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 Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane) 
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Post Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
When Geng-Xin awoke, she found herself somewhere new, with no idea as to how she'd gotten there. This was nothing new, and it hardly startled her. The last thing she'd remembered she'd been on a small outpost, space station, mingling with the homeless refugee population. She had to assume that was yesterday, given how her chronic amnesia worked. They'd just eaten, they needed to fetch some more water. She'd been walking alongside a small, excitable child who'd taken a liking to her, a boy who seemed a little too interested in sexuality for his age. The rest was just gone, like an iron shutter closing down on every memory between now and then.

It appeared that she'd tied some straps to the bulkheads, of whatever sort of ship she'd found herself on, and had fallen asleep gripping them tightly. As she released that grip, it became apparent as to why, her large, toned, but voluptuous body becoming adrift. So there was air, and some emergency lighting, but no gravity. Alright, well that was nothing she didn't know how to work with. Her particular skill set not only included maneuvering through zero-G, but combat in such an environment too. Expecting it to be somewhere nearby, Geng-Xin would search for her bag, happily finding it in small order. Inside would be her electronic journal and, fishing it out, she'd check for new entries. She'd find what she was looking for, but it wouldn't be good news.

~ Ran afoul of local militia, fighting broke out, with the 'soldiers' ~

She noted her use of quotation marks.

~ beginning to gun down refugees. Stole a ship to try and get as many out of harm's way as possible. Station's weapons locked onto us whilst we attempted to escape. What few refugees you managed to aboard were lost in the resulting attack, including the boy... probably best you won't remember. You were injured, but managed to escape to the undamaged section of the ship and seal off the affected areas exposed to space. Approximately 40% of the vessel has been lost, mostly the rear sections, including engines and main power. If you're reading this in the forward sections of a TL12 type cargo ship, ~

She was.

~ then you have probably managed to successfully masked your lifesigns and have gone undiscovered. We should be out of range of the stations weapons by now, and the ship is likely adrift. If anyone comes it will most likely be scavengers, however you should be your guard. End Log ~

So that was that. Whatever injury she'd had, it had apparently been severe enough for her to warrant going to sleep so as to enter a regenerative cycle, making her good as new the next day, but not severe enough that she didn't have time to put in a log entry for herself. An inspection of her jumpsuit revealed a significant hole in the right side of her abdomen, revealing a large patch of her smooth, milky white, pale skin, though the lack of blood floating around suggested it'd been a cauterized wound. Regardless, Geng-Xin, now all caught up, she'd put her electronic journal back in her bag and, kicking off the bulkheads, would start to make her way to the front of the ship.

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Last edited by Geng-Xin on Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:06 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (Open)
Membrane was adrift.

Space was certainly vast, she'd learned. The starlight was weak, yet abundant enough to feed her while she travelled on pure momentum. She could have flung away the particles of dust and the bubbles of gas that she'd clung to at the conclusion of her previous encounter with another lifeform, except that her strength was miniscule compared to the unreasonable immensity of the void she found herself in, and the mass that was dragging her along was insufficient to alter her course much. The matter was interesting to experiment with, the closest approximation to a toy that she had on her seemingly endless journey. If not for that she'd have grown inconsolable from boredom already.

There was little to do other than to remember.

The vessel from which she had been flung was enclosed, metallic, pressurized with gases and equipped with very few loose objects. There had been gravity too. At the time Membrane had not found that remarkable. Feeling the faraway tugging of the stars had taught her a bit about gravity since then, and she had no explanation for why the vessel had possessed such an intense gravitational force. Back then she had been much more interested in the being that inhabited the vessel.

She had been female. The emanations of her mind were pleasant, harmonious. Membrane decided that she wanted to be like the woman. Capturing particles that had been set free from the surface of the being she had assembled them into a framework that resembled her. There was not a great mass to the particles, nor had they much disturbed the flow of light in the vessel's interior. The woman had not reacted. Membrane remembered watching her. Thin (by the standards of such creatures) extrusions terminated her appendages, and these she dipped into a crease in her surface. The psychic shine that immediately radiated out from her filled Membrane with ecstasy.

