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 The monster is back. Here's Kyoshiken 
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Post The monster is back. Here's Kyoshiken
Okay, so i've made this biography twice before, and mind you, its really long. First it was on the old site, before it closed down, then once earlier today. But my computer chrashed before i could save anything (which i wasn't TOO happy about) and now i'm trying it again.

Firstly, i wanna say that i haven't been able to be here so much lately, but due to some changes i got more free time so now i'll be able to stay for a long time. Hopefully that won't change anytime soon

Secondly, i wanna say something about the monster Kyoshiken (His name isn't Anorak). This is all going to be explain among with other things above the character sheet, but just in case you don't wanna read everything: Kyoshiken is the standard brute among monsters. Someone who would lose in chess to a monkey, even if he had professional help. He's not going to make any kind of plans or schemes unless they're simple enough to figure out by a kid

All right then, this is Kyoshiken

The way i roleplay him is this: he doesn't have the 'need' for sex to survive or anything, he just does it because he likes it. Hes the kind of monster that takes what he wants and then be on his way

Now, the thing about that is that it would be really boring to roleplay like that, so for some reasons (that could be figured out if you think about it. Not wanna give it away here since it could be a good part in a rp) he stays on worlds that are inhabited by aliens & more primitive creatures thats known for their sexual needs. And as such, The rp will often be more than just Kyoshiken himself that does the raping

Theres two things i like to use in roleplays. First, theres emotions. Since Kyoshiken is little more than just a big blue demon rapist, he likes to 'play' with his victims. The way he does that is basic mind-games (the only intelligent and somewhat strategic skill he has left. More about this is explained in the background history further down). This means that while other monsters may just make their victims feel extraordinary horny (seen it more that alot here) Kyoshiken prefers to make them feel Embarresement, Shame, Fear or even Guilt. Hopefully that makes for some good rp's

Secondly, I like to have a well-driven story or plot to follow. This is not however unusual, since i don't think any rp is just about amonster and a girl being nowhere and just get to the raping. However, the story could continiue after the roleplay, and maybe be connected into other rp's. Kinda hard to explain, but still i like to think that its good:P

Thirdly, what i like to have in my rp's are challanges for the victims, so they're not just sexpuppets, mindless or otherwise. There may be some series of tasks, a mission, or other challanges that they need to do, and often in a sexual way (what else?:P) What they may be is determined by the story, but this i feel is better than just having the victims as ragdolls while the monsters are leading the show

But 'nuff about me

Before my Character Sheet, i gonna explain some few things about Kyoshiken. This is more detailen in the Background story, but since its rather long, i believe most people will ignore it. Anyway, he was a human once. An ancient asian hero that is nowhere to be found in any history book. Why that is and how he became a monster is in the background story, but before he was famous, his name was Kyo. Later as he became a hero, he became known as Shiken. Kyoshiken is the present day's monster. Altough there isn't anything written about him, his both names could be found if someone was looking hard, as they can be seen in the text of an ancient bard, or maybe a writer who sam him once and mentioned it among other thins, but anything about him specifically is lost. This fact could be used in a roleplay, where someone discover something about Kyoshiken and his both names in history, and that could lead on to the discovery that he used to be a man, a brave man who the people called a hero, no less. Or atleast i think that would make for a good series of roleplays. Anyway, heres the Character Sheet

