Shokushu High School

Slimer vs. Iria
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Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Luck was on her side as Iria's fingers closed around the simple weapon. But as she finished her roll, hissing from the pain radiating from her shoulder, she felt something yank at her ankle. Growling in annoyance, the amazon fell to the ground and twisted around to see the tendril around her ankle. The warrior woman did not waste any time as she immediately struck the tendril with the club. She smashed at the appendage hard, hoping to make him think twice about sending the vile things again.

She would try to rise to her feet at this point and now rush for her opponent again. This time she had a weapon in hand to give her back an edge. The amazon would try to read the tendrils, jumping over them if they are low and ducking under them if they aim high. If she could just get past them, she could bring her might to full use in melee combat.

Author:  alexvano [ Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer shouted in pain as the coiling tentacle was struck, a look of hatred battling the lust filling his eyes. She quickly ran at him and he shot out the tentacles low then high low and then high again only for her to use her agility to jump and the duck, jump and then duck as she closed fast. Stepping in on his two good legs he sidekicked with the one good leg as she came up from the last ducking manuever, hoping to catch her and let her momentum double the impact of the strong kick.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

The gladiatrix did well in avoiding the multiple tentacle attacks. She only had to avoid the monster's claws and tail to get a swing in. Iria had not expected the quadraped to actually kick with his legs especially with one so heavily damaged. Her head rose up from avoiding the last set of tentacles only to have her eyes go wide at the foot heading straight for her. In a full rush, she had no way to avoid the attack as she ran head first right into the monster's kick.

The impact echoed through the arena as Iria's head and body snapped backwards. She immediately hit the ground, the back of her head bouncing off the arena floor. The club she worked on getting slipped through her slack fingers as she layed there before the demon. "Uhhhnnnnn..." Iria's world was spinning and tilting from side to side. The gladiatrix was in deep trouble as she tried to roll over so she could push herself up. Running right into the heavy kick took alot out of the woman and this was to a place that had already had its fair share of hits already. That damage was now compounded and multiplied, leaving her completely dazed as she tried to get her limbs to obey her again.

Author:  alexvano [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer couldn't believe his luck was carrying so strongly as he hoped to catch her in the chest but as he made contact it hit the blonde in her head knocking her backwards, her head violently snapping off the hard arena floor. Amazingly she rolled over to her hands and knees struggling to shake the hit off and to try and regain her feet. Noticing the club rolled free he stepped forward and kick it a few feet ahead of her out of reach.

As she fought her dizziness he knew he eouldn't get a much better chance to catch her and put her in her place with humiliating torture. As the club rolled to a stop he launched his four cock tipped tentacles one at each limb seeking to wrap an ankle each, and two at her arms. The ones for her ankles were to simply keep her on her knees and not allow her to use her legs to pull free. The ones seeking her arms were to wrench them crossed behind her back pulling her up to her knees, arms bent perpendicular at her elbows securing her wrists and coiling them repeatedly behind her back. Hopefully it would be enough to hold her as he stepped forward...

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

The monster was not going to let this opportunity slip like the last one. He immediately sent his tentacles to bind her limbs. Iria could do little but groan in pain as her arms were pulled and tied behind her. Each coil put further strain on her damaged shoulder. She was forced to sit up on her knees as the demon moved closer. The crowds watched with anticipation as they gawked at the now bound warrior woman.

Forcing her arms behind her caused her chest to thrust outwards some, making her giant tits all the more prominent. The pain in her shoulder helped clear some of the haze from her mind. Her vision cleared some, revealing her opponent moving closer. Gritting her teeth, she could not believe she walked into that attack. Her head was pounding and she definitely needed time to regain composure. With both her arms bound, the multiple coils ensured that she would not be able to muscle free with just one good arm. That left only her legs as she tried to rise up and kick at her opponent in a futile attempt to keep him at bay.

Author:  alexvano [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer was glad his snares had latched onto their targets, things seemed to be going perfectly. As he moved closer to hershe seemed to be shaking off the disorientation from the kick, Good, more fun if she is fully aware of her doom and impending rape in front of the breath held crowd Slimer couldn't help but think. As he moved closer she struggled to make he feet with a look in her eyes that still promised him pain. As she started to rise he pulled tight the tentacles securing her ankles dropping her back to her knees. It seemed this fiesty prize would never give up, which only brought a smile to his battered form.

The demon continued limping past her, placing one hand on her wounded shoulder and one on top of her head. Squeezing the shoulder slightly till he had her undivided attention, he moved his tail into position above her head. Leaning down he said to her, You fight amazingly well and its a shame but I can't risk how dangerous you truely are. It seems time for you to discover why I'm call Slimer, and then the true fun will begin...

