Shokushu High School

Slimer vs. Iria
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Author:  alexvano [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer finally had an advantage and hoped to get her in range to end the fight, living up to his namesake but there was still the will and fight of a blond warrior and an injured leg to contend with. Normally with all four legs and securely latched tentacles, wheeling in a victim was no challenge. Today he found out what effort was, as he struggled on three legs, and his victim had amazing strength. On a positive note his tentacles had wrapped each of her limbs from behind, and one of which, an arm seemed to be causing her great distress.

As he pulled it was the weak arm that brought her any closer and in fact she managed to yank her working arm free. He thought about trying to step closer, but he weak leg meant he had to maintain resistance or lose her all together. He shot out his free tentacle to try and reinforce the one on her damage arm, and perhaps tweak in into further pain, but she had managed to spin around making alot of his leverage wasted. Still he pulled against the valiant warrior tail and club at the ready, hoping he could real her in close enough to use either.

An inch at a time he worked her closer, the struggle immense...

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

She managed to free her arm but the tendril immediately switched to her injured one. The cruel yank made her groan in pain and caused her to stumble forward. Losing her footing, she found herself dragged on her knees closer to her opponent. It took a few moments to get back to her feet. Her boots dig into the ground as she tried to pull away from the creature, putting further strain on her damaged shoulder. If it were not for her arm, she could put forth even more effort in pushing herself away from the monster.

Iria needed to free that arm. Pain lanced down her body as her swollen shoulder was forced to stretch outwards. Reaching with her free arm, she grabbed one of the tendrils that was wrapped around her arm. Feet skid along the ground, provided as much resistance as possible. Unsure what else she could do to free herself, Iria held tightly to the tendril and began to squeeze and pull on it as hard as she could.

Author:  alexvano [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer thought he had the sexy amazon for sure, using her suffering against her, but her willpower once again shown through as she planted her feet fighting the pain. For sure he thought he was on the way the subduing her as he still was planted and dragging her closer. His three legs seemed to give him sufficient leverage. Them she grasped on of his tentacles and he delighted from feeling her hand on it but then she squeezed and began to pull.

With all healthy legs, even her impressive strength most likely would not have been enough. Right now, which was all that mattered, her strength was enough and as she pulled with all her might he began rocking forward. Trying to lean back pain rocketed from his leg straight to his brain. It was such a shock that she pulled him forward onto his knees, the extra slack causing the tendrils to ungrasp and uncoil her limbs...

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

It was her turn for her desperate struggles to pay off. Though she saw the serious wound dealt to Slimer's leg, she was truly under estimating the demon's current state. Iria was intending to cause pain or even tear off the damn tendrils but what she got instead was even better. The demon actually lost this game of tug and war. The monster stumbled forward and fell to his knees and the tendrils loosened their hold on the amazon woman.

Iria did not waste any time stepping out of the mess of tentacles. Her shoulders radiated pure agony but that only helped the amazon to wake up from being nearly knocked out from the last exchange. She was still far from one hundred percent but she was very well ready to continue fighting. The gladiatrix felt she was close to victory, she was not going to disappoint her Mistress and throw it away.

The warrior woman moved to close what distance was left between the two of them. Once within range, she pushed of her legs and jumped up into the air. Her body twisted and her right leg swung out in a roundhouse kick towards the demon's head, hoping to stun the creature further.

Author:  alexvano [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer simply lost his balance falling forward to his knees, quickly he retracted the tentacles to see Iria charging again. Struggling to stand, he realizes he simply won't make it in time and expecting a tackle, he reaches for the discarded club, this time simple luck saving him from a powerful boot to the skull, as she aims a debilitating roundhouse towards the spot his head was only seconds before.

As he looks up he sees her finishing the move not realizing how close of a call it truely had been. The roar peaking and dying suddenly by the crowd was the only real indication. Still on his knees he aims a blow at the back of her leading knee, while pushing up off the ground, with his non-weapon hand. The manuever weakens the potetial of the hit but gives him the best chance of reaching his feet...

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Her attack hit nothing but air as the monster ducked under it. The force of her kick caused her to make a full turn before landing on her feet. But Iria's opponent was waiting for her, swinging the simple club at the back of her knee. It clipped her leg, causing it to buckle and give out from under her. Iria grunts in pain but was not about to let this keep her down as her opponent tries to recover. The amazon warrior turns, pivoting on her knee as she does a spinning heel sweep. Whether it was an injured leg or not, she needed to keep the monster on the defensive so she could get back on her feet herself. The heel of her foot would aim at the side of one of the monster's knees.

