Shokushu High School

Doctor Sigmund Rascher(for N.I.C.E. Labs)
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Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Doctor Sigmund Rascher(for N.I.C.E. Labs)

Name: Sigmund Rascher the Tenth

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 58

Ethnicity: Caucasian/German

Physical description: About 6' 1", weighing in at 150 lbs. Lean and bony in appearance with an almost feverish energy about him for a man nearly in his 60's. Long blond-white hair, pulled back in a ponytail at all times. Clean shaven face, never any stubble that anyone has seen. Posture is always rigid, steps measured and disciplined. Always wears black slacks, black collared shirt and long white labcoat covering down to the tops of black leather boots. Wears a pair of silver wire rimmed glasses, usually pushed all the way up his nose. If they begin to fall down his nose even slightly, he pushes them back up. Only ever removes his glasses when excited, which is very seldom. Face is set in a permanent frown.

Psychological profile: Dr. Rascher is cold, calculating and ruthless in his endeavors. He has a demented fascination with the human mind and its reactions to trauma and stress. Has Ph.D's in every psychological field, as well as a Ph.D in Neurology. Is unforgiving of mistakes, especially with himself. Has no morals to speak of. Logic and reason are his gods. Has a sadistic streak a mile wide, but doesn't seem to realize it.

Quirks: No one has ever seen him sleep. Has a heavy German accent. Blinks less than a person probably should. Has absolutely no sex drive.

Bio: Dr. Rascher was stripped of his degrees on Earth for inhumane practices on malnourished people in third world countries. His brilliant analytical mind and complete lack of any moral fiber made him a target for recruitment by the friendly people at N.I.C.E. Labs, and when he was told he would have access to human subjects with very few limitations on his methods, he smiled for the third time in his 50 years of life. The fourth came when he arrived at the labs and was informed of the existence of aliens and other such beings, and that his new job was to study both them and their effects on the human cattle provided for them in the school. In the past 8 years he has never once felt a twinge of compassion for the girls who are brought through the preserve, earning him a nickname among the assistants of the Labs, Old Heartless, though they never dare let him hear it. Is one of the doctors in charge of memory erasure and alteration for the school.((If allowed by the staff.))

Let me know what you think about this guy, before I start with the mad science. *bows politely*

Author:  Sephriot [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, that he is german (as I am XD) makes him appealing :D
Nice write up :3

Author:  Claire_St.Marie [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

If this is the guy you were talking about on Skype, I hate you. :P

J/K! Well, you can play with Claire's mind all you want. :3 *huggles*

Author:  .Christine. [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

As I said this character wouldn't constitute as a traditional monster, however if you were considering using him in a series of roleplays, I think it would be better to place him as an NPC character underneath your original monster opposed to making a thread. Human Male interaction on the island is rather prohibited as it takes away from the theme.

Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh he won't be directly interacting with the girls. Just directing experiments using machines and monsters. I intended for him to ask other players for assistance with his experiments, giving them a chance to get their creature involved. It's more of a story based thing than a sex thing. Though if that takes away from the over all atmosphere of the boards, I'll just let it go.

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