That ecstasy only grew, and Membrane was to understand that there was something intensely reverent about the alien's activity. It was profoundly self-involved, emotional, and overwhelming. Obviously she was not communicating, but Membrane remembered how captivated she had been. Too captivated. She had shuddered in the fading glow of emanation while the alien began to move. Clinging by reflex to the closest loose masses, she realized late that she was being moved into a separate space. Abruptly the space was sealed by a metallic sphincter, a diminishing torus. Then another opened up on the opposite surface, and the void had yanked her outside.

Membrane had no idea that the vessel had been called a spaceship, or that the woman-creature had been a Trixian, or that she had been jettisoned out of an airlock along with a load of trash.

She did recognize another spaceship, however, when the light reflected off its hull reached her surface. In a sense, she'd 'seen' it. Such objects could move through space much more freely than herself, she'd observed before. The vessel was not too distant.

Membrane spat out her extraneous mass all at once, making an extremely minor course correction. Then she commenced to stretch. Stretch, until she was like a segment of cord, a straining string. Reaching out across the infinite void. Contact! Membrane reeled herself in. She spread herself entirely across the hull of the ship and rearranged her topography to create a Van der Waals force as she'd learned to do when playing with the dust. Now she was sticky, almost impossible to remove. There was no chance this time that she would be accidentally dislodged.

Membrane exulted! How though, could she find her way inside? Would there also, this time, be an inhabitant? Perhaps she might learn to communicate if she was careful.

Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:22 am
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (Open)
Eventually making her way to the front of the ship, the bridge would have a fairly simple layout, nothing difficult to work out. The first thing that would strike her though was the darkness. Emergency lights were on, but as she looked out of the vast, clear windows at the front of the ship, she would see no stars. Obviously something was amiss there.

Having to tinker a bit with the power systems and wiring, she would get a console back online and start getting to work. The vessel's main controls having been re-routed to the now non-existent engineering sections of the ship, she would recognise her own handiwork. Clearly in a hurry to get away from the station, it'd been quicker to take control back there then make the long journey to the front of the craft. Main power was down, but there were auxiliary reserves still active. She couldn't see why the artificial gravity wasn't operating, having to assume that such function was tied to the main power core, sadly no longer with us, but the rest of the life support systems still seemed to be running. Given the lack of gravity, before she even attempted to check up on the forward engine status, she would have to do a thorough check of all Inertial Nullifiers, else find herself a pancake on the wall the moment any of the thrusters were engaged. Everything seemed fine on that front, but as she worked away she couldn't help find herself a little unnerved by the constant black outside.

Wanting to see what was going on, she would access the ship's main sensors. Nothing. That is to say, 'nothing' is all they could read outside of the craft. Quickly finding herself concerned, but remaining ever cool with her soldier's constitution and self-discipline, Geng-Xin would find herself contemplating the theoretical existence of 'Void Space', a rather fatal (eventually) prospect if that was what she'd found herself in. Considering more likely options though, or at least alternate ones, she would be thorough and begin to access what remained of the ship's internal sensors and indeed, in the sealed off sections of the ship, where Membrane was plastered to every outside piece of wall that wasn't inside the ship, Geng-Xin would get a more concise reading from the vessel's far more sophisticated internal sensors.

Whatever it was, it was giving off a very faint energy reading. However, she couldn't tell if it was merely surrounding the ship, or if this was something larger that the ship had found itself in. Either way, she would quickly stall her initial thought which was to go for the vessels admittedly quite limited weapons. Not knowing what she was dealing with, recklessness was a poor idea, a faint, indiscernible energy signature could mean a lot of things, and for all she knew, it meant that this substance was combustible. Instead, her best move was to try and get a sample and, heading now to the nearest airlock, she'd first drop by the medical bay to find a set of equipment with which to best contain anything she managed to retrieve.

The vessel being a simple, old, reliable craft, it didn't have big glass panels or shiny view ports on its air locks, just a simple, thick, sliding door system, some basic manual controls that practically never broke down, and a bit of worn yellow and black hazard striping. While Geng-Xin liked advanced equipment, she couldn't help but feel a little fondness for this vessel. It was solid, down to earth, made for a purpose. There wasn't much chance of systems breaking down, or even malfunctioning with age, and a part of her almost felt a sadness. Though she probably wasn't old enough to be certain, she'd find herself giving a slight sigh as she thought to herself 'they don't make them like this anymore', and as she made her way to the airlock she even found herself stroking and patting a beam support, speaking softly aloud.

