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 Madness, purified and concentrated! Kyouki manifests! 
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Post Madness, purified and concentrated! Kyouki manifests!
(Hi all! Mille here. I've been toying with the idea of making a monster for a while now, and well...this is her. Hope you like!)

***NOTE*** This was recorded and typed out by an assistant at N.I.C.E laboratories. The specimen seems unable or unwilling to focus on typing itself, but seems receptive to a Q-and-A tactic. For this portion of the interview, all is written as it was spoken, word for word. Shifts in point of view seem to be very common with the specimen.

Name: This one is Kyouki...nice to meet you...

Race: Kyouki Hasn't thought about it...She's the only one of her kind...

Type: As in, what is this one? They called her a semi-corporeal emotional entity that okay?

Place of Birth: This one was born in the darkness in many minds...she first came into this existence in a place called London.

Gender: Usually, she wants to be a 'she'....but sometimes, she doesn't. Depends on her mood.

Nationality: What? Madness has no nationality...(nationality is undeterminable. Looks to be of european descent, but every so often, shifts features, making it impossible to tell for certain.)

Age: As far back as this one can remember, her age is...a lot...she was born during the time people call the Victorian era...a hundred years or so perhaps...(She looks about 19 or so)

Height: She can be as tall as shadows at dusk, or as small as hope in the arms of despair... (She appears to be about five and a half feet tall)

Weight: I lay heavy on your heart, what matters my physical weight? (she appears to be around 110pounds, give or take...)

Eye Color? My eyes glow as blue as the lightning that tears the sky, or as red as the fires that burn within the homes of those plagued by the chill of death as they seek to escape that cold embrace! They shimmer a cold white, like the ice of a glacier, or the riotous green of spring in bloom! (Side note: seems to depend on her mood...which changes often...)

Skin Color: My skin matches the shape of your soul. Tell me, are you dark as twilight within, or perhaps you're as fair as snow? We'll soon see, won't we? (Her skin changes shades in a slow, gradual fashion, at random intervals in time.)

Skin Texture: My skin is smooth as satin, all the better for you to embrace me, and for me to embrace you.

Hair: My hair, as with my eyes, shifts from mood to mood. Reason it out if you must, but do so without my help...I grow weary...(Side note: seems the same rule applies to her hair as to her eyes...)

Body Build: (When asked, the subject looked weary or depressed. Another mood change, it seemed. She stood, and her description, at the time, is as follows: she appears slender, as though she were a swimmer or a runner. Occaisionally, however, she seems to develop voluptuous curves, or the toned muscle of a body builder. It seems to change depending on her moods, which seem to shift rapidly.)

Added Appendages (wings, tentacles, etc.): We have many parts...(When asked if she possessed any appendages other than her limbs, the subject closed her eyes as though tired. Tendrils suddenly developed from her body and attached themselves to the walls...then pulled out of her body and seemed to multiply along the walls. Wings unfolded from her back, and with each flap, they changed appearance and color, one moment looking like an angel's white wings, the next, the black batwings of a demon, then shifting to a pair of diaphanous wings, like what one would see on a fae of legend. She appeared, at one point, to grow a penis, which disappeared again, shortly after.)

Fighting Style: (Judging by what's been seen so far, the subject tends to use some influence over the subconscious of her victims, projecting images into it that become real, both to her and to the victim. When dealing with a group of people, she most likely induces a mass-hallucination state, so they can all see and feel the same things at the same time...but who knows what she's truly capable of? Question avoided, due to possible safety issues.)

Motivation: We thrive on the madness of humanity. We were born of it and it sustains us. Naturally, we seek to feed off of it and grow stronger. Humans come closer to the veil of madness when arroused and forced into climax, so we force this state upon them and feed on what results.

***NOTE*** This portion of the interview was done based on the observation of interviewer.

Psychological Profile: Kyouki is, obviously, quite mad. She speaks from several different points of view, slides into various moods often, and sometimes becomes distracted, possibly seeing things that no one else can. The only time she seems to focus is when the idea of feeding comes into her mind, feeding most likely being what happens when she forces intercourse upon people. She is unstable and highly volatile, and worst of all, unpredictable, and should be approached with caution, if at all. On an interesting side note, Kyouki's name is a Japanese word meaning "Madness." It also has the meaning of "Wild joy" or "Ecstasy."

