Shokushu High School

Steel, Demon Unbound
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Author:  RobSpence3 [ Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Steel, Demon Unbound

Hey everyone! Long time reader who finally had some time to finish up his character profile. So here's my monster: Steel, Demon Unbound.


Name: Steel
Race: demon. possibly some kind of incubus
Place of Birth: Hell/Earth
Gender: male
Age: unknown. he counts from the time he was summoned, about 850 years ago
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 187 lb
Eye Color: red
Skin Color: pale, almost sickly-looking
Hair: black-purplish, spiky witha long ponytail
Body Build: very muscular
Other Features: sharp teeth and fingernails, long pointed ears
Cock Size: 10"
Clothing: Baggy black pants, no shirt. Black fingerless gloves. A thick metal collar and manacles that he can't take off.


Winged: Two huge black feathery wings, like in the picture.
Tentacled: The wings change into ten long leathery tentacles.
Note: No "human disguise" form. He can switch between wings/tentacles but he can't hide them, and the collar and manacles can't be removed either.


Steel's biggest motivation seems to be lust plain and simple. He never talks about draining girls' energy or feeding off them in any way, so we can probably assume he just wants to get off. When he isn't raping innocent girls, he spends his time eating good food, sleeping, and goofing off -- and stealing to support the eating and sleeping and goofing off. Occasionally he'll practice his magic spells, but that's pretty boring so he never makes any real progress. In short, he's a slacker who just wants to have fun and doesn't care who gets hurt in the process.

Steel is cocky and self-centered with an over-inflated idea of his own strength and power. When things don't go his way, though, he's quick to get mad about it. He's not stupid but neither is he particularly bright. 850 years of experience mean he's still a dangerous opponent though.


- Demonic strength and toughness. He can pick an average girl up without any effort and break through most barriers
- Accelerated healing (for everything except injuries from holy items)
- Melding with shadows, to hide or travel quickly
- Magic spells, though only weak ones. Cantrips, basically (handy list here)


- Standard demonic stuff (holy water and holy artifacts, etc)
- He can be temporarily bound or expelled by magic, but it's got to be a pretty powerful spell to affect him


- Short girls
- Red or pink hair
- Large breasts
- Girls that struggle and stay unwilling all the way through
- Forcing those unwilling girls to orgasm repeatedly


- Girls who fight back, especially if they manage to actually hurt him
- Anything holy or godly
- Getting beaten or outsmarted
- Interruptions when he's eating, sleeping, or raping
- Technology (he prefers supernatural stuff and magic)


No one really knows anything about Steel's life in Hell, how long it was or what he did there. But about eight and a half centuries ago, he was summoned to Earth by a young witch-in-training who wanted to make him her personal servant and sex slave. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't able to cast the binding spells right and Steel was set loose to do whatever he wanted. He quickly turned the tables on the witch girl, stripping her and having hisway with her over and over again.

(illustrations: the witch girl, Steel summoned, Steel attacking 1 and Steel attacking 2) (the art's definitely not mine, I'm a terrible artist. I might manage an okay poser version of him someday though.)

Eventually Steel got bored with the witch girl, and he released her and vanished (leaving her exhausted after countless hours of sex but much wiser about the dangers of demon-summoning). For the next few centuries Steel wandered around the planet, kidnapping and raping girls whenever the mood struck him, and enjoying a hedonistic life in between. (Whatever he wanted, money, food, drink or toys, he could get. A demon with the strength of 50 men who can move through shadows makes a pretty good thief.)

Not long ago Steel ran across a couple of other monsters who were getting ready to travel to Shokushu. Spying on the pair Steel heard all about what the high school had to offer, so he stowed away in the shadows of the alien's spaceship and snuck onto the planet. He's spent 850 years on earth, and now Steel is ready to start exploring a new hunting ground...

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:35 am ]
Post subject: 

You certainly came to the right place for a redhead! Welcome to Shokushu.

Author:  .Christine. [ Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Awesome, I'll admit I've seen you around a lot! I'm glad you finally decided to make a profile. <3 Chris

Think i'm too tall for you?

Author:  Cael Vandermir [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Really great character! If you are ever in need of a partner, send me a pm. :)

Author:  Madison [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Let's see....Madison is a redhead with D-sized breasts....who just happons to be a tough fighter.

Author:  Crush [ Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jesus, how did I miss giving you a hello? We're practically kindred spirits!

Maybe we can double team a pair of young ladies sometime in the future, or something, I dunno. Just the same, I'm glad to see I'm not the only arrogant demonic presence around.

Author:  Persephone [ Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hee. Sounds like a fun time waiting to happen. ^^ Wlecome! And if you ever feel like forcing yourself on a short, pink haired bunny girl, you know who to call! ^_~

Author:  Crush [ Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:50 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Jag [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like fun... welcome aboard! I'm usually up for another RP so drop a line if you ever want.. I'm a redhead, though I might try to kick yer butt :-P

Author:  Persephone [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:11 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll Ghostbust YOU! *gets out the holy relics*

Did I fail to mention Seph's Catholic? Maybe she'll learn to wear her cross more often after her encounter with Crush. XP

Author:  Crush [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:20 am ]
Post subject: 

*Pfft* ...holy relics...
....(To the audience) *Gulp*

Author:  Persephone [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:24 am ]
Post subject: 

*gets a supersoaker full of holy water, pauses*...Do you think holy water would work...welp! No time like the present to find out!

*shoots Crush*

Author:  Crush [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:29 am ]
Post subject: 

waitwaitWAIT!! *Screams like a little girl*

*Gets all over him, does nothing* Hmm? *Tastes it* Who blessed this water? You?

Author:  Persephone [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:31 am ]
Post subject: 

*grins* That was just a tes. You think I'd waste real holy water on you when I've only got this much? *holds up a small plant spritzer*

Nice scream by the way. >3 Couldn't have done it better and I'm the one with a vagina.

Author:  Crush [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:39 am ]
Post subject: 

You're also the one who will barely be able to sit because of the ass raping I'm giving you. So that makes us even I suppose. Or will, at some point in the future? Ah, whatever. Heres a smiley = :twisted:

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