Shokushu High School

Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri
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Author:  NanacaCrash [ Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri

Long has she forgotten who she was, only knowing who she is, and what she likes to do.

There was once a daughter of a doll maker, a doll maker so skilled that his dolls were sought after by the richest merchants of Japan, even the emperor himself was rumored to have acquired several of his creations, a sort of doll harem, as it were. For all his wealth and skill, there was nothing either could provide for him; The health of his daughter. The sickly daughter grew more ill with each passing season, and even the best physicians could not even figure out how to save her, only able to prolong her life, even though her death was most certain.

Then one day, he met a foreigner, an crooked old man that carried a staff with charms rattling together as they hung from its tip. He told him something he wanted to hear, he told him he could make his daughter live forever. The desperate father cared not of the details, and quickly he provided whatever he needed for the ritual. First, he gave him instructions to construct a clockwork doll to exacting specifications, a doll that would rival all his masterpieces, made with the finest woods, the strongest metals, its hair made from only from real hair that adorned the prettiest of japanese maidens, and its assembly to be done with the greatest of care. Next, a bloodstone, of the highest quality, whose crimson looked like freshly spilt blood, which would be mounted on a pendant made of woven silver and gold. Lastly, the finest silk kimono, whose fabric was only to be woven by the most skilled of weavers.

All these he provided, and after 6 months, the doll was complete. naked, one could plainly see that it was a doll, its joints obviously ones used to give the doll flexibility and articulation. When dressed, the joints are hidden, save for her hands, but they can easily be hidden under the kimono sleeves. Pleased, the old man started a ritual. The daughter was made to wear the pendant, and as the man chanted, the girls life slowly faded, until she drew her last breath. Her soul was now captive in the pendant, which the old man took and brought to her father who was in the workshop a floor lower than where he held the ritual. He told him to take the pendant and nail it firmly at the base of the dolls neck. When the last nail affixing the pendant was put in, the doll began to convulse like a real human, the doll maker drew back in horror, and the old man cackled madly. The doll rose, opening its eyes and scanning the surrounding as the doll maker sat there, frozen in terror. The old man was actually a shaman, who tricked the father into providing him with the ultimate tool for assassination, an unquestioning automaton, made indestructible with evil magicks, a slave which he plans to use to overthrow any who oppose him.

The shaman gave his command to the doll "Kill him... Kill your father..." pointing to the cowering doll maker. The doll moved, but to the shamans surprise, he found himself with a sharp blade entering his skull, and the last of his thought bleeding out onto the floor. Something had gone awry, and the doll went on a rampage, slaughtering the entire town and the doll maker himself as they all screamed of "Akuma no Karakuri"

The doll found herself amidst the remains of what was once a prosperous town, the blood stains and tears on her kimono dissolving and reforming back into its original state, the nicks on her wooden frame filling themselves out....

For 10 years, she wandered, slaughtering town after town, using the abilities her two "fathers" had given her, until eventually she began to explore other "games" she can play with her playmates since "Run and and scream while I chase you and drive my blades into your chest" was getting a tad boring. Eventually, she came across a man who was raping an innocent girl; her screams, the way she squirmed, her struggles, it seemed that this game looked about as fun as the last one. Moments later, the man lay dead on the ground and the girl who thought she was saved was now being violently raped by Karakuri, who savored each squeal, each scream, her begging, her pleading, till eventually the girl passed out from exhaustion. The doll though about killing her, but she had so much fun that she spared the girls life, but this was to have more fun with her later.

Decades came an went, mysterious rape cases kept popping up, the urban legend of "The doll from Hell" came into being and now floated amongst the rumors and gossip. Into the present time, where the little Hell Doll was resting in her trunk form someplace before she was quite abruptly loaded into a plane, unloaded shortly after at a mysterious island full of potential playmates.

[Key: Doll / Ghost]
Name: Karakuri
Race: Living Doll / Wandering spirit
Place of Birth: Somewhere in japan....
Gender: Female
Nationality: Pine, maybe some Mahogany
Age: 400-ish
Height: 5'1" / 4'3"
Weight: 239 lbs / Undefined
Eye Color: Red / Brown
Skin Color: Pale white / Pinkish or Transparent
Skin Texture: Smooth with a Lacquer finish / Incorporeal
Hair Color: Brown / Brown
Body Build: Light build / Ghostly 12 year old =P
Tentacles: none, she uses rope =3 / Depends on whats shes possessing
Number of Rope thingies: 5 each arm, length can vary but doesn't reach past 150 meters
Dildo Size: 10 inches front, 6 inches backup / depends on what shes possessing
# of Dildos: 2, both retractable / depends on her mood... and what she is possessing..
Fighting Style: High speed close quarter combat / again... depends on what she is possessing...

