Shokushu High School

A Dance of Light
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Author:  Seraph [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  A Dance of Light

Seraph smiled at the student who was flirting with him, but while she was fairly attractive nothing about her really attracted him to pay special attention to her. Just beauty was not going to attract him that well, at least here. He had an entire room full of beautiful young nubile students to choose from, and the only other being he had to actually share with was Rahs, the mercenary who owed him a favour he could call up at any time. Of course numerous other monsters lurked around, or came as part of the male 'students' who had been invited. But none of those present so far were worth noting. They would not dare interfere with his will and desires.

As Seraph scanned the room he noticed a blue haired student he remembered well approaching. Ishtar. However he made a point of not appearing to notice her. With four students already clustering around him he felt like making her work for his attention.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Ishtar scanned around the room as she saw the various boys now in the room. However, it was one that caught her attention. He was a rather handsome man with long flowing blonde hair. He wore what looked like very detailed silver armor with blue highlights. To complement the armor he wore a blue cloak with white highlights. With a sword by his side, he looked the knight in shinning armor among the male occupants of the room.

And I want to be his damsel in distress. She blushed in surprise in her boldness of her statement. Still with so many girls already flirting with him it was going to take some work. Ishtar finished her drink and slammed it down as a statement of her will.

She approached putting on her sexiest walk that she could. A bold approach was the best chance she had to getting a chance with this handsome knight. She had make it clear that it was her turn to dance with the mysterious knight, even if no one had the opportunity yet.

Author:  Narrisa [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

To her surprise, Narissa had already gained the attention of two male suitors, whom both knew the origins of her costume. Both males were very enthusiastic about it, while she could only smile nervously when she caught their eyes roving down the length of her costume. The first one wore apurple spandex and browned booted boy with blond, spiky hair and and a cardboard cut out of a large sword on his back; to the other who looked like a giant and brown werewolf, about half a foot taller than her (she didn't envy how much money the realistic costume had cost him)

Finishing her the small drink in her hand, she missed the threatening look the furry costumer-goer gave to the blond and, before she could turn around, it was only he and her as she looked around for the suddenly vanished cosplayer. "Where'd he go?"

"He just needed some fresh air. Perhaps a dance with the lady Red mage?" the teen had said, his voice guttural by some voice amplifier through his costume. She may not have envied his wallet, but the costume was far above being awed.

"Just forgive me if I trip, I'm still not used to these heels," she said, pointing down with her red orb at the end of her staff. The seemed not to have taken heed as he swept her in his arms, her body soon pressed to his warm costume as she was waltz to the dance floor. "Woah!"

The two danced, furry leading, as she tried to follow to the best of her abilities. But her heels were barely touching the floor as he spun her around, the black tips just skidding over the gymnasium as the skirted by other dancers. "Mind if i actually tried to break my heels please?" Plus, that internal heater was beginning to get to her. 'His costume must have ran into the thousand easily.'

The teen snorted at her as he finally slowed down and, to Narissa's surprise, she had been lead to the center of the room, where another group of girls were around a tall blond male as another robin blue haired female made her way to the fray.

'Looks like everyone has great costumes today.' Were her thoughts before she was spun by her partner, nearly tripping on her own feet.

Author:  Seraph [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Seraph of course noticed Ishtar, and the way she approached him drew irritated glances from the girls around him. In their eyes their was already enough competition for his attention, and another student so obviously trying to gain his attention was not welcome. At least they believed that. Seraph had already chosen Ishtar as his preferred partner. Not that he intended to let anyone find that out just yet. He did not focus on Ishtar's seductively approaching form, however much he wished to, and instead let his gaze wander the rest of the room.

At least he had chosen Ishtar until he noticed Narissa 'dancing' in the middle of the room. Well assuming you could call being held tightly and spun around dancing. Looking at his partner Seraph felt a flash of annoyance at its complete lack of any finesse or skill. His gaze wandered on before settling on one the the four girls still standing around him, but the werewolf had heard his voice in him mind. Mine. Without hesitation the werewolf came up with some excuse and seemingly vanished. Even with the rules preventing monsters from fighting each other Seraph could make a monsters life a living hell if he so wished. Of course what Narissa did next would influence just how Seraph proceeded into drawing her into the gaggle of girls vying for his attention.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Ishtar ignored the students around her. She knew if she made eye contact with any one of the students, she would probably back down and find someone else to dance with. Fortune favors the bold. If she didn't take this chance now, she was never going to get the chance again with such a handsome knight.

Ishtar stepped up to the knight and tapped on the shoulder with her staff. Excuse me, sir Knight. I would like to request the next dance with you. I think you would make a most amazing escort. I hope you can prove me correct.