"Rest easy, old girl."

Reaching the airlock, she would do a bit of manual overriding to get the exact results she wanted. First pressurising the compartment inside, she would open the outer hatch. Checking the internal sensors again, she would look to see if she'd managed firstly to eject this... whatever it was... off the ship. Then, returning to the airlock, she would operate the controls and de-pressurise the compartment, hopefully sucking any of the air she'd pumped out their back in, along with perhaps some of this substance, closing the outer door again once all the air was gone. It would only be then that she finally re-pressurised the compartment and, donning a breathing mask, a pair of large rubber gloves, and wielding a long grabbing stick and glass containment unit, slowly opened the door to the air lock.

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Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:02 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
Membrane felt the hatch open on the hull's surface, and recognized the airlock door. One of those had, after all, been responsible for its interminable period spent adrift. This time she was covering the open area entirely. Her surface separated the airlock from the void, so the items and atmosphere inside were undisturbed as Geng-Xin cycled the airlock.

There was an occupant indeed. Their movements through the ship had sent vibrations, not unlike sound, resonating through the decking. Membrane shivered with excitement. Would it be another female? In fact Membrane had met nobody who was not female, but the very femininity of the female who she had first met seemed to suggest, inherently, an element of distinction. To be female, Membrane had sensed, meant being different from not-female. It was an intriguing concept, and Membrane recalled it with some curiosity while she waited.

Nothing occurred at first, and Membrane realized that the hatch may yet close. She could not let this opportunity to enter the spacecraft slip. Her surface raced across the hull, contracting, as she pulled herself entirely into the airlock and spread herself evenly across its interior. There was color in here, a concept she'd nearly forgotten during her involuntary trek. She was pleased at the variety, and for a moment forgot other goals while she contorted her higher dimensions in order to try to replicate the colors. It turned out that they all occupied a certain finite range of the electromagnetic spectrum, requiring only a fine adjustment of her surface to either absorb or not. She clung to the airlock's interior feeling what an observer might term as smugness. Her surface, momentarily a dark as the void itself, now perfectly duplicated the appearance of the airlock before she had entered it.

Then the hatch closed. Membrane did not feel relief, only tension. This could be a ploy, it occurred to her. If she had been detected, and the resident being in charge of this vessel harbored any malicious impulse, it may yet attempt to jettison her again. Instead, to Membrane's surprise and delight, the opposite hatch rotated open to admit the being herself.

This one was larger than the last. Otherwise, she seemed similar. Her psychic flavor, as it were, had much in common with the last one. They were of a type. That was it, Membrane decided. Exactly as female suggested not-female, there was another identifying quality to the emanations projected by both of the beings who she had met that likewise suggested other identifying qualities. Not that she had a name for that quality yet. She did not know to classify them as human, for she had no language.

In any case, this being shared a type (human) with the last, although not quite perfectly. It was as if the last had been an oxygen particle, and this one was carbon dioxide. Some other quality was intermingled with the predominant one. Membrane considered all of this in a second, taking much longer than it had taken to adapt herself to the color patterning within the airlock. The newcomer introduced her body into the confined space. Her appendages made contact with Membrane's surface as she made her way forward. Membrane shivered again. She hadn't managed to make contact with the last woman! Of course she realized that there was a layer of inert matter dividing the female from her surroundings, so she had not contacted her unobstructed. Yet still, the excitement of coming so close as to transfer physical sensation!

Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:57 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
The airlock opening, Geng-Xin would find herself becoming suspicious, just managing to witness a slight and strange shimmering, before whatever it was apparently stopped. Everything looked normal, and with the compartment now completely empty, or so it seemed, she could almost disregard what she saw as some sort of mirage or distortion, perhaps some strange gasses having gotten into the air used to pressurise the airlock, perhaps some differential in the pressures involved causing a shimmering effect like the one she saw. However, given the circumstances, she wouldn't be so quick to dismiss whatever it was she'd managed to see.