Motivation: The magic which embedded her soul into the gem also corrupted it, along with her hidden desires and her lost childhood, warping it into a twisted version where hurting and violating others were just seen as playtime, the thrashing and struggling of victims a form of entertainment. the malicious intent that was meant to be controlled by the shaman had come loose somehow and is now what drives the doll's spirit to commit these acts.

Personality: She acts very much like how a spoiled brat would, throwing tantrums when not pleased, forcing people to submit to her whims, but in her case, she does it with an assassins arsenal. Her tantrums consists of vicious attacks using whatever she has handy, often using physical injury to make them submit, and when people do submit to her, she will do what she wants regardless of anything, and any signs of weakness are looked upon as entertainment, often finding it funny and amusing when her victims whimper and plead and struggle.

Clothing: In todays standards, It would be akin to a custom made high-end traditional style floral japanese kimono.

Above average strength, Excellent agility, Highly resistant to physical attacks. She can float too =3
Karakuri's body has several neat spring-loaded items:

Black Snake Spring cannon:
her forearms open like a clamshell at the wrist and shoot black braided ropes that are prehensile.

Marionette Soul:
From her finger tips, She can weave numerous very very thin and strong silken threads that are barely visible in normal light conditions, and almost invisible in dim or low light conditions. The threads, like the rope, are prehensile, allowing her to grasp things with them. Unlike her ropes, the count of the threads is near indefinite, and also unlike her ropes, the threads are very slow moving.

Spring knives: she straightens any of her fingers and a three inch blade comes out from the tip.

Empress mimic: She literally becomes a wooden trunk with ornate metal hinges and latches. If anyone should try to open it, they would find a neatly folded kimono, under that are coils of black rope which she can opt to fire, under that is... her head

Four split whirlwind devil dragon spinning horns!! (nice name, innit? =P): The 10 x 3 inch and 6 x 2 inch segmented dildos that come out from her crotch.

The 10 inch one has a large, round, heavily nubbed spinning head that is slightly wider that the shaft, while the shaft itself is separated into three segments that are similar in texture as the head. The head and second shaft segment spin in the opposite direction to the first and third shaft segments, at speeds ranging from slow to almost drill-like speeds.

The 6 inch dildo is shaped like screw with a round cone tip, and the whole thing spins fast.

Karakuri can also project her soul into the world, which is what others perceive as a ghost. She can possess other items in this form as long as they're non-living then warp those items into things she wants, such as cellphones growing plastic fangs, bed springs suddenly making like snakes, etc. etc. The objects she possesses will remain in the form they are for half an hour once she gives up possession, and will slowly revert to their old shape afterwards. Possessing other objects leaves her clockwork body unable to move, leaving it vulnerable, though she can transmit herself from her current location back to her doll body in an instant.

Weaknesses: FIRE!!!
Likes: Playing
Dislikes: Playmates who arent fun.


Author:  Severity [ Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri

(im trying my hand at monstering =P )

Good job- I like the character a lot for some reason. I blame my phobia of dolls.

Author:  niellwyn [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri

Neat :)

Author:  Miss Steel [ Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri

She simultaneously reminds me of Amy Brighteyes from Spinespur and this song. I like her a lot :D

Author:  swordsman_adrift [ Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri

(Very very nice. You'll be popular, I can tell... :wink:)

Prof. Montclair looked at the latest report with something akin to surprise and consternation.

"This is different... Fancy that, a doll what thinks and feels on its own, but on a limited scale. What're the odds o' that?"

Somehow, in the back of his mind, he did want that answered. Resting against his luxurious chair, he turned his eyes to the ceiling.

"Akuma no Karakuri," he whispered, the words drifting out of his mouth with soft wisps of bruise-colored smoke. "Amusing..."

Author:  NanacaCrash [ Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri


Now if I can get a student to try her out on xP

Author:  Severity [ Sat Sep 06, 2008 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri

If you're looking for unwilling volunteers, I might like to give her a go.

Author:  NanacaCrash [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri

oh look, I has picture =o

Author:  Violett Small [ Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clockwork Ghost: Karakuri

Very creative, and I like the picture a lot!

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