Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
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Aegir 2
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:31 am Posts: 10000 Location: Llynoria ...
Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
The Neko giggles thinking that Amanda was joking about her force feding her. She wasn't too strong so she didn't think she could accomlish that. She was quick, had a decent amount of stamina but was fairly feeble like a kitten in that regard.
“Actually, Master didn't say that exactlly. He said to deliever this too you, take it back if you didn't eat and make sure I took everything back, even the pastic that the knife, napkin and fork are in. I don't know why he was being so specific though … well everything back except the food you ate.”
Raven chuckled then looked away so she wasn't staring. She licked at a spot on her hand while Amanda ate before leaving her in the cell after collecting up everything. She did not understand why she wanted to displease Master but assumed that was one of the reasons Amanda must have still been in the cell.
She locked her back in the cell, tested the bars and maed sure the cell was locked before leaving the area with the trash but she returned a short time later after this was done with a green blanket that she moved towards the edge of the cell and stuck in between the bars part way,
“Here, take this. It's chilly in here.” She glanced around ensuring that they were alone before leaning closer to the bars. “Master is taking you out in the morning, he says that a few things are needed before our trip.”
_________________ Aegir Ashlyn Xagi
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Summoned or not, the god will come.
Last edited by Aegir 2 on Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:45 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:37 pm Posts: 774
Re: Yearnings (for Amanda)
She couldnt help but smile as she lowered her head. The thought that he was worryed about her keeping a tray.. and plastic silverware and a napkin.. truely made her day.. it ment to her that he knew.. he didnt have as much control over her as he thought he did and she had appearently done something.. that convinced him that leaving her with anything was a threat of somesort.
If anything jsut the thought of that made her day pritty well. She contunes to eat before finally finishing.. she stands back up and turns making her way back to the far side of the cell and sinking back down against the wall again.. returning to hugging her knee's to her chest.
She watched the girl gather up the tray and whatnot before turning to leave the cell.. If she was going to bolt for the cell it would have been a perfect time to do it while the girls back was turned and trusting towards her. But she doesnt.. she watches her move out of the cell and turn shutting the door behind her.. She hmms a bit..
She watches the girl leave within a sound.. no sooner then she does she slips to her feet.. getting a idea.. she moves over toward the cell door.. glanceing down at it.. noteing the lock... if she could find something that would prevent it from locking.. and then if she could rig something at the bottom of the cell.. she could give the impression that it was locked.. and leave the cell when no one was around so she had more.. time to explore.
She was kneeling down at the bottom of the cage door when the neko girl suddenly made her way back toward the cell.. she swiftly stoof and moved back from the cell.. and started paceing.. back and forth.
She stops as the girl comes up toward the cell as she watches her.. carrying that blanket. She watches her stick it threw the bars.. but she doesnt move to take it for a moment.
She listens to her before she answers.. "Oh i suppose that means he intends to show me off.. some great prize" she rolls her eyes again.. before she moves to snatch the blanket.. allready haveing been feeling the chill within here.. cosndering she had had to sit on the floor for hours.
"Tell him to take you.. you would rather be shown off instead of me" she says after a moment before she turns and makes her way back to the far side of the cell and leans against the wall before dropping back down onto the floor.. bringing her knees back to her side as she leaves the blanket beside her for the moment.
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Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:28 pm |
Aegir 2
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:31 am Posts: 10000 Location: Llynoria ...
Re: Yearnings (for Amanda)
The lock was a simple lock when a key was inserted into it and turned to the right a bolt produced from it to catch on the frame of the door though turning the latch to the left drw back that bolt. Simple in concept but effective. But if she could wedge something at the bottom of the cell and get it to stick given the illusion that it was locked with a simple tug … so far she had been denied anything of that magnitude but considered a modified glue potion that could cause the door to stick and appear lock especially if she could promote the brake down of the glue faster where she could open the door …
There wer a lot of problems she had to work out with that situation though …
Either Fafnar wanted to boost her confidence or if she actually but something to greater use in the past. The former seemed more likely.
