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 Nuisances (for Vesperia) 
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
The walk was a long one. If there were other aliens that were passed, they passed without harassing the aching pirate woman. They were either too busy with their own business or had no interest in taking sloppy seconds of used goods. The sore woman made her way towards the space port. There was some activity though it paled in comparison to any other established point of entry in civilized space.

Aliens that were approached responded with sniffs and grunts. Much like Gus, no one wanted to be a snitch whether they had the information or not. The monitors throughout the port were kept vague as well. Most ports just showed whether they were occupied or not, maybe a model of ship. But, there was most likely information being kept elsewhere but would require talking to who runs the port or hacking into the systems to find the data herself. There may have even been surveillance footage of the culprits returning to their ship.

There were a few lounges and bars where people would eat and talk either before leaving Hadante or soon after arriving. Some mentioned a group of crazy folk that were trying to offload sensitive cargo that probably belonged to some big name in the criminal underworld. The aliens here were more vocal though a human woman by herself was no doubt drawing some attention if the stench of sex did not already.

Would Scorch pry further in hopes of learning more? Did she have her own information to provide in exchange or would she offer something else? If there was talk about these people, it could be recent gossip. Would learning who they were and their last location be enough to satisfy Vespira? How long would it take for Scorch to send her report back to her Mistress? Would the goods be sold and lost by then?

From the footage and names provided by Gus, it was a small group though there could be more back on their ship. Most likely, it was a small crew of desperate or foolish individuals who hoped to get away with this big bounty.


Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:50 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Fortune was kind enough to see her to the port. However, her luck ran out there as she was dismissed by the plethora of organic workers. The droids weren't much better performing their tasks and working around her. Hadante had no kiosk droids to get such information not that much more then public knowledge would have been obtained. Still that may have given her some hint on a ship's departure though she knew from experience that any record of a destination was hardly ever adhered to. Even with the ships that booked passage it was a common enough practice to give false information.

There was some small knowledge to be gained in departure points and space lanes. Which took you to a place quicker. Not that many outside of navigators, mathematicians and droids could do all the calculations.

With no real hacking skills she would have to rely on 92. If he could hack into some common files that would be great. She would use that only as a last resort when they were about to depart if she couldn't come up with anything.

Scorch was sort of hoping to run into someone familiar. As much as she would have hated being seen in such a state a friendly or at least not hostile face with information would be grand. With that in mind she frequented one of the nearest taverns.

Some of the beings were familiar but she hadn't noticed any of her old crew. Rumors and gossip passed hands. She had no credits to grease paws, tentacles, hands or other limbs at present. A trade, credit, or something else could be arranged.

In her state, however, her sex appeal would have little draw. Not unless she got cleaned up first. Hm. Perhaps someone wouldn't mind traveling with her to the next world? She could get cleaned up then “pay” for any information she received in route.

That thought had her operating in her current state. Each step reminding her keenly of how hard she was fucked. The cloud of sex surrounding her made it impossible to sneak up on anyone but her hears picked up stray words that perked her interest.

She drifted in that direction. Using other patrons to mask her from the sight of any servers so she didn't waste time on making an order since she could not pay for it.

“Excuse me. I couldn't help but hear that you've heard that Kamar has just passed through here ...” She just would have play things by ear. Sizing up reactions, judging cues and determining the best course of action in attempting to extract information should she not be dismissed straight away. If it didn't seem likely that any avenue would work she would have to try with 92 and hope he could pull up any relevant information. If that too failed she'd have little choice but to clean up and ask about the spaceport a final time concerning recent departures. While working on that she'd task 92 with looking up nearby planets in the market for slaves and those sites that had the biggest markets. Her guess was that they would want to get rid of everything all at once. Her idea being that if she could track the goods she could track the pirates. If none of that worked there were other contacts she had from her pirate days if they were still around that might know about any upstarts. Scorch was in a hurry but didn't want to act without having a firm destination in mind.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:46 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
A familiar face may not necessarily be a friendly one after so much time. Scorch was perhaps lucky she did not find anyone from her old crew. How would she explain the state she was in or that she was serving not only Mercer as a slave but Vespira as well? It would not be difficult to track down the old crew with the resources Scorch has available. How long has it been since she last spoken to any of them? Were they still together and enjoying the freedom space piracy usually entailed?

