious though the closer she drew to him the more she could smell those pheromones that he emitted. Harmless to humans, yet hinting at his own desire the stronger they were the more aroused he was.

Leave us. Gersham nodded. Shot Phoebe a grin indicating they were far from done then stepping into the shadows near the wall. Vanishing and leaving the pair alone. Aegir's attention fell upon her once again. The mass of tentacles that made up his legs moved him in her direction.

Man was he slow! That or he certainly wished to draw the moment out. He was a contrast to his son. Slow to his dexterous nature though the drug that accelerated Fafnir's speed had severe drawbacks. Their vast difference in psionic power was more than evident. Phoebe could practically feel the difference.

Have you made any progress with your gift? He paused for a moment. White eyes taken her tiny form in. Aegir towered over her. Tentacles folding out on the ground around her, nearly engulfing her. One lifted up, working itself beneath the bottom of her shirt to stroke over the navel piercing as if ensuring it was still there.

Perhaps we should change this or supplement it with another device. His tentacle moved away, eyes inspecting her. Something sub-dermal. Another piercing perhaps …

He toyed with a tongue piercing briefly then dismissed it given her issues. That might cause way too much stimulation. Her clit? He shook it off for now.

Anyway. That vacation was doomed to failure. At some point I'm sure you would have figured it out. Do you have any desire to learn more about you gifts?

Author:  Phoebe [ Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Stepping into the presence of these two grand characters made the short woman feel all the more insignificant by comparison. Worse, Aegir and Gersham were practically motionless for a brief period of time. They looked as though both caught nothing of greater interest at the time, each revealing one emotion, desire or other in their own unique ways. The absence of distractions brought the faint clack of her heels to their attention, sounds accompanied by the natural yet deceptively striking sway of her hips throughout the alluring stride in their direction.

She caught one man’s all too familiar expression. After everything that’s happened prior to their encounter, giving out like that might’ve left him unsatisfied. Meanwhile, the other specimen couldn’t hide an equally rousing musk from filling her lungs almost straight away. Not a word about either male crossed her lips as they worked things about between themselves, and it was Aegir who stayed behind to greet the young pilot.

Save for the fact he approached with the same urgency as tectonic shift, there was no doubting his prowess in more ways than one. Traces of amusement came to her given that lack of speed for someone holding such power though one could not deny the truth, that people’s minds were but strings he, the puppeteer, could grasp and control on a whim and more. Phoebe knew about Fafner. The difference was palpable.

Whether on purpose or not, drawing out this moment fixed her eyes on him. At one point, their difference in height forced his shapely guest to raise her chin in order to keep looking up. Standing in front of one another, those cheeks had colored just a little. She was growing hotter. Her heart beat faster, harder. What was it that generated such excitement? Arousal? Awe? Admiration? Fear? Whichever the case, the blonde woman never recoiled.

“Some, but not much.” Phoebe confessed to the sensation of tentacles pooling around her form. Subtle intakes of air resulted in faint gasps as one such appendage crawled beneath her shirt. Words were no longer in their minds, but spoken aloud, enhancing that tingly bliss with each passage of air over those altered cells lining her mouth, tongue and throat. “I .. I’ve been putting the work in, but there’s still ample room for improvement ..”

Her efforts weren’t for naught. Grasping objects, overcoming certain degrees of resistance when pulling or pushing them one way or the other, activating buttons and the like were well in the realm of possibility. The problem revolved around her gift not being potent enough. Yet. She proved unable to choke out that Saurian back on the ship, then never even dealt a considerable blow to those bugs using her blessings. More training was certainly in order.

As for what he spoke of next, Phoebe averted her gaze for a moment when he listed their options, then gaze a more decisive response. “A node ..”

He offered, once. She proposed it as an option, now. Something that couldn’t be noticed straight away, unlikely to be toyed with or torn off unlike the item she was wearing at the time. She’d not mind another piercing though one never knew what cruel beings may cross paths with her one day. If they decided her body looked better without such fashion, her every remaining lifeline could be stripped away in no time at all.

But, that was for him to decide. More immediate were her concerns about the vacation ending the way it did. Aegir stated it was doomed to failure. Did he mean anything by it? Ancient telepath or not, cocking an eyebrow seemed to be the closest to an instinctual response he’d get. “Wait .. How would I have figured it out? You had nothing to do with my vacation going awry, right?”

Not that it made a difference. It could change how she viewed him, depending on whether he happened to be directly involved or was simply aware of the facts, but the fact they were here now couldn’t be changed at all. Might as well make the most of it.

Whichever response he gave to the previous question, Phoebe pressed on with no small amount of excitement considering there’d be few reasons why he’d ask about her gift in the first place. “Well .. Do you have any desire to teach me more about my gifts? Is that why we’re here?” She offered a faint smile which, while still uncertain about everything else that entailed, was a genuine expression of desire. “I’d love to learn more, of course. Though I’m sure you could’ve gotten that answer much quicker if you glanced into my thoughts ..”

On that note, Phoebe had something else on her mind before committing to anything else, and it certainly wasn’t the lack of a proper meal right after waking up from a lovemaking induced slumber. “Say, your .. Tulpa .. He and I weren’t alone earlier. A friend of mine also ended up here. Do you know anything about that?”

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

He towered over her. Aegir feeling the gamut of emotions that were swirling through her as Phoebe couldn't get a grasp on her true emotions. He sensed that he could tip her in one direction or another easily enough. While there were times he had been an image of fear and danger he typically enjoyed admiration and worship in other avenues. It all depended on his audience and of course if he were truly board. Such times he tended to experiment.

Not often was he surprised. From time to time he preferred in mixing things up a bit. As a rule he didn't delve too deeply into minds unless engineering something specific or gathering information. There were many things he could do. Edit memories, erase them, implant them.

As long as you haven't neglect it entirely. Without accessing talent, however strong or weak one's abilities stagnant. Of course, the more practice the better.

He watched her brief delay. Following with a nod. Indeed. A node. It is painless to bestow and easy enough to remove or kill. A sufficient electric shock does the trick. It is more or less a living tool. The easiest way I can explain my connection to it is a radio. I can broadcast many of my abilities through it. Most of the time it is independent. Waiting for commands and serving as an extension of myself. Through it I could further instruct you with your gifts. He didn't get into all the details but supplied her with a tid bit of information to consider.

As they moved to discuss her vacation Aegir shook his head. Barely aware that he had come to using familiar head motions instead of relying on the more subtle motions of his mouth tendrils. your perceptive. I'm sure you would have figured it out. If not then, later after some reflection. The paradise world that's hardly a paradise outside of that one resort and the bark. The world is actually the home world of the Belzar. Fiendish things that tap into psychic potential of their guests for one reason or another.

