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 Bounty (for Krisna) 
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Post Bounty (for Krisna)
Going back to Cynbar, at least right away was dangerous. Cinder was likely to return with force depleting the ruins of any treasure. On the plus side the things that she found more interesting were most likely the stuff that would be left behind for further study. Right now it was just easier for Cinder to take what he wanted and go back at a future date, at least that was what Scorch told her.

Taking some time off to see her sister Scorch left Krissy on Hadante with Inar watching out for her. She of course did not have to stay there but it would be the place that they would meet back up at. Given her interests Inar had been looking over rumors for the next treasure hunt or at least a treasure hunt for him with enough interesting things for her to catalog. He still lacked a ship himself and it beat waiting around on Hadante where minding someone with Krisna's demeanor was a handful at times. Besides, if he were on her vessel there was Sky's presence too …

He final found something, or rather information found him through Hel'Corian sources. A quick glance around the bar he looked for Krisna who he had lost track of these last few minutes. He spotted her then began to make his way toward her.

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Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:26 pm
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
Scorch was right, Cynbar was to dangerous to go back too on a simple whim, the group of treasure hunters hardly made it out last time thanks to the unfortunate circumstances, Krisna libido and unwillingness to keep her hands of the ex pirate captain didn't help either, but Cinder showing up with a small army of droids was something Sky her self even considered to dangerous, especially since this Cinder had a strange desire for the naive traveler. Sky considered it a threat ageist her collector and should be avoided, thus Sky re framed from revisiting Cynbar despite the enormous amount of catalog potential that planet held and the A.I knew they only scratched the surface of the secrets hidden there. The idea of returning was appealing however, especially if Inar came along as even after returning the A.I found her self very interested in the helcorian male.

A strange thing in its self as Sky had already documented the species, they were so common in the galaxy yet for some reason she found her self so fascinated by him specifically to the point she remainded in contact with him by hacking in through his personal communicator. Constantly watching him watch over Krisna from orbit of the rogue planet inside her chamber in cyber space, Sky feeling "strange" every time she saw Krisna and him together, was it what people called jealousy? Sky wasn't sure, however she did know their interests were the same be them for different reasons and that was to keep Krisna safe from harm..... a job she hardly entrusted to just anyone, Inar now being the third in this time period to receive the honor, the first two were Scorch, then the agent Hope..... It must of ment that Sky trusted him.

Krisna however spend her time back on Hadante with out a care in the world once they got back and after her and Scorch spent a day or two sleeping off the exhaustion and "effects" of their last wild adventure. The planet city was basically her play ground the moment she got back on her fine long young legs as she ran her lover around like a child in a candy store, party after party, club after club, despite seeing it all already Krisna wanted to see it all over agin and then more and more! Inar wasn't treated much different as he would find that looking after the excited traveler was a full time job and protecting her from potential aliens trying to take advantage over her only made it that more hectic!

Inar in his struggle to find more leads only took his eyes off her from a seciond and she was gone from his side at counter side bar..... alone inside a shady night club bar was a recipe for disaster for some one as sweet as she was. The bar the pair just so happen to be in was having a rather busy night as aliens of all shapes and sizes partied on the illuminated night floor to music playing in a steady rhythmic beat that kept the crow roaring and the drinks flow. However it didn't take Inar long to spot the bubbly travler in the club, she was the only human cutie inside that wasn't effectively property, that and the fact the cute white skirted camisole and white stockings glowed under the black lights of the night club making her very easy to find but at the same time very noticeable by those around her as she had many party goers already watching her, and taking in the sight of her, eyes were especially on her since the glow of her clothes hinted at the color of her bra and panties hardly hidden under her skirt and top, Inar could tell from where he stud that light red was her favorite color..... no question as to why.

Left unsupervised Inar would find Krisna sitting in the lap of some alien brute at a table with another couple of hardy looking males who were busy offering her drink after drink. It was ovious her choice of seating wasn't her first choice yet Krisna was never the one to complain and honestly found the heavy mans lap comfy as she simply smiled and spoke to the aliens in her usual sweet kind manner, however slured and intoxicated she was quickly getting as she accepted the shot glass of glowing green liquor from the alien accost the table from her and slowly sipped it down, only to pull the glass from her lips and huff and pant once its contents were gone and she sat the shot glass down on the table by the 5 others Inar could only assume she consumed in the short matter of time.