Personality: Kyouki seems to have several personalities, but they all refer to themselves as Kyouki, possibly because they all identify themselves as madness incarnate. Her first personality refers to itself in the third person, for example, she will say "This one," or "Kyouki," or "She," in reference to herself. Her second personality often seems angry and has a cruel feel to it, refering to herself in the first person as "I," or "Me," and speaks with an almost poetic tongue. Her third personality seems depressed or withdrawn, and seems to speak of itself in the plural, "We," or "Us." It is unclear whether she means herself and the other two personalities, or if she is speaking of some other being in general in this state. This personality seems to think and focus more easily, but seems untouched by emotion other than depression, if anything. It is uncertain whether or not there are more personalities, but judging by the way she seems to shift between personalities with her mood, it's most likely that there are.

Sexual Oddities: It's safe to assume that the subject shifts pleasures with her moods. For instance, in her first-person personality, she'd be more likely to indulge in activities best left to the basement, the third-person view is more likely to go for a random fling anywhere, etc.

Human Disguise Form? Yes
Human Disguise Appearance: Her human appearance seems to vary, depending on her mood, as has been apparent throughout the interview. However, it seems that, with her ability to manipulate perceptions within the subconscious, her human form does not actually exist, as it were. One may touch it and interact with it, but Kyouki herself seems to be something that exists partially within the minds of those around her.

Clothing: It varies, once again depending on her mood. Clothes seem to shift and change over her body, if she chooses to wear them.

Special Attributes:

Distinguishing features: Somewhere on her 'physical' appearance, i.e. the clothes of her human form or her human body, the kanji for madness can always be seen. Sometimes it appears as a tattoo upon her skin, sometimes it appears to be stitched into whatever clothing she wears, but it always seems to be there.

Behavior:Obviously, the subject's behaviour changes with her personalities. Sometimes she seems happy and easily distracted, speaking odd phrases to herself and singing. Other times, she seems withdrawn, and stares off into space. Still, other times, she appears to act violently, seeking to inflict pain and fear among other things. No matter how she acts, though, she seems reluctant to terminate life. When asked why, she merely states, "If you end the life of the host, what happens to the one being hosted?"

Capabilities: Obviously, her ability to affect the subconscious and thus influence the mind of those around her, causing hallucinations that can appeal to all five senses, is her main strength. However, these hallucinations are not separate; they are as much a part of Kyouki as the human shape she often takes. The human shape itself is, most likely, just another hallucination.

Weaknesses:She seems to be very susceptible to mood changes, both hers and others, making it difficult for her to focus sometimes, if one induces rapid mood changes over a period of time. If she becomes conflicted, she often retreats into her withdrawn form to focus once more.

Likes: She seems to enjoy bringing creatures to climax, obviously, but more than that, she enjoys being around people when they're sleeping. Perhaps because that is when the sub-conscious becomes dominant?

Dislikes: She seems to dislike being around too many people. She says that the thoughts from crowds that aren't sleeping lack the insanity she craves, and confuse and weaken her. The exact number of people it takes to achieve this effect is unknown, and it seems the effect weakens when she's in her 'happy' personality, or her third-person state, as she is too unfocused to care what those around her are thinking. On the other hand, her 'depressed,' or plural state, seems to be most affected by stray thoughts from others, trying to focus on them intently.

***NOTE*** This part of the interview was obviously impossible without feedback from the subject, so while the story was told by the subject, it was typed in a fashion deemed understandable. Due to the subject's tendency to shift points of view and moods, as well as modes of speech, incongruencies in the story were smoothed over, and Kyouki's history was written in a solid first person view.

History: I recall a time that most refer to as the Victorian era. This is where I first came into existence on this plane...where I was born, you might say. During this time, psychotherapy, and all its misguided branches, were just emerging into society in an effort to cure the mad. At the same time, spirituality was at its peak, both the side that tried to dispell spirits of negative intent...and the side that tried to summon them. At this time, testing done to the mad, experiments to rid them of their mental ailments, were conducted liberally. Shock therapy, image therapy, restraint, everything.