But, that would be a detour for another time. The fiery redhead made her way towards those who were gossiping about the targets in question. The table had a rat-like humanoid, a hairless humanoid with rough grey skin, and mantis looking creature with a deep green colored chitin exoskeleton. The polite interruption drew the attention of all three. The ratman's eyes narrowed as his whiskers wiggled a bit. "A human woman? Out here? Hmph..." he did not have much care for polite talk in this shady part of the galaxy. But, Scorch was not shoo'ed away at least. "Yeah, he and some others came in a hurry. Asked just about everyone about a shadier joint to dump his cargo. Can you imagine a shadier place than this dump?"

The insectoid creature chittered a bit and the grey-skin chuckled. "Someone chattered some cords just to make them go away. If the shit he has can't be dumped here, it ain't anything we want part in. Pretty sure it is just debris fields and asteroids out there. But people always spread rumors about it be where darker shit goes down. If they are lucky, they ain't finding nothin. Else, they might not come back. If you believe that junk that is."

"Now, are you just going to stand around there or you gunna buy some drinks?" the ratman asked as he reached out and pinches Scorch's side, "Not sure why you care about those fools. But from the smell of it, you came out here for something else. Right, girlie?"

The coordinates mentioned were certainly further away from civilization. Going out that far was dangerous if one was ever caught alone. It was a place of desperation of those who were fleeing or those seeking some rumored bounty. It was a place for others to hunt for those very desperate folk and to hide away from the laws and rulers that they wanted no part of.

If it was true that they have failed to sell any of their cargo and were in a hurry, they could also be running out of supplies on their end. These may not be a skilled bunch but a group that is way in over their heads. Of course, Vespira would not care and knowing such would no doubt upset her further. She would make every effort that no one learns a bunch of nobodies stole something of hers.


Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:11 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Scorch took in the three aliens. No one she knew or recognized but it had been a few years since she had been here. As luck had it given her current state she had yet to be recognized too. While not a huge galactic celebrity she had a fan base that watched her vids from the arena. She had a modest following among the fans, not so much she was recognized all the time but it happened often enough.

While she couldn't attribute the qualities of animals to species Scorch found that she did so on a subconscious level. If one of them appeared rat-like her current state probably wasn't too offensive. It was a stretch, she knew, but associating what looked to be a rat with the vermin she knew was just second nature.

She was thrilled at what she was hearing. A smile formed up on her lips. “No, I can't imagine such a place. Hadante is as bad as I remember. To find something worse ...”

A pinch to the side, she did not pull away, however. The rat-man bringing attention to her current state and the smell that clung to her. How much scrubbing would she have to do later? Even the insectoid said something to one of his companions but she did not understand what was said. She guessed it had something to do with her.

Thankful for the change in topic she could use that to get out of explaining purchasing a drink. If she had the credits she certainly would have paid for the information.

A genuine smile pulled at her lips. “Oh? I was sort of hoping that you'd give me a drink.” She leaned closer to his ear flicking her tongue over it. A hand sweeping against his leg.

She whispered, not that she cared about being overheard. As deeming as it was to use herself like this she was focused on accomplishing this assignment at near any cost provided it did not jeopardize her sister or Vespira in the process.

“Me. You. Outback sugar. Give me those coordinates and I'll let you cum wherever you like.” She straightened up, still running her hand along his leg. Letting it creep up a bit higher.

It was too crowded in her, not that she wasn't experienced in dealing with an audience. Still, less of a scene, the quicker she can peruse Kamar. Why she was after these guys had been something she hadn't addressed though if he insisted on knowing she'd tell him in part keeping it brief. Indicating that they took something that doesn't belong to them. Let him surmise her reason. Though if he appeared to hold out she would have to relay a bit more. Lying if necessary about wanting to get her hands on a specific stolen article without a care for the rest. Not much of a stretch. She just needed to locate these people, confirm it, then turn matters over to Vespira's people.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:28 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
The type of arena fans out in these parts of space would only be interested in having a piece of a gladiatrix's fine ass. But, the female fighters of the arena were almost always owned by those with money and power. Much like attacking and taking an already owned slave, there were risks in messing with a gladiatrix beyond simple resistance. Seeing a gladiatrix or former one doing a walk of shame would probably seem like a normal occurrence to most and not something many would want to take seconds from.