Cautious in the face of the unknown, Geng-Xin would nonetheless set her sample rod and specimen case aside and push herself lightly into the compartment. Her still gloved hand touching the outer door, it seemed normal to the touch at first. However, when she felt it shiver, she found herself almost surprised, though not overtly shocked since the point of her feeling the panels was to satiate her curiosity in the face of something apparently amiss. One thing was for certain, she hadn't imagined that strange fluctuation in the walls and, feeling a decisive need for caution, especially given how she was so close, just one door away, from the vacuum of space, Geng-Xin would quickly push herself into a retreat, shoes and her gloves touching the strange fluctuating material briefly as she set her body into motion, drifting back. Wanting to get the inner door to the airlock closed as soon as possible, Geng-Xin would nonetheless be forced to move relatively slowly, with the zero gravity, a strong powerful push off would undoubtedly have her slamming against the walls. She instinctively knew how to act in the face of such an environment, just as any other person would know how to act in one with gravity, and so, she responded accordingly.

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Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:40 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
Membrane was under no such restrictions. Her surface rippled as she moved like a shadow passing across the wall, using her whole area's contact with the airlock's interior in order to reposition herself. Swiftly she had passed entirely into the ship itself. Still mimicking the appearance of the airlock, she made for a discombobulating visual effect as she spread herself across the decking. Color patterns that had a moment ago matched the labels and projections within the airlock were no spread out into deformed blotches that were positioned without any sensible purpose.

Most importantly for Geng-Xin, Membrane had reversed their fortunes. It was now she who was trapped within the airlock, while Membrane was safely ensconced within the ship proper. At any time she could close the hatch and cycle the airlock. Geng-Xin lacked even the security of an override if that happened, because these old ships built all their locks to operate manually.

The dreaded occurrence never took place, however. Membrane had thought of it, of course, in the manner of a joke. It struck her as funny that she could do to Geng-Xin what had been formerly done to her. That was all. She harbored no malice, not even toward the female who had jettisoned her in the past. Just as important, she had no real concept how venting an airlock was accomplished. She only knew that she should be safe, this time. With the pleasantly in mind, she fixated on Geng-Xin's progress, wondering how to introduce herself.

Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:24 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
Drifting backwards through the air, Geng-Xin would be surprised when she heard the sound of the airlock closing behind her. No! Soon finding herself on that panel, she'd twist so she could absorb the impact and have herself pressed lightly on the door, her luscious and bountiful breasts touching and squashing ever so slightly against the surface through her suit, her hair also splaying itself briefly onto the door, her face coming so tantalizingly close. Immediately, she'd find herself assessing the dire nature of her situation. She was certain that there had been plenty of people in the past who'd found themselves like this, and she was equally certain that few of them had ever made it out alive. Still, she had to try. Removing her protective gloves, Geng-Xin would move across to the right hand side of the door, where it would have slid into an airtight seal and, with her considerable strength she would attempt to find some crevice or handhold she could put her fingers in and pry the way open. Frankly, if anyone else were trying, it might have been a futile gesture, but with the goliath power this tall, pale beauty possessed it may well be possible for Geng-Xin to bust her way out, even on an old sturdy TL12 model like this.

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Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:46 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
Geng-Xin looked remarkable to Membrane, a creature of considerable thickness (compared to herself) and one that was especially strong, if the movement of the airlock door was anything to go by. Membrane watched the intriguing female try to pry the hatch loose without leverage, and she was amazed to see that the sturdy metal shield was actually budging! Not too quickly, and it took enormous effort, but the hatch really was moving.

In a moment the seal was breached, creating a harsh hiss as a crescent shaped gap opened between ship and airlock. Membrane puzzled over the red lights that began to flash around the door as soon as this happened. In any case, this shouldn't continue, she sensed. The female in the airlock was projecting worry. That was definitely not Membrane's favorite sensation. Besides, she hadn't meant to trigger the airlock to close. Perhaps she should enter again and help.

Just as swiftly as she'd exited, Membrane flowed through the minuscule space that Geng-Xin had opened. Thinking to protect her in case all the air should vacate (she still had no idea how or why that could happen, but she'd figured out that other creatures needed the gaseous stuff), Membrane commenced flowing directly over Geng-Xin's body. She had no substance that Geng-Xin could fight against, so she flowed unimpeded until she virtually surrounded the woman.

A woman's shape was incredible, and delightful, Membrane decided while she tried her new host out for size.

Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:59 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
What?! The pale amazon would be startled as something seized itself upon her. Instinctively trying to do something to get this... whatever it was... off her, Geng-Xin would suddenly release her grip on the airlock door, which would slam shut again, undoing all her prior progress and would start to try and grasp this substance as it spread over her skin. Set adrift again, quickly finding herself out of reach of the door, the doomed woman would find this 'substance' no more tangible or physical in nature as a shadow. This thing quickly spreading over her entire body, all sound and sight would suddenly vanish. Afraid that she was to be suffocated, Geng-Xin was surprised to find she could breath and, for that matter, move freely. Nonetheless, now out of reach of any surface, the warrior could do little but tense up and wait whatever was going to happen next, whether it be a sudden blow out into the black of space, or something else.

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Sun Oct 01, 2017 11:10 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
There was precious little that Membrane could do to affect Geng-Xin in her present state. For the moment she was less solid than a soap bubble. Only light found her surface opaque, which was why Geng-Xin was rendered so abruptly blind. The impression that she got from her host's mind was an unhappy one. Although Membrane hardly understood what was bothering the woman, she would rather have her happy and compliant.

It was troublesome that she couldn't communicate. She couldn't do anything except for cling without some malleable substance to manipulate. So it was to that end that Membrane decided to begin eroding the suit that Geng-Xin was wearing. That proved slow going. She had to penetrate the incredibly durable fibers that the suit was composed of and use her electrochemical leverage to weaken the molecules individually. After a little experimentation, however, Membrane discovered that the 'tough' stuff was embedded in somewhat less durable material. This was what made Geng-Xin's suit rubbery, and what made it sealable. The mesh was closest at the very exterior, but beneath that the substrate was fairly easy for Membrane to absorb.

Quite soon it felt to Geng-Xin as if her own spacesuit was writhing around her. It remained tacky, but it had begun to rub her all over like a liquid. It had also begun to stick to itself like glue. Whenever she made contact with herself in her struggles Geng-Xin soon found that she would adhere wherever she touched. In effect, she was encased in a thin layer of flexible tar. And it was getting tighter.

Sun Oct 01, 2017 11:44 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
Apparently having drifted out of reach of any surfaces, there was little that Geng-Xin could do but wait. Whilst she would try to flex her body and reach out in all directions, it appeared that her body was now moving through empty space with a dreadful slowness that would have her take seemingly forever to reach the next piece of solid matter, which should be the outer airlock door, assuming she hadn't already been ejected into space by then. Realising the hopelessness of her situation, Geng-Xin would calm herself and begin to accept her fate. However, when there came no sudden blast of shifting pressure, blowing her out into space, Geng-Xin would instead have to begin considering her situation and, with all she could do is be patient, she would start to turn over in her head what it was exactly that could be happening to her, and what she would do once she reached the airlock door, an event she would start to wait for with an ever growing anticipation.

If she'd started to feel any boredom, it would soon be alleviated as she felt something strange starting to happen to her suit. While it started off small to begin with, causing Geng-Xin to fidget slightly, she would soon feel her own clothing beginning to wiggle and writhe. Disconcerted by this change of pace, the fluidic rubbing would soon be felt over the entirety of her body, anywhere that was clothed, and while it didn't seem to focus on anywhere particularly, Geng-Xin could help but feel this strange movement most in the places where her body was more sensitive.

This new circumstances being reason enough for her to start taking more drastic actions, she would start trying to remove her clothing. However, it wouldn't prove as simple as that. With a hand grasping the cloth on her chest, she would be surprised to feel that the material had transformed into something more like a thick tar than fabric. Nonetheless trying her best to remove the substance, what would start as a simple attempt to rip a piece off would soon turn to an effort to get her hand free. The ooze sticking to her hand, it would stretch with a thick, rubbery consistency as she pulled her hand away. A strain even for this herculean woman, she would eventually manage to pull her hand far enough away for it to be freed, the black substance snapping back to her chest with a little rippling and a gentle slap upon her smooth soft skin.

Was this the same stuff that had covered the ship? What was it going to do to her? As far as she could tell, it didn't seem to have a taste for organic materials, her body not feeling any dissolving or melting effects, but did this mean that the outside of the ship was undergoing these changes too? The thought was disconcerting, but she'd have more immediate problems.