And while it was not her place to second guess the desires of her Master she just nodded after sneaking Amanda the blank. She wasn't going to mention a thing, it was not her place who Master showed off though she wouldn't have minded if it were her. For all she knew she could have blown it, he might have been planning on wisking them both away.
In the morning Fafner arrive. He stared into the cell noticing the blanket unless she hide it. Good morning, Amanda, are you ready? Well that is a rather foolish question for a mind reader. He chuckled as the cell was telekinetically opened.
_________________ Aegir Ashlyn Xagi
Character Listing
Summoned or not, the god will come.
Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:36 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:37 pm Posts: 774
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II)(for Amanda)
Sighs softly to herself as she looks after the retreating catgirl. She shakes her head slightly. There was one that had accecpted her role as a slave.. she had been broken so no trace of herself was still in there to know she was free.. and shouldnt be owned.
She waits until she had left the sight.. and some time later before she reached down and unfolded the blanket.. Standing up she folds the blanklet in half.. and lays it on the floor against the wall, the open side faceing the wall. She peels back the top layer before she slips down into it.. before tugging the top back over her. It was good for warmth though the chill within the air was still soaking threw the blanket.
She curls up within it making sure she is throughtly wraped up.. before trying to head off to sleep. She sighs a bit to herself.. it takes a while to say the least before she manages to drift off.. even if she hadnt remerbered it.. she had spent some time rcently not awake.. and save for the past few hours.. when she was awake she had been totured.
She does finally manage to drift off.. and morning comes all too quickly.. she streches only to relieaze she was still in the cell.. she swollows and sobs softly to herself. After all.. as far as she knew.. yesterday she had been sleeping in a bed at the school.
She finally climbs up out of the blanket.. uses the.. filicities within the room before she makes her way back over to the blanket to sit down.
She waits there for some time before she suddenly narrows her eyes as she watches the creature come toward the cage again. She had no cause to hide the blanket.. she wasnt ever told it wasnt allowed.
"And whats good about it monster?" she retorts as she contunes to sit there for a few more moments.. considering.. she could choose to stay here.. simply not agreeing to go with him a form of fighting.. but staying here didnt let her see what was outside this sub looking incloseure.. so it acutally was in her best intrest.. to go.. simply so she could start.. seeing what was out and about.
She slowly climbs to her feet.. adjusting the silks about her person a bit.. having slept in them.. but they were self cleaning so they contuned to look just as fresh and clean from the day she put them on.
"Then i suppose if your so good at what you dont.. i dont need to bother to say weather i am ready or not.. do i monster" she retorts again as she takes a slow step. Of course if she hadnt been attacked by monsters on the island this could have been going so different.. at elast she was somewaht used to seeming them now.
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Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:04 pm |
Aegir 2
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:31 am Posts: 10000 Location: Llynoria ...
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II)(for Amanda)
Fafner gazed at her though the bars of the cell. His mouth tendrils swaying almost scheming as he addresses her first question.
You are alive are you not? Shouldn't that be good enough? Another day to strive for something better.
There was a click as he telekinetically drew the bolt back with his mind, the celll door swinging opend as his eyes drift to the blanket. She gave that to you? He shook his head, the answer already gathered there but he had not flown into a rage or take the blanket. He just considered the Neko a little. As far as Neko's went Raven was daring … another Neko wouldn't risk displeasing their Master and would only do what was expected of them or what they believed benefitted their Masters. He would have to watch this one closer than he thought.
He had not brought her food or reminded her of it though he came to fetch her. At her second use of the word monster he simply shook his head. From a matter of perspective you are the monster … humans are in such limited numbers out here … you'll see that in fact it is the other way around, Amanda. Now let's go.