Name: Kyoshiken
Race: Biogenetic Mutation
Type: Monster
Place of Birth: Asien, probably china.
Gender: Man
Age: Unknown
Height: 7-12 ft (Can change his size)
Weight: 1000-2000 lbs (As he grows or shrinks, as does his weight)
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Skin Color: Icy blue / gray
Skin Texture: More smooth skin than an average humans since his muscles tenses out his skin
Hair? no
Hair Color: Pretty sure its nonexistent
Body Build: Very muscular
Tail? No
Tail Length: Still nonexistent
Tentacles? Not attached to him, but he can lay eggs with his mouth where tentacles will hatch
Number of Tentacles: One per egg
Wings? No
Wingspan: Veeeery nonexistent
Wing Color: I feel like this answer is going to be a Déjà vu
Cock Size: 7-12 inches (Can't change his cock size specifically, but it'll grow as everything else when kyoshiken grows himself
# of Cocks: 1
Fighting Style: Brute, savage style
Motivation: Has no bigger motivation than "i'll do whatever i want"
Psychological Profile: His former life as a human is lost as a result of a series of changes in his life. The best way to understand is to read background story
Personality: Horny bully? He takes whatever comes as if its a game he plays, without taking anything to seriously.
Human Disguise Form? No
Human Disguise Appearance: Big blue monster rapist... But that appearance is everlasting in his case:P
Clothing: Usually nothing more than some torn pants or a cloth veil to cover his manhood. In space he is seen to have pants of iron
Special Attributes: Able to change size
Distinguishing features: Blue skin?
Behavior: He does whatever comes into his mind. If he wants it, he takes it.
Capabilities: His muscle strength isn't really measured, but he is seen to be able to lift 50 tons. His superhardened muscles & skin (which cells are much denser than normal) makes him bulletproot even to a high tech rifle at close range (Altough some weapons with better technology such as lasers could pierce his skin) He can heal from any injury in 48 hours (which includes loss of limbs). He is immune to most poison & radioactivity. Altough he needs air, he doesn't really need to breathe. His skin can absorb oxygen from everything that contains it (pretty much everything excemt vacuum. underwater included). That and the fact that his lungs are still human sized (as most of his organs are), he can hold his breath for up to days if necessary. This is useful as he spacetravels, Since he doesn't use suits or spaceships to do it. He can't get out of normal atmospheres himself, but once he's out in space, he floats to planets, or take lifts with ships, spacestations or even asteroids as long as he travel within the same system. for longer trips, he needs to have a ship
Weaknesses: While he have no real weaknesses, he can get infected by a nerve-toxin which will paralyze his body, but not his senses. Another thing that works on him is metagas which is found on some unhabited planets (mostly gas giants). The metagas will render him unconscious if inhaled. But since he doesn't breathe all to often, thats usually not a problem for him
Likes: Really good fights (which include one or more strong & tough opponents, a lot of violence, brutality, destroyed surroundings and his victory), And he also likes girls, human women, as most creatures do. Sexy girls, preferrably half naked as in underwear or torn clothes
Dislikes: Not much, really. But he hates people who doesn't take him seriously
Miscellaneous: He think of himself as the mightiest creature in universe. The one that cannot be defeated. He also have a big heavy handheld gun which is 4 foot and weights 500 pound. It is some foreign technology, but it can be compared to a smaller battleship canon

Background story:

The place was Ancient China, in the later Shang Dynasty (also called the Yin Period). The year is hard to tell, but sertain clues can lead one to guess it was somewhere around 1070-1100 BC. There was a boy on a field in the middle of nowhere. He lived in a house built by his parents, who were now dead. They died at the hands of bandits when he was 4. Kyo was his name, and he was left all alone to take care of himself at young age. He had to learn how to hunt and fight at that age if he were to survive. And as he lived in the middle of nowhere (altough its suggestet that he lived far south of yellow river valley) there was nothing more for him to do all days than train & fight. His father were and old samurai, so Kyo quickly learned to use his fathers weapons, and specialized with using two swords, called Dao's. He became skilled very quickly with the use of two swords, and all his childhood he trained with them about 10 hours every day, since he didn't have anything to do as he grew up. He lived a very lonely life, only to grow up as the greatest weapon warrior & fighter the world has ever seen.

And so his life went on. only training every day of every year, hunting for food and fighting bandits whenever they tried to attack. Altough Kyo was still young, some bandits were never a problem for him to defeat, as weapon fighting & physical training was all he ever did except for eating, sleeping & resting between training. And so his life went on, until the day he made his first and only friend. Once, there was a traveling merchant passing by near Kyos house as he was attacked by bandits. Luckily, Kyo was training in the area, and easily took care of the attackers. The merchant was unconscious so Kyo carried him to his house for treatment. Since the merchant got wounded by a spear -called a qiang-, he had to stay there for a while. Once he woke up he was thankful for Kyos help and as the days passed, they became friends. Kyos daily training continiued, as Liu Xuan the merchant was recovering. Liu Xuan would later write about his meeting with this boy, and that would be the first written words that can be found about him.