I haven't dealt with them for a long time outside of the one that resides on the planet I regularly frequent. Certainly you felt something was off. The natives, all disguised Belzar. At least the ones that can disguise themselves. Several different Belzar species.

As far as me coming to train you. Yes. That was one of my reasons in coming here. I could have gathered a response from your mind though I tend not to pry much. I try to limit myself to surface thoughts and communication. Otherwise I wouldn't even need to communicate with others. Collecting all I need to know in an instant.

Oh, I had nothing to do with your vacation going astray.

Aegir considered her question for a moment. So wrapped up in seeing her again he practically forgot the agent. Not that he could actually forget things normally which was as much of a curse as it was a blessing. Oh, yes. The agent. She's still here. Insisted on that actually.

He paused a moment as if concentrating on Luna. Feeling for her presence which must have been outside his immediate range.

She's outside the pyramid. Fascinated in one scientific discovery or another. It keeps shifting so she's taking a lot in. Luna is still under the impression that you are indisposed.

Author:  Phoebe [ Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Specifics on the node were far from required. Strangely enough, that’d be one thing the pilot trusted him with. Aegir possessed the psychic prowess to crush her or send the young woman to cloud nine for as long as he wanted. There’d be no point bestowing a node then. What mattered, however, was that it could be of use to her and whatever benefit he wished to get out of Phoebe containing one such organism. Simply keeping her alive could be all he desired. She’d not blame him for his motives either way, because the vast majority of humans wouldn’t have made it this far without the telepath in the first place.

“You’re giving me too much credit,” the blonde mentioned with a faint smile and the shake of her head. “I’ve been blind to whatever cues may have come up. The thought of finally having some proper downtime certainly helped with that.” As for the supposed paradise world in question, Phoebe had no intention of becoming a returning customer. As much as people had their fun, recent events spoke for themselves. Striking an arrangement with that one Belzar in what was effectively a lifelike simulation may be the sole reason she’d ever encounter that species again.

Phoebe looked around the premises as they moved, only to return when he mentioned not prying too much when it came to her mind. She’d have taken no offense if he had. Then again, it must’ve been far harder to resist something that came naturally to him. “Suppose that’s one way to challenge yourself. You don’t strike me as the type of person who struggles with anything.”

Calling him a person may have been far-fetched. Were it not for the fact he hardly carried himself as such, numerous civilizations must’ve been bound to revere him as some kind of deity if he simply showed up and flexed that octopus brain muscle. By no means was he an ordinary person.

There was more for her here than awe when regarding the taller mauve being. Hearing Luna was very much around and actually insisted drove warmth through more than her cheeks, and rendered that expression just shy of taking on conspicuous amounts of blushing. “Still looking after me then,” Phoebe thought to herself, thinking their adventures, close calls and perhaps what may one call friendship were responsible for the agent’s choice. She chalked it up to that instead of drawing any other rash conclusions.

“There’s an outside?” Surprising, really, considering Phoebe figured they were on some faraway space station, temple in the void or inescapable pocket dimension, whatever fancy space magicks did the trick for Gersham and the telepath. That revelation still encouraged her not to rush out to meet the lovely scientist straight away. “In other words, Luna’s as indisposed as I am.”

A touch trailed down the side of her blouse as if to try and stay her hand in more ways than one. “I’ll catch up with her later. As you said, there’s a lot for her to take in. She must be loving it here. I’d hate to disrupt her thought process on one topic or another just to let her know I’m up and about.” She met Aegir’s gaze if he looked over, and the sparks therein revealed the drive to get started. “I’m actually far more curious about what you had in mind .. regarding my training.”

He mentioned training being one of the reasons why he came. Phoebe could only speculate on the others unless there was only the one apart from what he disclosed at the time, one she happened to be all too familiar with. Again, nothing to blame him for. They were no strangers to that kind of thing.

Still, that wasn’t everything as he found out soon enough. “I’ll admit, I’m a bit conflicted despite wanting to learn more. I’ve helped you with that stone of yours, but failed to procure others. There’s little else I’ve done to warrant your generosity.” She exhaled a faint sigh as if reflecting on this as if it were genuine failure and not the sheer improbability that was not only locating, but actually acquiring one of the stones in the first place. “Meanwhile, you’ve saved me or pulled the right strings to make it happen at least twice unless I’m mistaken. You’re helping me with my gift. You’ve offered me one of those ‘nodes’ and from the sound of it they’re far from common. I can’t help but wonder what you’re expecting of me in return.”

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

There had been no point in arguing the fact. Phoebe may have discovered what was going on, or at the least been aware that something was off. Especially her. The Belzar siphoned a little bit of energy from their guests. More so from repeat customers and those with psychic abilities. Not so much that many would notice outside of some mild fatigue. How or why they collected this energy was of no concern to the telepath. He had gleaned the knowledge that it was done from the mind of a Belzar that they both knew. It wasn't important to what he was doing at the time so he never pried deeply into that memory. Just as he had refrained in doing so with her now. Otherwise he would have picked up with her encounter with a specific Belzar rather than simply noting that she had dealings with one based on the flow of her thoughts.

Yes, I suppose relaxing would have delayed that discovery. In time you would have realized something was off even if it were only on a subconscious level.

He followed her movements with his own slower ones. Tentacles retracting so as not to surround her and impede her. Aegir paused, as if in thought. Mouth tendrils twitched in the equivalent of a grin. You'd be surprised. I can steal memories, absorb knowledge with ease. Yet I have to weed through what is real and what is false. Someone can think something is true so I cannot rely on just one source.

And there are times were a lie is wide speed to the point it gets a bit murky. For example your Santa Claus. Many children believe, some do not. Tapping into adult minds gave me a more accurate picture. But add religious figures to the mix where some believe this, some believe that, I am not all knowing and must process volumes of information to make my conclusions. Always revising and updating things when new material is added.

Believe it or not there is one thing I know you are better at than I.
He paused to allow her to process that and try to figure out what that was before continuing. Piloting. I have plenty of experience, absorbed from minds and texts. But no experience. I have all that false information mixed with the good that it would take me practice to sift through. I will never be a pilot. I have alternate methods of travel and with all my considerable power I could do little in a starship to influence much. I would be too vulnerable. That's not to say I have never flown in such a vessel but it makes me uneasy.

Now, for minor tasks I can simply pull things from my memory and make a quick check as to how most beings perform it. Something like surgery is a bit more complicated. I have so many conflicting memories in numerous fields. Only practice and attempting numerous strategies makes me skilled at things.

I have had a long life. I've practiced a good many things just to brake up the boredom. But piloting was never one of them. I am certain I have more knowledge than you. But no experience.

Aegir figured that she would have concluded that his kind couldn't be great at everything or that there were a limited number of them to make a difference.