Fafner led the way town the long corridor to a trap door in the floor. He hit a few buttons on the wall with the proper thoughts that pounded out a simple code, the trap door falling away at an angel forming a ramp that lead out of the ship, there was only ground out there that she could see. Brown rocky earth ...
_________________ Aegir Ashlyn Xagi
Character Listing
Summoned or not, the god will come.
Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:18 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:37 pm Posts: 774
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II)(for Amanda)
Keeps looking at the creature as she makes her way slowly toward the door. Stopping near the door as he stands there. She shakes her head slightly.
"And if you were held against your will, you would also seek a way to escape when creatures did to you what youve done to me" she retorts as she stands there.. clentching her fists at her sides as she contunes to watch.
"Some might say it would be better to die then to allow one selfs to be broken and turned into a someone eles toys. Im not a toy" she says.
She shrugs a bit at his question about the blanket.. she hadnt been aware that it was something she wasnt supposed to have.. considering it did get cold within this cell.
"And why wouldnt she? I know being a monster and all you dont notice it.. but it does get cold in this place.. unless you plan to unduely toture me.. but then again thats probelelly why you took my memorys from you.. perhaps you pushed me to far and found out i couldnt be reason with after" Of course that was just a shot in the dark.. to her and her many hours of thinking about it.. it seemed the most valueable reason. Well eather that or she had found some way to escape and he made her forget so she would forget how she had escaped. She growls silently within her mind curseing her inablity to reermerber. Not she knew she was better of not knowing anyway.
She follows him out of the cell.. her mind taking in everything.. taking note of this and that.. idea's forming on how to escape or how she could use this or that. It was just something she did naturally.
"Well if you consider me a monster.. theres nothing better for that then releaseing me returning me home now is there monster?" she says as she follows down the ramp..
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Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:56 pm |
Aegir 2
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:31 am Posts: 10000 Location: Llynoria ...
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
He paused and considered her question, he wasn't one of the weak fleshy ones so it was hard envisioning that he would be brought down so low to another. Fafner regarded her for a moment though …
I have never faulted you for trying to escape. I know how pointless it is to try, even tried educating you to some degree but I see it as only natural that you keep trying, at least until you find out how hopeless it is. Even then, while I understand that you're going to keep trying to get free, probably less frequently in time …
Some might agree with that logic, some fold under pressure. I have given you the opportunity to purchase youf freedom in time so until then you either play what eer games like a good little toy or refuse and allow to linger and eventually fade. I have so far let you decide this path.
So she knew … no that was a guess, he could still follow her mind when he focused on it. He picked up on probably 80% of her thoughts due to the dulling effects of his thoughts unless he focused on them.
It must be frightening to thing that I can simply erase from your mind what I do not like if that is the case … then why haven't I erased your desires to be free, all asssociated memories that make you feel entitled that you should be free. Certainly if I could do that nothing stops me from making you a clean slate and taking my time building up what I wish for you to know ... He explained the matter not really caring if she believed him or not. Raven was not instructed to leave you anything, but she was not instructed not to either … the Neko is attached to you to a degree it seems, not enough for her to disobey a command but well enough to risk my disspleasure by doing somethin unexpected.
You sell yourself short, Amanda … there are things that you are useful at and you are no danger to me, you would like to think you are but deep down inside you know the truth of the matter.
He lead her away from the sgip to a market place, no ocean or even river and a sea of alien faces that flicked some attention towards her, one even abroache, a six armed reptile that sought to purchase Amanda though before they could haggle over a price Fafner decline they soon arrived at a market place.
He gaze her what appeared to be a green credit card. You have one hour to be what you need, charge it to this account ... He had not instructed her what to get or the limit on the card itself.
_________________ Aegir Ashlyn Xagi
Character Listing
Summoned or not, the god will come.
Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:46 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:37 pm Posts: 774
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Contunes to follow the creature as he leads her out of... she blinks and glances back at the... sub? trying to get a look on what this thing was she was traveling in. Taking a quick look anyway considering he wasnt stopping as he contuned to march away.
