Shokushu High School

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Author:  Contagion [ Sun May 25, 2008 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Rapid.Eye.Movement.


Name: Icelus, Phobetor (title)
Race: Oneiroi
Place of Birth: The Dreamscape
Gender: Male
Age: Positively Ancient
Height: 6’5”
Weight: N/A


Since Icelus exists primarily in the Dreamscape, the land to which humanity’s conscious ventures when they enter sleep, most of his power and influence is likewise sealed within that realm. However, he can project a wavering manifestation of himself into the temporal realm, though it is far weaker than his incarnation within the realm of dreams. In his human guise, he appears as a tall, slim man with a hooked blade of a nose, well-defined cheekbones, and clean-shaven, sharp features. His hair is a rich black, looking almost silken to the touch and falling to his shoulders in a strict, parted curtain; conversely, his skin is alabaster, providing a contrast to his hair and eyes, whose irises are a saturated violet. As for his dress, it is usually an expensively cut black shirt with cufflinks of what may be ivory and what may be bone, his slacks likewise tailored and pinstriped. As a disguise, however, Icelus would likely only be mistaken for a human from a distance, thanks to the unusual nature of his left arm. An extension of the Bleak Eternum, the limb is pitch black in color with odd glimmering nodules along the length; the hand itself has two fingers and a thumb, all resembling long, curling tendrils.

True Form:
In the Dreamscape, on the other hand, Icelus’ form is vastly different. He looks about the same height and weight, though his skin is an inky black. Instead of hair, two thick purple-and-white striped tentacles sprout on the top of his head and fall in a split to the small of his back like a jester’s hood. His ears are long and pointed, pierced by various silver rings, bones, and teeth. While his eyes are swallowed by the violet glow they bore only a hint of in the material realm, his mouth disappears completely and his voice seems to echo from somewhere within his being as a sheer manifestation of will. Unlike his hand in reality, his hands now bear resemblance to talons, and his feet are likewise clawed. His dress in this form is regal, usually in bright silvers and dark purples.


Icelus’ personality could probably best be described as “aloof.” As an ethereal being, he feels no attachment to the creatures of the mortal realm and enjoys watching them “muck about in the mud of existence” while he busies himself within the boundaries of his own realm. He bears an aura of immaculate calm, and while he may bear strong resemblance to a cackling jester he rarely acts in such a capacity. He would see actions like capering and mugging to please some unseen crowd as unseemly and below someone of his station. While this preoccupation of grandeur might seem like mere delusion in the mortal realm, in the dreamscape it is certainly a reality, and the cathedral that is his home is certainly up to his high standards.

His attitude toward the girls is likewise confusing. While he may posture at some vague sense of a gentlemanly air, his cruelty is cold and he makes no acknowledgement of their existence outside of the recognition of toys for his amusement.


In the beginning, there was the Bleak Eternum. An impossible stretch of eldritch nothingness, it was oblivion, perfect in its essence. This was the shape of the dreamscape before the emergence of consciousness, before the advent of humanity. With that first thought, though, the first hint of impending sentience the Dreamscape was colored and the nothingness that was the Eternum was shattered forever. With humanity a race of thinking, feeling, worshipping, conscient beings, the aptly named Dreamscape was filled with the hopes, wishes, and fears of the population. This crucible of emotion bore forth the Oneiroi, sentience from the sea of dreams, lucid creatures that brought shape to the maelstrom of the Dreamscape.

Hypnos was the first and greatest, a grandfather-figure of sheer dream energy, forged in fiery dreams of passion both loving and hateful; a creature of wants and needs. From the obsidian eternity of night he drew Nyx, a lover and companion. It was not long, then, before these two bore children.

Morpheus, the eldest of the three, acts as a mediator between the conflicting forces of his brother and sister, and is responsible for plausible dreams, his interest remains on affecting the material realm, on what is real and possible.

Apnoea, or Phantasia, is the youngest and controls dreams of fantasy, like her father she is a being of passion and longs to fulfill the strange and impossible dreams of those that enter her realm.