Of course he noted the rush of blood to her cheeks. Aegir felt those thoughts about the agent and while he could have cleared up a few things these were things the humans needed to sort out. Besides, with how little he was surprised that was something he normally didn't deprive others in experiencing.

He felt the rush of her thoughts. From the stone. To being saved. To training. The gamut of thoughts, the mystery therein at what was to come and of course his motives. Turning to face her better Aegir regarded her for a moment.

Indeed. We are in a pyramid on a planet I dwelled on eons ago. This universe is a big place. I cannot be everywhere. In fact there are few places I go. Nor do I expect you to find any stones. On the remote chance that you do find one or hear rumors regarding one well that is beneficial. If nothing comes of it, well nothing does. I doubt many know how to use the stones or believe they could be used in the way they were designed. Over time some may have been destroyed. However, it costs me little to look for them. And if they are ever used it is an inconvenience, but I'll acquire a stone. There are so few out there.

Our first encounter does not count as far as saving you. You just happened to be in the right place at the right time. While I could have simply left you there I chose to set you off in this hunt instead. Far more practical if nothing comes of it and it deprives Fafnir of one of his toys so a win win for me.

The node would benefit me as much as you. Passively it would scan minds and report to me on anything about the stones. So the more you travel the more it will be able to draw upon. As far as assisting you with your gift. The better you are at it the greater your potential as a resource. Besides, that was just an added reason in coming here today.

Turning to fully face her his hands go to her hips holding her in place. Tentacles coil around her ankles, rubbing against her while tasting her skin. Another entwining up her leg. His grip loosens as his hands scale up her ribs. Eventually resting over those small breasts. Another tentacle coiled about her waist lifting her up high enough where they were face to face.

At this point another tentacle reached up from beneath her. Flicking over that bared slit as if it were simply a light switch he was flicking on and off.

Of course when Gersham let it slip that he had time with you it generated a yearning. Why should he be the only one to have a bit of fun? Of course we could skip right to the training if you'd prefer. Those hands did not let up on her tits as his mouth tendrils twitched in anticipation.

Author:  Phoebe [ Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Not quite Hope, but close enough, Phoebe certainly had lots of luck when it came to meeting Aegir though relying on the fickle Mistress Fate wasn’t something she enjoyed doing. Not then, not now, not anymore. The node could help with that. If nothing else, it made life among the stars more comforting. For humans, a single misstep could mean capture or worse. What may very well be a ‘get out of jail for free’ card in theory didn’t sound like the worst thing to obtain.

Smooth hands flank curvy hips rivaling generally more endowed specimens. Sculpted temptation rested in his grasp, but it wouldn’t remain idle for long. Ambush predators in the form of questing tentacles lifted her up in order to enable the exploration of covered ribs and breasts. Soon, one of his appendages vanished beneath her skirt to emphasize his intentions. Initial spikes of tension gave way to tingling waves that permeated the flesh though he knew that tender heart beat quickest when he brought her up high enough to look straight into her eyes.

Fear? Excitement? Likely the latter. Stifled moans emerged as heated thrills he hardly needed much to coax from those lovely lips. Warmth filled his palms, digits and tendrils, a familiar heat he sensed and one that would be rising in no time for even the mere act of drawing breath and exhaling nourished those needs within her. Would that be convincing this lewd body enough for her to give in?

How best to respond to the man who inspired awe within her from the very beginning? A mighty telepath well removed from any and all opposition Phoebe could imagine? He was no customer either. They were no strangers to what’s to come though one had to wonder whether he’d appreciate receiving similar treatment and a taste of her service or if he’d rather be in charge and held in high regard as he was at the time.

“I’ve just woken up and you’re all over me already ..” A flirtatious grin marked her features as hands fell on the back of his own. She opted not to simply embrace her role as prey. While his limbs had coiled around hers, they had not yet kept them from moving. Heels would drift near that mauve robe if permitted, playing with the cloth where it came together at the front as though she was trying to tease it apart at any given moment.

“Shouldn’t you let me rest up a bit more? I might not last as long if you don’t ..” The words dripped with sensuality despite calling for restraint, despite those motions between their bodies. Eyes averted under the pretense of playful innocence, that same desire filled gaze returned to him in short order. “If you have the patience for it, we can keep the fun for later, can’t we?” Her lids fell to half-mast as her voice softened further. “I’ll make it worth your while. You know I will. You also know it’ll feel better than if you were to have your cake right away.”

She would’ve had a few ideas but they weren’t on that paradise world anymore, which meant no simulators either. Ambience, setting, maybe those things didn’t interest him much. Not that he struck her as someone who’d be keen on exposing himself to Belzar tech and the like. Still, there’d have been ways to accommodate his needs while spicing things up a bit on top of that. Ancient pyramid environment would have to do for the time being.

Ultimately, Aegir was in charge of how this would go. Be a good teacher and have the student reward him then or taste the blessings of her company now. Phoebe had no preference here. Whether entertaining him came first or she was left to simmer in perpetual anticipation until much later, they would feast eventually.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Rarely had Aegir traveled to clubs. And even then he had not partaken of any entertainment outside of his own. He did so for the newness of the experience though with the information he had collected it wasn't so new. It was one of those things near all consumed minds agreed on.

It was more his tastes to make other arrangements.

Those tentacles didn't restrain allowing her movement. Being next to impossible to cease his abilities he picked up on her emotional state. Fear or excitement? He concluded it was more the later though it wouldn't be much of a surprise if it was a little of the former given where he had found her. Fafner could have traumatized her and his appearance, save for coloration reminded her of him. Not that he couldn't change his skin tone if he wished it he was still larger.

Phoebe teased with that robe. He touched and explored those places he was eager to experience once again.

I can not help the fact that you are so desirable, Phoebe. Are you complaining? He teased back. The tip of a tentacle finding the folds of her body. Slowly licking up and down those petals with the barest hint of him passing those gates. His teasing a little more direct most of the time.

It would be a simple matter for him to alter her brain chemistry, to enhance her desire further. He refrained, however. Mouth tendrils twitching in anticipation. Hands removing themselves from her briefly only to dip under her skirt to squeeze and hold that fine ass.

Should I allow you to rest? He chuckled in her mind. You realize I can push you beyond your limits don't you? I can eradicate fatigue. Alter your brain chemistry and make you last as long as I wish.

Of course that was not as much fun as manipulating minds, creating exclusionary scenarios and altering drams and experiences in an elaborate way. Allowing normal fatigue to run its course since these scenarios could stretch out for a good while. Accessing memories, dreams and ambitions allowed him the opportunity to explore and create more than others of his ilk.

Gersham has deceived you. Days are far longer on this world. Though I have no intention of allowing him to keep you here that long. You do have a point.