Author:  Narrisa [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

It had been only a loud grunt she heard from him before he suddenly relinquished his hold on her. The sudden loss of support on the thin inch heels were enough for her to flail back as her hands reached for the nearest thing. What they landed on felt like cloth and as she put more weight on it to get up, her face paled as said cloth gave and a tearing sound, followed by a shriek was given.

"AAH! My dress!!"

"Oh my gosh! My bad!"

Getting her support back and snatching her hand back as if she had been burnt, Narissa looked back to find a long and fiery colored hair female in a white and glittery princess outfit. She even had a tiara. Before she could even sputter out a word of apology again, the princess glare a biting glance at her as her, and two other girls with her sneered at her. But Princess assessed the damaged to be too big as she looked at it.

Right where her hand had landed, on the side near her front, a large gash had split the cheap fabric, reveal the corset beneath all the way to the hips. A gasp came from her as she hurried her way to the back of the gymnasium, where the bathrooms were as her small entourage followed in suit, more than a few bumping shoulders with her as she tried to keep her balance.

"S-sorry. . . guh . . ." Well . . .it could have been worst.

Author:  Seraph [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Seraph had seen the effect of the werewolf suddenly leaving Narissa and found himself quite amused by the entire affair. However his attention changed focus when Ishtar tapped him on the shoulder with her staff. Turning to face her he made a point of ignoring the glares of the other students clustered around him as his eyes openly regarded her costume. Unlike so many others of the male 'students' here his gaze did not focus purely on her breasts or thighs, instead after his initial look he focused on her face.

He offered a slight smile to Ishtar as he considered her request. And who might I have the honour of escorting? As far as she knew the two had never met, and he had to play the part of a complete stranger. For the moment at least.

As he had spoken to Ishtar he had cast a spell directed at Narissa, one that would draw her attention towards him and compel her to approach. Juggling Ishtar and Narissa would be interesting, even before he was allowed to reveal his nature.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Ishtar smiled as the knight the turned to meet her, he was even more handsome up close. Ishtar almost blushed, but just managed to suppress it. Now was not the time to show any signs of weakness. It was survival of the fittest, and she was going to win.

Ishtar did a curtsey in front of the knight. I am sorry, I did not properly introduce myself. I am the Lady Ishtar of Rocha. I am the Dark Mage of this ball. It is an honor to be escort by someone as strong and brave as yourself.

Ishtar had laid on thick but this going to be her best opportunity to score a dance with such an attractive man.

Author:  Narrisa [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Narissa did not spend any longer staring at the gaggle of girls leave. Although she did find it interesting the furry cosplayer she was 'dancing' with before had taken a sudden interest in the princess, offering a large cloth to the exposed woman.

'Well that's nice of him. And they say that chivalry is dead . . .'

Turning back to where the gaggle once was, Narissa found her breath hitched in her throat. There, dancing on the gymnasium blocked by a few other couples, was a knight and another mage. Narissa found herself star struck as she watched the two gazing into eachother's eyes, an almost ethereal glow to them. The way the blue haired woman's garbs flowed around her, how the outfit complimented her silky looking hair. From all she could see from her position behind them was how the woman's hat was tilted back, gazing upward to her suitor.

Unlike how the furry's outfit was . . . Narissa didn't concern herself on how the knight's armor was or how expensive it could have been. IT all just . . . fitted him . . . Like he was made for the role. Narissa found herself staring shamelessly as she continued watching. A few dancers got in her way, but she was quick to side step them to watch the pair. Her must have tripped her only once, but . . .

'I guess I know why it took forever for those other girls to leave now.'

Author:  Seraph [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

As Ishtar introduced herself Seraph bowed, much to the irritation of the other students around him. She had only just appeared and he already seemed to favour her. Two of the students gave up and quietly slipped away, but the other two who remained had a determined look in their eyes. They had no intention of giving up on what they considered the prime 'catch' of the prom.

A pleasure to meet you Lady Ishtar. I am Sir Seritiall, and it would be an honour to share the next dance with you. Of course holding onto a staff and a sword would complicate dancing. Using the first third of his full name should be enough to conceal his identity, without needing constant reminders as to his assumed identity or giving someone to much power over him. You two don't mind holding onto these for us do you? The last was directed at the two students and as he spoke he drew the sword that was at his side and offered it to one of them. At first she was about to refuse, but when the realisation that if she did she would be able to remain with him struck she took the blade. After another second the other student extended her hands for Ishtar's staff, and once she had the staff Seraph led Ishtar onto the dance floor.

Leading the dance Ishtar would soon discover that Seraph danced perfectly, despite the weight and bulk of the armour every movement was executed flawlessly. After all, it wouldn't do for an angel to do something as simple as dancing anything less than perfectly. Even Seraph was so wrapped up in the dance with Ishtar that he did not notice that in addition to the two jealous students he and Ishtar had another person watching every movement intently.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Ishtar was amazed at Seritiall footwork. Despite the armor's bulkiness, the knight moved with amazing grace and kept up with light footed companion. You dance divinely, Sir Seritiall. I did not expect to fine as light footed as yourself.

