Shokushu High School

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Author:  Keemari [ Mon May 21, 2007 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Alliance

This was an idea of mine that I posted on the old site but didn't get much feedback on. Basicaly it will be my ADD monster but due to the idea you can always msg me if you want to be a member of the group.

This is a new idea of mine. An alliance or rather an intergalactic mob organization that deals in slavery. They buy quite a bit from NICE seeing as that is the final destination of all graduating students unless they’re lucky enough to be picked up by ADD in transport. They usually leave them alone thinking of them as a nuisance but recently they’ve been
cutting into there bottom line so now there taking a more active role in fighting them. If you want to play against them it will be more of a free form as it could be any monster in the organization. However most of the Stats below are for the leader of this organization. It’s also a place for us monsters both in space and here on the campus. The students have the Terrible Trio why don’t we have something? J

On another note my orginal character Keemari has absoultly nothing to do or ever wants to have anything to do with this org.

Name: Archanius Alliance
Leaders Name: Archanius
Race: N/A
Place of Birth: Earth
Gender: N/A
Nationality: N/A
Leaders Age: Eon+
Height: Varies but typically 6’5
Weight: Varies
Eye Color: Typically Blue
Hair Color: Typically Red
Body Build: Typically Athletic
History: When the treaty was first formed between the earth and aliens who would have full access to the students a new organization was formed of Earth Based monsters that took to the universe to escape the persecution of the humans. In space they would became a force that would loom over them, as they were lead by a shape shifter who was once human.
They came to be known as the Archanius Alliance. The alliance is a collection of many earth-based monsters at first. They took an active interest in Shokushu by becoming one of the groups the students were sold to by nice if they got past ADD’s defenses and recruitment. They became a well known criminal and slavery group feared throughout the galaxy and started to buy up about 75%
of the humans NICE would sell when they would graduate as they quickly marketed human females as excellent slaves to the intergalactic slave market. At first they took ADD lightly but now they are starting to show more interest in crushing the group as they intercept more and more of the slave shipments so now they are taking a more proactive
stance in protecting there shipments and returning the lost slaves. (Now ADD members) They also sometimes send some people and hire some monsters on the planet to pick out the finer slaves and then put a hold on them so they won’t get outbid at graduation.
Fighting Style: With so many on their payroll there fighting style varies from espionage, to a straight up fight.
Motivation: Money, power, sex, perhaps even Revenge against humans.
Personality: The leader of the Alliance is said to be a bit eccentric, but also very powerful with knowledge of Earths ancient ways along with a firm grasp of the most advanced technology that exists in the universe.
Special Attributes: With an entire organization to choose from there are many powers they can choose from for special missions. However for the leader of this group he is a human looking creature but is a shape shifter/mage/swordsmen/scientist/immortal. His powers and knowledge easily make him a force to be reckoned with in the underworld. Many assassination attempts have been attempted on him none have ever come close to doing the deed. In fact not only did the assassins die the people who hired them mysteriously find themselves dead a week to a month later.

Author:  .Christine. [ Mon May 21, 2007 4:53 am ]
Post subject: 

This sounds like a great idea! I've heard a bit about the terrible trio, but I've never seen anything of them that made them stand out to me. This would be something fun for the students and monsters alike.

Author:  Keemari [ Mon May 21, 2007 4:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank you.

Author:  KouzaKai [ Tue May 22, 2007 1:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, Keemari.
This looks do I sign up for the org? :twisted:

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 22, 2007 1:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm, well you'll have to make reports to the org. while you on the campus about potiental good slaves so we can put a down payment on them through NICE. :P

Just send me your Bio in a msg and I'll see if the alliance would fit for you.

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Tue May 29, 2007 6:33 am ]
Post subject: 

I like the idea of an alliance of monsters, Keemari, but I severely doubt I could join. Alucard sees women only as a source of food, you see, so it would not make sense for my character to make slaves or even be interested. Don't be discouraged, as I do think it is a great idea. I just don't think my character would fit in.

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 29, 2007 11:22 am ]
Post subject: 

I see your point Allcuard, but most likely you would be in charge of our gourment department, for those girls we capture or buy and find that they do not have the proper mental make-up to became slaves, stubborn ones 'cough' (Madison) we outsource to the gourment department which sells the girls off to alien species who see them as a delecacy.

Author:  KouzaKai [ Tue May 29, 2007 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Delicacy huh? That's really, really creative. :twisted:

By the way, would you rather I make a story for myself of my inception into the Alliance? And how is the process of selecting students and giving information to the org? I'm a bit confused.

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 29, 2007 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well your thinking a little small my friend, I'm giving the alliance here a much broader perspectve, although I'm sure the broader aspect won't see much game play. With humans being in this little deal with the more promenent space forces, you have to ask, how many other sititions like this has NICE made for other species?

Elves, Catpeople, Squids, entire civillazations caught in such a trap with a fake school. The alliance does not just barter in humans, although we find them the best sellers since there still quite a rare comidity. The alliance is in charage of about 70% of the slave market and other various activties in our galaxy. Sort of like a space mob if you will.

As for collecting info it really doesn't come up in your gameplay that often I'm afarid. The monsters that spend there time on the Island are bacialy required to write up reports on the girls and which place you reccomend them to go to. Like if a girl only puts up a minor fight before giving into the lust then she'll probaly make a good slave girl, you run into a real fighter like Madision she would ether make it to the delicacy area or maybe zoo or a special request slave.

That clear things up?

Author:  KouzaKai [ Wed May 30, 2007 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Okay, so this is more like a smuggler's den huh?
I we correspond in PM's or in the board?

Author:  Keemari [ Wed May 30, 2007 6:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Ether one is fine

Author:  Madison [ Thu May 31, 2007 12:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Sorry, but the students=food thing....I don't think that'll fly well here.

Author:  Keemari [ Thu May 31, 2007 4:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Just saying once they graduate from the campus and ADD doesn't get them an alien mob org. can pretty much do anything they want with them.

Author:  Madison [ Thu May 31, 2007 4:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm talking here on the boards.

Author:  Keemari [ Thu May 31, 2007 4:32 am ]
Post subject: 

And my reference was never meant for the boards.

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