Shokushu High School

Tentacles and stuff
Page 21 of 29

Author:  Pierce [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Best Dragonrider to boot. :D

Author:  Seraph [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Mhmm .... definitely the best Dragonrider I've ever seen ^_^

Author:  PiaM. [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Thank you, thank you!

And now another drawing of Susan Qin:


Author:  Ssrathi [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Ohh ... very nice. All sophisticated and refined.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Thank you! That was what I was aiming for :)

This one has been lying on my hard drive since forever. There is about a million flaws with it, but whatever. I have been messing around with it for way to long, so I say it is as finished as it is ever about to get!

Anyway, it is part of an idea I had about a RPsetting/possible future comic/story/something about a bunch of sexy space cadets exploring the solar system with their dysfunctional aethership, assisted by the mad scientist who invented the ship. Along the way there was supposed to many encounters with aliens, pirates and Space Amazons.

In order to explain a little, the mad scientist, Dr.Krankenkoph, has implanted a device in his head. This device was supposed to enable him to convert excess genius into passion, ensuring that he would be a hit amongst the ladies. Instead it turned him into a complete moron, but enables him to convert excess passion into genius. But only for shorter durations.

Anyway. Silly idea that never resulted in much, but here is one drawing at least.


(I got a way better steampunk flavoured drawing here, BTW)

Author:  Ssrathi [ Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Mhmmm ... Both very nice ... *may totally be jealous of the scientist ... <_< >_>

Author:  Starla [ Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

I must agree that idea for an rp sounds interesting Pia.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Thank you both :)

Ssrathi wrote:
Mhmmm ... Both very nice ... *may totally be jealous of the scientist ... <_< >_>

I think the good doctors stickh is that he is actually much happier as a moron. He also gets laid ever so often, whenever the girls need his brain. Handling him when he is being an idiot is a chore, but that is the girl's problem, not his.

Starla wrote:
I must agree that idea for an rp sounds interesting Pia.

I think I have some (very sketchy) notes lying around somewhere. I could post what I can find/remember if you wish.

Author:  Starla [ Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Well I wouldn't mind knowing some of that? I would love to see more notes on this idea?

Author:  Seraph [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

PiaM. wrote:

I think the good doctors stickh is that he is actually much happier as a moron. He also gets laid ever so often, whenever the girls need his brain. Handling him when he is being an idiot is a chore, but that is the girl's problem, not his.

Hey tp be fair if the girls want to not deal with him as an idiot they know the solution to fix that and get him smart again ... ;)

Author:  PiaM. [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

It is just a temporary fix, though :)

Anyway, here is what I can recall/find about the setting.
This is set in an alternative 1800-something setting, where discoveries about the subtle flow of aether and phlogiston between the planets has made space travel possible at an earlier date.

(Phlogiston has negative mass, and can thus be used to ascend from planets. Aether is either positive or negative, and will be repulsed or attracted towards planets that are either negatively or positively charged. If any of what I am writing causes the more scientifically astute people reading this pain, discomfort or internal bleeding, I apologize in advance).

Space exploration being de rigueur these days, the empire has put a lot of effort into competing with the other nations. While the idea of women in space being seen as laughable amongst the more conservative, it is a new field. Some felt that a ship staffed with cute female cadets would be a good idea for propaganda purposes. Thus the aethership Aphrodite was commissioned, partly sponsored by Countess Sappfenfield, a wealthy widow and know suffragette sympathizer (also secretly a space pirate, spy, inventor, and revolutionary).

The ship was designed by (pre-moron) Dr. Krankenstein. It was to be staffed by cute cadets and used for strictly shorter missions, but that did not stop Krankenstein from designing it with a SOTA aether compression engine and lots of whistles and bells.

Unfortunately, the good doctor, now post-moronification, was invited to board the newly built craft to inspect it before the maiden voyage, accidentally launching it and partly breaking it, pre-emptively sending the ship and it's (incomplete) crew on their maiden voyage.

Onboard are:

The good doctor.

Fanny, charged with being the doctor's primary minder.

Sylvia, the blonde. The one who ends up being in charge most of the time.

Deepika, a girl from Industan. Lanuage genius, in charge of interprenting the doctor's notes and translating alien languages. Has by a quirk of nature been blessed with a special talent/curse. Her language center is somehow connected with her pleasure center, making challenging linguistic task extremely pleasurable and arousing.

Suzette, a seemingly chaste and somewhat prudish girl, turns out to be a xenophile (sexually and romantically attracted to extraterrestrials).

Sister Sigrid, an Anglian-Protestant Ortho-Catholic nun from a tiny order know chiefly for its extremely confusing theology, that stoved away in order to do missionary work amongst the heathens of Venus. Sees herself as the moral caretaker of the ship, and is always on the lookout for a something that would warrant spanking. Does herself dream of being punished by Sylvia. In order to excise such sinful thoughts from herself, she has managed to convince Dr. Krankenstein to help her construct the Autoconfessional, a rather complex device that can administrate corporeal punishment or hysteria relief as needed. Malfunctions quite frequently.

And some others I cannot remember ATM.

Venus is a lush planet with azure oceans, huge atolls and one big continent that is mainly swamp and jungle. Inhabited by plant monsters, seamonsters, mermaids and futanari amazons.

is mostly dessert, ruins of ancient civilizations, and is the base of a group evil, spider like aliens.

And around here I ran out of ideas. Just to clarify, this is not something I have any real plans of doing any serious development on, but perhaps it may spawn a drawing or two at some point.

Author:  Starla [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

I gotta saw that is an interesting idea Pia, it would be interesting.

Author:  Vorgamnon [ Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Wow, that sounds like a really cool setting to Role-play in and not just in the sexual sense. There's a lot of detail for something you don't plan on developing anymore. Still, definately deserves kudos!

Author:  Ssrathi [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Well the thing about a Temporary measure is they just need to keep reapplying it whenever it wears off ... o:)

And sounds like a rather fun concept/backstory ^_^

Author:  PiaM. [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacles and stuff

Thanks, glad you guys liked it :)

I had some ideas for the autoconfessional, it had a lot of interesting functions, but I suck at drawing mechanical stuff.

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