"o-oh... o-ok... Your going to tell me what your species is now -hickup- r-right mister!?" Krisna said with a slur as she glared to the alien who had her in his lap, her cheeks flushed in a rather cute druken state. "y-you promised..... I-i drank the dizzy water as fast as I could. -hick up- C-can you show me now.....I-i got to s-scan you... and your friends... " Krisna said softly, her face getting rather close to the aliens own as she drunkly swayed in his lap.

Only time will tell the truth, so lets sit and wait for the answers together.... Krisna Callvello Guild Chrononaut.
Krisna Message me any time!

Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:12 am
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
He knew Sky wasn't real, at least not flesh and blood but that had not really mattered to Inar. He looked past that and frankly it would have been difficult not to. Only by knowing what she was had he been aware of the fact that she wasn't human.

Inar did note in the few days that Scorch had been here that Sky never contacted Scorch. It was either himself or Krisna. The contact didn't really begin until he begun his latest role as a guardian. Updates and just checking in. He was familiar with humans somewhat but did not know if that in itself had been odd behavior. He didn't complain, he actually liked it.

While Hadante was a rougher world many Iron Vultures and people who knew Scorch had been here and most just looked. It might have been worse otherwise and he felt safe in checking on things for a few minutes. Then Krisna was gone just like that.

“Sonoafbitch ...” Fortunately she was easy to find in the club. He groaned slapped his palm against his forehead and shook it slightly before approaching. Of all the aliens she had to be messing with she dealt with the three that he did not recognize.

They were large, brutes that were often used as shock troops in mercenary companies. The smaller two had been about six and a half feet tall. The largest close to seven feet. He saw no weapons but knew they had to have concealed blades at the least.

Each had two fingers and a thumb, gray leathery skin and long necks and tails. He spotted the shot glasses, fought a groan and sized up the adversaries. He regarded his assets if a fight broke out knowing that 3 to one odds were no good.

“You really want to know little lady,”
the large one smirked as he held her by the waste. Something thick and firm poking at her as he adjusted her in his lap. “Listen we should find a place a little more private for these scans. I'm down with playing doctor.”

There was a chuckle. Seeing that they could not transport out of Cinder's vessel it was clear that they would have to make it out of the bar. Still he opened a channel on his com to Sky so she could listen in and possible get an idea of what was going on assuming he could get her out of here. Assuming that she did not collapse straight away either. Uncertain what she was drinking it was easy to conclude that 5 of anything in that short time span would be bad.

“KRISNA,” he waved toward her as he approached. The aliens already looking in his direction. “I found something even better then Cynbar. Lot's of things to document too ...”

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Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:55 pm
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
Krisna was clearly intoxicated by whatever it was these three brutes gave her and her history as a light weight showed by the way she cutly slured her words and swayed almost teasingly in the tallest brutes lap. Krisna hardly even noticing how he held her by her hips or the thick rod between his legs, nearly lifting her light form up out of his lap alone as she glared into the brutish aliens oddly colored eyes, her flushed cheeks and soft lips forming into another sweet smile afther she heard their chuckles and the request to leave with them.

"O-oh...uhm.. no... Thats not ness... uhm...nessessery... I-I -hick up- Uhm...excuse me!.... I mean.. I- I dont need you to do that.... right here is fine!" Krisna giggled happly and drunkly as she leaned back away from the brute as she rock in his lap playfully. "I dont play doctor silly! -hick up- I-I'm a c-collector! " Krisna said correcting him befor she gently cupped his face and examined him, her hot breath rolling over his cheek as she got dangerously close. "Uhmm.... intresting...-hick up-.... Sky will want samples.."