Madness peaked within these poor souls...and often they would either die or shut down, going into a vegitative state, becoming little more than a husk, releaasing their madness form their corporeal forms. A few even suppressed their madness and claimed to be better. It never completely went away of course...and when you bottle something like that up, it grows until it overflows from the person it's contained within.

But where was all this pure insanity going? It floated around here and there, untouchable, harmless little clouds of it for the most part that at worst, induced waking nightmares that seemed real for a few moments before disappearing. ultimately, it was a harmless substance that soon dissipated. Until the spiritualists of that time became involved, of course.

In the pursuit of a pastime that came to be known as ghost hunting and spirit searching, seekers of the paranormal came to build a device, meant to measure activity of the paranormal, seeking to detect vibrations between this realm and the next. Unfortunately, the next realm was exactly where all this excess insanity was stored up. Even more unfortunately, the machine not only detected the vibrations of the next drew the sources of said vibrations and, when shut off, trapped them here. The end result was a mass of chaos trapped in a realm without a corporeal form.

When they deployed this machine in the sanitariums, hearing stories of hauntings and such there, it only amplified the amount of insane essence drawn over, and eventually, the madness coagulated and transformed, seeking to turn itself into something familiar: it had come from humanity, so it sought to appear human, in the image of that which had birthed it. This is how I was born and came to be in a sanitarium in London.

At the time, I was limited in range, chained to the machine that had called me to this realm. Even when it was shut off, it resonated with the vibrations that had locked my essence in this realm, and as such, it chained me into an area near it, the concept of pain searing through me whenever I tried to leave it as its resonance became chaotic beyond a certain point, as though it were trying to rattle me apart again. I hid myself as best I could from the eyes of spirit hunters, who would naturally try to destroy me, as well as from everyone else. Paranoia drove me to this for the most part, another part of the madness that made me up. I shunned everyone, and hid from the world, unable to leave the place of my birth.

This all changed, however, when a fire, started by a group of the same people I had grown to fear in an attempt to release spirits from their torment by getting rid of the building which bound them, took the building...and burning pieces of rubble destroyed the infernal machine that chained me there. I was free. I escaped, and for hundreds of years, wandered the Earth, feeding on madness and insecurity wherever I went, invisibly, at first. Eventually, I came across the knowledge that, when sleeping, people generated a sub-conscious energy very close to the madness that I came to depend on as my life source in this world...and that when they climaxed, especially if they did so repeatedly, they generated yet another type of energy that I could thrive off of.

Eventually, I found my way to Shokushu while simply drifting around this plane of existence, and became intrigued by the anxiety and fear I could feel rolling off the planet itself, as well as by the lust and emotional turmoil. It seemed like a place where I could thrive, so I decided to explore, and I find myself here now.

Miscellaneous: It is unclear how Kyouki burns energy, whether it is by being active in this plane, or if it depends on how much effort she puts into the hallucinations she creates, but she always seems to be eager to recharge her sources, meaning she's always eager to feed. The implications of that should be obvious. Her moods are generally uncontrolled and roll over her at random, but depending on the situation, one mood can take precedence over the others, for instance, in a scene in which dominance is required, her first-person personality will take over most often, being a more assertive personality. The only warning as to which personality one is dealing with is the change in her modes of speech, which shouldn't be hard. Knowing which personality one is dealing with makes interaction with Kyouki much easier, but interaction should be kept to a minimum regardless, due to strain on the psyche. She has yet to completely break anyone, but prolonged exposure to her alterations of the mind can result in the person, or people, interacting with her succumbing to a black out and, occaisionally, memory loss. Dreams that occur near Kyouki are often odd, to say the least.

Not ALL madness is dark and harmful. Some is gentle. Some brings courage, rather than fear, and comfort, rather than pain. But whether soft or hard, light or dark, it ALL warps the mind.

Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:33 pm
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Post Re: Madness, purified and concentrated! Kyouki manifests!
Whoa! An actual emotion?! Think of the possibilities! You'll be very welcome here. =D>

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:49 pm
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