But the ratman had no such qualms. "I knew it!" he laughed as his tail whipped back and forth, "Told ya that this one was another slut!" The other humanoid merely waved the ratman off while the insectoid chittered. "Come on, toots!"

With this establishment being in the spaceport, there was not really a back exit. But, there was at least a bathroom to get away from the knowing looks of the other patrons. "Lose the suit," the ratman ordered. He would snicker at the sight of her previous fling with a previous alien. But, he had no issues working around or even through the mess.

Instead of fucking and cumming immediately, the ratman's face buried between Scorch's thighs. Those whiskers tickled her thighs while that nose stimulated that clit. His flexible tongue went to work plundering the woman's depths. Much like the last time she fucked a ratman back in one of Vespira's establishments, this had a similar ritual.

The ratman feasted on Scorch's juices, using them to produce pheromones designed to increase arousal and attraction towards the disgusting creature. If Scorch resisted, he would take her down to the floor to resume eating her out, adding more and more of the alluring mist to the air to be inhaled and absorbed through her skin.

The creature took his time, drawing out those needy orgasms and drowning the woman in her musky stench. He would eventually free his curved dick, stroking it as he stares up at the woman. "So, where do you need fucking, slut?"


Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:25 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Slut. As many times as she heard that word it still burned. Scorch bit down those feelings simply smiling. That excitement was clear to read she was lead away oblivious to what the insectoid said.

She fought through her aches a little better, not that she wasn't feeling them but her own excitement in getting closer to her task. Just like before she hadn't been hindered in her movements. Doing her best to keep up. It soon occurred to her that they were in a restroom. She saw her appearance reflected in a dirty mirror. Not the best, not the worse either.

White streaks of dried cum were splashed across her face. Her hand brushed away some of the crumbling mess. Her red hair was darker, mixed with the crusty residue of cum it would take a thorough washing to get back to it's natural vibrant color.

It was a bit late to make much of a fuss over her appearance. Instructed to ditch the clothes they were harder to remove outside of the trench coat. They clung to her skin. The suit being tight in the first place. More flaky white streaks covered her arms and chest. Some falling away though as more skin was revealed more of that scent escaped.

Discarding her clothes and blaster, blue eyes glanced to the door. Hoping that they had not been disturbed. The room was unisex so she figured it had a lock. Pure instinct had her glance in that direction. Butterflies gathered in her stomach. While his species was far from attractive she drew upon her experiences in her past encounter with one of his species.

If anything training at Vespira's club kept her from bolting to the door.

Things had not gone according to her plan. She thought he'd go for a quick fuck. Instead her ass was on the lip of the sink. His head buried between her thighs as he feasted. Priming her for what was to come. Whiskers tickling her thighs, that deft nose stimulating her clit.

Battling between pushing him away and holding him close her hands ball up into fists.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” Her body responding. Eventually her fists uncurl. Gripping him by his shoulders. Her heated body spiking, her orgasms coming one after another. When she thought she could take no more she tried to push him away only to find that he took her to the dirty floor.

His ritual proceeded to generate those explosions within her core. Her pussy throbbed and twitched, well lubricated by his tongue and her own juices. Her clit and nipples were quit erect and ready for further attention.

Scorch gazed up at him, her eyes drawn to that curved cock as it was unveiled. “Here. Right here.”

Reaching down between her thighs she parts that primed pussy for him. The way it's reacting it looks as if it is ready to devour him. The pheromones collected in the air only combine with her need. While not as strong as it was back at the club given the dried cum blocking a lot of her pores enough gets in to arouse her. Her lungs full of that corrupted air Scorch feels good, feels that need explode so soon after Gus as she's taking to new heights of arousal.

