Shokushu High School

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Author:  Sintor [ Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Sintor

Monster bio/profile

Name: goes by Sintor but sometimes varies
Race: undetermined
type: Shape Shifter/Manipulator
place of birth: unkown
gender: varies but mostly male
nationality: unkown
age: unkown
height: varies
wieght: varies
eye color: varies
skin color: varies
skin texture: varies
hair? sometimes
hair color: varies
tail? no
tenticals? yes
number of tenticals: varies
wings? no
cock size: varies
number of cocks: one true one
fighting style: manipulating objects and anything around him to use as weapons as well as lust and mind manipulations.
motivation: to get his lustfull desires fulfilled as well as to make all girls be raped by him.
personalitie: rational but if consumed he sometimes goes into a sex frenzy raping anygirl instead of being gentle and maknig it good for the girl.
capabilities: can become invisible or become anything he wants exzcept for explosives as well as manipulate object and solid walls to form into tenticals,shields or what ever is to his liking.
weaknesses: has nearly none but in his crazy lustfull state he tends to become very violent and forcefull but knows the rules and doesnt do permanat damage or severe damage. he also uses alot of energy which he has alot of manipulating other objects.
likes: messing with victims by using their best friends voices.
he used to be human...a regular person..a janitor at a nuclear power plant.
he was kind of a downcast a person not really popular and no one really noticed. this is partly the reson why no one seemed to care about were he had gone when the power plant exploded by a raid of pirates. in fact they were also experiemnting with some sort of molecular substance they used the nuclear plant as a cover up. as it blew his dna changed so he could become anything he wanted. he also found out he could make thing form at his will but at the price of his own energy. he found a use of it at times but also realised his need to fuck was alot more inhanced and so he saw a flyier of shokushu highschool a haven for girl students. somehow he wondered why itd be only girls and when he met niceman he found out that monsters also lived their. soon he started living their but sometimes left to travel to a different world but always looking for new victims to take advantage of and sometimes will share a girl with other monsters. is curently at shokushu.

Author:  CMS [ Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Advetnure is up an a running here....the whole thing moved. *wink* Jus a waiting for yah.


Author:  bleu332 [ Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:37 am ]
Post subject: 

you sound scary. :)

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