Multitudes of ideas storming through my head...
I try to stop thinking and all I can do is *THINK*. I get this way when I'm seriously bored. My mind never knows when to shut itself off. So I'm constantly brainstorming ideas for new monster characters. And so far I have two new monster ideas I'm currently forumulating in my head.
Anyone ever watch the OVA of "Legend of Lyon Flare 1 and 2" or "Mission of Darkness"?
Well, I got two monster ideas... one based off of Glode from Legend of Lyon Flare. And the other... a "Seedian" from Mission of Darkness. Been pondering about these ideas and both seem really good. The one idea based off of Glode was sick, twisted, and kinda "brutal" and "violent". But it still is tentacle hentai "rape" to the extreme.
And finally... the Seedian idea was gonna be a far departure from the original idea from "Mission of Darkness". He just pumps a girl full of seed till they would just pass out. But... the original "Seedian" was trying to impregnate girls so a whole invasion could occur. But I thought that would be against the guidelines of Shokushu. So... meh.
Anyway... I am curious about anyone's opinions on these things. I would like to try both ideas out. And I'm pondering names for them. I just don't want to steal the *ORIGINAL* charatcer names of them.