Krisna was very distracted by her new discoverys to notice Inar at first, however once her name was shouted her bright drunken glossy blue eyes flicked to Inar just as the brutish aliens did, however unlike them Krisna smiled to her helcorian friend as she bounced in the aliens lap and waved to her current guardian. "Narnar! L-look! I found more too! today is a good day!" Krisna shouted back befor she giggled with excitment and graced her new three friends with a happy smile befor she jumped forgetting somthing important. "Oh! rude of... me-hickup-.... me... E-every body this is my f-friend Narnar! He likes to watch me!" Krisna said smiling, introducing Inar to a liky unfriendly group of alien mercs.

Only time will tell the truth, so lets sit and wait for the answers together.... Krisna Callvello Guild Chrononaut.
Krisna Message me any time!

Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:43 am
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
Her ass was gripped firmly in her drunken state that may have felt as if the alien was attempting to stabilize her after her excited jump. Even more stimulation was brought to him as he felt almost as if she were giving him a lap dance.

Though this fuck wit wished to ruin their fun? He eyed the Hel'Corian suspiciously as did the others. “Is that so? He likes to watch?” The trio chuckled yet again.

“We've got to go,” Inar reached toward her. She could hear a series of chairs scrapping against the floor as the others stood, one snatching Inar's forearm. “She's not going -”

He never finished. Inar struck him in that long flexible neck but the alien did not go down. His words were cut off though. Then everything seemed to explode around her as she was hastily set down so the alien could stand. A fight erupted. It wasn't long before someone noticed that three aliens were taking on Inar. Some that were affiliated with the Iron Vultures past or present that knew Inar jumped in. Other aliens that didn't like the Iron Vultures much jumped in against them.

It was the sort of fight where chairs were used to club the larger aliens or even beer glasses.

One alien stayed out of it weaving about the melee, jugging drinks from this table or that as if this had been an ordinary occurrence. She was soon amid chaos. Not just that but one of the females came at her as if intending on fighting her when another cold cocked her.

It was a clear indication that things were heating up here to dangerous levels. Stumbling back into the chest of a large spider-like alien that stared at her, as if she were a fly caught in his web, he was struck by a chair, collapsed revealing another alien behind him that paused, holding that chair, some sort of rhinoceros looking thing just as large. He dropped the chair, snatched her by the wrist and attempted to race her away to the door.

“Quick, it isn't safe here!”

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Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:55 pm
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
"Yup! Narnar likes to watch me!" Krisna agreed with a cute druken giggle, unknowingly playing into the cruel alien brutes joke on the poor hl'corian man only trying to protect her. Krisna had no clue what she was getting her self into right now as she paid no mind to how the man whos lap she sat in held her hips so tightly. Beliving him to only be trying to help her stay upright, yet the momment Inar reached out to take her by the wrist did things suddenly get heated and not in a good way.

Krisna expression changed the momment the brutes stude up, the largest one whos lap she made her seat pushed her into the booth as he him self stude up to face her friend, Krisna cute face turning to a less then happy frown at the realization that her new friends were more or less acting hostily.

"No! D-dont fight! W-we can all get along if you ju-" Krisna wasnt able to finish befor the first blow was taken and the club errupted into a all out brawl, tables flipped, chairs were thrown, glasses ands bottles were broken as things grew intense in the club quickly.

It all happened so fast as Krisna simply kept her head down, dodging the fighting as she left the table Innar found her at, Krisna having several close calls as diffrent men and other women tried to attack her befor finding her self saved by a hulking beast of a alien who took her by te wrist and quickly tugged her to safty.

"W-wait! Uh... What about Nar'nar! Wait! D-do I know you!?" Krisna objected yet didnt fight him as she simply was pulled away by the complete stranger.

Only time will tell the truth, so lets sit and wait for the answers together.... Krisna Callvello Guild Chrononaut.
Krisna Message me any time!

Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:21 am
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
Torn away from that chaos the alien was some sort of spacer, he did not possess the attire she had come to associate with several of the pirates. Being on Hadante he had to be up to no good. A smuggler perhaps. The clothing appeared to be of better quality then she saw on many of the others. Even Scorch kept to simple attire at least while out.

He grinned and shook his head slightly as they departed from that place. She could still hear all the ruckus from within.

“Don't worry about your friend.” He grinned as he hurried her along. Seeing that she had a bit to drink he was unable to get her far and had not moved to just pick her up. Either he did not wish to draw undo attention or thought that they had gotten far enough away from the bar when he was drawing her into an alley.

