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 Slimer vs. Iria 
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
Her eyes narrow as she saw the wounds beginning to close on the demon's arm. It was nothing too serious to worry about as Iria's attacks were generally all or nothing. It was doubtful the creature would regenerate very well from a direct hit assuming it does not take him out completely. Still, it was very annoying as it means her work so far was being undone while her own dull ache in her shoulder remained.

Not wishing to keep the crowds waiting, the gladiatrix charged forward once more. The creature seemed to be waiting for her for whatever reason. So far, she had not seen anything out of the ordinary beyond regeneration. For all she knew, the monster could be saving the tricks in order to put on a better show. But there was no way to prove anything like that during a battle. Her powerful legs pushed her closer to her opponent with each step as her hammer trailed behind her at the ready.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:04 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
She seemed a step more cautious as she approached, which didn't bode well, maybe she was tiring? Slimer held to the faint hope, as it was a step slower and more cautious was still lightning quick as far as humans were concerned. As she reached the halfway mark between them, he sprung his trap to the roar of the crowd. Out from under his arms along his sides shot the four tentacles. Slimer wasn't foolosh enough to try and loop or coil her legs, as with her speed it was almost certainly a losing gambit. Instead he sought to simply tangle her lovely legs causing her to trip.

They shot straight out at a downward angle then crossed making a 90 degree turn and making an x in front of her expected path about three feet wide. Time would tell if he set it too far and gave her time to avoid, or simply if she would plow right through as her strength was incredible. Hoping for the best he waiting legs ready to spring forward...



Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:41 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
The demon was finally revealing that he had more than just a club and broken shield at his disposal. The tendrils shot out quickly, traveling low as if to hinder her charge. Iria had to react quickly and did not want to risk testing her strength against the tendrils. It was perhaps possible to simply run through the appendages but any gladiatrix or student knows that being caught in tentacles was almost a sure defeat.

Iria instead put her trust in her hammer once more as she swings her hammer downwards infront of her. She pushed off her legs as she did so, causing the hammerhead to slam right into the ground and force herself to flip over the tendrils in a cartwheel fashion. This would get her up and over the tendrils while still closing the distance and preparing her for a massive downwards swing with her hammer towards her waiting opponent. With a loud cry, she landed on her feet with her hammer behind once more. Using the momentum she gained, she lifted the hammer up and over her head, swinging downwards towards the demon.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:57 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
Damn she was agile... was the thought, and he couldn't believe his eyes as she half cart-wheeled, half-flipped over the seeking tentacles. He thought the trap well laid out, but her speed and agility brought cheers and gasps from the stands for her aerial display. Slimer on the other hand knew a different response, one of momentary worry, and that inaction almost cost him dearly as she swung an overhead strike, destined to give him the worst haircut of his life.

Maybe he over-thought the trap, or under-estimated her but now was the time to stop thinking so much and just fight. Stepping right he turns and pivots swinging in a circle with first the club at head height and extending his muscular tail horizontally at waist height, his normal sliming tail put to use as a 2 foot wide, muscular, club/whip of its own. She misses his head but manages to clip his rear thighnot only bruising the leg, but cleaving through skin and muscles as he spins, missing the bone by only 3 inches. More black blood spurts as he roars in pain, finishing the spin, enraged as he hopes to make contact. Although he regenerates over time the more serious the wound the longer the regeneration time, and serious regeneration tended to sap his energy...



Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:57 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
Of course the woman was flexible as well as athletic. Not only did it make her a capable fighter but it also made the amazon a very skilled and enticing sex slave. Unlike other gladiatrixes, she fought only for the joy of serving her Midrozi Mistress. Freedom was not at risk, only the possibility of her Mistress being displeased with her performance.

The impact of the hammer crashing into the ground filled the arena. Dust flew everywhere but the amazon knew she missed her mark at the last moment. But she had no time to consider it as the club struck the side of her head along with the thick tail slamming into her side. The blow sent her head snapping to the side and the tail sent her off her feet and tumbling out of the cloud of dust.

