Shokushu High School

Roleplay Listing Forum.
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Author:  .Christine. [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Roleplay Listing Forum.

The roleplay listing forum can be located On the third door to the left...

The forum requires one thread per person [Though this is completely optional]. It is a neat little system that allows you to keep track of all of the roleplays you have been involved in. You create a thread on the Listing Forum with a title such as "Christine's Adventures" or something to that effect. Each time you acquire a new thread with someone you go in and edit your personal thread that you created and add it to the list.

You can do this by copy and pasting the link to the roleplay you're in and posting it on your own Roleplay listing thread by using the URL feature.

[ url= Insert URL here] Name of Topic Here [ /url] Without the spaces of course ;]

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