“I want you to fill me up.” Prior training kicking in, despite wanting things to go fast initially. The club teaching her much about forgoing her pleasure until the patron was satisfied.

“That is if you have anything left after I gobble you up.”

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:42 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Hands pushed those thighs up and down towards Scorch's upper body. The alien rat wasted no time in forcing his curved dick right into those visibly twitching folds. He was amused by the so called challenge though it lacked any force when it was interrupted by the sounds the woman made with that first thrust. The thick throbbing knob seared along those slick inner walls, curving up and jabbing that g-spot. The creature's hips were nearly a blur as he fucked at a fast and rapid pace. "Think you can handle me, huh?" He hissed, "Just getting started, babe!"

The fucking was relentless as he plowed down into the enslaved pirate in a mating press. His long tail curled down between his one legs. The thick and flexible appendage would press against Scorch's ass before forcing its way inside. The woman would feel that tail spreading her tight ass as it sawed against the alien male's dick through her inner walls.

The tail would wiggle wildly, rubbing against every inch of that sensitive passage while those hips kept churning away at the woman's body and sanity.

The only times the fucking stopped was when he changed positions. The ratman would roll the woman onto her hands and knees or her stomach of if she lacked the strength to keep up. He forced his cock back into those inviting depths, hips slapping into the woman's ass as his tip curled right into the woman's cervix. Each thrust demanded entry into the very chalice Scorch begged to be filled. Hands would reach down to grab both wrists and pull them back, holding the woman's upper body up as every thrust caused that lovely form to rock forward.

"Yeah! Knew you were a good sloppy fuck!" He cheered, "Get ready, bitch. I'm pumping it all into your hot bod!"


Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:13 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
The aroma of sex and those pheromones hung in the air she gulped down. No one could say his species didn't prime a gal. Each breath deepening that aroused state as he consumes her. At the same time he was adding fuel to the fire.

Not fooled at all by what she truly wanted there was no further delay as he used that curved tool to choke off a glorious cry. One deep thrust pressed passed those tight quivering muscles. While certainly not as large as Gus he knew what he was doing. Surging deep inside her, hitting just the right spot at the right angle it was as if her body had been sculpted for him.

That single thrust told her who was in command. Clenching around him, her soreness at her earlier escapades didn't even register with her. The drugs in the air seeing to that as he moved like a blur.

“OH FUCK! GOD YESSS!” Each thrust was heaven as he seared his way inside her. Hands initially bunched up as pleasure slammed through her. Taking her off guard she hadn't expected such a tidal wave. Figuring soreness would factor in against any pleasure she would take from this.

She hadn't recalled just how persuasive and potent his species could be. Relentless, his stamina impressive Scorch was hoarse from crying out.

As her hands found purchase against his chest that flexible tail joined in on the fun. Giving how fast he was slamming into her and how wet she was fluid continually splashed out of her body. Much coating the newfound weapon that entered her. Making progress easier for them both.

“Ohhh ...too m-much … AHHH!!!” But he had not let up outside of switching position every so often. Her best guess was it was more for his sake when he got a bit sore himself.

She soon lost track of how she got here. On a filthy bathroom floor she barely kept herself up on all fours though as she began to flag his hold on her arms prevented her from falling to the floor.

Limits were reached and pressed beyond multiple times. She came so often she was on a permanent high. Her body quivering with each thrust as he filled her holes. That tail rubbing up against his cock only brought additional shock waves of pleasure through her.

His words cut through the fog that surrounded her.

“Oh! Yeah! Fill me up with your cum!” Her eyes closing, her body shuddering when that additional pressure hit. The gush flowing into her triggered another release as her body slumped forward. Breasts mashed into the floor until his hold jerked her back. Cum rushing into her with a mass escaping around his cock to collect on the floor beneath her.