There had been an alien transient there but after a glance at him he got up off the ground and left down the other end of he alley. A moment later before the alien was even out of site large calloused hands came down upon her waste.

Picked up for half a second her would be savior pinned her up against the wall pressing her there as he leaned down for an all too obvious kiss or perhaps more.

The only thing going in her favor at the moment had been the open com channel to Sky if she had been able to work anything out and the fact she wasn't too far from the bar and that that other alien was still in site but apparently wasn't going to get involved without some prompting. From his perspective she could have been a street walker for all he knew, he really didn't get much of a look at her.

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Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:08 pm
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
Krisna was oblivious to the situation going on around her as her hero pulled her from the bar and to supposed safty. Harshyly tugged by her slender wrist Krisna had no reason to fight him especially since he didnt seem threatening nor very diffrent from the way the other beings dressed on this backwater planet. He was in diffrent garments then other spacers and pirates shes come to know but honestly so was she, Krisna had no reason to doubt that, especialy in her drunk state.

Tugged along and struggling to keep up as Krisna looked back at the erupting violently club. Bright glossy blue eyes taking in the pale neon lights of the busy night streets befor she was suddenly pulled into a dark dank ally way by her savior as any on lookers woud simply see the cute twirl of her white dress and a fleeting peak at the red panties underneath as she vanished into the ally and unknowingly into the arms of her savior as she leaned herself into his chest. Krisna hardly even having time to notice the other alien caught up in their mess befor he bolted.

"Ouh!...-hickup-.... Oh wow! Your so fast! Tha.... W-whoa!" Krisna suddenly gasped, unable to finish her sentence befor she her would be savior suddenly did the unthinkable and Krisna found her self pressed up agiest the wall by the hulking alien man who just rescued her, yet that was the least of her concerns as Krisnas eyes suddenly widly opened at the suprise of his lips being smashed agiest her own in a rough steaing kiss that sent her heart racing.

"Mhhmmmhh!!!" Krisna sqeeled as she was caught up in the rough forcful kiss by the complete stranger. Krisna twisting, writhing and gasping between her savior and the ally way wall as she struggled weakly, however it didnt seem as though she was stuggling agiest him as her savior would taste the alchol on her breath befor he finilly broke the kiss and Krisna faintly rested agiest the wall panting...(#1)

Only time will tell the truth, so lets sit and wait for the answers together.... Krisna Callvello Guild Chrononaut.
Krisna Message me any time!

Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:42 am
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
(#2).... panting heavily. "Ah!...Y-your..... Your very friendly..." Krisna said with a gasp.


Meanwhile back in the bar unknown to Inar, Krisna had checked in her omnitool at the door as she often did, the bouncers refusing to allow patrons to enter with weapons, leaving Krisna alone... However this didnt mean Sky didnt have tabs on heart rate, breath inake, and mental state... both unknowingly going up as Sky instntly tried to contact Inar....

"Inar? Read me.... Collector Krisnas heart rate just rose... Where is she?" Sky called, her voice eurgent.

Only time will tell the truth, so lets sit and wait for the answers together.... Krisna Callvello Guild Chrononaut.
Krisna Message me any time!

Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:54 am
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
“It's how we greet one another on my planet.”

He was from a species she had already categorized, else she would have been drawn to him earlier. Had she been sober she might have been able to recall the details better.

He only grinned not caring about the taste of alcohol on her tongue or the fact that he could smell it on her breath. He did not stop there taking further advantage of the situation he set a hand on her hip establishing a firm hold there.

His knee moved between her thighs to part her legs with just a bit of pressure. “Why don't I show you how friendly I can be?”

Without waiting for an answer he used the other hand to dip beneath her dress rubbing against her thigh as he traced a path inward and upward. Lips and tongue dropped to her neck alternating between sucks and licks.


It took a degree of patience before Inar heard Sky through the open comlink channel. From the sounds of it all hell broke loose. Between getting the time to respond and actually hearing her over the din of combat.

