Shokushu High School

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Author:  Stormbringer [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Introduction

This forum is for all activities in the specified location. There will be a general arrival and mingle thread for anyone to get settled in and establish their starting positions. It can also be used later if your character finishes one scene and is transitioning to a new victim or a new location.

Remember that until the signal is given, all monsters are either disguised as humans, disguised as humans wearing monster costumes, or waiting in a hidden location.

Once the fun starts you will be able to open your own threads for your individual ravaging scenes, so that the different pairings don't get too confused by having them all happen in a single topic.

A description of the room will shortly be added to this intro thread by Katya.

Author:  Katya [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

Greenery and flowers dominate the Fantasy area; A ring of poles line the area just within the space contained by the unseen force field and countless garlands of ivy and flowering vines hang between them, creating "walls" of a sort without obscuring the view of the woods beyond. Another, much taller pole stands directly in the center of the dance floor, more garlands as well as strings of white fairy lights hang between the central post and the surrounding ring, creating a roof of flowers and leaves and lights.

Flowers mark off the dance floor, though the "floor" of the entire area is covered with nothing but carefully manicured grass. Ivy covered trellises stand before the red-brick wall of the gymnasium, beyond which other dancers gather. Garlands ring the small stage, upon which a group of musically-inclined students dressed as forest spirits warm up.

Though the tables and chairs are simple wooden constructions gathered from various classrooms around campus, silk plants and flowers disguise their more mundane nature.

Unseen by the blissfully ignorant students, caches of whips, chains, and other "toys" borrowed from the stashes in the basement sat waiting under various structures that appear to be mere decoration; faux marble columns and crumbling stone walls made of plaster, the ruins all covered in ivy. Many of these same structures also hid various creatures that had been unable to or uninterested in procuring a disguise, waiting for their cue to burst forth and claim their victims.

Author:  Stormbringer [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

Those in the outdoor fantasy area and anyone looking out from the students tower or other buildings would hardly fail to notice several buses pulling into the school parking lot and disgorging a crowd of teenage boys. Though somewhat indistinct they appeared to be fancifully costumed in a variety of themes as they headed towards the school, laughing and good-naturedly pushing past each other in an apparent eagerness to get to their destination.

What was less obvious was that the entire scene was a complex holographic creation which had been prepared in the Lab's computers to fool students into believing the male figures they would encounter had actually arrived from another college. At the same time, Head Girls and Prefects began to move through the dorms, making sure that every student was out of her room and heading towards the prom.

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