Scorch panting like a fish taken from water. Her body not so much flopping like said fish but trembling against the latest orgasm that ripped through her.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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The Journey

Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
The hairy creature was more than happy to blow his fat load right into the woman's hungry womb. Scorch felt the familiar heat of fresh hot seed inside her core. The creature's balls clenched, pumping more and more smoldering goo into his yearning prize. The disgusting stench of the restroom was now soaking in the stench of sex and this vile rat.

The ratman released Scorch's wrists, letting her fall back down onto the hard floor. He pulled out and walked over to grab the panting woman by the hair. "Didn't you say you were going to gobble me up, bitch?" The alien male sneered and pulled the woman's face into her his crotch. His erect member pressed against the enslaved woman's face, smearing their shared fluids. His sweaty sac rubbed over the woman before he guided himself into those panting lips.

He did not care how worn down the woman was. His hips bucked against Scorch's face, ensuring he would have his fill of this once confident woman. The ratman would happily fuck this woman's throat raw before pumping his essence deep into her belly. What breaths she could muster would be soaked in his vile yet alluring stench. His grip on her hair kept her from pulling away until he was satisfied.

A few spurts of cum would splash on Scorch's face and breasts as he pulled out. He admired the state the woman was in. "Still want more, babe? I can have you gobble all you like under the table while I drink with the boys." As he still held Scorch by the hair, his other clawed hand would caress and give nice hard squeezes to one of those sweaty cum-stained breasts.

Dragging the woman out to the others would certainly provide endless satisfaction and entertainment. But there was Vespira's task as well. The more time spent here, the older the information and trail would get.


Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:40 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
God she had forgotten how much stamina the last of his kind had. Had it not been for her training Scorch wouldn't have the stamina to remain coherent enough. The only thing keeping her mind drifting back to the club was the stench of this room. A stench that mixed with the pheromones and sex.

He pressed her onward as if he took challenge in her words. When at last he finished and that hot load fired within her he released her arms. Had she been a bit slower she might have collapse face first but she managed to get her palms out just in time.

Even so they stung.

Attempting to catch her breath she felt and heard him shift not really conscious of how close he was until her hair was grabbed and she was turned to face that putrid smelling member. Curved as it was it leaked cum along the top side. She saw how it glistened from her own body too.

“Uhh ...”

She had not the time to respond before those sweaty balls made contact with her face. Her face smeared by his member. It wasn't long before she tasted that member as it was driven passed her lips. Vigorously he fucked her face. The curved nature of that cock had it banging at the back of her mouth rather than down her throat,

OH Fuck ... Blue eyes widen. Even though her throat isn't filled with him breathing is challenging. When she is able to catch a breath the air is unclean and far from the best quality. And yet this felt so good. Those pheromones playing havoc with her senses.

However, before long her training kicks in. A hand grips the base of that member, her tongue licks against him. Scorch sucks hard as her free hand fondles those balls until that final moment where she tastes even more of him. A steady stream filling her belly to the point she's gagging when he finally pulls free of her. Those last remnants splashing on her face and tits.

She feels so horrid at what she has become and yet so good at the same time. As if all those years fighting this had been a waste. Still tingling with need in opposition to her sore and exhausted form Scorch battles with the need to serve and her own carnal needs.

No. She couldn't be hindered here further.

Wiping away a glob of cum she cranes her head looking up at him. She shoots him a smile but gives a soft shake of her head.

Her breast fondled in an oh so pleasant way makes her decision harder as she's tugged towards pleasure. Her training making service to Vesperia and Mercer tougher in this instance.

“I have to catch up with Kamar. If your intel is solid I should be able to do so in short order. The sooner I do the sooner I can return.” She leans in tracing his cock a final time from it's base to the crown. There she gives a soft suckle to the tip feeling a buzzing in her head at the pheromones but managing to draw back if he let her this time given his continued hold on her hair.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:46 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Scorch managed to shake her head, refusing the offer for more of this intoxicating moment. "Uhh huh..." the rat responded nonchalantly. The woman said no but she was the one who leaned in to continue washing and sucking on that pungent member. Whatever the woman was thinking, she eventually would pull away, the taste of this rat still coating her tongue.