His tentacle drawing away from her. He began to lower her but rather than simply setting her back down other tentacles cushioned her as he laid her out own the floor. Tentacles looping over her ankles spreading her legs apart as he himself got lower.

So let's split the difference. A brief taste. Then you can rest further before we begin. A tongue swept out along her slit. A finger rolling over her clit. White eyes flicked back up her body before proceeding further.

But if you really want to put things off for now all you need to do is say so. There were so many things he could have done in preventing her from speaking. Though she certainly didn't have to vocalize to communicate with her he could still scramble her thoughts enough to deny her the ability to even think such thoughts. But he had not. Her words had merit and the thing was given his lifespan a few hours didn't matter much to him. Most of the time he was patient. There were times he enjoyed teasing, enjoyed seeing just how someone would respond without being influenced. If she wished to wait then he would as well knowing that things would be that much sweeter when the time came.

Author:  Phoebe [ Thu Jul 11, 2024 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Sampling the wares revealed familiar thrills to him. For someone that small, that bodacious rear held a candle to the best of them. The expanse of that bounty ground into his fingertips, reminding him of plush fullness he hadn’t cradled in quite some time. A mere squeeze even allowed him to dig into the abundance of flesh which lacked neither tight muscle nor softness. Holding onto a trophy like that was a reward on its own, nothing his mind couldn’t replicate though pawing at the real deal had always been second to none.

She danced in his grasp. Twitching. Trembling. Moaning out for every attempt to bite down on her lower lip was a short lived effort on her part. As far as complaining had been concerned, nothing could be farther from her mind. “If you want me to,” Phoebe uttered between heated breaths, playfully alluding that he may be the type to enjoy the girls that played hard to get.

There was little reason, let alone room for her to pretend she was the one. She’d play into that wish if he so desired. Perhaps he liked her just the way things were?

“Ooohhh fuck ..” Yellow eyes rolled back for a moment, hit with a lingering wave of feverish bliss from that lone lash of his tongue, then snapped back into focus as they met his own. Studying those white, near abyssal depths, Phoebe looked on with bated breath.

He was no Gersham. He was no Fafner either. Gersham played by the rules, but he did so to the letter and not their spirit hence winding up here, where days were longer than likely most other places, was to be expected. Yet as things were, Phoebe trusted he’d not overdo it. Maybe he’d rile her up if she found out, but it was no prison he’d never release her from.

But, Gersham wasn’t here. There was only Aegir. It was a bit shameless to think of it that way. As much as Phoebe respected the octopus, the simple truth he could even command the likes of Gersham excited her even more. Power came in more ways than one, and to have her usual hot blooded self subdued by the strongest specimen added a certain level of fulfillment to the scene at hand.

Aegir held the reins and for all his teasing he only made her want to delay training more and more. Towering over her, advancing on her, exploiting those weak spots women had with centuries of experience at the minimum, and it showed in the very gleam of anticipation he discovered in her eyes. Want, no matter how stifled, no matter how much of a tease she was, could be denied forever. Smoldering heat welled up inside her chest and the snug pink folds that were starting to shimmer with the onset of true desire. She exhaled staggered breaths after catching herself staring and not breathing for a few moments, expression flustered yet all the more open about what stirred the blonde’s core into a melting pot of awe and arousal alike.

“Mmm .. Now you’ve done it,” Phoebe purred with a knowing smirk, facing this mightiest of creatures with an open accusation and evidence for his crime practically wrapped around his head as milky thighs would tighten just a bit more. “How am I supposed to think about training when all I can think about is you?”

With tentacles not restricting movements, one hand would reach for and settle on the back of his head while the other started undoing the curtain of her blouse. “Let’s not put this off .. You’ve got to make amends, and that’ll take more than a taste ..”

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Thu Jul 11, 2024 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Centuries of masquerading as a deity brought numerous “sacrifices”. Aegir had been meant to consume them, for all practical purposes he had. Devouring them in a way they found most pleasant then relocating them to another world where his cults were none the wiser. Years spent on Shokushu his latest haunt had been without much challenge. Resistance was a mere inconvenience and as a being with his power that issue only ever came up if he willed it.

Thus experimenting with the mind, causing others to seek him out or look forward to his visitations had been the norm. That led to new challenges and new experiences. Especially with a favored auburn haired student. All in all he quit enjoyed the change. Rather than instant gratification. Being teased, held at bay, it served to spike his interest. True he could disregard this and simply take numerous methods to reach those ends. Force, manipulation, trickery or the weight of sheer desire were but a few of the methods available to him.

Well aware of her experiences he certainly would have kept her around had he still frequently traveled the stars. As it were he located himself on a planet that he could not bring her to. Besides, she was more useful among the stars even if he never expected her to uncover anything. The tasks on Shokushu would be very limited. And she had already endured that place. He caught glimpse, stray thoughts that had eluded to her home on Earth which got him to peak just a little albeit not much.

Oh there is no need to complain. Alien eyes studied her tiny form. He could sense her arousal, that attraction to power. At the same time it was a bit appealing to be so dominant in comparison to her. Looming over him their words and cordial behavior the only thing from keeping him at bay.

But he would have a little taste. While time hadn't mattered much to him on most cases Aegir couldn't help but think of their prior encounter. With a crystal clear mind it had been one of his favorite experiences in the last century or so.

Pleased with the mere start of his actions it was little time before he returned. Teasing, a slow probe here. A lick there. Those mouth tendrils working like fingers to stimulate her clit and spread that glistening sex open for that long tongue. Barely penetrating her, lapping up some of those juices he felt her legs tighten up in response. While refraining from tapping into her mind he allowed her arousal to grow naturally. He had not denied her much. Bringing her to the brink only to back away a few times before toppling her over.

That sweet taste flowing over his tongue. His eyes meeting her own as she spoke. Is that so? What if part of your training was to focus on me? He teased back. Not needing to pull away from her he still touched and probed every so often. Not so much to overwhelm her but for her to endure the occasional smaller climax.

What if I told you too bad? We had settled on training first. Again he teased. Not minding the change of heart here. His gaze focused on her top as she freed herself from it. As she did so tentacles moved in swiftly as if waiting in the wings. Coiling around her breasts he gently squeezed each while the tips played with her nipples.

Other tentacles grasped her wrists drawing her up into a sitting position. He regarded her briefly then stood drawing her up higher. Releasing her his hands went down to her waist. Kissing her felt a bit odd as those mouth tendrils had to wrap about her head to clear enough space.

Do to his boneless nature he could bend and contort with little effort. While he drank from her lips ensuring that he stimulated that sensitive organ in her mouth those hands worked at removing the rest of her clothing so as not to ruin it with his eagerness. Once done he drew her up higher straightening up as he did so. Eye to eye he disengaged from her lips to tackle a meager breast in the same way. A tentacle hovered close to her lips while another slid between her ass checks after a brief detour with those soaked lips. Dashing along her sex the tentacle ensured that it was well lubed up before the move.

