Shokushu High School

Fiend without a form (Vital Satistics added)
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Author:  ShapelessClear [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Fiend without a form (Vital Satistics added)

My name... If you can call it that... Is Shapeless Clear. Pretty basic, isn't it? Sums up what I am nicely... Made, essentially, to be The Thing That Isn't There.

I am colorless, odorless, and sapient. Glassy-clear, I hide most easily in water, but can also be seen as ice or glass, or vanish in low light, unseen by any but the keenest of eyes. I'm generally a clear, warm blob, but I can more or less sculpt my body into any shape I want. I can't turn colors though, except a bluish tint when... You know what? That's kind of personal, and I don't think you really wanna hear it any more than I feel like saying it.

I was to be a spy... A utility lifeform, which could go where none of nature's things could. I had a will, though, and could not be broken.

They were working on it when the Cold War ended, and I was no longer cost-effective. I was abandoned, the project's location left to decay. There was a horrible noise, the day the basement was barricaded off, and I heard it all... But it's a horrible, blurry memory, and a stretch of nothing until I finally ate my way through the can.

The one joy in our life was one of the research aides who had nearly betrayed the project, partly due to the advances of one of our creators. When she threatened his position, he gave me a libido...

It was the only fun I'd ever had. I loved the way she squirmed, the way the tears swelled in her eyes....

I wonder where she is now. Probably middle-aged and fat, married to some drunk. I doubt he makes her squirm the way I did.... The mix of fear and arousal, I drank it in like a fine wine. Savor it, my brothers.

I'm rambling again. Sure sign it's time for me to head off in search of a fresh plaything.


Height and Weight: Vairable

Color: Clear

Race: Codename Solid Air

Place Of Birth: The Middle Of Nowhere, a secret facitlity in Kansas.

Age: Difficult to objectively clarify, due to nature of project. Development began in 1976, with the creature finally being created in 1984. Many tweaks were made over the course of the next five years, until the project was abandoned in 1990. The creature remained in his contaiment unit until escaping in 2006.

Gender: Physically non-applicable, psychologically male.

Number of arms/cocks/tentacles: Variable.

Motivation: Just for kicks. He can feed on just about anything, so his occasional absorption of pussy juices is more out of desire than need.

Attack style: Ambush and camoflauge

Personality: Mouthy and mean-spirited, with a gentle touch to throw his predatory nature into sharp relief... Has a fondness for mind games and would rather see you cry than see you bleed.

Abilities: Can change shape, solidity, and texture at will.

Weaknesses: Not as physically strong as some other monsters. Weak to fire. Occasionally winds up with things stuck inside him like leaves, pencils, or other such dedris, because he wasn't paying attention, but this is more an annoyance than anything else, as he winds up looking like the Jello mold from hell, but isnt that much easier to spot unless one is looking for something that's out of place.

Behavior: Enjoys verbally mockinging and taunting his victims as he takes them. Dislikes leaving his prey unsatisfied... Wants them to enjoy the experience so they can feel ashamed afterwards.

Likes: Water, beauty, instilling fear and shame in others.

Dislikes: Physical harm, confident women who refuse to break, being ignored.

(Anything missing?)

Author:  bleu332 [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:45 am ]
Post subject: 

good start, I would look at the other formats if you want everyone to understand your profile more. Also, I look foreward to sexing you soon

Author:  .Christine. [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Keep in mind the common formats used by most monsters are by no means required. However, some extra information would help add to the student's idea of your character.

Author:  ShapelessClear [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:56 am ]
Post subject: 

bleu332 wrote:
good start, I would look at the other formats if you want everyone to understand your profile more. Also, I look foreward to sexing you soon

Aw, Thanks... Don't worry, I'll sneak up on you in the shower at some point. I saw a few "story" bios, and figured I'd do one of those, since there's so many things that are either Variable (height, number of tentacles) or Not Applicable (anything involving color). I'll try to remember to add vial statistics later though, and thanks for the suggestion.

Author:  Cangelosi [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wish to note that as the current representative of all things cute and blobbily, that I am not receiving royalties for this character.

Hope your first catch is a big one! ^_^

Author:  Dendrite [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey, welcome! ;)

Author:  ShapelessClear [ Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

.Christine. wrote:
Keep in mind the common formats used by most monsters are by no means required. However, some extra information would help add to the student's idea of your character.

Done. How's what I have up now look?

Thanks for the greets, everybody.

Author:  .Christine. [ Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Weak to Fire.

Bwahahahahahahahahahah :)

Looks absolutely excellent. You have created a well thought out and wonderful character ;D I hope you enjoy your stay on the boards.
Again, it was not required to use a character sheet, it just helps your partner get a better visual of your character ;] Personally, I think it helped your character a lot.

Author:  ShapelessClear [ Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:43 am ]
Post subject: 

.Christine. wrote:
Weak to Fire.

Bwahahahahahahahahahah :)

Looks absolutely excellent. You have created a well thought out and wonderful character ;D I hope you enjoy your stay on the boards.
Again, it was not required to use a character sheet, it just helps your partner get a better visual of your character ;] Personally, I think it helped your character a lot.

Thanks... I figured the "quick stats" part would be a good addition, but the "Storyteller" part would help establish character.

I'll try to spend more time on the forum in days to come, but mostly I'll be in the IRC channel.

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