Still feeling at least some of the suit's consistency in there somewhere, Geng-Xin would just have to hope it was possible to peel the whole thing off all in one go as she could have done before this strange phenomenon had begun to infect it. On her back she could still feel the zip, that was just low enough for her to reach up from beneath and begin pulling it down. Reaching her right hand back and up, she would soon have to fight against the tar like consistency trying to gum up her shoulder and elbow joints. A glimmer of hope for her situation, she would eventually feel her fingers close around that small metal nub. Not only did it mean her zipper was still intact, but it meant that perhaps the outside of the ship wasn't in such dire straits. Struggly to pull the thing down, Geng-Xin would soon reach her left hand up and behind her, forcing her chest and obscene sized breasts forward. The going was slow and unbeknownst to her, completely pointless as the 'material' sealed itself back up once the zip had passed on by. Eventually though she would get her hands and the fastening down to her lower back.

The substance now coating her had been growing increasingly more thick and viscous as she'd struggle to undo her zipper, and to her horror she'd find her arms completely immobilised, stuck to her back and with even her incredible strength unable to pull free, though try she would. Around her breasts, the writhing had only gotten worse, and she couldn't help but feel the torment all the more, beginning to feel a more 'innappropriate' element about this current situation she'd found herself in. However, the situation wasn't truly dire until she felt and heard a little clicking noise. Reacting as if she'd just stepped on a mine, ready to go off if she moved to suddenly, Geng-Xin would suddenly freeze up. Her legs already having become stuck together, the sound would come from that small implant she knew of, but had never remembered experiencing, that was attached around her clitrois. Rightfully concerned, there wasn't much Geng-Xin could do about it, though she would attempt to curl up and somehow reach the device. Using all her strength, somehow managing to reach one of her hands around, she would fight against the sticky bindings that would stretch against her. Slowly she'd begin to reach for the implant. Though it was 'armed' so to speak, she was fine as long as the pressure pushing down on the device remained, nothing happening until it was released, and if she could get her fingers there, this was something she'd be able to guarantee.

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Mon Oct 02, 2017 11:28 am
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
Membrane had found Geng-Xin's attempt to unzip herself fascinating. She had felt the process while she pulled the small bit of shaped material down to the small of her back, the pairs of teeth becoming disconnected by its passage. Membrane had performed similar operations with electrochemistry upon her own surface, but never on such a grandiose scale. It was incredible to observe hard matter move so elaborately, to interact in such an integrated fashion. Membrane understood the process intimately after it was compete, since it had, after all, occurred while embedded in her own body.

So when Geng-Xin struggled so powerfully to reach another part of herself Membrane was immediately excited. Could there be another such mechanical marvel that she was trying to show her? Was this perhaps an attempt at communication? Accordingly, Membrane relaxed the area so that she wouldn't present any difficult. The pressure bearing down on Geng-Xin's clitoral implant reduced, and there was a second distinct click.

Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:16 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)

Having expected something that would rev up, for some reason, Geng-Xin would be shocked by the suddenness that accompanied the activation of her little implant. The high pitch squee, so uncharacteristic for this warrior, would escape through tightly gritted teeth, as she first flinched, then began to shiver. With her legs already stuck together, all she could do was curl up slightly into a ball as the cruel device began to vibrate tormenting her sensitive clit. With no memories of the little mechanical marvel's effects before, as she found herself tormented, it seemed as if the power it had over her somehow went beyond the sensations she was currently being exposed to, her body apparently remembering past usage better than she did.

The strength having initially been lost in her arms, her hand that'd been reaching for the device would snap back to its original position on her back. Unwanted pleasure was washing through her, and as she rolled slightly through the open space, her body would begin to twitch, helplessly. The loss of any senses, besides that of touch, only seemed to be heightened what she was experiencing, especially around her sex. Still, somehow she'd managed to force herself to try and deactivate the device. Arms straining against the elastic forces trying to force them back into their original position, the progress would be slow, the vibrations never stopping, continuing to put her through lustful delights, her poor little pussy beginning to moisten. Finally though, just barely, she would manage to stretch out and press down with her finger and, forcing herself to calm and counting steadily to three, muscles burning all the while as she struggled to hold position, she would release, causing the device to finally deactivate. Her body giving a figurative sigh of relief, Geng-Xin's breath would actually be heavy, as if she'd just been running or fighting. Though she'd still find herself experiencing the occasional involuntary twitch, it seemed that she'd managed to defuse that particular situation. However, she had no power over this strange 'membrane's' curiosity, and who knows where and when it would strike again. She just had to pray that it left the implant alone...