The ratman did not release her immediately. He guided her back down that curved shaft and pressed her face against those balls. "Alright, babe," he snickers, "Finish cleaning up. We'll see if you come crawling back or not." Those sweaty smelly balls would give Scorch some final hits of this creature's presence. Unfortunately, she would hear the restroom room door open as some other patron came in to relieve himself. She would hear the footsteps as the individual found a stall to use for his respective racial body type. Her attempt to avoid having any audience was not entirely successful, her shame would be known no matter how hard she struggled to hide it.

The alien rodent eventually released the redhead. He took a datapad and put the coordinates down along with his callsign. It was unknown how long Scorch would take and it was not like this alien male lived at the space port. Whether the woman sought him out to continue where they left off or using returning the datapad as an excuse, he was not overly concerned about it. He got a good fuck on a hot babe. It would not be the first time he had a one time stand or was otherwise never contacted again. But with how enthusiastic this slut was, who knows?

The ratman left, leaving Scorch in a fresh coat of alien cum. Every breath was another reminder of her fall and shame. Worse, every breath was still soaking her sense in his pheromones. She needed to get back to her ship and get cleaned up before she considers staying in this filthy place for a bit longer.

As mentioned in their previous conversation, this was beyond civilized or even monitored space. There was an asteroid and junk field supposedly out there where one could salvage though there were many stories of never returning from such an unknown place.

92 was waiting on the ship, having gathered some information about nearby planets but there were not many out in this part of space. It was possible Kamar realized this and decided to take his chances out in no-man's land in the depths of space. Whether they found any one to trade with, it was at least in the opposite direction of any of Vespira's ships and influence.


Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:32 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Scorch was drawn back in before she could disengage. The scent of those sweaty balls was both repulsive and a delight. The source of that stench in the air manipulated the chemicals in her mind. Pushing her ever so closer to giving in.

Perhaps if she were weaker willed. Perhaps if not for all that teasing and denial from Mercer that kept her in such a tormented state. Whatever the case she managed to resist if only barely. Still, she enthusiastically licked, sucked and cleaned as prompted.

In the grand scheme of things this hadn't been too bad. A challenge to her stamina Scorch had nearly lost it. The only thing that kept her going was the need to perform her best service to Vesperia. What sort of rewards had been furthest from her mind at this point.

The location could have been better. A frigging restroom and a dirty one at that! If not for the strong stench she was saturated in along with that cloud of pheromones it could have been undesirable. As it was her heart sped up as she heard the door open.

Afraid of being delayed even further she was relieved that the alien had only paused probably in seeing what was going on before resolving the needs of his/her/its bladder. Maybe she would come back this way. It was good having contacts but that was neither here nor there.

Released, Scorch took the offered datapad. Smiling as she glanced at the information on the pad then looked up at him. “Thank you.”

She wouldn't waste time cleaning up the restroom or herself. Nor with her clothes for the most part. Boots, her trench coat and her blaster pistol jammed into one of the deep pockets. The interior of the trench coat was still damp and smelly but she doubted she'd be able to squeeze back into that flight suit a second time. Besides it'd be a pain taking off again.

The farther she got from the restroom the more she felt those aches and sores from Gus return. Not as doped up but she had enough of a buzz still going that she's able to ignore it for the most part. Outside the slower movement. Fortunately she didn't have far to go.

Once on the ship she has 92 set a course to the coordinates. In transport she could finally get cleaned up as well as a new set of fresh clothes. Searching for any medication to deal with her soreness unless they were removed from the ship she had the equivalent of aspirin.

Her plan being was to confirm that the “cargo” was present. She set up a message with a delay to Vespira's people that 92 could send with the location and names she acquired thus far. The message to be sent in a day if she had not returned by then.

There was no telling if she'd be caught or killed so pointing Vesperia in this direction at least gave them an area to begin with. And if Kamar wasn't there she could simply not send the message until she had more information.