Icelus, or Phobetor, is the middle child and is responsible for nightmares. He relates very strongly to his mother and is a lonesome being, preferring existence near the edge of the Dreamscape, a brink of thought on the sea of oblivion.


While Icelus may choose to attack a girl in the material realm, his true power lies within the dreamscape. Here, he brings them to a twisted palace of his own design. Constructed of harsh granite and laden with murals and stained-glass fixtures of intricate beauty (despite Icelus’ distaste for the temporal, he adores inspiring art as he feels it transcends the limitations of the flesh) it seems to resemble a great cathedral, a massive structure in supplicant worship of its prime inhabitant. The central chapel rests high on the apex of the glacier, surrounded by countless domes and courtyards, the obelisks of dark glass that seem ubiquitous within the palace grounds giving it a unique silhouette. Below the massive floating glacier is the land of Caina, Icelus’ province. A place of ice and snow, it is shaped by harsh mountains, sheer cliffs, and dangerous fjords seemingly free from life. His palace, on the other hand, is filled with haunting apparitions from the depths of some of the most twisted conscious thoughts he has ever come across.


While Icelus’ actions may be limited in the material realm, he is by no means helpless, or even on the same level as most mortals. He is able to create figments and mirages, but nowhere near the extent he is able in his own realm. His strength is likewise enhanced and as he is merely an extension of a much greater consciousness, with concentration he may disappear and reappear at will.

((Had this idea poking about in my head for a while, hope you like...))

Author:  Airi [ Sun May 25, 2008 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rapid.Eye.Movement.

Well I like it; seems more & more dream monsters keep popping up for Vanessa the dream walker student to play with lol

Author:  Miko [ Sun May 25, 2008 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rapid.Eye.Movement.

He sounds dreamy....

Puns abound! xD

Enjoy your stay =3

Author:  Contagion [ Sun May 25, 2008 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rapid.Eye.Movement.

*An imperceptible grin to them*

Why, thank you, I most certainly will.

Author:  swordsman_adrift [ Mon May 26, 2008 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rapid.Eye.Movement.

(Welcome, cousin of the night. Enjoy yourself, for it'll be hard not to. Cool monster, by-the-by. =D> )

"How do they keep slipping past the alarms?" Montclair snarled into the sheet of roiling darkness. The inky screen was undetectable to regular sight, but human souls would have been seared forever if they glimpsed at what the darkness projected. Even he flinched subtly, for to show weakness to the being on the other side would have invited disaster.

We care not with whom you share that four-times-damned Plain with, Savant. We sent you there to get results. Or have we erred in our judgement that you were the best of our number to seek knowledge there?

The voice reverberating withing his mortal skull and almost driving him to his knees was filled with such dark and vile implication. He grit his teeth as he clasped his phylactery in a death grip, golden eyes glowing with fury as the Savant forced his gaze back to the shadows.

You knew that I was the only one among us who had the gall to volunteer...

Yet you call us for aid...

Not aid... Advice. Magadon dearly wanted to add 'narcissistic twit'' but chose not to.

The voice, while still menacing, was languid and relaxed, as if the Savant's problem was but a trifle in the greater scheme.

Do what you wish. I care not what happens.

And with that, the room returned to its normal gloomy state. Magadon forced himself back down to his chair to scheme and plan about how to deal with the newcomer.

Author:  Xel [ Tue May 27, 2008 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rapid.Eye.Movement.

A very nice intro thread. I particularly like your history; well thought-out. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and I look forward to reading some of your threads.

Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rapid.Eye.Movement.

It's Morpheus' evil twin!

Author:  Contagion [ Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rapid.Eye.Movement.

Evil younger brother, darling, but we'll let it slide this time. *smirks*

Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rapid.Eye.Movement.

Contagion wrote:
Evil younger brother, darling, but we'll let it slide this time. *smirks*

Whew, thanks for that!

;) I like the character.

Edit: Somehow I missed that you'd already mixed a Morpheus into your mythology. I was thinking in terms of Sandman.

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