Olivia Nightingale, Student - Character Profile
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Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:28 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
Membrane was left, likewise, in a state of near shock. The pleasure blasting from Geng-Xin's mind had taken her completely off guard, to the point that she was clinging to the Amazonian super-soldier without much volition. She quivered in place for over a minute, savoring the leftover emanations that Geng-Xin was putting out. What an amazing female!

Of course, then she began to explore again. That pleasure had been an unexpectedly rich reward for her earlier curiosity, and there was no reason that she could think of to delay further explorations. Everything about this exotic female was compelling to Membrane. By this point she was gaining a detailed understanding of her shape. She was growing confident that she could take on the form of Geng-Xin's spacesuit without Geng-Xin actually occupying it. She gave a little thought to that: what should her own feminine shape be? Not Geng-Xin's. Even though she was a lovely template, it felt inappropriate to make herself an exact duplicate. She would need to experiment.

For now she was content to appreciate what she had in her grasp. Lovely, full, squeezable breasts molded in almost any way that Membrane could think of. Geng-Xin's nipples were turgid, more stubbornly keeping their shape. Pleasant, mild emanations came from her when she rolled her breasts around and slithered across her skin. What else? Geng-Xin's tummy was oddly intriguing to Membrane, flat yet contoured, reminding her of herself. Her navel in particular caught her attention. It dipped, suggesting access to fantastic secrets, but seemed to lead to nowhere. It had no purpose that Membrane could see. It's interior whorls, on the other hand, were fascinatingly complex compared to the woman's otherwise smooth exterior. Membrane swirled within Geng-Xin's navel, contemplating it, and thereby discovering the concept of decoration. The navel was a decorative female feature, Membrane decided. Then there were the strong, flexible limbs! So smooth and firm! Also, just below the button that Membrane had discovered, a place similar to the navel, except that it lead much deeper. At first Membrane was fended off by the impression of water, but a few samplings revealed that the moisture there was not the dreaded solvent after all. Geng-Xin's scent there was spellbinding, like a concentration of her female identity. Membrane shivered with delight and plunged inside to map her warm crevice zealously.

All the while, that button clit of Geng-Xin's remained on Membrane's mind. Such pleasure, so easily shared, must be this female's way of making her acquaintance. Now that Geng-Xin had taught her how to use it she was eager to demonstrate her understanding. So, after a minute of exploring and marveling about Geng-Xin's body, she tightened hard on the woman's clit for a three count, then relaxed and braced herself for wonderful pleasure.

Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:13 pm
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Post Re: Floating Without Purpose (For Membrane)
Geng-Xin wouldn't be given long to try and recover before this thing began to play with her body in other ways. The first thing she felt, being a more firm and definitive massaging of her breasts, the helpless warrior would struggle in her bonds, her upper arms and shoulders jostling from side to side, but ultimately to no avail. Whatever this thing was, it was not shy about molesting her body, wherever it desired. Rubbing and grabbing her nipples, she could feel this thing testing their consistency, gently stretching them out and letting them bounce back into their original position.

"No... hmph! hmph!"

Grunting as she struggled, continuing to try and free herself, at the very least there didn't seem to be any negative effects in and around her mouth, finding the thought of this thing pouring down her throat a repulsive one. Soon discovering that she couldn't break free, it would seem that the only time that this creature had loosened its grip was during those fateful, few moments in which that accursed implant of hers had gone off. With that being the case, she'd hit upon the theory that this thing was vulnerable to vibrations. Afterall, if it was an entity that existed in the vacuum of space, that would appear to be a more than reasonable hypothesis. Though its actions seemed targeted, she hadn't really begun to contemplate the idea that this thing was intelligent.

How best to throw this creature off of her, then? Turning that implant of hers on again seemed like one option, but she'd quickly vetoed that idea for a number of reasons. Firstly it didn't seem as if the small set of vibrations produced by that device had done all that much to effect the creature. Secondly the small set of vibrations produced by that device had certainly done all that much to effect her, and she doubted she could get much done, let alone think straight if she had to endure that sensation again. So what then? Should she just try shouting at the thing? It didn't seem as if that would be a very likely solution. Somehow she doubted her voice could produce any sort of frequency that'd effect this thing. Ideally, she needed something to hit, a copper pipe, a loose panel. Unfortunately she had nothing to hand, and apart from the sound of her own, heavy breathing, there didn't seem to be any sound at all.