Scorch had a bit of time to consider the avenue of approach. If she had the credits she could have posed as a buyer. She could ask around without drawing too much attention to locate any warehouse or ship that they operate out of then use stealth to infiltrate. Scorch thought of how that could go wrong and started to work on a cover story should she be caught. Hm. Maybe use Mercer as the reason. She still had conflicted feelings there hating wanting her enemy so much. Hating his attention. Loving his attention. It shattered her mind again and again. The feeling of shame when her body surrenders or gets conquered by him. Frankly she doesn't know what is worse. Or the not fighting back, not adequately putting up a fight when he choices to partake of her flesh.

It was time to see where those coordinates led her ...

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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The Journey

Thu Jul 04, 2024 12:32 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Another walk filled with shame for the former space pirate. She would feel the cum that had been pumped into her drool from her pussy and drip from all the places she had been stained by both alien males. Scorch was not harassed by anyone else as she returned to her ship. It was either because she had the scents of two males on her already or Mercer's collar was enough of a sign that she was already owned.

Back on her ship, Destiny was able to finally clean herself off and get some rest. 92 would take care of the piloting as a course was set to the far reaches of uncivilized space. It would take time to reach the provided coordinates. If Karan did go out this far, it was doubtful they had any follow up destinations in mind.

As Scorch tried to rest her aching body, her thoughts drifted to Mercer. Disgust and devotion welled up inside her. Since Vespira traded her back to Mercer, his behavior towards her had been different from before. When he had Serena, it was mostly cold and transactional. She would be sent to a job and report back. Now, he was so aggressive in breaking and taming her into his slave. It was as if he was trying to earn Vespira's praise in turning the rebellious pirate into a devoted love slave.

Thoughts of all those training sessions and rounds of humiliation played out in Scorch's mind as euphoria spread throughout her aching body. The collar was feeding her more drugs designed to arouse and reward her when she thought of her Master. 92 would send signals to the collar, causing it to feed her sedatives to relax and dull her thoughts as she rested. The lights would dim as lights would glimmer and flash while the music played softly, her slave training resuming as the ship traveled through the depths of space.

After over a day of a pleasuring wet dream, 92 would rouse the woman. They had reached their destination. Looking out, there was a vast field of asteroids and metallic debris. Was Kamar hoping someone was out here to trade with or was this just a last ditch attempt to hide and wait for things to blow over? The large amounts of rock and metals made scanning for other ships difficult.

But if they were out here hoping to find anyone, would they respond to an open frequency? If Scorch had her story straight and they were unaware of Mercer's recent workings with Vespira, perhaps they would be open to talk? Else, she would have to quietly enter the field and search for their ship. If scanners were having trouble, it must be the same for them as well. If she could get close enough without being detected, she could try infiltrating that way.


Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:43 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Relieved when she finally got back to her old ship especially once they were on the way Scorch looked forward to a lengthy bout in the shower. Scrubbing herself down seemed to take forever especially in her state. Sore muscles refused to cooperate.

Popping an aspirin she was glad that their trip was longer. Not that she wanted to prolong her adventure but she could use the time to recover. As much as that damn collar allowed her to. Conflicted thoughts only got it to respond. Fortunately the collar was far cheaper than anything Vespira had so it couldn't distinguish between negate and positive thoughts. The negative ones where melted away with the others as she was fed another chemical cocktail.

Restless. Fingers attempted to pleasure herself but were inadequate for the job. As luck would have it she was too exhausted to keep it up for long. Surrendering to sleep her dreams were equally restless. Sedatives helped take the edge off though subliminal messages took over while she slept. Reinforcing Vespira words. As fresh as they were the first time she heard them. Her dreams shifted from Mercer to the individual who was more or less holding his leash.

When 92 woke her the aches were gone. Same with the soreness. The sedatives worked well though she was a bit restless upon waking. Between the collar and the message. The later won out.

“Good. Take us closer 92 I'll join you soon.”

God, she could smell those pheromones waifing from her trench coat discarded in the corner. Did that explain the dreams? She shook her head attempting to clear it. A quick shower later she dressed in a flight suit foregoing the coat this time. Arming herself with the pistol again she joined 92.

Contemplating how to go about things. She discarded using a distress beacon to get the pirates out from hiding do to the remoteness of this place. Her finger lazily traced the collar while considering not even realizing what she was doing.

