Shokushu High School

Kanukai is here!
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Author:  Kanukai [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Kanukai is here!

Monster Bio/Profile

Name: Kanukai
Race: Snake
Type: Naga
Place of Birth: Little known edge of the universe.
Gender: Female
Nationality: Asian mingled with arabian.
Age: 67
Height: Her human like half reaches about three and a half, to four feet in height, while the remainder of her serpentine form reaches close to thirty five feet.
Weight: A few too many. Darn brats can be so tasty. <3
Eye Color: Ruby red
Skin Color: Pale hue of a pinkish purple, blending with the yellowish beginnings of her underside and the vibrant shines of her black, near violet scales.
Skin Texture: Humanoid half is as soft, and smooth as silk, while her serpentine tail is somewhat rough in texture. Thick scales as smooth as glass, while her pale yellow underside is a soft, leathery touch.
Hair? Long, bloody red lockes of straight, flowing hair.
Hair Color: Bloody red
Body Build: Her humanoid half is toned, firm and yet so very seductively soft to the touch. While her snake like tail is ridged and firmed with strong, rippling muscles.
Tail? Most of her body, yes.
Tail Length: 35 feet
Tentacles? Her tongue, would have been the only really mention of a tentacle. Lovely pink in colour, and forked if she so wished. It was thin at the tip, and as it rolled slowly out of her mouth became much thicker. Able to stretch about three feet, perhaps more. It made a nice tool to humiliated her victims with very deep, slurping oral sex.
Number of Tentacles: But one.
Wings? Two delicately plummaged black and violet wings sprouting from her back. More as a mark for her once proud species, now a mere symbol of her own ego.
Wingspan: Six feet
Wing Color: Black, highlighted with feather tips of violet.
Cock? Her phallus, slipping out of a small, nearly unseen slit just inside of her vagina. Her sex itself, merging with what would have been a woman's hips, seemed like any other femine organ. Hidden by a loosely draped cloth about her hips. Her cock would slide out of her vagina, making it very impossible for penetration. Its skin a pale pink, and its tip slightly tapered, erecting at a length of eight inches, in thickness of close to two inches. Perhaps it could be whatever size she wished.
# of Cocks: One, unless she used her tail tip.
Fighting Style: She rarely fights. Though if she were to captured one in her coils, she would slowly crush them to death. Perhaps even biting them with a slight injection of a neurotoxin, bringing them to a quite painful end.
Motivation: What drove her was but the mere pleasure of making some hapless girl squeal in protest, beign forced into a sweet, blissful climax. The wave of power it brought her was as though a drug. Such sexual energies or silly magicks didn't interest her. Wanting nothing more than to molest, and take what she wanted.
Psychological Profile: Playful and sadistically joyful. Little seemed to anger the naga, even if another monster happened upon her prey. For.. at some point she might have even enjoyed that monster as well. She was kind at heart, but held a certain distaste in her heart for humans. Too many of her kind, Naga or Serpent, had been skinned and butchered by their hands. "Parasites," she had named them. Unable to drive herself to killing them, breaking their soul with unspeakable treatment suited her well enough.
Human Disguise Form: She held no human disguise. Direct and stealthy, she slipped in, took what she needed and slipped out of sight again. Or, as many a hunter, perched herself in hiding and waited for a hapless pey to stumble by into her coils.
Clothing: A simple tattered silky sash around her hips. Hiding her nethers, while she left her fair sized breasts, pinkened peaks bare for all to see, and quiite delightfully to touch.
Distinguishing features: Of course that set of wings and long, black serpentine body. Although a set of curled horns sprouted from her head, leaving another interesting detail for the girls to burn into their minds.
Behavior: Swift, quiet and decisive. A snake with unbloodied fangs. Skulking in a dark cave, or basking in the afternoon sun, blended within the shadows of the jungle.
Capabilities: A strong grip of her coils. Enough to crush wood, rock, and bones alike.
Weaknesses: One who did happen to get passed her coils. Her humanoid half not quite as strong, though able enough to fend off for some time with her fangs and sharp nails. Her underside, particularly her human half's body was especially vulnerable to attack.
Likes: Helpless girls, a good snack, and of course, a helpful fellow monster. <3
Dislikes: Thieves, anything sharp and pointy.
History: Born in the deepest jungles, as if from out of nowhere. A creature which no one quite knew how she came to be such an odd creature. As though she just appeared. Villager's had begun to go missing in the immediate areas. Lustful for these curious little 'parasites,' women, and men lured to her den within the deep jungles. Never killing them. Letting them wander to their own doom when she had finished with her toys. Although she was quickly driven from her home. Considering her an evil spirit who took their virgins, she soon fled and searched for a means of escape fromt his world. Some might havesaid she found a gateway, while others suggested she found a way to stow herself inside a shuttle fo sorts. In either reality, she came to be on this little lone island.

Pic for you peeps!


Author:  Kraytirous [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow, nice monster! Maybe you and my little blob could team up some time? Or would you rather snack on Diana, my student character? Either way, welcome to the RP!


xP Violation of Copy Right or not, I love that :!:

Author:  Kanukai [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, the way I see it, its only a violation if you said you drew it? <3 But hey, if anyone is willing to draw her doing something naughty, go right ahead! I only use the piccy for reference.

Author:  Kraytirous [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I meant the whole glomp thing. The pics fine. Hell, all the pics I have are prolly copyrighted. So, anyway, you wanna take me up on my offer?

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Oooo a naga! *waves*

Welcome! ^^

Author:  Kanukai [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:47 am ]
Post subject: 

*coils herself about the girl gently, and pat pats her head* Yes, a naga. Hello!

And sure, I'd like that! And since.. it seems monsters are no longer forbidden to play amongst themselves... well, I'm an open minded gal. =p Anyways, I;d love to molest your student.. hope you don;t mind anal! =O

Author:  Madison [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:22 am ]
Post subject: 

O_o A LAMIA!?!?!

.....*Glomps, ravages, then drags off to my room and ties up for my own enjoyment*

Hands off! She's mine!

Author:  Kanukai [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:41 am ]
Post subject: 

*squeaks and wriggles about.* Wow, role reversal.

Author:  niellwyn [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey there. Lots of new female monsters entering the place. Welcome ^_^

Author:  Kraytirous [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I can't say that a lesbian monster rape isn't as errotic as a regular one.

Author:  Dendrite [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Madison wrote:
Hands off! She's mine!

Wow, you learn something every day. :mrgreen:

Author:  Kraytirous [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wasn't attachment forbidden? *speaks in Yoda voice* A path to the Dark Side it is..

Author:  Naoko [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Madison's a mod, I'm sure she knows the rules as well as (or better than) anyone :P

Besides, anyone who can read that Bio and not immediately think of Madison clearly hasn't been around here long XD

Anyway, welcome Kanukai! I really love that picture, do you happen to know who drew it?

Author:  Diana Varnia [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Hello! Nice character! Kinda reminds me of Warcraft 3. *Hides as I see your tail* No anal rape please xP

Author:  Kanukai [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Unfortunately I do not know the source. An old mod from the original SHS board gave me a link, though bless her, I haven;t been able to find it again. Lots of sexy monster girls on there, very sexy. Sadly a lot of vore as well. D=

No anal rape? my dear! It IS rape. *tickles her rump playfully with the tail tip, before coiling her up as well to squeeze.*

Ah and Naoko! I remember you from the last board as Onisha. n.n Nice to see you migrated here hun! Hope everything is well on your end?

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