Her hammer slipped from her fingers, falling beside her with a heavy thud as the warrior woman half rolled to her side. The sounds of roaring crowd dimmed in and out as stars flecked her vision. She groaned in pain as she got back onto her hands and knees, trying to shake the cobwebs from her head. The amazon gasped for breath having lost hers when the thick tail slammed right into her side. Unlike her opponent, she had no means of regeneration. She was perhaps a bit more resilient than ordinary humans but that did not mean her body was made for trading blows with a large demon monster.

Even as she waited for the world to stop tilting, Iria crawled a few steps and reached for her hammer. The results of her attack was seen by the audience as they roared at the sight of blood flowing from the serious leg wound. But that was not going to help her if she does not capitalize on the wounded demon before he regenerates. Rising slowly to her feet, she hefted her hammer and willed herself to keep going. Her attacks were coming close and doing serious damage to the demon. If the creature can be wounded, it could be defeated.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:44 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
The blows were close to simultaneous as he roared in agony she flew through the air to land roughly on the ground. This trading blows seemed to go bad for Slimer as she seemed to take a hit but devastate him with the hammer in the process. Realizing how bad the wound could have been, his need to get that hammer out of play only became more abundantly clear. The only question that remained was how to do so without a greater sacrifice? Maybe thats what it would take, he certainly hoped not, but to win and even simply stay alive, he seriusly thought it through.

His leg wound hurt but he was sure he felt the double impact of the club and his tail, meaning she provably wasn't feeling tip-top either. Looking through the pain she laid sprawled on the ground hammer just out of reach but as he looked she moved already. Damn no chance to seize the hammer, got to stop this bleeding... he thought quickly.

Removing his loin cloth, he wrapped the fabric tightly around the back leg, stemming the immediate flow of blood, although stemming isn't quite stopping and every few seconds drips would land on the sands. Already she had worked out her own injuries and retreived the hammer. He needed time to recuperate, and regenerate which made him play one of his last aces in the hole, earlier than he had wanted. As she reached her feet he faded from sight.

He knew the drops of blood every few seconds would give him away, but he hoped her lack of ability to lock onto him as a target may give her pause, and possibly a surprise attack to end this match fast. He told himself he was overthinking it again, preparing to just fight would keep him alive. So long as he remained still, hwe would be completely invisible, but to a sharp eye movement would give him away with a blurring of the light outlining his form.

It was his best chance at a victory, and one he intended to milk waiting for her to try and find him, he moves slow and low trying to circle behind her...



Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:12 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
Iria thought she must have taken a harder hit to the head as she found the demon to be gone. But the creature was not dead as the gates had not reopened. Her opponent apparently had the ability to turn invisible. Unable to see her opponent, the amazon took a more cautious approach as she began to make her way towards the spot the two clashed before. From their, she could try to track the thing down.

The amazon held her hammer infront of her with both hands, prepared to make a quick swing should the injured demon try to attack her. Where they last clashed would be easy enough to find with all the black blood on the floor. Once there, she would search for clues and hopefully catch on to the faint trail of blood drops leading away from the spot.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:18 pm
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
The amazon had a surprised look on her as he disappeared from view, and she cautiosly approaches the spot of their last exchange of hits. Having not made it to quite circling around her a few new blood splatter drip towards the sands. Eventually she would use the blood to ascertain his location diminishing his advantage.

Seeking to capitalize he decides not to wait any longer closing in on her left side seeking to strike with an overhand right to her should while timing his four tentacles to launch at the long handle of the hammer maybe pulling the hammer away or at a minimum wrapping it up. Hoping his timing is right he makes his move, grunting softly with each step placing preasure on the wounded limb...



Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:25 pm
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
She managed to reach the blood and her eyes darted about to find any sort of trail to follow. But her opponent was not going to sit by and let her nullify his advantage. Even in a fighting stance, Iria had no means to know an attack was coming beyond intuition. The club slammed directly onto her shoulder. The amazon cried out in pain as the force of the blow rippled down her arm, numbing it as her legs buckled beneathe her.

