Shokushu High School

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Author:  Shroxx [ Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Ravage

(I didn't like his earlier picture, so I redid him! I did the lineart, and my friend Dai did the coloring job... Hence the words. XD)

Name: Due to the fact that we low humans could never pronounce his name in his proper tongue, he chose a word in the English language which is closest, and this happened to be Ravage.

Race: Kylarek

Type: Four armed monster with a prehensile tail and cheshire smile

Place of Birth: Ravage was born on the jungle planet Kurio. It was a hot muggy summer day when he came into the world. While this is normal for most animals on Earth, this was unusual for Kylarek standards, and so Ravage holds a high position in his society.

Date of Birth: In the English calendar he was born on May 11th.

Gender: Male

Nationality: Unlike humans the Kylarek species does not have a nationality.

Age: About thirty-three years old in human years.

Height: 6'11 ft on his hind legs; 5'9 ft if he's on all six.

Weight: 155lbs

Physical: Ravage is considered "beautiful" to his kind. With those glittering orange eyes and dark horns no Kylarek female could say no to him. His biege skin is unlike ours besides in color of course. It is smooth, like velvet, and shimmers like a thousand diamonds if the sun hits it just right. This is because he is well groomed. The hair on his body is black and has a silky texture. When he is enraged, the hair will give off a reddish-orange glow. His four arms are well muscled, but like most males his hands are equipped with gnarled fingers and sharp talons. He only has three fingers and one thumb for each hand. In between each of his arms and his sides are webbing. Why? Should he be chased off a cliff he merely has to hold out his arms, and like a flying squirrel he can glide to safety. Should he begin to fall and be unable to grab anything with his hands his prehensile tail will most likely save his sorry hide from a painful death. Ravage's feet are like a dog's paw, but they are very large and like his hands they are thickly padded. The thick padding allows him to creep through the corridors without being heard, and it gives him better traction for running. Alas, he was not granted with multiple cocks like his cousins, and instead is only equipped with one.

Fighting Style: In order to capture his prey, Ravage will find a place to hide, and wait. Once his sensitive nose catches the scent of a lonely female, he will open his mouth, and lure her with his vocal cords! Ravage is capable of producing many sounds and calls like birds can. A mewing kitten works best for catching young girls. Unfortunately for our dear Ravage he cannot produce a human disguise, and so he must rely on wit and strength to get what he wants.

Motivation: Unlike some of the other aliens, who feed off of a girl's sexual energy, Ravage does it for pure pleasure alone.

Pyschological Profile: Ravage is excited by a girl's fright when they see him. The scent of blood drives him into a frenzy, and this is why he will cut their arms with his claws. It makes him feel powerful to have this wild thing thrashing in his arms to bend at his will and desire. He lusts for young women like drunks yearn for alcohol. Once he has a favorite, be forewarned, because he will give that poor student extra attention she does not want.

Personality: Being of a high social status Ravage is quite the proud fellow. He is rather vain and will spend at least thirty minutes grooming himself: brushing his hair, washing his skin, and then rubbing himself down to make sure he looks his best. Being a natural born rapist he has become quite good at convincing women it's good to have sex with him. Why wouldn't it? With four hands what woman in their right mind would complain? At least, this is Ravage's mentality. He believes himself to be the God of Sex due to the fact his own planet made him think this. While he may be indeed stealing someone's virginity or simply taking them over and over, he is kind, and perhaps even a gentle lover. This, however, will not last if you piss him off. Then he'll get rough and won't care if you enjoy it.

Sexual Oddities: None to speak of thank goodness.

Clothing: None.

Special Attributes: His acute senses of sight, smell, and hearing allow him to track down prey a mile away. With four arms and a pair of strong hind legs this monster can run at frightening speeds. Should the victim prove to be another male [And therefore appears as a challenge to Ravage] he can simply tear them apart with his claws and teeth.

Behavior: When he is on the prowl for a woman to sate his inner beast his only thought is to track them down and fuck their brains out. It doesn't matter if they're as thin as a pole or as thick as Greek columns: all that matters is what lays between their legs; the doorway to heaven. Now if he's just hungry then he'll either raid the school's cafeteria or go hunting. He prefers to hunt: deer, bear, small game. Should all fail he can always go fishing.

Weaknesses: Strong odors can override his nose into losing someone's tracks, bright lights can temporary blind him, and getting dirty just freaks him out sometimes. Being rather vain he would prefer to stay as clean as possible.

History: I'm lazy. I'll write this later. 83

Author:  Dendrite [ Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome! ;)

Author:  Sephriot [ Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome *waves tentacle* Nice Picture :D

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

A very interesting critter indeed. May your hunts be always successful.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:35 am ]
Post subject: 

nice *smiles and strokes the mane* welcome to the campus. hope to see you around *winks*

Author:  Shroxx [ Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Updated his look. n_n

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