Ishtar stared into the handsome knight's eyes as they danced. She felt more attracted to him now more than ever. As they continued to dance, Ishtar hoped the song would never end. This was perfect. As they continued to dance, Ishtar failed to notice what a huge crowd of people that gathered to watch the couple as they twirled.

Author:  Narrisa [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Narissa found herself watching them curiously as her eyes roved over the pair. She was careful on side stepping in her high boots every time someone else stepped in front of her. But even on the sidelines, she was beginning to see that if she wasn't dancing, it would begin to get a little more difficult to see.

"Hmm . . ."

It was innovative . . .but also something that she never tried before and probably would think of herself childish for doing later . . . But she just had to see them! Holding her staff to the center of her chest, Narissa imagined her mana channels shifting in an opposite direction, half of her building up a small polarity, while the other did the same. It worked much more quickly compared to how she first did it, but that was only because she practiced. Keeping her eyes open for any change in the crowd around her, she began to let the thin lines of her negative polarity protrude from her, a shuffling of people began to show its effect.

"Ugh, I'm getting chills..." "Did the cut the ac off over here?' "It feels funny..."

When her ears picked up that, she instantly lowered her channels and had the energy recede back into her. 'Wow . . .it worked, heh-heh.' The many people that had gotten in between her and the dancers began shifting to another area. Only about four, but it was enough for her to see over another shorter girl and only the other few that remained. Of course there was no hint of her mana once she pulled it back into her. Even if she didn't expect any of the other students to see, she'd rather be careful

if she could. She only hoped that wasn't the use of frivolous things she promised Kanoe she wouldn't do once she took her up. But it was all worth it as she saw the pair waltzing an arch near her.

Author:  Seraph [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Unlike Ishtar Seraph was paying attention to the crowd watching them both, and with a single exception of Narissa he did not want half the room watching him. That would put serious limits on what he could do and get away with. It was a simple task to cast a disinterest spell around himself, with an exclusion for Narissa. For everyone but her, Ishtar, and probably the two students who were fuming at Ishtar while holding her staff and his sword. Oh? Did you expect to be stuck dancing with some oafish lout who steps on your toes?

Just as Seraph had cast his spell he felt mana flickering behind him. It was easy enough to rotate their dance so that he could see what was causing the mana, and unsurprisingly enough it was Narissa. She had used some mana to try and encourage those around her to move out of the way so that she could continue watching. An interesting idea, and one that had given him an opening he wanted to draw her out of the sidelines and put her on an equal field with Ishtar.

First however he had to wait for the dance to end, but he could hear that approaching. The moment the dance ended he led Ishtar back to his previous spot, and as he saw the two students still standing there he offered them each a smile. Taking the proffered sword he ignored the glares that the two students offered to Ishtar, and instead sent a spell out to Narissa, compelling her to come closer. When she got close enough he would be able to draw her in, and Seraph was looking forward to seeing just how Ishtar and Narissa got along. It would definitely prove entertaining.

But for now their was just Ishtar, and since she had approached first it made sense to give her some form of advantage, some bonus at the start. Your a good dancer Ishtar, did you study it by any chance?

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Ishtar blushed a little. Thank you. I had practiced a little before the dance. Although its hard to kinda hard to practice with just yourself. That wasn't the complete truth, she did make an illusion of a man to dance with which helped alot with the footwork. But he didn't need to know that, and she wanted to appear to be a natural at dancing.

As for his dancing. I am just impressed you can move so easily in that armor. I been in a lot of plays and I realized that armor is not easy thing to maneuver in. It takes alot of practice, but you do it so effortlessly. It really is amazing.

Author:  Narrisa [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance of Light

Narissa felt a need to get closer, her already gained advantage not sating her curiosity on the couple. It was almost like magnetism. The closer they got, the more she was drawn to them as she slowly took up the abandoned space from earlier and came closer.

It was only how she came closer was she able to see the face of the lucky beauty that had gained the knight's attention. 'Hey! That's Ishtar!' It had only been on an accidental meeting that she had went to the postal section of the school to see if her package had arrived and she had thought that it had. But lo and behold, it had a different name to it where the company she ordered from had written on the box. It was Ishtar that soon came up to retrieve the box that the two had met. They chatted for awhile on the company and soon, they parted ways.

'Well, hadn't seen her in a bit.'

Up close now, near two girls that had been holding a sword and a staff, Narissa looked passed them to look into the knight's eyes. 'Wow . . . dreamy . . .'

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