Gritting her teeth, Iria turned to swing her hammer at the unseen foe only to feel something tugging her hammer the other way. The tendrils had a tight hold on her weapon and the sudden yank sent her stumbling off balance. Her left arm still numb from pain and her shoulder throbbing with agony, it was her one good arm against the four tendrils. She knew the monster would become far more confident if she was disarmed so she tighten her grip with her hands as much as possible. But not seeing where anything was coming from left her unable to know which way to tug and resist.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:39 pm
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
It was the first exchange that he wasn't bleeding or blinded in so he considered it a win. The overhand right strike with the club to her shoulder landed with a sickening smack, he was sure she saw his form blurring off to the right as he struck, and she attemped to swing after crumpling to her knees. Incredibly the crowd roared perhaps not at the beginning of the end, but instead they most likely roared due to her show of strength as she fought to hold on against the four pulling tentacles, without the leverage of her feet, with only one arm.

The strain of anchoring against her pulling, with his four legs put fresh pain on his injured thigh causing ftesh squirts of blood the seep through the loin cloth tied around the wound, and drop along the sands. Slimer realized he was in trouble and sought to counter the forward swing as it finished, and reverse course with the club in a backhand swing at the same injured arm. He hoped the pain might cause her to drop the deadly weapons and even pass out should his luck hold, or if she didn't manage to pull a trick out of the proverbial rabbit's hat. Either way the strain was already causing him to fade in and out of sight as he swang, trying to hold onto his invisibility...



Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:31 pm
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
Despite her resistance, it did not change the fact that the amazon was in trouble. She got back to her feet only to feel herself be tugged in another direction and make her stumbled. Both hands were holding her hammer but only one had any strength. The demon would probably notice just how heavy the hammer was. It was definitely not something a human should be swinging around with such ease.

Iria began to make out the shimmer shape moving about her along with the spurts of blood coming from his wounded leg. But she found herself stumbling right into the backswing of his primitive club. It hit with another sickening smack. Pain lanced through her arm as the blow sent her stumbling the opposite direction. The tendrils tugged on her weapon, causing it to slip from her fingers as she fell backwards. Iria favored the injured shoulder, already showing heavy signs of bruising as she shudders in pain. The amazon gasped out breaths as she forced herself back onto her feet. Seeing the free blood trail on the ground, she rushed forward and swung one of her powerful legs out in hopes of hitting the source of the flowing blood.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:40 pm
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
The second hit did at intended and caused the strong woman to release her grasp on the hammer, unfortunately Slimer had underestimated three things. All of which he was soon to pay dearly for.

The first was the weight of the hammer. His tentacles were like inch thick corded rope of muscles and veins. They were capable of ensnaring the most difficult of prey, and loaded with extensive nerve endings like his cock, they were capable of delivering great pleasure to himself and his victims. They were not capable however of weilding an oddly weighed hammer of enormous mass, with weird weight distribution. The best he managed as he wrested away control was slinging it along the arena floor towards the wall.

The second thing Slimer underestimated was the strength and sheer determination of Iria. As the hammer hit home, it wasn't a grazong strike but a direct hit. She was knocked away falling on her non-wounded arm. Not only did she fight the immense pain and hold onto conciousness, but she quickly regained her feet and without her weapon went on the offensive.

The third was her quick wits and cunning as she made an attack he figured would not only miss the invisible creature but do little as she was devoid of her weapon. Wrong on all three assumptions he prepared to return his tendrils following the slinging of the hammer away, and encoil the prideful warrior for a debasing round of green slime. Her speed and will made the difference as he pulled them in, in time for his wounded leg to be struck with a forceful kick.

The smart lass aimed for the blood drips origination, causing him to throw his head back in a roar of pain, losing all control of his invisibility club arm flailong out at the source of pain, as the rear leg collapsed.



Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:44 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
It was not often she is thrown into a exchange of blows against a monster. Most just tried to humiliate her and get her naked as quickly as possible. Her left arm hung loosely to her side as she threw her kick. The swelling made it difficult to use her arm at all and it was doubtful she would be as quick with her hammer if she could use it all assuming she ever manages to retrieve her weapon.