The hand on her head trailed down the back of her black hair freeing it from its tie as she struggled against the inevitable. Above her the tail began filling with his slime, he waited for it to fill as the crowd watched with growing wonder and anticipation of what was to come while he waited for her to realize the hopelessness of her situation.

The mouth opened and a thick green blob of slime began to descend. Moving a couple inches a second it would touch the crown of her head and begin flowing over her dark hair in under half a minute. Now for your sliming in front of the crowd. Once in covers you in under 5 minutes you will be at my mercy, as your muscles go limp, and your sense of touch heightened many times over. Your lust will build as your need for release will grow, and when its too much to bare, I might grant it to you... he says with an evil laugh.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Iria kept trying to get up. She pushed off her legs only to have the tendrils trip her up and send her right back down to the ground with a groan. Her bonds tightened, causing pain to lance through her shoulder and down her arm. She was helpless as the monster came up to her and grabbed her. "Ahhhnn!" She cried out in pain as the monster cruelly squeezed her damaged shoulder. The amazon trembled but could not rise up against her opponent.

The monster taunted her, bringing that tail over above her head as he wanted to show just how he earned his name. Iria's hair was freed, causing her black hair to pour down past her shoulders. She glared at the demon and notice the tip of his tail parting as green ooze poured down onto her hair. The woman sounded her disgust as she squirmed, trying to get away from the stuff as it soaked her hair and began doing its insidious work on her body.

"Let me go!" she growled, straining against her bonds and tries to launch herself into the monster using her legs. The slime soaked into her body, beginning to relax her muscles and make her all the more sensitive to the touch. In a desperate attempt, she pushed off her legs and tried to tackle the monster's damaged leg while ignored the sheer agony going through her shoulder from the strain.

Author:  alexvano [ Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

As the slime began to seep through her silky black hair, the crowd seemed to match Iria's level of disgust although a few cheered. The effects would be setting in as the goo began clinging to her hair and making it hang around her head like a color changing curtain going from black to green. She struggled causing the green gloop to drip all over her, when it finally reached the tips of her hair she made a valiant push up to her feet and launched herself at the demon behind her apparantly aiming for his injured rear leg. It was a great effort but he simply caught the amazon wrapping his arms around her as her feable struggles grew weaker and weaker.

Now you're mine... he whsipers evily into her ear as his hands find her large breasts. You will be my perfectly incapacitated toy for 30 minutes. After that time you will be begging for an orgasm and your defeat...

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

"Uhhnnn..." The monster simply held her in his arms as she squirmed. Her muscles had fully relaxed, unable to summon her insane strength at all. She was now no better than an ADD agent or even a Shokushu student. With the slime infecting her body, she would be too weak to even stand on her own power and her body would become hypersensitive. Thirty minutes... That was more than enough time for any opponent to take victory. But this monster had other plans it seemed.

"L-Let go... M-Monsters..." Even speaking took effort as the muscles in her jaw were relaxed as well. The demon's hands took a handful of luscious tit, the mere contact sent a tingling sensation through her firm orbs. Despite what she was feeling, Iria showed no signs of struggling as her body remained limp due to the effects of the poisonous slime.

Author:  alexvano [ Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

He complied with her wish letting her sink back to her knees between his the tentacles holding her arms fast were all that supported her from falling face first to the sand of the areba floor. His hands caressed her lovely breasts the slime making them slippery but he had plans and the first was demonstrating how sensative her skin had truely become. Fondling her gigantic breasts was something he had intended from the beginning and now was his chance and he wasn't going to pass it up.

Exploring every peak and valley, his fingers finally found her hardening nipples giving a violent tweak intent on showing her heightened pain that she was capable of as well. He released the unneeded tentacles securing her ankles and sent them sliding up her sides to coil her gigantic tits carressing while his fingers alternated delivering pleasure and pain...

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

He released her from his arms and Iria felt her knees simply fold beneathe her. She wanted to stand but her body simply did not respond. It was like her entire body just fell asleep while leaving her mind very much aware. The tendrils binding her arms kept her upper body upright to avoid having her own mountainous globes cause her to topple over. With her strength gone, she could feel the full weight of her wonderous breasts pulling at her body.

She did not have to worry about her top heavy state as Slimer's clawed hands immediately grabbed her tits once again. A simple caress caused Iria to take a sharp breath. Her breasts were a large and sensitive target for monsters and the crowds knew it. But the slime made that weakness the pure source of her own destruction as tingling waves of sensation rippled through her chest and down her quivering belly. "Uhhnnn..." Unable to close her mouth, weak moans escaped her over and over as the monster tenderly stroked her now tingling mounds.