Author:  alexvano [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer finally lands another strike as he seeks to make his feet, smiling at his success, it is all too short lived. The beauty hits the dirt as he suceeds in standing only to be surprised as an agile sweep takes his front left foot forward and out from underneath his massive frame. The crowd roars as the anouncer launches into a tirade praising Iria's latest take-down. In Slimer's world however, it was simply joy, turned into wonderment as the sky went from above to even with his eyesight, and then red as pain set in as his remaining two healthy and one decimated leg tried to catch his weight collapsing him onto his broad back.

As he hit the sand with a grunt, the club rolled awat from his finger tips as his body's natural reaction was to throw his arms to the sides, palms open and down to try and ease his fall. His large tail, and slapping palms absorbed the minor impact, ending the manuever in more of an annoyance than anything else. Pressing back with his tail, he used the largely muscular appendage to launch himself forward back to his feet, and with knees bent he lands and extends his legs, launching himself forward at the frustrating black hair vixen, arms forward.

They collide as she finshes her spinning heel sweep facing forward. His head aimed below her good arm, his arms wrapping around her trim waist. He lifts with his arms slamming her onto her back.

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

The sweep did not buy the amazon enough time unfortunately. That tail of his gave the monster another appendage to push off the ground and immediately turned his folly into a diving tackle. There was nothing the warrior woman could do as the three hundred pound demon slammed right into her. Iria grunts in pain as she fell to the ground. Her opponents arms were now tightly wrapped around the woman's waist. It was his turn to show off his own strength as he easily lifted the tall woman and slammed her right back down onto the ground.

She tucked her chin in to avoid slamming her head as well as her back. Another grunt forced air from her lungs as she struggled in the creature's grasp. With his head under her good arm and without any leverage, the warrior could do little but slam her fist down upon the demon's back. Even with her strength, it was only arm strength alone against a tougher part of the creature's body. Her feet kick, trying to find something to hit or to push off of in order to break the tight hold he had around her waist.

Author:  alexvano [ Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

As Slimer barreled into her he thought he finally would have the advantage to begin finishing the girl. As his huge framed locked around around her waist his head under her good arm there wasn't much the amazon could do in the way of offense. The crowrd roared as they sensed the danger Iria was truely in. She began pounding agqinst his broad back. The hits didn't feel good but with no leverage, her massive strengh couldn't be brought to full use.

She squired trying to kick trying to finding a way out. Deciding to taunt her he says to her, I've got you now my lovely, time to see what your lovely body is capable of... Even though he taunted her it was really a stalemate and he knew it. He had to be careful as the wrong move would give the powerful amazon a chance at freedom. Pulling his arms away slowly from around her waist he keeps her pinned with his shoulder. Sliding his arms up over her waist his hands find her breasts through the thin material. His hands fondle gently before shredding the tight suit with his sharp claws freeing her lovely breasts to the cheers of the assembled watchers.

Deciding he wanted to admire his work, he made his mistake and leaned back resting on his knees straddling her as his eyes and palms took in her large breasts.

Author:  Kanoe [ Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Noticing his advantage, the monster let his sexual instincts decide his actions. The hold was loosened but by now the demon was sitting on top of the gladiatrix. His upper remained close, leaving only her good arm beating on it for little effect. His hands squeezed Iria's mountainous tits, making her groan as she felt them pulse with her rapid heartbeat. In one quick motion, her glistening globes were set free. Her latex suit ripped easily beneath the demon's claws. The crowds cheered as the main attraction of Iria's body was revealed to all.

But the monster instincts and over confidence showed as he leaned back to look at his beautiful bounty. The amazon gazed up at the creature. Each deep breath she took caused those double Gs to rise and fall against the monster's palms. Iria waited for a moment, allowing the demon to be distracted by her luscious body before striking. Even though he had sat up, she really only had one chance to cause any damage and she had to make it count.

