Shokushu High School

Enter Sahrimnir
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Author:  Sahrimnir [ Sun May 27, 2007 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Enter Sahrimnir

Name: Sahrimnir
Race: Sah
Place of Birth: Planet Asgard
Gender: Male
Age: 1214 years
Height: 4 m
Weight: 300 kg
Eye Color: Purple
Skin Color: Pink.
Skin Texture: Smooth.
Hair? No.
Body Build: Round.
Tail? No.
Tentacles? Yes
Number of Tentacles: Eight
Wings? Yes
Wingspan: 2 m
Wing Color: White
Cock Size: Varies
# of Cocks: His tentacles kind of are his cocks, so the answer to this would also be eight.
Fighting Style: Sneaky. Comes up from behind.
Motivation: Sahrimnir doesn't experience physical sensations himself, but he can absorb the physical sensations of others. These sensations fascinate him.
Personality: Usually quite happy. Very hard to anger or upset. Extremely curious.
Human Disguise Form? No.
Clothing: None.
Distinguishing features: A pig snout.
Capabilities: Regeneration and the ability to absorb the physical sensations of others.
Likes: Female humans, new experiences.
Dislikes: Boredom.
History: Born a long time ago on the planet of Asgard. The Aesir (who when visiting Earth were thought to be gods) discovered the Sahs' ability to regenerate and decided that they could provide a good source of food. After being the Aesir's daily dinner for a little more than a millenium, Sahrimnir got sick and tired of it and decided to escape. He stole one of the Aesir's space-ships and flew away from the planet. He later crash-landed near Shokushu High School. He discovered his ability to feel what the students felt and got curious.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:14 am ]
Post subject: 

hello there ^_^

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