Attempting to make contact? Where they aware of Mercer's alliances? Plus any pirate hideout probably wouldn't respond.

“OK, let's get started with this grid. Then this one. We'll work clockwise.”

If there was nothing to find she revised her idea. Whether it was an eagerness to serve or the drugs that kept her on edge she considered something a bit bolder. First things first she had to explain to 92 a few things. Her story being that he was activated only a few days ago and had no other memory than serving her and piloting. Next he would have to dispatch that message earlier if someone introduced or admitted to being Kamar.

She looked over the ship for something that they could sabotage or take off line. Something none critical where they could still maneuver but not get far. Something like a hyperdrive. Last she would set a distress beacon while maneuvering through the asteroid fields.

If not discovering anything on her own she hoped to be discovered. Pirates might think it suspicious, others still might be tempted. She was going to use the fact that she was Mercer's escaped slave. She'd probably be captured and added to any pirate booty. A slave for sometime until Vesperia's people could be dispatched. If they sought to sell her back to Mercer that could work too. While not as established or well known as Vespira Mercer was reasonably well off. Most of his wealth came from gambling.

As long as these pirates didn't know of his association with Vesperia they might attempt to sell her back. Whereupon he could tell Vesperia's people. Her plan was with its flaws. What if the wrong pirates picked up her message? What if Mercer tried to impress Vespira by dealing with the matter himself? The growing restlessness was getting to her thoughts.

She'd keep up the search just a bit longer.

If asked why she was in the asteroid field she could explain it and her scans as searching for an asteroid she could set down upon so she could repair her engines since she wasn't going to get far without a working hyperdrive and the nearest planet would even take too long to reach. Fleeing from captivity would give her a plausible reason for entering less trafficked space.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
Character Listing
The Journey

Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:50 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Scorch only had 92 to bounce ideas off of. She second guessed herself on what was the right course of action. Finding Kamar and returning with their last known coordinates would take time. Would long range communications even reach Vespira or her underlings from this far out from civilization? Even if it did, it was possible Kamar would be elsewhere by the time they mobilize. Would she then just shadow the ship, giving updates on their position until others arrived?

Destiny's ship had weapon systems, depending on the ship she was dealing with, would it be possible to disable Kamar's ship? Was there a risk of destroying the ship or the cargo on it? Would it be better to ensure Vespira's assets were destroyed rather than in the hands of the unworthy?

Whether through capture or communications, what if Mercer reached her first? Would that be a bad thing? Mercer might claim this as his victory and seek Vespira's favor. He would please the Mistress while Scorch pleased her Master. Giving Mercer the means to earn the Gorgonian's praise, what would he reward his precious pet with as a result?

The thoughts of Mercer left the enslaved woman's body throbbing with tingly heat. The collar was pumping her with doses of his favored drug. Eventually, the collar would run out and she would be starving for this precious concoction. Fingertips glide along the collar, reminding her who had collared her and who owned her.

If Karan believed Scorch's story, would she be able to take care of them from inside their group? What would they do with an escaped sex slave? After what Gus and that ratman had done to her, there was certainly one thought that came up. A bunch of desperate pirates, fucking and passing around her glistening form from person to person. Perhaps she could guide them to seek out Mercer for a trade? Karan had a former gladiatrix as well, right? Would Mercer or Vespira be interested in trained woman like that?

It was slow going checking each sector one by one. 92 accepted the orders it was given, a recently reactivated droid that was simply obeying commands while she was an escaped slave. It was easy enough to go with the collar still around her neck.

For several hours, Scorch was left thinking and re-thinking her plans and her possible rewards and benefits for her performance. Eventually, the scanners caught an energy signature. A modest sized pirate cruiser had powered its weapons and had locked on to Scorch's ship. It was possibly they were running on low power to avoid detection and were waiting to ensure she was truly alone out here in the middle of this debris field.

"A long way from home," the voice said over the comms, "Who are you and how did you get out here in your state?"

The ship was closing in. Story or not, Kamar was not going to deny this opportunity for possible supplies from another vessel.


Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:43 pm
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