She turns her gaze back and contunes to move following him. She contunes to listen to him talk as she takes in the sights of a strange market place.. If anything the place she was at seemed to be.. a central hub for the monsters.. every size.. shape.. and smile covered creatures werer moveing about.
She even saw other neko's.. but it appeared every one she saw was some sort of slave, some being lead around by leashed.. some being held in stalks.. being used.. others simply being taken on the ground.. She sighed a bit.. it seemed.. the intire race had been broken... at least if this place was any proof of that.
She shakes her head slightly as she looks back at the monster again.
"I think.. you can arange to erase chunks of my memory.. but you cant get rid of my objects because being free is my intire memory.. and if you wiped my memory totaly.. then i wouldnt have.. what you appearntly want to make money with.. is my alchemy skills... so your forced to put up with me how i am." she says after a moment.
She huffs a bit.. "Youve allready changed my appearnce so i look like a foolish little doll anyway" she states.. Even by this stage she had noticed she seemed to have more of a sway to her movements.. like being more agile. Her long ankle length pink hair frameing her form nicely.. the purple harem silks making soft whisking noises from her movements.. giving her allure and sensual look even when she wasnt aroused. "As for the neko girl.. she is a bit Nieve" she says simply and shakes her head.. "Her spirit is broken" she says after a moment.
As they contuned to walk.. she still looked around.. she was getting a strange case of dajvu, like she had been here before.. but of course she couldnt remerber so she could have been here allready. She was also getting the feeling of many.. eyes of assorted creatures peering at her.. and she acutally feared if the monster she wasnt with right now.. the others would be fighting with each other at chances to get her.
She was glad she hadnt tryed to get off whatever kind of boat she had been on before. When they stop she glances at the monster again.. at least with her back turned the other monsters behind her only saw a headfull of bright pink hair.
She blinks as he suddenly holds out the green card in her direction.. she had been distracted and appearntly missed the lizard guy trying to buy her.
"What do you mean, i have one hour to be what i need?" she says confused...
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:41 am |
Aegir 2
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:31 am Posts: 10000 Location: Llynoria ...
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Why would he stop? He saw the ship thousands of times already and she'd get a better look on the way back. There was no water around just a dusty field that had been the only “port” on such a back water planet as this.
He kept looking ahead rather than back, Fafnir was that way with most things in his life.
Fafnir had not been concentrating on Amanda at that given moment so when she spoke it took a second for him to realize that she was addressing him. He looked back at her, mouth tendrils twitch a little. He was amused and thus reached out stroking her cheek a little as he stared into her eyes.
I am not concerned with making money my dear, especial when I can contro minds so people simply give me what I ask you. They have no choice but to obey … I only offer you a means of making some money. You want to be freed, fine, but you will reimberse your expense even though it matters little to me … how you go about that is up to you so I don't really need your skills as a potion maker, I could wipe all your memories and turn you into a whore to the same, perhaps easier, effect. You earning a small profit form such deeds. After each time I could even erase you memories of the dead so you are essentiall a virgin in mind each time. But that sort of limits your options and I want to keep you with more options ...
He looked at her though, amused. I gave you that potion on a whim, I wanted to see if it actually worked and to what extent … and Raven is not broken, she never had any spirit in the first place. The first Neko sacrificed themselves so to speak, procceeding genrations, at least large portions of them have never known the freedom you had so they cannot pine for something they never had.
He turned towards her not even aware of the concerns that enterred her mind then, he turned is attention to her. He felt into her mind then as he focused on her, reading her surface thoughts.
You have one hour to get what you need or want before we will met back up again and head back to the ship.
_________________ Aegir Ashlyn Xagi
Character Listing
Summoned or not, the god will come.
Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:00 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:37 pm Posts: 774
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Shaking her head at the creature.. he didnt make any sence as far as she was conserend.. his.. promeses and answers were flimsy at best as far as she was considered.. one if he didnt have to worry about money.. then why did he jsut hand over a card, two if he didnt have to worry about money what was the deal with even buying her in the first place.