The mountain of his central member soon pressed to her sex as he lowered her just a bit. But it had yet to take her. Here he did reach into her mind a little. Dulling down her pain receptors that her nerves transmitted. She would still experience the same amount of pain without actually feeling it or little of it as he whimed.

He dialed it down in this case without turning it off completely. As a sex worker he knew she endured some rather harsh things. Had it not been for the fact that he sensed her enjoyment of minor pain he would have turned it off completely. Aegir was more about delivering pleasure and not punishment unless that punishment came in denying and prolonging release often the the enjoyment when he finally allowed it.

His tentacles held her in places though none had been tight enough to restrict her movements.

You can still change your mind as much as I don't want you to. He didn't back off or advance other than those sweet caresses. About that time another the tip of another tentacle found then circled her clit.

Author:  Phoebe [ Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

“Ah .. Well .. We’ll see who gets the last laugh next time you plan on training me .. Mnnhh~” Next time, training came first. Would there be a next time? When, and how? Would she really deny him then? For how long? With or without the right tools to tempt him at every turn? Aphrodisiac? Perfume? Anything else? How likely was it that anyone even knew how to spice things up for the likes of Aegir? Surely, his people were far too rare for many to even know about their existence, aside from the likes of Fafner’s subordinates and those he dealt with on a regular basis. Whichever the case, if the means to tease him in return for these teasing jabs existed, they may be of use “next time”.

What breath Phoebe took most recently suddenly caught in her throat when Aegir drew the unsuspecting blonde into a kiss. Appendages wrapped about her head, shrouding the young woman in near total darkness. It was difficult to describe what actually happened past that point although much of it matched the usual sensations of a standard seal of the lips. Still, they never actually tasted each other’s lips before. She never paid much attention to what lingered behind those tentacles either. All she knew was that a tongue and thus mouth awaited her there. Tension lingered given the unusual way of going about things, but every muffled “Mph” and “Ahn” revealed there was no need to worry about her or that altered tongue as it flicked, lashed and futilely attempted to coil around his own.

Yet her torment continued from there. Teasing words and ministrations that generated a rollercoaster of orgasmic delight. Toes curled as he stripped her down, took her to heaven yet barred the gates and let her drop back into the clouds before torturing her with a relief that never came.

When it was over, the poor thing needed a moment to catch her breath. Sweat glistened upon that heated silhouette as she struggled to focus on the tall, overpowering presence before her. That love button had long since emerged from its hood, now all the more vulnerable to his exploits. Aegir still promoted freedom of choice with regards to their fired up bodies and what’s to come. There was no real choice here and they both knew it. She could refuse him now, but to what end? Avenging this little game of theirs later would be more than worth it, provided he was open to being teased a bit more than in the here and now.

“Hah .. Mmm .. N-No .. My mind’s more than made up ..” Phoebe arched into him. Stiffened teats prodded the man’s flesh. An arm looped around his neck, washing over that shoulder blade in an effort to help bring them even closer together. Foreheads touched during that same, delicate scene, a free hand reaching up to cup the mauve being’s cheek. She looked deep into the milky white abyss of his gaze, now eye to eye with the ancient and powerful mystic, to the fleeting cascade of fingertips trailing down the side of his face, followed by one of those mouth tendrils that would soon slip from her grasp.

Wisps of a smile embellished the flushed visage as he felt the settling of lips upon that central tentacle. One small albeit tender advance compared to the imminent union of their bodies. The barely perceptible suction and playful nibbling washed over him all the same. Smoldering breaths danced across his own skin. She practically purred while tending to him in the faintest of ways, letting anticipation build just a little more.

“If you want to hear how badly I want you .. I’d be happy to be of service ..” Phoebe did not verbalize her thoughts that time, allowing him to bask in that closeness even as a familiar touch had ventured between their forms, and all the way down to the most monstrous of trunks. “Or .. would you rather pass up on sweet nothings .. and .. put this thing inside me?”

With but a wink, that knowing touch soon brought tension as it crawled up his member, insufferable heat spreading through the others as they were temporarily neglected in favor of worshipping their obscenely large sibling. “I’m no telepath, but I believe .. that’ll please you more ..”

Far from the unknown, Aegir’s manhood still numbed the blonde’s mind as it was practically second to none. Wielding that kind of dangerous weapon made her feel lightheaded. She palmed the massive girth, rubbing along sections and those heated veins where her own nectar had drenched the throbbing mass in agonizingly slow strokes.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Aegir and Fafner had never seen eye to eye. Father and son. The consequences of allowing a node to mature too much. It was the way of his species. A node was little more than a tool. It grew in sentience until it killed the parent. The two were anomalies. Often nodes were destroyed every few months though it had the drawback of having to teach a new node all over again. Which tended to make them less vigilant in getting rid of them until they displayed too much intelligence. Without question they would be destroyed then.

Some faked their sentience until the time came to replace the parent. Fafner should have been killed long ago. Now the pair hated each other with a passion. The biology of their species would never allow them to reconcile. However, they shared the same appreciation of this firecracker. While Fafner was less inclined to how his appreciation in anything but sheer dominance Aegir had the opposite mind set.

Stripped naked before him those white eyes take in her small frame. So small. And yet so enticing. He sensed her thoughts. Though her considerations differed than the norm. It was mildly surprising. He was use to beings wishing for the pleasure he could bestow. He was also use to the less willing. Aegir preferred coercion and bargaining. It was a quirk of his but he especially enjoyed those that came to him out of their own volition. Though he could dominate minds he rather not have to suffer those in a hypnotized state.

Your thoughts are wandering.

The taste of her upon his tongue. The way she refrained from looking away from the depths of his eyes. Reaching up to hold him in place. Forehead to forehead he was a bit cooler to the touch than the mammals she was use to. Moist to the touch but not slimy or wet even. Her fingers would come away dry.

His strong hands roamed her body. Fingers engulfing her breasts showing them the same attention as he did with the larger ones. Palms swirling against those nipples. Aegir showed patience as she caught her breath.

He did consider effective drugs. Immune to most telepathic abilities he could not tamper with his own brains. But given his high metabolism drugs were less effective. Fafner found a way to use them. Though he took a lot of him to boost his sped in determent to his telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

Still just thinking about those possibilities caused her to rise above many others.

Would there be future encounters? Certainly. Especially if she kept that zeal. He debated telling her a brief tail concerning the last time he was surprised. He did not wish to ruin the mood or cast his thoughts from her. Even if he had a segmented main brain that allowed him to focus on more than one thing. The brains at the base of his tentacles hardly counted since they took cues from the main one.