“Son's of a -”
there was a loud crashing sound and followed by the braking of glass. There was a brief delay as if he was searching for her. Sky would hear him talking, Krisna's name could be made out and her best guess would be that he was searching for her, that he had lost track of her. But he had addressed her not so long ago so she had to be close. Another being was responding among the cacophony of sound. Krisna's name made out once again and Inar was back.

“You can't lock on to her?”
Then realizing that Sky probably did so through the OMNI which had been checked in. With all this chaos it would take too long to retrieve it. The volume of chaos diminished some.

“She's close! Someone took her!”
What sounded like him running could be heard. “Can you tell what's causing the increase? Fear or running?” He didn't think so but he had little clue as to how her tech operated.

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Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:20 am
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
"I cant lock on to her location, she doe not have her EK4700 on her person, Inar quickly find her." Sky repied, sounding worried over the personal comm as she heard the frantic searching and fighting going on over on Inars end. Sky waiting for a reply befor she heard his question of the cause of the rapid heart rate making Sky rate tge cause more deeply.

"The high heart rate, and increase in body heat, brain wave normal but blood toxicity high, Collector Krisna's hormone reposes are also?... shes with some one! These resposes are similure to reactions during "playtime". Look force privite places, or public, just find her quickly!" Sky ordered, watching helplessly through video feeds while at the same time looking for her through security camaras and street survalince.


Meanwhile Krisna was quickly being overwhelmed by her new friend as she felt his hands just glide all over her, touching, and feeling as he had her very much pinned between him self and the ally wall. Krisna panting heavily afther the kiss as her hands pressed softly agiest his strudy chest as he kept her stable holding her firmy by her hips. Krisna canting her head back as she felt his knee raise between her thighs, spreading her legs so slightly befor gasping as the feeling of his hand skimmed over her thigh rubbing softly befor jounrying upward.

"Uh!... Uh!... S-show me! Show me how friendly your people are.. Uh!" Krisna repeated softly, her cheeks flushed as she couldnt help but gasp deeply, her voice cutly sqeeked as the strangers tounge licked over her cute thin neck, Krisna let out a cry as he sucked, likly attracting attention to the noise in the ally way. Mybe attracting Inar.... or other "heros" who would help her... or her friend.

Only time will tell the truth, so lets sit and wait for the answers together.... Krisna Callvello Guild Chrononaut.
Krisna Message me any time!

Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:15 am
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
Inar scrambled for the bar. Sky would find that Hadante lacked much in surveillance. There were cameras at a few businesses and fortunately there were more near problem spots such as bars or higher areas of crime.

Not that Hadante had great law enforcement but owners of such places often used bounty hunters to get back stolen goods or to persecute criminals. Often property damage and assaults were the biggest crimes as the place was sort of a safe haven and no most sought to stay welcome.

The feeds she got would show Krisna being whisked away by the large rhino alien. She lost him between a block from one camera to the next she did not reappear indicating she was somewhere near there in a blind spot or inside a building.

In the alley the alien was all too eager to comply. His tongue smoothly flowed along her neck with his hand completing it's journey rubbing back and forth against her sex over the red panties.

Clearly the intent was to arouse her further, to get her ready for his big boy. After he felt dampness he tore away at her panties making direct contact with his finger. Using his chest to pin her now his hand left her hip rising to her breast groping it in his hand first before moving to attempt to expose it.

That finger began to press into her, advancing in slow installments to widen that tightness before the main course. By the time he had gotten to the second knuckle she could hear Inar's voice which caused the alien to glance to the end of the alley at the out of breath Hel'Corian.

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Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:11 pm
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
"Street optical arrays are few on this world... poses a problem for finding collector Krisna... however she was spotted leaving the establishment with a creature..... its known as Rthek... She was travling south bound.... she couldnt have gone far." Sky tried relayed calmly, in her state powerless to help, it was up to Innar now, hopfully get got to her befor the Rhtek did.

Meanwhile in the ally Krisna was caught up in the good feeling on her new friends tounge agiest her neck and sholder, tasting her sweet scented skin as Krisna's head tilted to the side, her cute lips parting as she softly let out a cute gasp of pleasure as her hands gently gripped his sturdy sholders. "Ah.. uh..." Krisna sweetly cried as her thighs spread and one leg lifted as her saviors hand vanished under her dress and touch the treasure underneath as Krisnas savior would have taken delight to see the look on her flushed face as he rubbed her sex over her cheery red panties.