"Aiiieee!" She cried out as pain lanced her tender peaks. Both nipples were sticking out proudly from her well endowed breasts. The pain seemed to pierce any resistance she had, making her body tremble as he easily showed just how much power he had over her body right now. Tendrils released her ankles but it did not matter as the body was but a doll to him now. The vile appendages wrapped her breasts and began to squeeze and stroke them further. More contact rubbing across her luscious mounds sent Iria groaning louder. She could not resist the monster. Within moments, she was whimpering in pain and pleasure as he continued to alternate and make each sensation all the more prominent.

Author:  alexvano [ Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Slimer enjoyed himself, availing himself of all the delights her lovely breasts had to offer. Her moans of pleasure mixing with her cries of pain as he sent her peaks through blissful periods of absolute bliss only to counter the sensations with pinching twisting agony. This alternation made each feel more exquisite. Such lovely breasts you have, although it is obvious from your figure thet are not naturally endowed, they are truely amazing. Yet I think it is time to have you pleasure me a little... and with that he pulled the tentacles securing her arms up over her shoulders keeping her slack form upright while walking around in front of her.

Time to find out what I am sure everyone in crowd wishes they knew for themselves, Slimer whispers as he stands in front of her hanging head. He runs his fingers through her raven hair slick from the slime sticking in it and grabs two handfuls wrapping it around his hands drawing her head back. Slowing he pushes his semi erect cock between her slight lips, and that is whether your mouth is as pleasing as your tits. Starting by sliding all the way in relishing the feel of her warm wet mouth and tongue caressing his slowly hardening shaft. Slowly pulling his hips back and thrusting forward he begins fucking her helpless mouth, while his other tentacles continue stimulating her lovely breasts, coiling the entire mounds and flickering against her nipples.

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Iria could not even speak as the monster played with her tits and claim they were not natural. The only thing unnatural about was the fact she could lactate milk though the demon would find that out eventually no doubt. "Ahhhh!" Iria cried out in pain as her arms were lifted up behind her back, the pain in her shoulder increased by the slime though the relaxing agent did help loosen the strain. The woman's body hung limply, her legs not providing any support at all as she relied on the tendrils to keep her up.

"Ooohhhhnnnn..." She groaned, the tendrils stroking her now pulsing orbs constantly. Each stroke left a tingling after effect that made it feel like even more tendrils were running over the tender flesh than there really were. Unable to resist her opponent, the cock slid easily past her parted lips. Her groans vibrate down the shaft as he filled her throat with the warm meat. Iria could not even focus enough to be disgusted or angry as her mind was drawn to the heated mounds that the tendrils tormented. Each flick across ehr aching teats caused them to throb harder as they became engorged with hot blood. Iria's eyes fluttered, rolling back slowly as she struggled to have some resemblance of control. But the slime ensured she remained nice and relaxed. The tension flowed through her body and pierced right into her core, building a climax she was helpless to stop. Juices dribbled out around the edges of her latex suit, running freely down her inner thighs as she grew more and more aroused.

Author:  alexvano [ Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

Feeling her warm mouth encircling his cock is wasn't long before the vibrations of her koans brought him to full length. Continuing to fuck her mouth he groans in exuberance to the cheers of the crowd as he rapes her mouth. Not so fast, I certainly can't have you cumming yet... the demon says, squeezing her large breasts as hard as possible while yanking up hard on her arms. Deciding he wouldn't take any chances, as he wanted the glimmer of hope to remain alive that she might possibly win, he loops the restraining tentacles around her forearms and wrists.

Then in a move designed to bring sheer agony to its fullest he pulls up hard her knees lifting an inch off the ground as he suspends her arms upwards behind her tweaking her damaged shoulder to its limits. Meanwhile he continues ramming into her delightful mouth. Then leaving her suspended he resumes his work on pleasuring her breasts the pain and pleasure mixing. Her cries of pain and moans of pleasure mixing, as he delights in her forced head. Soon he can feel his own first orgasm building...

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slimer vs. Iria

She could not fight him. The pleasure and tension pierced deep into her very being. The fluttering in her belly had melted into a pure molten heat that was spreading unhindered through her loins. Her eyes rolled completely back as she was on the verge of succumbing right then and completely losing the match. But the monster wanted to savor this longer. A brutal yank caused Iria to squeal in agony. The slime enhanced the pain as much as the pleasure. Muffled whimpers sound as he continued to fuck her throat while ensuring she received now bliss just yet.

Her muffled screams filled the arena as she was lifted completely off the floor, supported by her arms lifted behind her. The strain on her shoulder only multiplied with the pain causing intense torture for the helpless amazon. The pain helped keep her away from the edge and stay in the fight for whatever that is worth. Her mouth hung open, unable to bite down on the cock that was plunging into her throat. She was barely getting a breath in before the thick meat pushed back in with each thrust. But the demon had not forgotten about her, focusing on her giant weakpoints to keep her mind clouded and distracted in both pains and pleasures.

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