Next time? I'll hold you to that. A tentacle caressed her side others slipped beneath her lifting her ass off the ground a bit and offering her a bit of a cushion. The same followed suit for her shoulders.

Her mind made up she stated her want of this. All this without tapping into her mind. He hardly expected her tongue to be the issue either since she just woke. No doubt Gersham satisfied those needs. Their passions had been riled up quickly enough. Mouth tendrils quivered, his equivalent of a grin.

That is service that I will more than enjoy. He didn't hinder her much. Save for the stroke or caress he let her take the lead.

She offered up an option as her skilled hand discovered his aching body. His scent getting richer all the while. The more aroused he became the greater those invisible waves washed over her. He would enjoy nothing more than taking her then in their but refrained for the moment.

The elder being from beyond knew patient. What's the rush? At the same time he maneuvered himself to that slit. Making a slow rub along it's length. Once more back up then down again. This time he pressed the tip against her. Throbbing wildly against her.

The lightest of pushes and he barely passes those gates. Due to his boneless nature advancing isn't a challenge but he feels how incredibly tight and wet she is. He observes her reaction before pressing a bit more inside. His elastic nature manifesting in those smaller cocks stretching out beneath her. Each slick member slides over an ass cheek then deviates to join together at the crack of her ass.

There was so much of him. He could take on groups or overwhelm one being.

More flows into her. A pause. Even more. Studying her for a reaction Aegir knows that he has to be careful even if he can manage her pain. He had to be mindful that she didn't get too out of hand either. Modern medicine was good though he preferred not to use it. Given his metabolism he himself did not need assistance to deal with his ills.

Still as divine as I recall. I'm going to begin moving now. He warned. Following up with a squeezed to those breasts. Fingers dance over her nipples. Tweaking them as he starts to move. Those twin cocks getting into position at her backdoor. Swirling against her in one direction. Getting tied up then spinning in the opposite direction as they come undone. More akin to a drilling sensation without the accompanying penetration. His boneless nature making such a feat possible.

Author:  Phoebe [ Tue Jul 23, 2024 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

No rush, but that scent getting stronger dialed up her own longing for the inevitable. Still nowhere near inherent a response, it still managed to provoke the woman’s desire even more. He wanted it. She wanted him. Any further delay left her tingling, dripping sex on the brink of claiming that slab of man meat herself. But, patience was a virtue for a reason. When he finally granted her a taste of him, the moment felt just right.

Immersing himself in the embrace of her body battered him with momentary bursts of crippling delight. What divine heat he’d experienced moments prior infused every part of him that became one with the beguiling blonde. Sublime tightness crushed his mighty phallus on top of twitching netherlips lavishing the creature’s aching tip with attention. Their every feverish contraction, a game of tightening and relaxing without delay, was akin to a deep, wet kiss which encouraged more hot blood to gush into the monstrous girth, to bask in that closeness, to take more of what was offered to him right then and there.

Yet Aegir observed for a moment. He caught that shift in expression torn between awe, pleasure and discomfort alike. The way her head had dipped forward, then shot back up with his initial insertion, bedroom voice sounding approval as hazy eyes briefly lost their focus on the ceiling instead of him. The quickened nature of her breaths. While experienced, there was much for her to take in.

Taking Gersham from base to tip had filled her with a strange sense of pride. Nothing the likes of which Aegir could hope to replicate. She could never take all of that gargantuan dick. Some, but not all. In a dream, maybe. Humans still had their limits and there was no mounting that thing until he truly bottomed out.

There was no need for it either as Aegir and Fafner were ranked above all others when it came to sheer, overwhelming masculinity. Some men and all the more special women made her feel full, but there were far fewer that left her feeling hollow. It’s as though none compared to this genuine feeling of getting stuffed to the brim, this presence without equal. Smoldering heat spread where that beast ground against her, the blaze hotter than what was already there. Without even touching it directly, it still felt as though his endowment stimulated the throbbing bundle of nerves that made up her love button. It was one of a kind, and it was practically leaving her mind reeling before completing a full thrust.

She held on well. Slow, but ongoing were those cruel teases of a hand against that thick cock until he filled her well beyond what untrained bodies would’ve been comfortable with. Slippery velvet spread to the limit to contain him, his progress visible in the ever expanding bulge that strained against her lower belly from within.

“Unnf .. O-Oh God .. Aegir, that’s .. A-Ah .. Amazing ..” Slumped against him, but with enough room for him to fondle her breasts, face buried in his neck, heated breaths washed across the vein of that delicate tissue where familiar lips and an equally eager tongue rewarded him in their own little ways. A suckle here, a deft lick there, a sharp gasp to lash across his flesh whenever he pinched those rock hard nipples, all while those arms embrace him, cling to him, nails just barely biting into the tall specimen’s back. “Slowly .. please ..” She only began moving herself just then, testing the waters on what could and couldn’t be done with a partner that impressively large. Gently rocking hips spurred him on. Not a motion appeared wasted when waves of bliss washed over them both.

Twin members drilled against her backside in ways beyond comprehension, a mere precursor of things to come. No matter how full, no matter how tense, the attention there was making her itch for more. Would adding them to the mix leave her a slack jawed, blissed out mess? It was not a matter of when, but how long that’d take to achieve.

Time was against her as far as his persuasive skills were concerned. All the foreplay he thrust upon her earlier pitted that backed up high against the spine tingling descent of that grand spire. Yet there was no rush. She’d not collapse from just one blessed high. If anything, taking in the full brunt of Aegir’s physique promoted the wish to last and perform at her best for as long as humanly possible.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

She was no slave offered up to him. A morsel to be consumed at his leisure. Aegir marveled in that searing heat, his member advancing. Inching further, deeper, though the sheer restraint was evident. He was in no rush to claim her. Shaping her insides to accommodate that large throbbing member.

Each second that passed only heightened his desire to claim her. That smell he emitted a tell tale sign of that ever growing need as he claimed her. As he did so her belly swelled, rippling with his passage that displayed his progress. Bubbling and popping sounds evident. His own pleasure rippling through that moment in time.

She could not take all of him. Her tiny stature limiting her unless Aegir wanted to cause actual damage. He could dull that pain. But she would still experience it. And without any sensation that harm had been done that damage could go unfixed. He could not be around her forever and unless using a node he couldn't sustain that state of mind.

But he was not disappointed at all. She managed to draw in more than last time. Nor did he expect her to take it all. Few had. And never without his assistance. Shokushu had great doctors and were dedicated in healing their students. They were dedicated to the charade. No doctors were present and neither wished to put off their fun to fetch one.

