Shokushu High School

The Deceiver
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Author:  Deceiver [ Tue May 29, 2007 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  The Deceiver

Name: The Deceiver

Race: Unknown
Type: Incorporeal Entity
Place of Birth: Unknown
Gender: N/A
Nationality: N/A
Age: Earliest records of Deceiver's activities date to 1066, suspected to predate this time by several thousand years

Height: 3 feet when visible
Weight: N/A
Eye Colour: N/A
Skin Colour: Appears as a dim ball of green lightning
Skin Texture: Incorporeal, static discharge to the touch
Fighting Style: No direct fighting capability, unable to touch or interact with the physical environment in any way beyond its psychic ability

Motivation: Another small step in the ‘grand scheme’
Psychological Profile: Highly schizophrenic, as a creation of ambient psychic energy the entity tends to adopt behavioural patterns based on its proximity to other sentient creatures

Personality: Timid, prefers not to be seen. The Deceiver shows no emotion, if it enjoys or feels remorse for what it does it shows no signs of this, everything that it does is just an means to an end.

Human Disguise Form: None as such, but its telepathic abilities enable it to manifest the illusion of a humanoid appearance in its target's mind.
Human Disguise Appearance: Based upon its target's desires when it chooses to manifest a human form.
Distinguishing features: 3 foot sphere of glowing green energy

Capabilities: Highly developed telepathic and telekinetic abilities enable the entity to launch both a mental and physical assault, often its victims have no idea of the true nature of the attack. The entity also has limited electro- and hydrokinetic powers in that it can direct and control both elements but cannot create them.

Weaknesses: The entity tends to loose some of its power and become less active during the night, if this is related to the lack of light or that the people it siphons energy from are asleep is unclear. Also its senses appear to be limited and it does not perceive the real world in the same way as other creatures but as glowing embers of energy, in environments crowded with the living it can often lose track of its target.

Likes/Dislikes: None as such, it shows no likes or dislikes in any form, however it views corruption, greed, lust and jealousy (anything that makes its manipulations easier) as good things.

History: The first suspected instance of the Deceiver's involvement in human history appears to be around 1066 when the Normans invaded England, it is suspected to have been involved in the outbreaks of most conflicts of the past thousand years by manipulation of those in power. Its tools are generally passion, jealousy and anger triggering small events that quickly cascade into major events. Its current intent is unclear but its past history would indicate that it sees Shokushu High School as some sort of catalyst to a grander scheme. There is also a lot of current speculation as to if the Deceiver has been attracted to Shokushu High School because of the growing amount of demonic activity or is in fact the ultimate cause.

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Wed May 30, 2007 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Salutations, Deceiver.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome ^_^hope you enjoy it here

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