Shokushu High School

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Author:  soth [ Sat May 12, 2007 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Sotholazyl

Name: Sotholazyl (soth for short)
Race: no particular race but demonic in nature
Type: demon

Place of Birth: on earth, unknown beyond that
Gender: male
Nationality: n/a
Age: close to 300 years old, but who’s counting

Height: 8’9” in demonic form
6’4” in human form
Weight: unknown
Eye Color: fiery red eyes with white pupils
Skin Color: in human form, his skin turns to the color of Asian skin
In demonic form, his skin turns to a deep black that glistens in sun and moonlight
Skin Texture: oily, and usually sweaty (odorless)
Hair? None

Body Build: very muscular with gems all over his body (demon)
Average athletic guy with a bit more muscle than normal (human)
Tail? No
Tentacles? Yes
Number of Tentacles: six (two from each arm and two out of his back)
Cock Size: about 3 inch diameter and as long as a tentacle
# of Cocks: just one

Fighting Style: Uses stealthy and sneaky maneuvers to outwit his opponent. Can also use magic to a certain extent. In human form, all he can do is a basic tackle and restrain technique.

Motivation: His powers increase with each mating and he also tends to like seeing humans in his tentacles. His grasp in the demonic underworld is what he wants and will do almost anything to get.
Psychological Profile: looks to the future to complete his plans. Otherwise he is normally gleefully happy. Is always looking for females to mate with.
Personality: normally happy (do not piss him off)

Clothing: In human form, he wears long black jeans with a black jacket. White T-shirt and a necklace is seen by closer inspection
Distinguishing features: his fiery eyes show his demonic side and is easily spotted.
Weaknesses: basic demonic weakness (holy water and etc.)
Likes: Virgins, and female humans to have fun with. Also likes toying with his mate and females who fight back.
Dislikes: submissive mates, and God.

History: Since the time he was born, he was always on the move. He was dropped off on Earth as an infant. Even then he was smart for he already knew how to keep a human form. As he got into his “teens”, he noticed changes developing within him. (teens for him were 60-70 years old.) He grew long tentacles that he could withdraw and extend from his body. His cocks grew massive by human standards and a hunger for females could not be satisfied. He raped and killed many during this time period.

Much later, he was chased into the forest and he hibernated for many years. He became a relic and was transported to SHS for study. During transport, he awoke and escaped into the jungle. His hunger for human women began yet again, but he explored the island coming before the Headmasters who explained some “rules” to him”. Now, he is free to do as he wishes.


Author:  .Christine. [ Sat May 12, 2007 4:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Interesting character. Welcome to the island. <3 Chris

Author:  CMS [ Sun May 13, 2007 3:55 am ]
Post subject: 

oh yes....those dispcable types that are always after me....welcome and have a great time, though you gotta be quick for them virgin types....always wodnered if the critters had a lottery they don't tell us students about...

Author:  soth [ Sun May 13, 2007 5:25 am ]
Post subject: 

shhhh you aren't supposed to know about that lottery

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Mon May 14, 2007 4:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Quick! We'll have to silence her! (fits her in a straightjacket and calls for a white van) Remember, none of this ever happened.

(Welcome to the campus.)

Author:  Legion [ Mon May 14, 2007 5:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I think it's rigged. I replaced all of the ballots with my name and still lost.

...Good to see another tentacle guy. :D

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