Krisna was so cute in her state of bliss as she softly panted at the mans eager advance, seting her body on fire as Krisna stuggled to contain her own excitment in her drunk state of mind. Krisna did yelp in suprise tho as her panties were disposed of with a loud ripp and tare. She hardly even cared that he simply tore off her panties and contined to make pleasurable contact with her. Hoever it was only getting good as Krisna soon found him press her harder up agiest the wall behind her as she softly cried in response to the hand that fell over her covered breast befor exposing it by slide a strap of her dress off her sholder, revealing underneath Krisna matching cheery red bra.

"Ah! Auh! I-i'm burning! I'm burning! S-so hott... I-i cant breath! T-take it off me... I-i cant stand it!" Krisna cried softly, begging her new friend to tare off her clothes as she was continued to be teased and molested there in the allyway as she lite up at the sound of a familure voice.

Only time will tell the truth, so lets sit and wait for the answers together.... Krisna Callvello Guild Chrononaut.
Krisna Message me any time!

Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:16 am
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
He was just about to tare away that bra as that finger pressed into her sex a few times when he too heard that voice. Looking away from that sweet face of bliss. “FUCK -”

He never got to finish his words, Inar expected a violent response, and this being Hadante he popped free a small hidden blaster, one only capable of a few shots before the power cell was drained. The weapon designed to be used in a pinch drawing it in a sticky situation. The range was close too, ideally a few feet.

The man got turned to face Inar before catching a blast in the chest, then a second one followed by a third. The blaster was empty but the guy was down. Inar advanced, seeing her state of disarray, finding the state she was in rather arousing.

He pocketed the small blaster, it was depleted so resetting it in it's spring loaded mechanism was just a waste of time until the power cell was changed. “Sky's worried,” he took her by the wrist drawing her closer. Eye to eye, chest to chest.

For a moment he gazed at her, processed the situation. Saw that she was drunk, aroused, perhaps confused. He turned his attention to his com briefly.

“Found her,” then he closed the channel kissing her as he pressed her back to the alley wall. “We should get back to the ship.”

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Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:44 pm
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Post Re: Bounty (for Krisna)
Krisna was just as suprised to see Inar as her new friend was as Inat would see the travlers cute red blushing face lazyly look in his direction, her breath ragged and dressing situation in disaray as the stranger may have gotten further along with her then Inar or Sky would have liked, but Krisna didnt seem concerned or harmed in anyway. She was to trusting andeasy to take advantage of to realize her savior was going to rape her in the dank allyway, Krisna even spoke up to introduce the two befor the faint blaster shot rang out and zipped past her and into the mans chest, knocking him as for as Krisna knew unconcious.

Krisna was a strange one as she didnt even flich as Inar shot the guy, she simply glared drunkly to Inar, it was like Krisna was thinking, or confused, or both. He sensed how drunk she was by the look on her flushed face, so lost, and cute, he wasted no time in approching her as Inar basicly swapped places with the man she just met and held her close. Krisna smiled as she made eye contact, watching him speak into the comm and notified Sky that she was found befor she was lifted slightly to reach his lips, Krisna melting into the kiss almost like she was waiting for it.

Krisna didnt resist it, she welcomed it as Inar seized control and she found her self back up agiest the ally wall, Inar pressing up agiest her as she lovingly kissed him back befor Inatr broke his lips from hers, leaving Krisna panting for breath. "-huff- Y-yes -huff- N-narnar.." Krisna said as she closed her eyes and nodded yes to Inar statment befor she puckered her lipps for another kiss. It was in that momment Inar heard his comm link open, it was Sky. "Great job finding her Guest: Inar, Krisnas heart rate is rapid, shes very excited, what happen? Is she alright?" Sky would ask as Krisna would keep Inat busy with a deeply passionate kiss.

Only time will tell the truth, so lets sit and wait for the answers together.... Krisna Callvello Guild Chrononaut.
Krisna Message me any time!

Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:52 am
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