But the time wouldn't stop just because Kyo found his only friend in his life, and Liu Xuan recovered eventually. But before he left Kyo he gave him a copy of his writings, which he carries with him to this day, altough the meaning is lost on him now - he can't remember.

The years passed by as usual, Kyo was still training, now with a promise to see his friend again. At the age of 20, 5 years after he saved the merchant Liu Xuan, he decided that it was time for him to leave his house and see the world. It was at this time he started calling himself Shiken. Shiken has grown into a muscular young man, and without doubts the best fighter that ever lived. His first stop was north of the Yellow River Valley, where Liu Xuan lived. The journey took two weeks, and he had many battles along the way, as there was a rebellion time in China at the moment. But when he finished his long trip he saw something horrible. Liu Xuan's house was destroyed, but no body was to be found. It was a little strange, since bandits usually burn down the houses they pillage. Shiken now had a goal, to find his friend and make sure he was alive. The journey from here took many months, as he had no clues to start from. He was getting famous for his strength and skill with his swords at this time. But one day he got a tip, there seems to have been 7 bandit clans that destroy houses rather than burn them down, and only three of them take prisoners for either slavery or ransom. It was at this time that the legend about Shiken started. From this day on he would seek out the bandit clans and destroy them thoroughly. His quest took 2 years and as he was finished he has traveled all over asia and got really well known for destroying the bandit clans. But there was no sign of his friend, so he went after the other 4 Bandit clans, fearing that they had killed him.

The rest of Shikens story is even harder to come across, as this led to the destruction of all recordings about him, but basically he got in the favors with the gods, or so they say, and got a gift of eternal life. He fought the rest of the bandits in all over asia, but never came across his friend and it was somewhere in japan, 5 years later, that he learned that Liu Xuan's house was destroyed by a forgotten emperor. He waged war against his whole army, a battle that lasted in 4 days. He probably didn't fight them all head-on for four days straight, but no recordings have been found about the battle, just the gap between the start and end of it. Its assumed that he battled the soldiers all around the emperors barracks, and retreating for catching his breath, sleeping, eating or take care of his wounds. The battles was held all over, and was usually over before the soldiers got any backup. By the end of the one-man-war Shiken was severely wounded, and has suffered great blood loss, but was still breathing. when he found Liu Xuan, he was already dead in the prisons, and Shiken was to tired, wounded and mortified to put up any resistance. For 20 years he was tortured by the emperor, who made sure that Shiken could never go down to history, by ordering the destruction of everything written about him as vengeance. But nothing about the little boy Kyo was destroyed, not that there was much about him in the first place. Its unclear how Shiken got free, but it was after the emperor died in a far off land. Shiken cursed the gods for betrayal and wished for them to remove their gift, so that he could end his life. But they ignored him and millenia passed...

In the year 2009, Shiken hasn't aged much, but he has several times gotten mad for centuries, only to be brought back to sanity and a life he didn't want. No human remembered the warrior shiken, or even the boy Kyo anymore. Other names went to history, but for that, he didn't care. This was more than 3.000 years ago, and his memory was at this point pretty nonexistent, the only thing left in his mind was pain and sorrow. But one day all that changed. He rarely ever visited civilisation, but this was an exception. He was barely aware where he went, but he got to a tour of a new high technology lab. It was both good and bad luck that he got that day, as the lab exploded. From now on his misery of a life would take a new turn. He was trapped in the rubble of a basement, with different biogenetic gases pouring in. It killed the other humans there instantly, but as he couldn't die, he was just trapped with a new kind of pain in his body. But his body slowly started to change, both in color and size. He started growing and got more muscular over the course of three days. On the third day, the transformation was complete, and he turned into what he is now. This was the end of Shiken... But the birth of a monster

Well, i hope that'll do. It might be a bit too long...

Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:47 pm
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