He did pick up on her state of mind. Yes, in a dream. Aegir had become experienced in manipulating dreamscapes. Experimenting he exceeded his species lack of creativity. Though he would admit that he wasn't very creative himself. Stealing memories from various students he could shape his creations better just by using bits and pieces from multiple experiences. Most of his kind saw him as being corrupted by humans. While he would not disagree Aegir saw this as a good thing.

So her thoughts were put aside for future reference. Stopping inside her he basked in the heat that washed him. Each convulse of her body around him heightened his own experience. Aegir waited for her to regain focus. Her nails doing little against his back as her face buried itself in his neck.

Fingers still freely played with her nipples. A thrill hit him with that possessiveness. Those feelings he was reading from her. The sensation of feeling hollow, knowing there was more that he could give her. The contrast between being filled and unable to be filled warring against her.

We have yet to truly start. She could hear the chuckle in her mind. Words mixed with pride at generating them. He drew back so as to regard her. A slight shake of his head.


But rather than surging inside her, taking her with all abandon and losing himself within her Aegir used his tentacles to pull her up into a sitting position. Twin members drilling into her rear. Thinner appendages since they had to stretch out to reach her. Those slick members smaller than that prominent central shaft didn't borrow too deeply into her backside. They set a steady pace. Though she was sitting upon that spire that filled her that central shaft refrained from moving other than that steady throbbing pulse. His body already leaking pre-cum inside her core.

Her mouth had been left unattended on purpose. Absolutely loving her bedroom voice. Music a fond weakness of his and there were few sounds he preferred to get lost in.

Take as much or as little as you desire. At whatever pace you desire.

He instructed. Tentacles rubbing and massaging her back while his hands continued to play with her small breasts. Small, large or inbetween he had experienced them all. Sculpt them all as he sculpted those breasts. Enjoying their feel. He was no longer restraining her. Those tentacles upon her were supporting her posture or rubbing over her body. Massaging it in places. In others manipulating that blessed body with subtle movements against her clit.

The tip of one even wriggled in her belly button and flicked over the piercing there from time to time. Aegir would wait until she was ready to take the lead matching her pace with the plundering of her ass. Though if she attempted to speed up to much his hands would halt her hips.

Care was used so as not to damage his prize. There was no need for her to attempt to prove herself. The sheer fact that she had thought about things had been almost as good as if she accomplished them. He had a quirk, several in fact. One of his biggest being he enjoyed being the object of attention, idolized, worshiped, cherished. It had ingrained in him manipulating situations to his advantage in the past. Often simply by interceding in a situation that made him out to being a savior. One to focus their gratitude on.

He had done such with her, stealing her from Fafner. Even setting her up with some of his wealth. The benefits were few, a long shot, but should they pay off all the better. And if not, well he wasn't expecting much.

You are doing a splendid job. I wouldn't want you to exhaust yourself too quickly. Of course you've hardly had a chance to recover from the other night so it wouldn't be fair to expect you to last long, either. I don't know how long I can hold back, Phoebe. I have thought of you often since last time.

It might have been a bit unclear. That he might not fuck her into oblivion just yet. That he would stop after they hit their highs, at least for now. But that may not be the case. Regardless, he didn't move that larger member at all allowing her to set the pace. Though clearly they couldn't remain like that forever. One or the other if not both would give in to their desire.

Author:  Phoebe [ Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Some liked taking the reins more, others wanted her to set the pace. Familiar with both sides, there would be no trouble following his instructions other than accommodating that pulsing behemoth. Squirming just a little, the crown still pierced her, making it known how heavenly taking him in would be, but that it also required caution on her part. Strong hands held her up in case strength failed her, encouraging the former agent to try and claim her own prize.

“Uhhhnnn .. I-It's .. Mnnghh ..” So much. Just one descent on that central shaft sent her mind reeling. Spread to capacity, nothing other than simmering nectar and his elasticity helped them along. Gravity could only achieve that much as wanton folds clamp down hard around the meaty intruder. The faintest of movements produced the loveliest sounds from her lips though the same actions threatened to suck him dry with relentless abandon. That incredible suction tore at his resolve whereas the raw size of him ground against delicate nerves that were bursting with bodily glee from the start.

The bounce of her body commenced. Slow, methodical, then ever more surgically once it adapted to how much humans could be expected to with a man that blessed by nature. Squelching sounds accompanied heated moans, staggered breaths and the needy pawing of small hands that washed over him at any given time, each in their own way enhancing the feel of Phoebe’s chalice devouring him in ways no memory could match.

To be praised for such efforts made her spine tingle with delight. To be swarmed with attention from all sides. Her mind was swimming in pleasure yet he pulled it back to a semblance of coherence when prompted with comments on his recurring thoughts about her.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about our reunion myself.” She responded in his mind as that honey like voice was too busy expressing her fondness of the ride on his three members. Glassy eyes had snapped back into focus, meeting his own while at half-mast. “About you ..”

Whether the words needed explaining or not, a more fulfilling clarification would have to wait. Warmth and the damp touch of that luscious tongue lashed at him once more as her words echoed in their shared thoughts. “You’ll hold back for me as much as you can, won’t you, Aegir? I’ll do my best to keep up .. How else would I transcend those thoughts you were having?” Phoebe teased him with a grin, with wanting to give it a go, that creativity alone couldn’t live up to what the real deal could do to him. Still, her recovery was far from complete. They both knew it. How much could really be expected of one in her current state?

She cheated. Not that he could be fooled, but being in charge altered the rules in her favor. As tempestuous hips quickened, then slowed to a crawl, alternating between this pace and that and somewhere in between, Aegir would figure it out in due time. Phoebe had no desire to rush to the finish line. Sublime tightness challenged him to contain that boiling hot release instead.

There and back again, relief would be dangled in front of him only to be denied. Similar to yanking on a leash around his neck, he neared that prized orgasm only to be refused, to be forced to ache and want it ever more when her embrace deliberately fell short of making him cum. She denied them both. Once. Twice. Thrice. There was hardly a way to count how many times it happened when the need became too much to bear.

Smoldering erotic torment presented rarely experienced thrills. Through them, Aegir tasted more than the here and now. What he endured offered glimpses of one promised future encounter. Sworn to repay every unrelenting tease from today, Phoebe pushed buttons few dared to even touch. She got him fired up, riding him to the brink and back again without granting genuine fulfillment, and happily played with that power. Whether heaven, hell, or both, nothing could be done about that divine poison of denial without him taking control away from her.

Phoebe broke out into a sweat. The glistening temptress locked eyes with him, always, between loving ministrations to the side of his face, mouth tendrils and neck. Small gestures that stoked the embers of their lovemaking until her own willpower eroded enough to drop the game more and more.