There was a strangled noise produced at the back of Geng-Xin's throat, escaping through gritted teeth as she felt something, burrowed into her navel, beginning to swirl. Not a place she wanted to feel this thing, a horrible image of something pointy digging into that place came to mind, though that would be far from what she was to actually experience. The creature's touch still relatively gentle, if anything she'd feel slightly ticklish as this warm, wet texture began to circle around the pit of her cute little navel.

However, if there was to be any sensation that had Geng-Xin feel a true sense of violation, panic and, to some extent, arousal, it would be that of this thing plunging into her sex. Seemingly delving itself in with a greater enthusiasm than it'd had with any other part of her body, the feeling of this thing rushing into her, filling her up, pushing out her tight inner walls would cause the helpless warrior to throw her head back and let loose a great cry, that could have been either pain or pleasure to an outside observer, but in this case more clearly the later. Her body shuddered, her legs pressed together beginning to jump back and forth repeatedly, opening a little before snapping back to one another with a quiet slap as the elasticity of her bindings fought back. Hips squirming, all these sensations would feel both new and familiar to her at the same time, as she felt this thing beginning to wiggle around inside her, pressing against and tormenting all of her most pleasurable spots, not failing to find a single one.

The worst to come though would be the revival of that cruel device that served the function of tormenting her precious clit whenever it was called upon. If she'd forgotten it was there, amidst all the new sensations that wrecked her body, she would swiftly be reminded. Vaguely aware of the sound of this thing clicking, but almost as if it were a distant detail, she knew there was little she could do about it. Some small part of her mind being able to comprehend the dread it should be feeling at that implant being activated again, for the most part she'd still be overwhelmed by the sensations running rampant inside her besieged pussy. The sensation, as such, actually coming at her as a bit of a shock and surprise, the stimulation this time around would be all the more damning as part of a cruel combination, now that the inside of her sex was being stroked and stirred.

Whole body clenching up, causing her to go into a full fetal position, even her lungs would seem to tense up as she was momentarily deprived of breath. For a little while, not making a sound as she simply shook, eventually her body would break into a new pattern of heavy, but tormented, chaotic panting. Heading rising up, breath and voice seeming to twitch as much as the rest of her, little quivers adorning this warriors normally so proud and concise utterances, she'd begin to cry out.

"Fuck! Hu-hu... Oh Fuck! Huu-huuu!... *gasp* Shit! Shit! Hu-Hu... Oh God! Nnnn... HAAAAAUUUUH!!"

She could feel something happening inside of her. There was a sensation, like pain, but good, a sort of tingling warmth beginning to build up. It was becoming steadily unbearable, but at the same time, she longed for it to continue building... to break? For some reason her mind, whilst otherwise lost amidst that sea of pleasure, seemed to think that it was some sort of prelude, that something was coming? All memories of her prior climaxes lost to her, she had no idea that the thing that would be 'coming' was her. It felt so good, and she so wanted to just surrender to it all. However, the soldier inside her, under such pressure, only urged her to fight on. Straining her arms and body once more, Geng-Xin would begin to reach for that implant on her clitoris, hoping that once she'd managed to switch it off that this might all stop. Once it was off, all she had to do was press down on it again and hold it, for however long it took her to get out of this mess. When pressed down, the device wouldn't turn on... or off for that matter... until it was released.

Fingers finally managing to inch their way to the device, finger tips only able at first to gently brush the device, which would only cause a definitive twitch to run through her entire body, with one final push she would be able to bring her longest middle finger up and press down on the implant. Between all her struggled breathing and the involuntary spasms that wracked her body, it was difficult to keep a proper count, but she would endeavour to hold for as long as she could, until she was certain the device was ready to be disarmed. Through it all though, she just had to hope that whatever this entity that'd seized her was, it wouldn't be smart enough to understand what she was doing and would allow her efforts to see fruition, all it needed to do was keep the pressure on that device indefinitely and Geng-Xin would be, for a very true lack of a better word, fucked.

Olivia Nightingale, Student - Character Profile
Olivia Nightingale, Student -F-list (links to external site)
Cyber Slime, Monster - Character Profile
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Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:09 pm
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