None of his words about this made sence.. and as far as he kept up such words she believed they never would.. she knew.. he had a hidden adenda.. and she figured it was something around her making potions for him despite what he had said.
She sighs a bit as she stands there within the square.. and looks at him.. she still hadnt taken the card from his outstreched hand.. she watches him..
"And.. what am i supposed to get.. for myself?" she so expected something behind this.. she knew for the moment she was a captive.. and letting her "buy" things jsut screamed something wrong to her. She wasnt even sure he was going to follow her around.. and if the buyin things didnt scream a warning to her..leaving her alone to run away sure did.
Until she had a better answer she wasnt.. going to deside to do anything, as she stood there waiting for the monsters answer to her.. eye pink hued eyes peering at him.
She still could feel other assorted eyes from around the squarge eyeing her.. heck there was even a large amobe type of creature that didnt have any eyes.. was jsut a large 6 foot tall soft blue like creature.. and she could have swore she kept seeing a face eyeing her. She shivers a bit still watching the creature she was with waiting for a answer.
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:04 pm |
Aegir 2
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:31 am Posts: 10000 Location: Llynoria ...
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Eerily he answered her unspoken questions.
Simple my dear … the card is because I am not going to be with you and you cannot just will people to give you what you want, can you. It is a double edged sword in that if you use it I can track it's use easier than I can track you if you were using current everywhere. Simply put it lets me follow the paper trail much easier if you get any ideas and get a ship chartered to Remnis VII …
Buying you was on a whim, Blue gave me a stipended and since I needed a little more than I had at the time and it being an aution then I could only draw upon the funds I had on hand. The auctioneer had a cybernetic component to his brain making it impossible to dissuade ...
Purchase whatever you wish. As long as you are back here within an hour you can buy a tank for all I care if someone will sell you one. You won't find your way off planet, with cash you might have an outside chance of it. But I have made it clear that I can read you mind and will know when you will attempt to escape or kill me and take steps to counter you then …
So why should I be conerned? I would suggest a firearm of some sort though, one that could disuade unscruptulous aliens for the most part. I can deal with weapons with ease, otherwise I wouldn't just hand over a debi card to you. About the only other restriction is the money on the card being only 100,000 and what you charge I will tack on for you to pay back when we go to settle up you freedom ...
_________________ Aegir Ashlyn Xagi
Character Listing
Summoned or not, the god will come.
Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:35 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:37 pm Posts: 774
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Shakes her head slightly as he contunes to explane for her questions within her mind.. She didnt get it no matter how many times he seemed to explain it to her.. it didnt make any sence.
"You know.. no matter how many times you explain it.. you know, and you should know that no amount of explanation will ever convince me.. cause you have allready stated what i believe doesnt matter.." she sighs and shakes her head slightly.
She didnt know what game this was.. and she knew it had be some sort of game.. why eles would anyone claiming to own.. someone release them into a market place and tell them to buy whatever they wanted.
Shaking her head slightly.. "Fine i will go buy a tank and blow up your ship" she says as she snatches the card from him finally and turns and makes her way away from him.. unless he stops her she would quickly try to loose herself in the crowd.
She waits for a bit as she starts looking around.. after all.. she had no idea what there was for shops or anything here.. so she starts taking notes of all the shops she can see.. perhaps looking for something.. though unsure what would intrest her.. or what she might need... she still had no idea what this game was.. so she was going to need to be creative.
She supposed that more creative shops. Well for the moment all she could was to take note of the assorted shops.. venders, special venders.. and or people she saw before she would deside where she was going... after all she didnt know what was here.
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Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:37 am |
Aegir 2
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:31 am Posts: 10000 Location: Llynoria ...
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Fafner sighed a little. Of courese not ...