Still, her persistence paid off as her boot sank right into the gaping wound. The roar of pain was only matched by the roar of the crowds as they watched this brutal fight continue. The invisibility faded, revealing the demon's agony as well as his flailing limbs. With her opponent being unseen, Iria had no means to prepare herself for the swinging club. The damage she had suffered so far was adding up and she was slow on pulling back her leg and getting back into a proper stance.

With a loud crack and the busty warrior's head snapped to the side. The club had hit her right in the temple. Her vision flashed black and white as she did a half turn and fell to her knees. Both her arms hung limp to her sides as she groaned weakly. Blood trickled down her fair skin as her large breasted body fell over like a cut tree. Her body faintly twitched and occasionally stirred but for now her body and brain were not on speaking terms. The desperate flail bought the demon what he needed most right now, time.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:09 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
Little did Slimer know that as his vision went black from the pain his opponent was experiencing the same disconnect with reality. Her power was incredible for such a sexy smaller package. The kick to his open wound covered by merely a couple centimeters of fabric happened do drolive through the remaining muscle and hit bone. Although not shattered the pain was exquisite causing all four legs to buckle. As he riarred everything faded. He had no idea that his blow struck gold and that could he simply get up Iria was his for the taking.

It was nearly half a minute before the roaring of the crowd was a sight and not just some noise his brain failed to interpret. He tried to go invisible but lacked the focus as the pain was simply everything. Regeneration at this point would take over an hour, if not many he would be forced to finish the fight in spite of it all.

Looking around he fully grasped what had happen as his opponent layed face down in the dirt. Her ass was up in the air, almost a promise of things to come if he could pull it together and just finish out. As he struggled to make his feet, he could see her body fighting the same battle as his, her black hair shaking as she reached for the here and now.

Dropping the club he used his strong arms to push up and got his good legs under him, moving the hurt leg, he realized not much more damage had been done, but that still meant extremely poor mobility for the rest of the fight. If he had only two legs the contest would have long been over.

Reaching down for the discarded club he looked over at his opponent and the easy opportunity for a win, seemed to have gone the way of the last ice age. Still he knew it was as good a time as any and shot out his tentacles in hopes of coiling the recovering amazon, but she looked ready...



Last edited by alexvano on Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:08 am
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Post Re: Slimer vs. Iria
Iria had taken less serious wounds compared to her opponent. But she also lacked regeneration. Her body had been altered and trained to endure combat with monsters and their endless sexual drive but that did not mean she could just shrug off a club to the head. For a few seconds, the amazon had blacked out. The roaring cheers of the crowds were dulled as her mind and body tried to regain some sense and strength. For a few moments, Iria did not know what was going on around her. She did not realize there was a monster recovering behind her and preparing to attack her.

Her vision cleared as the amazon woke to the constant throbbing inside her head. The attack took alot out of her as she lost momentum in the fight and her body had relaxed, allowing the pain and fatigue to settle into her muscles. Slowly, she pushed up onto all fours and managed to finally sit up. A weak groan escaped her lips as she rubbed her head, shaking it side to side to try and clear things further. Her left arm hurt to move at all and the adrenaline she had pumping through her system had bled away. She needed to take back control of the fight and soon.

The demon was not much better shape as the kick forced the regeneration to start over on the heavily damaged leg. But despite losing alot of his mobility, the creature had the range advantage as he shot his tendrils out towards the still recovering gladiatrix. Iria was in deep trouble as she had her back turned and could not see the attack coming. The appendages wrapped around each arm and around her thighs. Her right arm resisted the pull of the tendrils and even began to pull away. But her left arm could only shiver and be pulled behind her, forcing her damage shoulder to stretch as she cried out in pain.

The pain forced the warrior woman to her feet, stumbling backwards and closer to her wounded opponent. The amazon struggled but her left arm was under Slimer's control. All she could do now was pull with all her might with her good arm and try to turn around so less strain is put on her damaged shoulder.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:51 am
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