Shokushu High School

funny idea
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Author:  bleu332 [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  funny idea

So.. I am in this christmas thread Madison started up, and I think the 5th or 6th post down got me thinking....

Has there ever been a monster that controls nature? XD I think it would be great if there was a thread that just stated:

Daily Weather- and the monster would post what he/she/it wanted the weather to be. The students could have it used in their rp's, and maybe make it so they are in the day under the sun and... BOOM! just starts snowing in that one spot.

Interesting idea, hm?

I posted it here, btw, because I was not quite sure where something like this could go o.o; closest thing I found. If one of the more experienced mods would move it appropriately, im grateful. ^^;

Author:  Madison [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Not really... NICE has control of the weather, as evidanced by the snowy threads. And as to how, well, that is something best left ambiguious.

Plants, that's another matter. There HAVE been monsters that can control plants. Keemari is one that comes to mind.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

How about a monster with minor weather control, not enough to overrule the NICE controls (or ruin the planets atmosphere or weather system :wink: ), but enough to, say, make prospective victims take of their clothes using heat, soak them with a freak rainfall, or just drive them into the monsters arms by a sudden (and very local) storm?
Not what Bleu was thinking off, I guess, but just a random idea I got.

Author:  Madison [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Well, for them to be capable of doing that, they WOULD have to override NICE's control in a local area. Plus also if the student's in a area with a number of other girls, wouldn't the NPCs notice something very weird going on? And seeing as they're not supposed to know about ANYTHING unusual from a tropical island school... And keep in mind, weather systems tend to be big things. And Shokushu Island's inhabited area isn't overly big... Keep in mind, there's a mountain range and a fairly sizable forest... and throw in the fact that the mountains have to be large enough to block out the low-rising second moon, and the spaceport...

Author:  Sara Watson [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

I'm no expert, but wouldn't a snow storm...sudden or not...on an island that is mostly bright and sunny year around qualify as being "unusual from a tropical island school?" I would think that the NPC's and the PC's who saw that the island covered in snow. would all find that more than a little odd, and would raise a question or two as to what the heck's going on with the weather.

I know that if it were me, I would be more than a little...curious about what's going on.

Just throwing in my own two cents here.

Author:  Madison [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Thing is, the student body knows it's a gift. They don't know from where, they just know it's there. Many suspect the labs has something to do with it.

But beyond that, no one has a clue how it happons. No one's questioned it in all the time I've been here.

Author:  Hitomi [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Madison wrote:
Well, for them to be capable of doing that, they WOULD have to override NICE's control in a local area.
For extremely small areas, we know that this has happened. Aurora has made snow inside a clearing, without any accumulation. I think a monster made it rain in a thread a couple years ago. I would say that neither is a case of a character controlling the weather. I think it should be okay to, say, make it rain just outside a cave where a monster wants his victim to go. It isn't going to ruin the day of the general student body.

Madison wrote:
Keep in mind, there's a mountain range and a fairly sizable forest... and throw in the fact that the mountains have to be large enough to block out the low-rising second moon, and the spaceport...
I actually had forgotten about this. You just saved me a faux pas as I was going to say Bala ran a circuit around the island. Obviously, that would be impossible. So that makes the island narrow at the school and wider at the mountains with some sort of impassible cliffs instead of beach?

Sara Watson wrote:
I would think that the NPC's and the PC's who saw that the island covered in snow. would all find that more than a little odd, and would raise a question or two as to what the heck's going on with the weather.
I guess they could mumble something about snow blowers and experimental air coolers. While it would certainly raise questions in some students, the lack of any outside method of investigation likely would lead to frustration.

Just my 0.91 Rupees worth. It's probably not that coherent too.
EDIT: I guess Hitomi should say "1.68 Yen worth". :lol:

Author:  Stormbringer [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Even in a place where the improbable happens daily, I find it hard to believe in an alien who can arrange for a single rain cloud thousands of feet up in the air to form out of nothing and, taking account of everything such as wind speed and direction, arrange for it to unload its contents within an area no bigger than about 20 feet in diameter. And all that without any equipment.

That's even without considering more complex weather events.

Oh... the mighty magician card? An alien of such magical prowess that they can control nature by their mental skills?

Then wouldn't it make rather more sense that they bent those powers into making the student *believe* it was raining? Seems a lot easier to achieve with the same result.

Author:  bleu332 [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

wow.. wasn't expecting so many replies to a funny idea XD

Well, I was thinking about some of the things said, specially Storm's comment, and well, even in our current modern day tech, we can saturate clouds and force rain to come down, and even force them to spread out, to block the sun. It takes lots of jets and chemicals, but is possible >>with the equipment<<.

But as for the monster portion...well, how about a monster that has control over it, but only with the conditions that can be worked? If it is cool out, and there are clouds, the monster saturates those clouds, and boom windy cold rain T_T

My second, less likely to happen idea... What if a robotic hacker style nanite or monster were to say... attack the NICE labs weather system? You know, mess with the controls? I know there is some system probably set up to prevent this, but I like giving fun rp ideas! ^^

Author:  Madison [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

I'll just say this about the second thing: It'll be impossable. They got defenses agesnt hackers that go beyond human understanding.

But to be honest, I'm not really that comfertable about any character having weather control.

Author:  Stormbringer [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Let's keep it simple since these throwaway fun ideas seem to generate so much discussion and justification, which I'm sure was never intended.

Effects such as this one are the province of the mods when setting up wide storyline events, not of individual characters.

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Well, I know this is a rule I've skirted around before. I've used rainfall and high winds to add dramatic effect to scenes with my girls. My thought has always been, as long as it doesn't intrude on a scene set by a mod, it's not a big deal. It's isolated incidences that relate only to the characters in question in that scene.

But I don't see why a character couldn't have those powers, on a small scale that only affects the scenes in question. It would probably have to be magic based rather than pseudo-science, but really, what harm could it do? Fun should trump rules, right?

Author:  Madison [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Rules should never be trumped.

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

Madison wrote:
Rules should never be trumped.


I guess we'll have to disagree?

Author:  Stormbringer [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: funny idea

I can't say I've ever seen that argument successfully used in court but good luck with it next time you're caught speeding ;)

Anyway, you know what would be fun? Having an aquatic monster with super powers who could drag the whole island underwater, peel the side off the student tower like opening a can of sardines and drown the rest of the students and staff except for this one girl he keeps safe in a bubble of air so he can take her to his underwater kingdom to be his sex slave for eternity.

Now that would REALLY be fun. Of course it would break a few rules but that's not important, right? And it would only be for an isolated scene?

I have loads more fun ideas that just break some of the irrelevant rules here if we are switching to a model where all scenes are played in isolation. Because after all, if anything goes, so long as it's in a single scene then we obviously don't need to consider any sort of coherent framework for the roleplay, do we?

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