Without her legs, Iria relied on pushing off her damaged shoulder while twisting her hips into her next attack. With a yell of pain, her rose up against the monster's hands. Her right fist thrusts out, twisting her upper body as much as she could to add to the blow. She aimed right for the monster's jaw, hoping to stun him and give her time to figure out how to get out of this mess. After the punch, she would immediately aim low and grab the monster's growing cock. Taking a firm hold, she would squeeze it painfully. If the beast was going to strip her down, she was going to show him no mercy.

Author:  alexvano [ Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer's lust took over after feeling her firm body, with soft curves in all the right places, rub against his own. He stripped and began palming her gigantic breast, his extremely large hands finally meeting their match as the crowd roared it approval at her partial nudity. She seemed to struggle less seeming to accept the fate she knew was about to befall her as she accepted a glorious defeat but defeat nonetheless.

It was then that the pain began to hammer through the demon. As he began toying with her body a pain ripped through his jaw as the punch landed squarely, knocking him for a good five seconds from reality. The darkness was interupted by a hand on his growing cock at first his brain hoped was for pleasure, but then the painful squeezing set in.

As he was ripped back to the arena, a growl of pain filled the air drawing painful oohs and ouches from male, female, and other gamblers alike. His body reacted on a primative level, arm backhanding the amazon below him as his other arm pried her constriction free. Rolling off her in agony he took a minute to recover before leveling a killing glare of retribution Iria's way. Right then he promised himself the next time he would take no chances and humiliate her with a sliming, and then leaving her on the brink of bliss but denying her release, so she suffered the illusion of hope...

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

"Ahh!" Her head snapped to the side from the backhand. Iria groaned as her head was once more throbbing as she rolled to her side. The blow made her loosen her grip, allowing the creature to get off her. Shaking her head, Iria rose to her feet and glared back at the angry stare. Her giant breasts stood proudly from her chest as the crowds roared with approval. She made no attempt to cover herself as she was more than used to losing articles of clothing during a match.

She winced in pain as she moved her left some. Using that arm would cause her great amounts of pain, leaving her with only one arm to fight off the now very angry monster. The damage was adding up for human woman while her opponent was regenerating from the massive wounds her hammer made. Panting softly, Iria had to take this moment to recover a bit herself. Rushing her opponent constantly was proving less effective each time, even more so without her hammer.

Author:  alexvano [ Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Both beaten, bruised, and Slimer a little dizzy from the blood loss from his leg wound, they stood glaring at each other across the sands, taking a little time to recover. Slimer at least enjoyed the view the gambling crowd enjoyed, as her large luscious breasts rose and fell with each breath. She was simply an amazing woman in every regard, stronger than her frame indicated, faster than her species would dictate, more willful than many aliens he had run across. She had challenged him mentally and physically and gave as good as she got.

Snapping out of his admiration, he began to formulate a plan in his head to seize the girl and cover the prideful warrior in his disgusting green ooze leaving her helpless to exact a shameful revenge. He might respect his opponent but that didn't mean he forgot the slights against him. The dick she thought to injure, he would use to bring her shameful defeat.

She seemed to be figuring a gameplan herself as she gazed back at the demon. He was beginning to get used to being bum-rushed over and over as she tried to overwhelm him. Beginning to gingerly sidestep he waited to see what she might try as he edged closer to his discarded club.

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

With the wound still regenerating, Slimer did not have much means to close the distance quickly between the two of them. Now aware of the tentacles, Iria was wary of a range attack as well. The amazon would have no choice but the take the fight to him or else leave him to recover further.

Pushing off her legs, Iria charged forward once more. Without a weapon, she would have to move in closer in order to get any solid attacks in against the beast. But attacking was not her aim for the moment. When the gladiatrix reached attack range, she would immediately change directions and dash to the side towards the discarded club. The club would not be much but it was a one handed weapon which meant no strain on her damaged shoulder. The amazon would run as fast she could and dive for the weapon to rearm herself.

Author:  alexvano [ Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

As Slimer edged torward the fallen club it appered he would make it when the buxom woman charged him again. Shooting his tentacles out he sought to wrap her up, but she dashed to the side at the last second tentacles missing by inches and made a dive roll for the club! His tentacles quickly shot out towards the club in a pair and two went for her leaping form.

He was beat to the club as her good hand grasps the simple wooden weapon. The other two tentacles strike to curl the woman and Slimer thought all was lost when he managed to feel one secure an ankle. He pulled hard as she was coming out of the roll hopefully yanking her off balance, bit she managed a firm hold on the club.

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