“Mmnh .. Ahhnn .. Yesss ..” What telekinetic focus the blonde firecracker could muster lifted the cephalopod’s mouth tentacles. She inched closer. Closer still. Arching her back forced peach sized breasts on him, molten delights that ended up smushed between her and the supreme telepath’s torso. Tentacles got trapped feeling them up though that longing stare compelled even the most enigmatic mind to focus on what mattered most.

He caught the way Phoebe bit her lower lip. Not to stifle another moan, but as an expression of wanting something else. The dull throbbing ache pervading her tongue matched the flames that stirred her from within. She could imagine no better time to act on that need. Time was running out for both of them, after all, for holding back much longer would’ve been impossible.

Lips embellished with drool elicited from their actions parted to speak. Aegir already knew what would be asked of him, but knowledge did not match the delight that was hearing the words spoken out loud.

“Kiss me.”

A demand that couldn’t be fulfilled without him. The petite woman still threw it at him, commanding him to submit to her despite her smaller stature, despite breathless words that bordered on moans dedicated solely to his every ministration.

If he answered the call, the motions between them escalated. Voracious lips tasted him once more. Her tongue practically jolted with every touch, every blow exchanged with his own. Hips thrust more eagerly, almost impatiently, into the mammoth spire below. All the while, he could bask in those muffled cries, the harmonic crescendo he’d heard countless times as it built and built to an expected, but nevertheless gratifying end.

Yet it did not reach his ears immediately. Her bouncing form flaunted experience. Ancient beings like him could not be matched, but it delayed the inevitable and thus prolonged this maddening bliss. She held back that which couldn’t be contained forever. Sweet release. He could feel how close that shining body was. The crushing depths that folded around him, then relaxed only to grip him with the force of a clenched first once more. Searing fires licked and lashed across that heated phallus which hit her everywhere at once. Sinful eyes revealed the mighty male’s reflection even as they were starting to roll back and flutter helplessly amidst that mind numbing rush beyond the finish line.

If he could last until either of them had to break the kiss to come up for air, he would hear the resounding wail of ecstasy from her lips. Another facet of the symphony that’s been in the making since their intimate union began. If not, it wouldn’t matter either. Phoebe succumbed with him to the sweltering high they’d craved for what felt like an eternity.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: He Waits (for Phoebe)

Phoebe had no need to finish those words. Her smaller frame descending down over him as more of his length entered those tight folds. Finding them soaked, tight muscles rippled about him.

Careful … he cautioned. Years of Shokushu got her use to the idea of strange beings dominating her. Time spent as a sex slave prepared her to dole out pleasure. It must have been rare indeed that Phoebe managed to dominate another.

Though neither had been in a dominate position Aegir allowed her command of the situation. He was use to being in control. Use to taking. So when such a situation came up, when one came to him willingly he allowed them to take the initiative if they were so inclined.

As it were she was more than up to it. Her body teasing. Altering it's pace whenever either began feeling too much pleasure. Her confession was as pleasing as those sounds that she made. He fought against temptation, fought against taking her. Several times he nearly had when brought so close. Aegir could see the delight on those strained features each time. It was costing her just as much if not more to resist giving in to what they both wanted.

He could have made the situation easier on her. Could have altered her perceptions. Disguising himself to her senses. In that way he could appear smaller, give her the illusion of consuming all of him. At the same time he preferred his natural state. She was familiar with it already and this was what she knew.

Feeling her tongue against him those thoughts enter his mind. I will do my best. Indeed he had intended to hold back as long as possible. The scent he exuded was strong now. His desire peeking as she continued to tease their bodies. It was like lighting fireworks but snuffing the wick each time shortly thereafter. Eventually there was no wick left to prevent that explosion from going off. In time they would reach that state but both benefited from the sensations.

The twin cocks that were drilling inside her ass matched the pace she had been using at the time. Syncing up with ease. Those cocks rubbing against the passage of the larger one. Aegir was more than pleased with the diminutive firecracker. As maddening as it was, as much as he sought to fill those depths with his seed.

Perhaps it was a mistake in freeing her. Perhaps he should have kept her. Though a slave need not be collared all the time. As it were she wouldn't deny him. She simply had a longer leash. Keeping tabs on her whether through personal devices or his Tulpa Aegir had no reason to limit her.

Especially when she acted like this. Submitting while at the same time keeping him intrigued. That well trained body rocked over him.

Was she aware that she was using her abilities? He felt a tingle in a mouth tendril that he had dismissed until it began moving. He had not tried to resist it or counter the attempt with his own. Instead seeing what she would do with it. Aegir figured she knew what she was doing as she issued a command. To kiss her. He could have defied her. Could have refused to be commanded. But he had not taken it that way.

Gladly. He took her mouth with his own. Tongues entwining, in that moment she was air tight. His tongue doing what he refrained in doing so far as it danced along her own. Stimulating her as much as she was stimulating their bodies.

Her core clenched tightly around him. That passion growing as his tentacles swam over her back and legs. Fingers pressing in against her hips. His own sounds garbled up by the press of their mouths. Bleeding into her own. Choked off pops and bubbling sounds. A mouth tendril caressed the back of her head. Another a cheek and another still trickled down her neck.

Hips became more urgent. His hands ensuring she didn't take too much of him by accident. The up shift in tempo caught him off guard. An electric current rushed through him, more of that pre-cum torn from him before he clamped down his own release. Had she inspected the tip of that member it opened like a flower allowing him to pass forth his nodes if he wished. The aperture giving him greater control of his release. His urethra X shaped rather than a slit all four portions pressing together tightly in order to hold off the rush of cum that built up and threatened to gush out despite his control. Often it wasn't an issue. Though in this case he had been asked to hold back.

Cries heard upon the braking of that kiss Aegir focused on her. I'm going to fill you up … now ... He stated. Moving inside her as he added to that increased pace without altering the depth she had gotten use to. A few seconds after his announcement the gush came. All three members came at once. The smaller ones barely offering up his seed in comparison to the flood that bellowed out of that central shaft. Painting her insides while his member kept her plugged up at the same time.

Even better than last time. He stilled inside her. Still gushing, still throbbing. Tentacles caressing her as he regained his breath.

I see you've already started on your training. He caressed her cheek with the very tendril she used her telekinesis on. That eager to get started or would you prefer something else to occupy your time right now?

A hand swept over the curve of one of her breasts as he stated that. White eyes locked upon the pilot. Though now that they had finished the story he had considered wouldn't ruin the mood. Her future one, maybe, though she went through Shokushu and knew what occurred there.

Or I could regal you with a story. Feeling your thoughts in the beginning it may assist you. Not in developing your skills but with other maters. His hand pulled away from her tit. Those twin cocks freeing themselves from her ass though he remained lodged in her confining pussy as it continued to pulse around him delightfully so.

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