He considered her searching for an angel and quoted a famous phycologist from her world, Sigmund Freud. Sometimes a cigar is just as cigar ...
At least it was a true quote in the mind of the human he plucked It from. There not as many Earthlings that he met, unlike his father who could draw upon a great many minds to cross reference things.
Fine by me, it's not my ship! I have no need of ships! He did not stop her as she stormed off with the card.
There was a gun repair shop here compted with firearms, a shop tailor to slave out fits another for sex toys, another that sold pleasure droids, another with Neko “toys”. Their was a general store here too but most of what she witnessed had been geared to slave supplies of one sort or another. There was a bar here, perhaps a spacer port though as she looked about she had noticed more stares of those aliens as they appraised her more so now that she was a lone and ulnerable it seemeed ...
_________________ Aegir Ashlyn Xagi
Character Listing
Summoned or not, the god will come.
Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:32 am |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:37 pm Posts: 774
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She hmms to herself as she takes in the shops around her. Now that she saw the type of shops this place had.. her hopes of finding something useful was starting to be dashed. The last thing she wanted was was more items that helped her become more of a slave.
She sighs a bit as she contunes to look around for a moment. OK this was going to be alot harder then she was figureing. So she started to have to think outside the box.. Now, if she were a slave.. that was owned by some monster.. besides the fact that he claimed she was.. but if she was say a properly trained slave to serve only one owner.. and he had a grudge against someone.. perhaps.. if the level of teck exsisted.. for she really didnt know.. that perhaps there were items that imprinted skills into a slave so they could more easly spy for there real owner if he gave them away or let a rival borrow them..
She hmms softly.. as much as she hated then thought.. she supposed that was the first place to look.. if such.. what she would think would be simply skills considering there was mind readers.. perhaps besides sexual skills other types of skills could be given to a user.. if it exsisted.
She turns and considers.. which store.. sex toy shop, surely not a clothing store.. though she would have to check that place at some point.. to see if she could find clothing that better covered her. She reaches up and strokes several long strands of her silken pink hair behind the curve of her ear as she considers.
Sighing a bit she figured oddly enough.. that perhaps the sex toy shop was the first stop.. after all.. there must be specialish items? She makes her way over toward the store.. having to push her way past a larger dog like creature that had several tendils sprouting from its back.. he had stopped to sniff at her as she moves past it and into the store.
Once within she stops within letting her eyes adjust the light as she looks around.. taking in everything as she trys to see who is in here.. and what or what type of items look like there being sold in here at first glances.
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Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:57 pm |
Aegir 2
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:31 am Posts: 10000 Location: Llynoria ...
Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Yeol wasn't haing a great day as it was. He had lost out on over 10,000 credits at cards and had some extensive repairs to conduct to his ship given the last blockade he tried to unsucessfully run, about the same time her ship was taken infact and had he been a little luckier he might have wound up capturing the student.
As Amanda seeks to move past him. The canine like being sniffed the air. He had a drooping face and looked much like a large blood hount/human hybrid with the addition of two tiny human-like hands against his chest ane six retractable purplish tentacles that jutted from his back in paces. Retractable it looked like about 3 feet in length. He watched after her for a moment noticing that she was without her Master and thought that it was a novice Master's mistake to let a slave run around her unattenteded. He crossed the street, hiding in the alley between two shops as his beedy eyes watched the front door of the one she entered.
Inside the shop Amanda saw that there were tons of things all pertaining to sex in one form or another, Sex dolls, plater models of genetial, sex toys, their were a few slave-style outfits here, and more than a few shoppers with an even mix of Neko and human slaves. A few heads turned towards the door as it chimed upon her admitance. The shop keeper, a four tusked nearly 8 foot tall being thar resembled an elephant gazed at her with stoic blue eyes.
Welcome to Yugal's. What may I help you with?
_________________ Aegir Ashlyn Xagi
Character Listing
Summoned or not, the god will come.
Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:28 pm |
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